
Saturday, March 28, 2009

The final defamation of U.N., while an illegitimate & anti-constitutional "president" islamizes U.S.

The individual vs the totalitarian

A lesson on Human Rights vs. sex apartheid & fascism for Mr. “President” X & his islamofascist pals/supporters.

Should UK deny Visa for Mr X "president"?
Gary Kreep (United States Justice Foundation): "Where's the proof Barack Obama was born in the U.S. or that he fulfills the "natural-born American" clause in the Constitution? It has been publicly reported that Mr. Obama as far back as 2006 had a relationship to a law firm that was coincidentally researching ways to get around the Article 2 requirements of the U.S. Constitution for service as president.
This appears to be an ongoing attempt by Mr. Obama to obtain the presidency while avoiding and evading all questions on his eligibility

This is Ayaan Hirsi Ali, one of the greatest heroes & freedom fighters of our time - our enlightenment against fundamentalism. The others represent the worst enemy of freedom.

Should UK allow this mysterious Kenyan/Indonesian man with a Paki background & with suspicious terrorist connections, to enter its territory?

This is a muslim couple who started a TV station in US for the purpose of "showing the right picture of islam". He has now decapitated her

This is muslim born, illegitimate & unconstitutional "president" Barry Barack Hussein Obama/Osama Dunham Soetoro (or whatever) with some of his islamofascist pals:

Can you tell who is a moderate muslim eager to broadcast a positive picture of islam's peacefulness, & who recently stabbed his divorcing wife at least 9 times & then chopped her head off while she was still alive? OK, I agree, they all look capable of it. Correct answer is the guy to the left who's rewarded by top islamofascists from the muslim terror organization CAIR (The Council on American Islamic Relations - these guys are right now busy accusing FBI for offending muslims because FBI has monitored a California mosque that hosts islamic terrorists planning blow up jobs in California). Btw, the British lord Ahmed (who threatened Britain with 10000 street jihadists if Wilders was allowed entrance to Britain) to the right is also accused of murder & causing death (this dangerous islamofascist recently got away with only 3 months in jail because the biased British court "thought" he had just stopped his 20 minute constant SMS session while driving, just seconds before he killed a person!? Btw, Mr X "president's" first call was to the islamofascist Saudi leader whose legal adviser is the Nation of Islam guy at his right ear while Ingrid Mattson at his left ear is a wahhabist islamofascist who wants to make islam & Sharia the new constitution of USA!

This deeply immoral Mr X "president" Obama (or whatever) has now sanctioned rape of Afghan girls & women, both within family as well as outside it. Afghanistan's president Karzai & the parliament has right now signed a bill that is a copy of Obama's closest foreign friend Saudi Arabia!

Klevius obituary on islam
As an intro to this philosophical termination of islam, the most pathetic excuse for islam may here be exemplified by Robert Rabil, at the political science department at Florida Atlantic University where he teaches the school's "muslim studies" courses: "Islam is a monotheist religion embraced by 1.4 billion people. You don't lump all these people with the islamic fundamentalists".

Klevius comment: So the more muslims the less evil is islam?! And when it comes to the pompous use of the funny word "monotheism" (see e.g. Klevius Origin of religion) this form of rapetivism was not civilized but its very opposite. It started with circumcision & the deliberate aim to breed itself to power by the help of girls/women's bodies (see Are women humans?). If we assume as progress the development of female rights to be on pair with those of male rights (without silly excuses for heterosexual attraction - see also Gametes have no sex -, less physical size, muscles or whatever etc) then "monotheisms" clearly represent a more primitive stage, don't they (it's no coincidence that the first new civilization in Mideast, on this side of Medieval darkness, was Westernized "Jews"). And in fact a much more primitive stage than for instance hunter/gatherers (see Klevius Demand for Resources - on the right to be poor (1992).

The simple but fanatically hidden truth abt islam
Some say that radicals have hijacked islam and that peaceful co-existence is possible with muslims, i.e. islamist, i.e. those who adhere to islam. This is a deep double lie. Firstly, it's the "moderate interpretations" that have hijacked islam. Original islam was not only based on slavery & rapetivism but its apostasy ban & infidel racism was also the very essence for an ideology that could defend these atrocities. And to make it worse islam was created to never change or question this order of matter. Secondly, by re-defining Koran/islam, either you kill islam or you are no longer a muslim!

