Saudi islamofascist "king" Abdullah & one of the many victims for his & his associates hate crime mongering
The one candidate the media forgot
Abdelbari Atwan (3 Nov 2008, in Al Quds Al Arabi): If Obama wins and “if these resources (oil) are properly harnessed, we could impose our point of view (on the world) and serve our cause…” Klevius comment: This "view" btw, is historically proven to be, by far, the worst crime ever against humanity. And everyone supporting it contributes to the prolonging of its death struggle!
Blacks get humiliated once again by their islamic masters in Arabia!
Islam enslaved Africa (although not only Africa) for 1400 years with human suffering at a scale that is, together with similar islamic atrocities in Asia & Europe) beyond anything on the planet Earth! This inescapable historical fact together with the fact that islam just not "happened" to be the "faith" of the criminals but was the very source racist/sexist ideology that made it possible until today! However, the historical slavery economy that we now call islam was seldom seen in its entirity by occasional travellers precisely because what they saw was only the basement of this evil ideology (also see Origin of mosque). Why is it that so many blacks rather segregate than open up? And why do so many blacks prefer their slave masters instead of their liberators? Is it the same (il)logic which makes so many blacks prefer "whiteys" BMW instead of superior non-"white" Japanese tech? A strange form of inferiority complex indeed?!
A one-party future USA that is submitting itself under Saudi (oil)funded totalitarian islamofascism
Shawn Hannity: “2008 is the year that journalism died.”
Klevius comment: Ignorance abt islam is the main reason why US voters didn’t take warnings seriously – together with the fact that most Americans want to defend “freedom of religion”. However, when the “religion” that demands “protection” is a disguise for a deliberate effort to oppose that very freedom, this is hardly in line with the aims of the U.S. constitution.
A crypto-muslim president - & Sharia next?
"…and Allah is the greatest of all deceivers". (Sura 3:54)
"…Take not the Christians and Jews for friends…" (Sura 5:51)
According to islam Koran is the Constitution, Allah is the author of law and the State is its enforcements (Sura 4:105 and 12:40).
Resisting Islam means punishment by death, crucifixion, or the cutting of the hands and feet (Sura 5:33).
The "better" muslim you are the less are you in accordance with the US constitution. Endorsing islam equals abandoning the US constitution. No, a muslim who fully adhere to islam can’t be a politician but rather a traitor under the present U.S. constitution. As a racist constitutional lawyer B. Hussein Obama is certainly keen to alter it towards islamic Sharia.
Klevius comment: Americans and others clearly need to be educated abt true islam. In the best interest of themselves, and certainly not by imams. Try e.g. Origin of islam!
Because of political correctness & for the purpose of not offending the most offending "religion" ever the word islam can't even be uttered in negtive contexts. John P. Avlon: How is the next leader of the free world going to solve a problem he can't even name?
Eli Lake proposes "islamic supremacists" to describe eager muslims.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali: "The presidential candidates are focused on military and intelligence positions, but I patiently wait for them to define the ideology they are going up against - because it's also a war of ideas. . . The collectivist Islamist system is not just wrong, but opposed to the American way of life."
At first women abandoned Hillary and now Sarah
Lainie Dowell on “silly white women” & race: "...wishful thinking on the part of those silly white women and all the rest of the supporters of Obama from every sector of society who would choose a black man who not only is not qualified but he is also not qualifiable over a well-qualified white woman, Gov. Palin, to be in a better position to lead this nation. So much for women’s lib and feminist banter! And ff anybody really believes that Race is not an issue in this 2008 election, then they are grossly deceived, because that denial is being used as a shield to deflect criticism from the Obamaniacs when they spew out their accusations of racism against whites and anybody else who won’t go along with their predominantly black agendas, which many have yet to understand their agendas have been in place for decades. And they have made no secret that those plans are in place to the exclusion of everybody else except the blacks and all those whom they now call “people of color.” But, is that what the majority of Americans want for America? At the height of the civil rights era, the symbols of the black movement for black manhood at that time were a mile-high afro, a “piece” at the ready somewhere on their person, a loud in-your-face style of intimidation, and a white woman on both arms while the “sisters” stood silently nearby and watched all of them as the “brothers” turned around and terrorized them and took out their abusive and abrasive hits against their black womanhood whenever they felt like it. Somewhere in the mix, on one end was Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with both his detractors and supporters following behind, and on the other end were Min. Louis Farrakhan, Malcolm X, and the Nation of Islam. In between were the Black Panthers, the Black Nationalists, and the Black Muslims."
B. Hussein Obama & islamic law
Eidelberg: "There has been much confusion and misinformation in the American press about this. The facts are that Obama is a Muslim under Islamic law because his father was a Muslim, for descent in Islam is patrilineal and he was also enrolled in elementary school as a Muslim. While Obama may think that he converted to Christianity that is not the way Islamic law sees things. And even if his conversion were to be acknowledged by Islamic law, he would be in serious trouble because Islamic law dictates that those who leave the faith and convert to another religion are to be considered a "murtadd" or apostate and be subject to the death penalty."
Klevius comment: Yes,Obama could be even a double muslim according to islamofascist law. But this notwithstanding a more fundamental issue is his ties to islamists. A U.S. president who, as a politician, has been breastfed with Saudi/wahhabi funds & who openly opposes the U.S. constitution, is certinly to be seen as a “change” of USA.
Eidelberg: "By lineage and school registration, Barack Obama was clearly a Muslim young man. If he renounced that and converted to Christianity as a young man he is an apostate and in trouble with the Muslim world. If he never renounced his Muslim upbringing he will likely be in trouble with American voters whom he has been telling that he is a Christian. Barack Obama is America's quintessential media candidate, an image candidate - like Jimmy Carter, a billboard candidate, all surface and no depth.
Klevius comment: Moreover, islam is a totalitarian ideology that is based on parasitism (slavery/rapetivism) & the social imprisonment (sex apartheid) of girls/women. Not to address this main component dismisses every such analysis of islam.
Saudi wahhabi islamofascism taking over the political scene in the US
When Republican Alan Fine “decried” Ellison’s ((Nation of Islam activist & first islamofascist in US congress) past associations with the Nation of Islam, it is described as “a claim chiefly based on Ellison's role in organizing a local coalition to attend the Million Man march in Washington DC in 1995” (sic). So obviously Fine would have had a point if Ellison had been associated with NOI!? And in fact, & contrary to this, Ellison was previously deeply involved with NOI! This same type of rhetoric, however, when been used by the opponent camp has been strongly condemned.
Keith Ellison: “The people who want to perpetuate fear don't really comprehend how freedom to practice religious faith is ingrained in American culture”
Klevius comment: The people who want to perpetuate islam don't really comprehend how unfreedom is ingrained in islam. When islamofascist Ellison at his inauguration chose to be sworn in on the Quran he, in fact, committed treason against his homeland. A gesture more obscene than anything else againt the constitution! Even more so than the fact that he tried to lie abt the background of the Koran that Jefferson (the author of the Declaration of Independence) had used, not for religious study, but for the purpose of knowing his islamist enemies!
From this perspective one shouldn’t be surprised when Ellison asks: "A lot of us are waiting for Obama to say that there's nothing wrong with being a Muslim,"
R.I.P. USA until someone digs you up again!
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