
Friday, May 08, 2009

Survey on British muslims confirms governmental discrinmination of non-muslims & the evilness of islam

Where Musharraf at least tried something, evil/stupid (& now also a war criminal because of his extended terrorist attacks against civilians by the help of unmanned drones) illegitimate Mr X "president" & his Sharia islamofascist accomplices push Pakistan & civilians around the world into disaster, not the least because of "respect" for the racist sexist death cult called islam.

In UK, 82% of muslims said British muslims are loyal while only 36% of their neighboring infidels agreed. UK muslims showed more faith in their country's government than infidel Brits. 83% of British muslims believed that their infidel nation's elections were fair, while only 57% of the infidels themselves did. 76% of British muslims believed in the integrity of the justice system, while only 55% of the infidel Brits trusted the courts.

Islamofascist Dalia Mogahed, executive director of the islamic Gallup Centre for Muslim Studies: If the integration debate defines people as people looking the same or thinking the same in terms of morality, then it's natural for general public to assume Muslims are not loyal, but if the focus is widened and takes into account how people actually identify with their country and how much they identify with institutions, then it would draw a different picture.

KLevius comment: Indeed! A crisp clear reflection of islam's fascist soul. What this "survey" actually shows is the bias of political correctness poured over the Brits. The more favoured the muslims are compared to other groups (incl. "Brits") the more these same muslims will "trust" the government & vice versa! Moreover, coming from an islamic country most non-islamic nations will appear a better choice. So why do these "muslims" want to bring the evil islam with them?!

Muslim extremism against homosexuals (homophobia) sexual freedom etc.

0% think homosexual relations are acceptable, 3% think unmarried relations are acceptable

KLevius comment: And most muslims support apostasy ban & infidel hatred. However, the survey fits neatly within historical islam, the worst racist/sexist crime ever against humanity!

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