You must always consider the "mysterious" original "success" of islam in an uncivilized & brutal rape fixated militant chauvinist society. Only Klevius Origin of islam satisfies historical findings! And only Klevius offers the most pressing issue of our time as the key to the understanding of islam, namely sex segregation.

An other example of schizophrenic thinking: "It is generally accepted that today, among the five religious and cultural blocs which predominate in the world -namely Christianity, Confucianism, Buddhism, Judaism and Islam- it is the Muslim societies which have been furthest from democracy." Klevius comment: How could less than 10 Million Jewas "predominate in the world"?!

UFOs & "gods"
Whereas UFOs are at least possible (even though probably all “observations” so far are fake - the extremely small time/space cracks possible for such encounters make them equally extremely unlikely – islam’s “god” is not.

For children & others who question “who then created the aliens”, pls visit Klevius definition of religion? Islam is NOT a “god-faith” because “god” has been thoroughly eliminated from it. Only “god’s” words are left, & these cannot be trusted on because (according to three main schools): 1) either Mohammed distorted them or 2) we have to guess (interpret) or 3 only those familiar to old Arabic can understand them!

The death of UN
When 56 deeply intolerant and undemocratic islamofascist nations attack the former human rights bastion UN from inside, with a proposal to ban criticism on islamofascism, what we see then is nothing less than the desperate death struggle of the worst remaining evil Leviathan from the past. This is not to say that when islam is dead we enter the paradise but to say that the last major ideologically based evil is gone forever. Why? Whereas evil communism (incl. French revolution if you like) sucked its ideological stimulant from the technological/industrial revolution, islamofascism has sponged on sex segregation, the last of obstacles for a clarified view on global negative human rights, the very foundation, meaning and fulfillment of human life (the very essence of 'life' btw, is uncertainty - not fundamentalism, as described in Klevius definition of religion).

The biggest obstacle is the fanatic (so called "moderate") strive to utilize new ideas and policies while maintaining islamofascism*. The Western world must therefore treat muslim masses as democratically incapacitated in the struggle against human rights abuses, while helping to empower reformist voices and civil society through mass apostasy.

* ‘Islamofascism’ is here to be understood as the modern form of a system of racist/sexist beliefs even remotely connected to islam’s original formula: infidel slavery+rapetivism (google it!)+apostasy ban.

Klevius lesson in political philosophy

The slippery sloop

is to not react to islamists’ aims “to defeat the entire Western civilization, which they regard as the enemy. As a consequence so called muslims ought to commit apostasy against islam! This is best done by adhering fully to theb holy Negative Human Rights & a democracy that excludes islamic anti-democratic ideology.

A muslim in a global society faces a very simple question: Should I continue my racist/sexist despise for “infidels” (which, of course, is the worst treason you can do against democracy and negative human rights) and they, as a logical consequence, continuing to be suspicious about my relation to true (i.e. radical) islam?
And a very simple answer is: Leaving true islam (which, of course, is the worst treason you can commit against islam).

Women & girls without HUMAN rights in the islamic Umma
The very foundation of democracy is negative human rights. A negative right is empty, i.e. non-prescriptive, and, as a consequence, hence immunized against possible restrictions in freedom, whereas a positive right may be connected to “obligations and responsibilities” that may violate freedom.

The main difference between the islamofascist OIC nation's Cairo declaration and the REAL Human rights is that while the latter includes girls & women the former excludes them. How? Simply because the islamofascist "rights" distinctively emphasize "duties" & "responsibilities" as excuses for a continuing sex apartheid.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali: "European society is about to be hijacked by a rapidly growing population of muslims who are supported by islamic nations in their efforts to undermine their host countries. Islamic thought and practice is incompatible with that of the West, because in Islamic societies, religious law is supreme. "All aspects of the life of a person in public and private, down to the most intimate details, are regulated," she said. "In liberal democracies, laws are not made by God".

Terry Miller, Director of the Center for International Trade and Economics at The Heritage Foundation in "Who Leads the United Nations?": The OIC's strength comes not so much from its numbers as from its focus and the strength of its belief in its own rightness. It is not clear whether the West has, collectively, the courage of its own convic¬tions to match the OIC. This is one of the great ideo¬logical, cultural, and political issues of our time. Its resolution will influence lives and events far beyond the United Nations.

