The master of platitudes - is U.S. getting its most stupid & dangerous president ever?
B. (Barry, Barack etc) Hussein Soetoro Obama (of unknown birth) says he "is seeking good ideas from all quarters". Well da, where else could he search for them? Unfortunately he is lying because "those quarters" aren't all but those restricted to his criminal pals/supporters & their naive supporters. Obama's black road to the White House has been boosted by his eminence in giving powerful but empty speeches. Reminds one of Hitler before the war, except that Hitler also managed to do something himself for correcting a fast down-sliding economy in the 1930's Germany.
And whereas Obama has sailed comfortably in the fair wind of Google & Co, George W. Bush had to start , continue, & finish against the wind. Bush's heroic moment hence was when he stood in the growel after 9/11 in front of his worst enemy, the media. And what stupid or evil people tried to see as weakness or even stupidity was, in fact, the opposite. Most people know how it feels to perform in front of a compact hostile attitude. Some might call it Bushophobia. However, Bush will certainly go to history as one of the best US presidents ever, i.e. when people, not media, get a chance to evaluate him behind the "disformation" fog. Is he, as I've previously suggested, the last real president of the real USA? However, personally I'm really disappointed that he didn't cut entirely the ties to islamofascist Saudis & islam, a totalitarian political "faith" in direct opposition to the US constitution, & with a horrendous historical track record.
Obama, contrary to Bush, has already convincingly revealed an astonishing lack of personal power of initiative, while revealing an abundance of shortcomings hiding under empty & simplistic populist platitudes. The only thing Obama has a slight hunch abt is how to twist the US constitution. Luckily he himself was too stupid to become a professor, but unluckily he's got some half clever accomplices.
What's alarming is the easiness with which islamofascist Saudis & Co, via the Nation of Islam supramist fascists, managed to cheat the Americans. And without anyone really knowing who he is!
Obama & Kenya
B.* Hussein Obama has tight connections to the leader of the Kenyan islamofascists who assaulted & slaughtered non-muslim Kenyans for the purpose of gaining power.
* No one knows his real name. American Barry was in use until he visited Pakistan 1981 & changed to Arabic Barack which is his muslim name given at birth (in Kenya?!).
Obama in Indonesia & Pakistan
B. Hussein Obama's alleged surname is also inherited from a muslim but was changed to Soetoro after adoption to an other muslim & due Indonesian citizenship which made it possible for the grown up Obama to enter Pakistan at a time when it was forbidden for US citizens.
Obama & Saudi Arabia et al
Obama was elected by the help of Saudi & Co propaganda funds. Directly through the caampaign & indirectly through the deep & widespread islamofascist network in the US such as e.g. CAIR, universities, mosques & islam supporting media.
At least one of Obama's close sponsors (a Nation of Islam fascist lawyer) is employed by the Saudi wahhabists.
Obama's supporters, Saudi & Co islamofascists (Gulf Cooperation Council) recently “hailed efforts by the Sudanese government to resolve the crisis and its cooperation with all efforts undertaken for a settlement of Darfur conflict”. Klevius comment: The Sudanese government happens to be led by Bashir, accused for having masterminded the islamofascist Darfur genpocide!
Obama & U.S
Apart from the "minor" issue that Obama isn't a 'natural born' U.S. citizen (which fact would have immediately disqualified him had he only released his long form birth certificate. As it stands now Americans get a president through a hole in the legislation - a hole that was long since discovered & utilized by his accomplices when they elaborated their plan! Just look at the smelling tracks behind Obama!) Obama has an even more serious defect. Obama is a born muslim who hasn't officially abandoned islam (in fact, he hasn't even admitted it although he has (at least) two muslim fathers.
Klevius comment: While apostasy (i.e. leaving islam) is the worst crime known to islam, it's the foremost right in the U.S. constitution! Islam & Koran stand in an absolute opposition to the very soul of the constitution. Moreover, a fictive islam that could pass the constitution would have left everything essential to islamic ideologty behind it! I.e. it wouldn't be islam anymore. European Judaism was able to pass precisely because it was enlightened (see e.g. previous post).
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And allah will help the muslims. HA HA HA HA.