
Sunday, February 08, 2009

WARNING! Muslim Obama's islamization of the U.S. is embedded in a "stimulus" package

also consider Saudi Arabia urges us to respect an ideology based on disrespect!

& The British foster mother who was fired because she did not hinder a 16 y muslim born girl from leaving islam!

Muslim born Barry Barack Hussein Soetoro Obama (or whatever name he has, or might, use - I wouldn't be too surprised if he adds an Abdullah or Mohammed when the "real work" has progressed safely), who is unconstitutional/illegitimate as a president (or as a senator), is now preparing for an enormous transfer/injection of U.S. tax money to islam under the shielding cover of recession & stimulus package! Because of the noise few even notice what otherwise, without a doubt, would have been recognized as a gigantic jihad veiled in economy.

Klevius comment: This is when Obama's "mysterious" islamic history & all the loose ends (Obama's islamofascist connections) get intelligible! The package is a proposal for more government/state, which, in terms of the "social state" (compare Klevius' Angels of Antichrist), means more financial support, not to the average citizen but to those involved in or directly supported by the state bureaucracy. In this picture not only notorious islamofascist terror organizations such as e.g. CAIR, Nation of islam, "educational" institutions etc, but also a variety of other islamofascist players & their supporter will be fertilized.

Yes, we already knew that Obama is an idiot. According to Robert Barro, Obama's & Co proposal "is probably the worst bill that has been put forward since the 1930s". However, Obama is a dangerous idiot. Barro only talked as an economist. His "worst" didn't even take into account the social disaster that follows when supporting islam, already heavily supported in the U.S. through Saudi etc oil money.

Klevius economy lesson: Islam is the opposite to economic growth precisely because it originated as an ideology for sponging on others (i.e. slavery, robbery etc. see Origins of islam) & still lacks technology, the only true source of economic growth! In this respect islam resembles socialism/communism. The price for the Soviet Union's (i.e. communist Russia) bombs & rockets was paid when Reagan, politely grinning, with a gentle push assisted its final collapse in 1989.

also compare Shinto meets islam!

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