Becket Fund’s Graham Bennett: "We are no longer talking about rights at the Human Rights Council, we are talking about politics. It's a disgrace”.

Klevius humble proposal: Eventually, the problem isn't islam, simply because islam's evilness is so obvious, but rather Christianity in general, and Catholicism in particular. This problem is spelled "INTER FAITH". Christians try, in vain, to use islam as their "faith insurance". In this process islamofascism is the only winner. So all you "monotheists", rise your gaze & face the fate of your "faith": What you really long for can only be delivered through the original idea of negative human rights. It's spelled love of FREEDOM together with other freedom lovers.

The most regrettable are those poor souls who take imams & islam "scholars" seriously. I.e. those who can't stand the book of history. Ayaan Hirsi Ali: "Islam is not a religion of peace, it's a political theory of conquest that seeks domination by any means it can."

Btw, from Klevius so far unpublished A Roots Guide you'd also learn that Tibetan lamaist slavery was inspired by islam. So why not donate something so you could read this extremely important book!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Wikipedia's senseless misinfo deepens people's misunderstanding of Koranic islamofascism

Although Wikipedia is completely useless for any serious attempt to understand the world, it offers some amusement for an occasional reader as it represents an all too laughable playground for naive charlatan writers under the biased supervision of politically correct "super editors".

Here's just one extremely "puzzling" example presented in the context of the "Golden calf" story in Exodus:

"The Quranic Version of the episode is similar in most respects..." (sic)!

Klevius comment: "Koranic versions"!? Exodus came about some 2,000 years before any Koran was even thought about! This extremely illogical double-millennium jump to a late lousy & confused copy (in fact many differing copies) of the Jewish Bible seems outright pathetic.


Monday, March 16, 2009

Muslim born & unconstitutional "president" Barry Barack Hussein Obama/Osama Dunham Soetoro (or whatever) hands over Paki/Afgan girls/women to al-Qaeda

This incompetent (& deliberrately misleading) "president" with a hidden islam promoting agenda is now lobbying for wasting trillions of tax/borrowed money while again backed up by Google throwing "heroic" pics of Obama's populist "fighting" for a nutty $165 million of legal contract bonuses.

1 Muslim born & unconstitutional "president" Barry Barack Hussein Obama/Osama Dunham Soetoro (or whatever) applauds when, in practice, Mulla Omar & al-Qaeda take over Afganistan & Pakistan!

2 Muslim born & unconstitutional "president" Barry Barack Hussein Obama/Osama Dunham Soetoro (or whatever) applauds the reinstallation of the islamofascist Chief Justice of Pakistan Supreme Court, Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudry. This puppet lawyer is backed up by Pakistan's main islamofascist party Jamaat-e-Islami whose terrorist wings* (with tight connections to ISI, Pakistan's CIA**) Hizbul Mujahideen, Kashmiri Jamaat-i-Islami, Talibans, & in extension Mulla Omar & al-Qaeda. Pakistan's Interior Minister Makhdoom Faisel Saleh Hayat: "All of the activists and terrorists who have been apprehended in recent months have had links to the Jamaat-e-Islami, whether we have arrested them in Lahore or here or Karachi, they have been harboring them".

* This is a common islamofascist strategy nowadays. One side is shown up as "moderate" & "social" whereas the other truly islamic side is kept hidden. The moderate/extremist divide that doesn't exist.
** Yes, the Paki disaster originates from Medieval time when islam attacked & enslaved the territory & committed an unbelievable terror & genocide. In fact, it's a true disgrace that the Pakis are still licking their slave master islam! Like in Africa it's the centuries/millennium old islamic oppression, imperialism & colonialism that's behind most of the never-ending shortcomings. And with West supporting this islamic cancer & muslim born & unconstitutional US "president" Barry Barack Hussein Obama/Osama Dunham Soetoro (or whatever) applauding it the spread of metastases & due suffering continues. And girls & women are left in the mouth of the islamic Leviathan (see Origin of islam).

The empty hole of idiocy in Washington Post
Salman Ahmed (The Washington Post): "Terrorists who use Islam as an excuse to launch their attacks on innocents need to be countered by Islamic scholars who represent the U.N. member states".

