
Friday, May 08, 2009

Survey on British muslims confirms governmental discrinmination of non-muslims & the evilness of islam

Where Musharraf at least tried something, evil/stupid (& now also a war criminal because of his extended terrorist attacks against civilians by the help of unmanned drones) illegitimate Mr X "president" & his Sharia islamofascist accomplices push Pakistan & civilians around the world into disaster, not the least because of "respect" for the racist sexist death cult called islam.

In UK, 82% of muslims said British muslims are loyal while only 36% of their neighboring infidels agreed. UK muslims showed more faith in their country's government than infidel Brits. 83% of British muslims believed that their infidel nation's elections were fair, while only 57% of the infidels themselves did. 76% of British muslims believed in the integrity of the justice system, while only 55% of the infidel Brits trusted the courts.

Islamofascist Dalia Mogahed, executive director of the islamic Gallup Centre for Muslim Studies: If the integration debate defines people as people looking the same or thinking the same in terms of morality, then it's natural for general public to assume Muslims are not loyal, but if the focus is widened and takes into account how people actually identify with their country and how much they identify with institutions, then it would draw a different picture.

KLevius comment: Indeed! A crisp clear reflection of islam's fascist soul. What this "survey" actually shows is the bias of political correctness poured over the Brits. The more favoured the muslims are compared to other groups (incl. "Brits") the more these same muslims will "trust" the government & vice versa! Moreover, coming from an islamic country most non-islamic nations will appear a better choice. So why do these "muslims" want to bring the evil islam with them?!

Muslim extremism against homosexuals (homophobia) sexual freedom etc.

0% think homosexual relations are acceptable, 3% think unmarried relations are acceptable

KLevius comment: And most muslims support apostasy ban & infidel hatred. However, the survey fits neatly within historical islam, the worst racist/sexist crime ever against humanity!

Friday, May 01, 2009

"Peaceful islam" again fighting itself? Muslim civil war in Pakistan: Original islam vs Obamaislam? Or what's the point?! Continued rapetivism?!

Definition of rapetivism

Islamic Sharia courts ("moderate Talibanism"?) established in conflicted area.

Stupid muslim born (but without a birth certificate proving he is a "natural born" U.S. citizen) & unconstitutional (i.e. "respecting anti human rights & anti democratic islam") Mr X "president" Barry Barack Hussein Obama Dunham Soetoro (or whatever his true name/nationality/"faith" is) seems to share the view on Sharia not only with the Saudi islamofascists he is bowing in front of on the pic to the left, but also with the islamic Pakistan army, government, the islamic Taliban terrorists & Al-Qaeda.

According to Paki authorities the Taliban have no reason to fight because the Paki government has agreed to install Taliban Shariah courts based on Koranic/islamic law, throughout seven districts in the Malakand region, incl. Swat and Buner.

General Abbas: “If peace can be brought in the region without further destruction, then it will be a victory for all."

Klevius comment: Brilliant! But unfortunately he forgot the last word, 'islamists' from the sentence! Or is it just the usual islamist rhetoric, i.e. that "all" means only those who submit to islam?! Friends of freedom won't applause it. Islam is Sharia "peace" under submission of the same islamic sword that initially used to be waived by the islamist preacher in the original mosques (also consider Origin of mosque)!

In Karachi (population 14 million) islamic street terrorists have recently caused at least 34 people being killed and at least 42 wounded. Also in in Baluchistan the government has "failed to calm public anger over the killing of three nationalist leaders". Klevius comment: And the real culprit is Saudi islamofascist "king" Abdullah (& Co), who represents the main sponsors of evil world jihad, & to whom Mr X "president" bowed so deeply!

