
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What’s the difference between “moderate Talibans” & “anti-islamist muslims”, & why “respect” those who despise you?!

Guantanamo islamofascist when confessing to 9/11 murders: “Many thanks to God, for his kind gesture, and choosing us to perform the act of Jihad for his cause and to defend islam and muslims".

Klevius intro: Never forget that the essence of islam is racism, i.e. racist disrespect against the “infidel”! This racist lure, together with islam’s deep rooted sexist sex segregation (rapetivism) is what makes islam going! And by always connecting muslims with islam, while simultaneously always referring to an imaginary “difference between moderate muslims & islamists” this evilness is effectively upheld. Moreover, this is combined with the islamofascists' (Saudi Abdullah & Co) efforts to exploit & incite racist hatred between the "non-white" developing world & the technologically advanced “white West” (what abt Japan`, it,s neither “West” nor “white”! And what abt all non-whites who for long have been “Westerners”)?!

Mr. unconstitutional muslim born “president” X, Barry Barack Hussein Dunham Soetoro Obama/Osama (or whatever - see postings below) says he "respects islam" & now wants to talk with "moderate Talibans"! However, these words aren't just like his ordinary empty platitudes but contain a deep paradox. Apart from the obvious fact that the line between an "islamist Taliban" & a "moderate muslim" seems to become more problematic, the connection to islam itself suffers a logical meltdown. For example:

M. Zuhdi Jasser, is an American who calls himself “a devout anti-islamist American muslim who rejects all of political islam & the Islamic Umma”.

Klevius comment: And the leader of ALL American muslims, incl. M. Zuhdi Jasser, is the islamofascist, Wahhabi inspired & Saudi funded extremely political Sharia supporting Ingrid Mattson, a close ally to Mr. “president” X (e.g. invited by him as a main speaker on the Democrats convent last year & as a preacher on his “inauguration” this year).

M. Zuhdi Jasser wanted to hear Mr. “president” X, Barry Barack Hussein Dunham Soetoro Obama/Osama (or whatever - see postings below) speak to muslim dissidents. “He (Mr “president” X) did not, save an oblique reference in his inaugural. By making no distinctions between support for autocrats and dissidents, he spoke to maintaining the status quo--the despots in control.”

Klevius comment: Pls, Mr M. Zuhdi Jasser, but every support for islam, incl. your own, is “maintaining the status quo - the despots in control” (islam is the very definition of a despot, i.e. “a ruler with absolute power & authority”!).

M. Zuhdi Jasser: The 'Muslim world' is not monolithic.

Klevius comment: But islam is! Why? Well, because you just made it by calling yourself a muslim! Unless, of course, you abandone islam.

M. Zuhdi Jasser: Islam as a singular political entity based in a faith practice directly feeds into the language of the theocrats -- the Islamists. Islamism is the politico-religious collectivist belief in the primacy of the Islamic state grounded in a dominating legal system based in shar'ia law (Islamic jurisprudence). It is a system which can feign democracy vis-à-vis elections but operates in a supremacist position of Islamic law over all other faith systems and empowers oligarchs (clerics) to write and interpret law. While some Islamists may believe in more peaceful means of ascendancy, whether they are violent or peaceful, the Islamic state is their common goal. At the crux of the 'contest of ideas' between the West and the "Muslim world" lie the competing roles of liberty and Islamism.

Klevius comment: I rest my case! The very same same islam that is now, via UN, trying to veil its ugly face by having 57 islamofascist nations (OIC) criminalizing criticism of itself, is the original islam that succeeded precisely because it utilized racism (enslavement &/or dhimmitude for "infidels") & sexist sex segregation (rapetivism) & mob etc. violence/intimidation!

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