Klevius comment: What could be more stupid than this double self contradiction?! Firstly, how could those who learn Koran by hearth possibly use (to a point where they even sacrifice themselves for its content) "Islam as an excuse"?! Secondly, the 57 islamofascist countries in UN, which expertise Salman Ahmed wants to utilize, have for long been busy gravely abusing UN for the purpose of silencing the crimes of that very same Koran islam!

Salman Ahmed continues: "Islamic scholars from Muslim majority nations, America and the West need a global platform like the U.N. to send messages condemning the killing of innocents and labeling such actions un-Islamic".

Klevius comment: Isn't that statement, by any measure, in itself the most un-islamic you can imagine! And a perfect fit in the Koranic instruction of how to cheat & lie in front of the execrable infidels before islam gets its totalitarian the hegemony it & most of its followers so extremely fanatically strive for?!

Harold A. Gould: "The forces of moderation and modernity are currently beleaguered; steadily losing ground to the fanatics whose declared goal is to return civil society to seventh century conditions where mullahs, ayatollahs and ideological radicals rule the roost behind the facade of a distorted, stereotyped conceptualization of Sharia law that would reduce everyone to automatons chanting the ideological cliches of ultra-orthodox Islam. For several years, the world has witnessed the gradual crystallization of FATA and its tribal environs into a quasi-state dominated by the Taliban and Al Qaeda. So much so that Mullah Umar and Osama Bin Laden have in essence severed this region from Pakistani sovereignty, established a de facto emirate there, imbued it with rudimentary state institutions, and are employing its infrastructural resources to broaden their political and ideological writ to encompass more mainstream portions of Pakistan.
The recent conquest of Swat, the ‘Switzerland of Pakistan’, by Maulana Fazlullah, leader of the outlawed Tehreek-e-Nifaz-e-Shariat-e-Muhammadi (TNSM), on behalf of the Taliban is a case in point. This has markedly altered the balance of power in the border regions and points a political dagger directly at the heart both of Pakistani and Afghani political society unless a way is found to reverse it. The enemy is literally at the gates! The danger to both countries’ future as secular states has dramatically increased even further with the news that the Government of Pakistan has now in effect capitulated to the Taliban in Swat. They have allowed the extremists to win by default. With their willingness to accept the Talibani version of Shariah Law for Malakand, the Pakistan government has in effect consigned women’s rights, modern education, art, music, science and democracy itself there to the medieval dustbin. Swat, and Malakand generally, now have been annexed to the ‘Jihadistan Emirate’; they have become reluctant minions of a theocratic state which all the objective evidence indicates is contrary to what ordinary, workaday Pakistanis and Afghanis would really prefer if left to their own devices."

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Some farts: Google's Mr X humbug "president" Barry Barack Hussein Obama/Osama** Soetoro Dunham (or whatever) commits high level financial fraud!

also read God vs Enlightenment & Why 2/3 of muslims are islamofascists

Islamofascist media farts like Google & Al-Jazeera - & the super fart in the White House who is now committing the worst swindle so far! (For more info abt his islamofascist murderers etc friends on the pic see previous postings - the one awarded by islamofascist CAIR used to stab his divorcing wife some 9x before beheading her while still alive! Not islam? Oh yeah - see below***)

For many days Google's standing pic of the heroic Dutch freedom fighter Geert Wilders was the one to the left! Same with the racist Arabic terror Al-Jazeera's islamofascist "feert" journalism seen at the top.

However, the islamic feert "civilization" (see Origin of islam) is rapidly vanishing in the wind of the inevitable logic of the holy negative human rights! However, the smell during this transitional stage from real islam to a castrated eunuch islam is disgusting!

No wonder that 57 islamofascist countries led by Saudi Abdullah are so eager to cover up islam's crimes & the real true nature of Koran/islam!

A stimulus package for racist/sexist islamofascism
Klevius economy lesson: This muslim born* & unconstitutional (he is, for example, lacking a "natural born" birth certificate which is necessary for a US president - & no one dares to ask for it because they are afraid of being called "racist". Moreover, as a born muslim who hasn't committed islam's worst crime apostasy, he is under islamic submission & hence against democracy & the US constitution. Democracy means individual freedom which is complete anatema for islam!) Mr X humbug "president" Barry Barack Hussein Obama/Osama** Soetoro Dunham (or whatever) who never would have been voted president had it not been for Google's (& similar) extremely misleading, onesided & biased propaganda campaign, is now spending borrowed money while planning to simultaneously not paying it back in full! How? Because when you print more money (like e.g. Zimbabwe) without actually being able to back it up, he (US) now inflates money borrowed from abroad so that when the lender wants it back he gets only a part of it! Every new printed dollar lessens the proportional value of US bonds! And in the case of Saudi Abdullah & Co they at least get their islamofascist Sharia spread in the US via financial arrangements. Also consider the massive flow of borrowed money via the "stimulus" package" to sexist/racist islamofascist organizations & individuals.