Cowardice & stupid muslim born & unconstitutional Mr X "president" has already (within his first 100 days) managed to commit senseless war crimes

Stupid muslim born (but without a birth certificate proving he is a "natural born" U.S. citizen) & unconstitutional (i.e. "respecting anti human rights & anti demcratic islam") Mr X "president" Barry Barack Hussein Obama Dunham Soetoro (or whatever his true name/nationality/"faith", if any, is) has deliberately murdered scores of civilians by allowing an extremely extended (& expanded) irresponsible use of drone bombings.

The inevitable (but desperately rejected) conclusion

There's only one true islam, the original ugly one! The pathetic notion that "most muslims are moderate" is as empty as the islamists Cairo declaration on "human rights (the one created for the sole purpose of making it possible for islam to continue treating girls/women as sub-humans"!

A useful feminist idiot or just an intellectual whore?

Irshad Manji (has written The Trouble with Islam Today)(in the notorious series of misleading islam excuses): "As a reform-minded Muslim, I admit that these guys make the notion of diversity in my faith look laughable. Salafis displace pluralism with puritanism. True to the dictates of dogma, they use intimidation and violence to spread their gospel. This summer, a small but steroidal gang of Islamists assaulted human-rights activists in Jakarta. Police stood by as the extremists crashed a religious freedom rally, organized after Indonesia's government imposed restrictions on a minority Muslim sect. Salafis call the move a defense of Islam's integrity. Pluralists call it a violation of Indonesia's Constitution. Moderate Muslim leaders call it none of their business.

In only 10 years, Islamism has gone from being a joke to a force.Like Muslims elsewhere, Indonesians are watching the import of Saudi-style Islam. Sometimes known as Salafism, it preaches a borderless caliphate anchored in the moral absolutes of the Prophet Muhammad's initial successors. A global village for the virtuous and valorous, Salafism purports to offer a way—no, the way—to combine reverence with modernity. Binding black and white, rich and poor, woman and man, mighty and weak, the theory of Salafism is transcendently pluralistic.

Then there's reality. In practice, Salafis displace pluralism with puritanism.

Klevius comment: I rest my case! Ijithad is an unnecessarily prolonged way out of islam. And the reason why some people stubbornly continue excusing islam while its victims in Darfur & around the globe suffer, is that they haven't (or just don't want to) fully accept the grim historical origin of islam.

Islam isn't born out of evil, it's evil itself institutionalized, which fact easily explains islams fast initial progress through the empty deserts into civilization where it planted its poisonous Sharia sword & started sucking for its own survival! What naive or deliberate (or simply ignorant) historians read as "tolerance" against non-muslims is, in fact, the same kind of "tolerance" every parasite shows its host! And also remember that the original & eternal islamic currency is called slaves! This is the whole point of Koranic infidel racism

Btw, isn't it quite a strange "logic" that the same people who now defend a Utopian non-existing "islam" & explain evil islam's evil consequences as "unislamic" are the ones who see history as testifying that "islam tolerated other cultures" when, in fact, this "tolerance" was truly unislamic & a consequence of necessitating circumstances?!

Islam is every bit compulsion!

It seems that the defenders of the worst crime ever against humanity are running out of ammo when they stubbornly try to cling at one (heavily misinterpreted) sentence in islam's Kampf: "There's no compulsion in religion". However, there was no such word as 'religion' in Arabic! And, as noted by Daniel Pipes, "this deceptively simple phrase historically has had a myriad of meanings". As stupid or deliberate islam supporters seem to have no problem pointing at a single verse among an abundance of its opposite, one may also consider Sura 8: 12: "Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): "I am with you: give firmness to the Believers: I will instil terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them," or Sura 2: 191 which states: "And slay them wherever ye catch them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out". Compulsion is certainly implied in Sura 9: 29: "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya (a tax paid by Christians and Jews) with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."

In its context "there's no compulsion in religion" is followed by “The correct has been distinguished from the wrong”, i.e. referring to conversion, & implying that because islam is perfect (i.e. totalitarian) there's no need to abandon it. Moreover, this has to be put in the context of islamic infidel racism connected to jihad, slave-taking & rapetivism (see Origin of islam).