Peter Klevius was the first (1992-94) to solve consciousness, and the first (1992) to point out the mongoloid (cold adaptation) link between the Jinniushan fossil in China and Khoisan people in Africa.
Monday, October 13, 2008
When US Barry, who became islamic Barack, is US first muslim president, Osama bin Laden counts his second home run
*Islam's totalitarian world view, apostasy ban, indisputable Koranic sanction of slavery, sexist rapetivism/sex segregation, racist infidel dehumanization, etc etc seem to have little in common with the ideals written down in the constitution of the US! The basis for Barack Hussein Obama's impeachment case may also include the deliberate hiding of facts surrounding his birth, his faith, his citizenship, his terrorist and/or racist friends, and his unwillingness to openly abandon or embrace islam!
An insight to Obama’s capability for balanced judgement may come from his "mentor" and "spiritual adviser" for 20 years, Jeremiah Wright's words: “God damn America! USA started AIDS virus to kill black men"!
From Osama bin Laden's point of view a born muslim is probably to prefer as a US president than an infidel (for those who don't know it, in the ideology of islam 'infidel' refers to those who aren't fully human, and hence legal to kill, subjugate, enslave, rape etc). That Obama Hussein Obama may not fulfill the criterion of a perfect muslim is most likely a lesser issue.
Arab-American B. Hussein Obama is descended from islamic slave owners and slave traders, so he has no "slave blood" himself. B. Hussein Obama changed his first name from Barry to the Arabic Barack after being influenced by black separatists and after he, in 1981, went to Pakistan. Klevius comment: B. Hussein Obama's islamic upbringing in different schools & mosques etc in Indonesia, didn't manage to change his first name. However, like, for example, the San Francisco Taliban John Walker Lindh (who was actually born the same year), Obama was around 20 when his islamization really kicked off with his Pakistan trip, eventually erasing his only American trait!
Is it OK to be a nazist, i.e. to believe in the ideology of national-socialsm? And how does this relation exactly differ from the ideology of islam and those who believe in the islamic ideology? Islam has certainly not caused less killings, pain & suffering! And islam has certainly a much more clearly expressed oral & written ideology demanding acts of killings, torturing, rapetivism etc than has national-socialism (check out their party programme & compare it to Koran etc!
Obama has clearly stated that he won't hesitate to attack targets in, e.g. Pakistan, with nukes if necessary. That hasn't made him popular over there but as you know, internal fighting has always been the trade mark of islamic societies. In 2004 Obama also said: “There’s not much of a difference between my position on Iraq and George Bush’s position at this stage.”
Klevius islam lesson of today: According to Humphrey J. Fisher “Another interesting comment I've come across is that there were regions in black Africa that Muslim missionaries wouldn't go into. The reason is that if those blacks became Muslim, they could no longer enslave them. So, the Muslims banned spreading the word of Islam among certain black tribes. It was from these tribes that local Muslim rulers would harvest slaves, and sell them throughout the Islamic world.” Klevius comment: Se Klevius original islam formula!
Klevius history lesson of today: The power of racism. No matter what Obama stands for as long as he isn’t “white”! And “whites” naively feed & support the very same racism they (without any reasön*) feel guilt for!
* Racism isn’t in your genes as Obama’s close allies Nation of Islam preaches. Nor is it in a general “white”, “black” or colored culture distinguished by skin appearance. The fact that islamists preferred white sex slave girls (from e.g. Europe) hence triggering an enormous reaction that led not only to the rebirth of Christianity, the inquisition, crusades etc, but also, in extension, to the development that made “Westerners” technologically superior – until a non-“Western” & non-“white” Japanese culture (as a reaction to Euro-American threats & pressure – i.e. what caused the Meji restauration) took over the tech lead in the world (see also Shinto meets islam) shouldn't be taken as a reason for boosting that very same evil islam.
BTW, if you hear of any islamic "golden age" in history, be sure it was not only lubricated by slavery, but completely dependent on it.
Saudi "guardians of islam" are now busy finishing a thorough destruction of islam's extremely dirty history while simultaneously abusing UN for the purpose of criminalizing critical study of islam!