* So why does Klevius always underline the fact that Barry Barack Hussein Obama/Osama Soetoro Dunham (or whatever) is a muslim because his alleged father was a born muslim? Well, simply because it reveals the true nature of evil islam (e.g. apostasy ban) & the hypocrisy/bigotry of islam's supporters!
** Obama is the Swahili form of Arabic Osama & Swahili is islam's slavery language in the East African interface between Arabic Koran-islam & the African slave traders who assisted in committing the worst crime ever against humanity! Educate yourself on KLEVUX!
*** Juan Cole thinks islam is a "cultural tradition" & hence isn't primarily responsible for "making young boys angry". However, islam is, quite contrary, a totalitarian fascist ideology based on inciting infidel racism/hatred & rapetivist sexism, which is easy for anyone to see if you just open your eyes in front of history (see Origin of islam)!

Jewish worry abt muslim born US "president"
Martin Raffel (senior associate director of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs): “If there is a move on the part of our allies to engage with terrorist organizations while they remain terrorist organizations, that will raise concerns within our community”.

Klevius acknowledgement: As my beloved readers already know I have for many years (since 2003 on Internet) rallied for a black US president. So pls, you morons who abuse the race card, just shut up!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What’s the difference between “moderate Talibans” & “anti-islamist muslims”, & why “respect” those who despise you?!

Guantanamo islamofascist when confessing to 9/11 murders: “Many thanks to God, for his kind gesture, and choosing us to perform the act of Jihad for his cause and to defend islam and muslims".

Klevius intro: Never forget that the essence of islam is racism, i.e. racist disrespect against the “infidel”! This racist lure, together with islam’s deep rooted sexist sex segregation (rapetivism) is what makes islam going! And by always connecting muslims with islam, while simultaneously always referring to an imaginary “difference between moderate muslims & islamists” this evilness is effectively upheld. Moreover, this is combined with the islamofascists' (Saudi Abdullah & Co) efforts to exploit & incite racist hatred between the "non-white" developing world & the technologically advanced “white West” (what abt Japan`, it,s neither “West” nor “white”! And what abt all non-whites who for long have been “Westerners”)?!

Mr. unconstitutional muslim born “president” X, Barry Barack Hussein Dunham Soetoro Obama/Osama (or whatever - see postings below) says he "respects islam" & now wants to talk with "moderate Talibans"! However, these words aren't just like his ordinary empty platitudes but contain a deep paradox. Apart from the obvious fact that the line between an "islamist Taliban" & a "moderate muslim" seems to become more problematic, the connection to islam itself suffers a logical meltdown. For example:

M. Zuhdi Jasser, is an American who calls himself “a devout anti-islamist American muslim who rejects all of political islam & the Islamic Umma”.

Klevius comment: And the leader of ALL American muslims, incl. M. Zuhdi Jasser, is the islamofascist, Wahhabi inspired & Saudi funded extremely political Sharia supporting Ingrid Mattson, a close ally to Mr. “president” X (e.g. invited by him as a main speaker on the Democrats convent last year & as a preacher on his “inauguration” this year).

M. Zuhdi Jasser wanted to hear Mr. “president” X, Barry Barack Hussein Dunham Soetoro Obama/Osama (or whatever - see postings below) speak to muslim dissidents. “He (Mr “president” X) did not, save an oblique reference in his inaugural. By making no distinctions between support for autocrats and dissidents, he spoke to maintaining the status quo--the despots in control.”

Klevius comment: Pls, Mr M. Zuhdi Jasser, but every support for islam, incl. your own, is “maintaining the status quo - the despots in control” (islam is the very definition of a despot, i.e. “a ruler with absolute power & authority”!).

M. Zuhdi Jasser: The 'Muslim world' is not monolithic.

Klevius comment: But islam is! Why? Well, because you just made it by calling yourself a muslim! Unless, of course, you abandone islam.

M. Zuhdi Jasser: Islam as a singular political entity based in a faith practice directly feeds into the language of the theocrats -- the Islamists. Islamism is the politico-religious collectivist belief in the primacy of the Islamic state grounded in a dominating legal system based in shar'ia law (Islamic jurisprudence). It is a system which can feign democracy vis-à-vis elections but operates in a supremacist position of Islamic law over all other faith systems and empowers oligarchs (clerics) to write and interpret law. While some Islamists may believe in more peaceful means of ascendancy, whether they are violent or peaceful, the Islamic state is their common goal. At the crux of the 'contest of ideas' between the West and the "Muslim world" lie the competing roles of liberty and Islamism.

Klevius comment: I rest my case! The very same same islam that is now, via UN, trying to veil its ugly face by having 57 islamofascist nations (OIC) criminalizing criticism of itself, is the original islam that succeeded precisely because it utilized racism (enslavement &/or dhimmitude for "infidels") & sexist sex segregation (rapetivism) & mob etc. violence/intimidation!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The truth abt muslim born & unconstitutional Barry Barack Hussein Dunham Obama/Osama Soetoro (or whatever)* Wikipized from the ignorant mob

Mr "president" X, aka Barack Barry Hussein Obama/Osama Soetoro Dunham (or whatever) & some of his many islamist friends, e.g. the wahhabi inspired/funded islamofascist Ingrid Mattson who leads American muslims. The pic also includes a few prominent islamofascist murderers (see previous posting).

* Mr "president" X, changed his first name from American Barry to Arabic Barack after visiting Pakistan at age 20. Mr X was born a muslim Hussein Obama (a Swahili** form of Osama), & "adopted"/"married" to a muslim Soetoro stepfather,

** Swahili was created through Arab-islam's extensive & persisting slave trading of slave girls, eunuchs & plantation slaves in East Africa for more than thousand years.

What is Wikipization?
Klevius answer: Wikipization means the process of creating false/biased information by filtering a mass of public opinions/references (compare Klevius chapter Science & references in Demand for Resources - on the right to be poor, 1992).

Aaron Klein: A WND article reporting yesterday that Wikipedia had been scrubbing President Obama's biography of criticism has resulted in an "edit war" on the website in which a large number of users were barred from posting on key issues, including any mention of challenges to Obama's eligibility.

Ultimately, administrators at Wikipedia, the online "free encyclopedia" mega-site written and edited by its users, entirely locked Obama's page so that only top editors could make changes to the entry – and only if a change is supported by a consensus of editors.

A perusal through Obama's Wikipedia entry yesterday found a heavily guarded, mostly glowing biography about the U.S. president. Some of Obama's most controversial past affiliations, including with Rev. Jeremiah Wright and former Weathermen terrorist Bill Ayers, were not once mentioned, even though the associations received significant media attention and became themes during the presidential elections last year.

Also completely lacking is any mention of the concerns surrounding Obama's eligibility to serve as commander-in-chief.

Following WND's report on Obama's Wikipedia page, the news outlet monitored the page as scores of users attempted to add entries about eligibility concerns, and the president's past associations with Ayers and Wright. All attempts to post on Ayers or Obama's birth certificate were removed within minutes by the site's volunteer administrators.

One mention of Wright was finally allowed. Obama's page currently states, "Obama resigned from Trinity [United Church of Christ] during the Presidential campaign after controversial statements made by Rev. Jeremiah Wright became public."

The Wikipedia entry does not currently outline some of Wright's remarks, such as exclaiming "God damn America," claiming the 9-11 attacks signified "America's chickens" were "coming home to roost" or telling congregants the U.S. government invented the HIV virus as a means of "genocide" against black people.

Following a large volume of attempted postings on controversial issues, administrators yesterday placed a "protection" lock on Obama's page, informing non-administrators that new postings would not be allowed until "disputes have been resolved."

Meanwhile, WND was inundated with e-mails from Wikipedia users yesterday stating their recent attempts to edit Obama's page were blocked. Some said they believed the site to be "biased" in favor of Obama. A sampling of e-mails included:

* "As soon as Wikipedia found out I was conservative leaning and on the national lists of the righties, they banned me," wrote author Mark Paul Seber

* "Thought you might be interested to know that Wikipedia's 'Family of Barack Obama' page contains inaccuracies about his paternal family relations and that when I tried to add the correct info it, too, was removed/changed," wrote an anonymous WND reader.