Totalitarian islamofascism is now, perhaps not surprisingly defended/protected by the same nations that used to defend/protect national fascism!
Fjordman: The European Union, the Council of Europe and numerous Islamic organizations are working hard to rewrite European school textbooks in order to promote Islam. In the European Parliament, the German Christian Democrat Hans-Gert Pöttering has stated that textbooks should be reviewed for intolerant depictions of Islam to ensure that they don’t propagate “prejudice.” He suggested that the EU should co-operate with the Organization of the Islamic Conference to create a textbook review committee. The OIC desires to rewrite textbooks around the world to remove anything critical of Islam, silence mentioning of the victims of 1400 years of Islamic Jihad and glorify the achievements of “Islamic civilization.”
جوانان ایران به جهانیان فریاد می زنند که:
ReplyDeleteاسلام یک دین اهریمنی است.
ما فهمیده ایم که محمد رسول الله یک دین اهریمنی و یک فرهنگ اهریمنی خلق کرده و مادر و دخترانش فاحشه بوده.
اکنون محمد رسول الله در جهنم است.
Iranian young people shout to all world peoples: Islam is a Satanic religion.We understand, "Mohammed messenger of Allah" has created a satanic religion and he has created a savagery culture .his mother was prostitute, and his girl was prostitute. Now "Mohammed messenger of Allah" is in the Hell.
صيحه الشباب الإيراني إلى جميع شعوب العالم : الاسلام هو الدين شيطانيه. ونحن نفهم ، "محمد رسول الله" قد اوجد شيطانيه الدين وقال انه قد أوجد ثقافة وحشية. والدته كانت عاهره ، وكان له فتاة عاهره. الان "محمد رسول الله" هو في الجحيم.
Ирански младежи Да за всички народи светът: Ислямът е религия сатанински. Ние разбираме, "Мохамед месинджър на Аллах" е създала в сатанински религия, а той е създал savagery култура. майка му е била проститутка, а момичето си е проститутка. Сега "Мохамед месинджър на Аллах" е в ада.
Translation: English » Chinese
伊朗的年轻人喊向所有世界人民:伊斯兰是一个撒旦的宗教。 据我们了解, “穆罕默德真主使者”创造了撒旦的宗教和他创造了一个野蛮的文化。 他的母亲是妓女,和他的女童被妓女。 现在“穆罕默德真主使者”是在地狱。
Translation: English » Chinese (Traditional)
伊朗的年輕人喊向所有世界人民:伊斯蘭是一個撒旦的宗教。 據我們了解, “穆罕默德真主使者”創造了撒旦的宗教和他創造了一個野蠻的文化。 他的母親是妓女,和他的女童被妓女。 現在“穆罕默德真主使者”是在地獄。
Translation: English » Croatian
Iranska mladih ljudi vikati na svim narodima svijeta: Islam je religija Satanic. Razumijemo, "Mohammed glasnik Allah" je stvorio satanic religije i on je stvorio savagery kulture. njegova majka bila prostitutka, i njegova djevojka je bila prostitutka. Sada "Mohammed glasnik Allah" je u Hell.
Translation: English » Czech
Íránský mladé lidi křičet, aby všechny národy světa: Islám je Satanské náboženství. Chápeme, "Mohammed posel Allah" vytvořila ďábelský náboženství a on vytvořil divokost kultury. Jeho matka byla prostitutka, a jeho dívka byla prostitutka. Nyní "Mohammed posel Alláh" je v pekle.
Translation: English » Danish
Iranske unge råbe til alle verdens folkeslag: Islam er en Sataniske religion. Vi kan forstå, "Mohammed budbringer af Allah" har lavet en sataniske religion, og han har skabt en grusomhed kultur. hans mor var prostitueret, og hans pige var prostitueret. Now "Mohammed budbringer af Allah" er i Helvede.
Translation: English » Dutch
Iraanse jongeren schreeuwen om alle volkeren ter wereld: de islam is een religie Satanic. We begrijpen, "Mohammed boodschapper van Allah" heeft een satanische religie en hij heeft een barbarij cultuur. zijn moeder was prostituee, en zijn meisje was prostituee. Nu "Mohammed boodschapper van Allah" is in de hel
this is posted from Iran