* "Before the election I was banned from Wikipedia multiple times for trying to post a picture of Obama and Odinga in Kenya on Odinga's Wikipedia site," commented WND reader "Don."

* "Back in January, I posted to Obama's 'talk page' – not the main entry, just the talk page. My post pointed out that FactCheck is lying about the 10/31 statement from the Hawaii Dep't of Health. I didn't go into speculation. As a result, my username was permanently blocked, what I posted was deleted, and a "conflict of interest" notice was placed on my old user page," wrote another anonymous reader.

* "What you are looking at regarding the Barrack (sic) Obama article on Wikipedia is a 'liberalization' of not just that, but the entire website," wrote Brian Macdonald of Murfreesboro, Tennessee. "The people who control and edit in Wikipedia will present what they think should be the article on Obama; they will not post anything about his socialism, his Bill Ayers connections, former Marxist "New Party" which he was involved in, or anything else that would portray him in a negative light, despite the official Wikipedia policy that everything is to be neutral."

While Wright finally made it onto Obama's Wikipedia page – if only in one sentence – multiple times the past month, Wikipedia users who wrote about the eligibility issues had their entries deleted almost immediately and were banned from re-posting any material on the website for three days.

In one example, one Wikipedia user added the following to Obama's page:

"There have been some doubts about whether Obama was born in the U.S. after the politician refused to release to the public a carbon copy of his birth certificate and amid claims from his relatives he may have been born in Kenya. Numerous lawsuits have been filed petitioning Obama to release his birth certificate, but most suits have been thrown out by the courts."

As is required on the online encyclopedia, the entry was backed up by third-party media articles, citing the Chicago Tribune and

The entry was posted Feb. 24, at 6:16 p.m. Eastern Time. Just three minutes later, the entry was removed by a Wikipedia administrator, claiming the posting violated the website's rules against "fringe" material.

According to Wikipedia rules, however, a "fringe theory can be considered notable if it has been referenced extensively, and in a serious manner, in at least one major publication, or by a notable group or individual that is independent of the theory."

The Obama eligibility issue has indeed been reported extensively by multiple news media outlets. WorldNetDaily has led the coverage. Other news outlets, such as Britain's Daily Mail and the Chicago Tribune have published articles critical of claims Obama may not be eligible. The Los Angeles Times quoted statements by former presidential candidate Alan Keys doubting Obama is eligible to serve as president. Just last week, the Internet giant America Online featured a top news article about the eligibility subject, referencing WND's coverage.

When the user tried to repost the entry about Obama's eligibility a second time, another administrator removed the material within two minutes and then banned the Wikipedia user from posting anything on the website for three days.

Wikipedia administrators have the ability to kick off users if the administrator believes the user violated the website's rules.

Over the last month, WND has monitored several other attempts to add eligibility issues to Obama's Wikipedia page. In every attempt monitored, the information was deleted within minutes and the user who posted the material was barred from the website for three days.

The Wikipedia entry about former President George W. Bush, by contrast, is highly critical. One typical entry reads, "Prior to his marriage, Bush had multiple accounts of alcohol abuse. ... After his re-election, Bush received increasingly heated criticism. In 2005, the Bush administration dealt with widespread criticism over its handling of Hurricane Katrina. In December 2007, the United States entered the second-longest post-World War II recession."

The entry on Bush also cites claims that he was "favorably treated due to his father's political standing" during his National Guard service. It says Bush served on the board of directors for Harken and that questions of possible insider trading involving Harken arose even though a Securities and Exchange Commission investigation concluded the information Bush had at the time of his stock sale was not sufficient to constitute insider trading.

Angela Beesley Starling, a spokeswoman for Wikipedia, explained to WND that all the website's encyclopedia content is monitored by users. She said the administrators who deleted the entries are volunteers.

"Administrators," Starling said, "are simply people who are trusted by the other community members to have access to some extra tools that allow them to delete pages and perform other tasks that help the encyclopedia."

According to, Wikipedia is the seventh most trafficked website on the Internet. A Google search for the words "Barack Obama" brings up the president's Wikipedia page in the top four choices, following two links to Obama's official websites