Would you vote for a candidate who:
1 doesn't fulfill the legal qualifications for being president, and who furthermore tries to cover it up instead of opening up
2 as a born muslim without committing apostasy is against the US constitution because islam rules all aspects of life & FREEDOM!
3 came to political power through a dirty network consisting of some of the worst US racists & black supremacists (Nation of islam etc) & who has never shown any hints of decency when it comes to riding on racism & sexism!
4 has never showed any hint of competence other than the competence of getting into political power positions, & who hasn't revealed anything abt his real thoughts (which can be indirectly deduced from his choice of friends etc).
Klevius comment: Is your own racism so deep so it makes you blind?!
Bill Warner (director of the Center for the Study of Political Islam):
Baraq [Barack] was the name of the winged horse-like creature that took Mohammed to Paradise in the Night Journey. Baraq can also mean God's blessing. Obama is Swahili for Osama, who was one of Mohammed's chief warriors. Osama also means lion. Hussein reminds some Americans of Saddam Hussein, and Obama's supporters get upset if it is used. Hussein was the name of Mohammed's grandson. So Obama's entire name is based upon Islamic mythology and African conquest. Barack Hussein Obama means [Allah's blessing] [Mohammed's grandson] [One of Mohammed's finest warriors].
Obama is descended from slave owners and slave traders, but he does not have a single drop of slave blood in him.
He called himself Barry, an Irish name, for many years in America. He changed what he wanted to be called after he went to Pakistan for a three-week stay. He left America as Barry and returned as Barack.
Some whites may have bought slaves from Islam for 200 years, but after that, their culture was first to outlaw slavery. So Obama changed his name from a culture that abolished slavery to a name from a culture that has enslaved others for 1400 years and has a highly detailed doctrine of slavery.
BBC:s bottomless ignorance (!?) & deeply misleading poicy
A mishmash of extremely naive and tendentious islam propaganda.
Isn’t it amusing, or perhaps rather disturbing, that BBC seems to have introduced new standards for logics, namely one that applies to islam and one that applies to the rest of us, just like islam itself!?
9:30 Thu 2Oct 2008: BBC4 in its endless series “Promoting & glorifying islamofascism”
BBC asks: Could Europe had developed without Arabic translations of Europan (Greek) texts to another European (Latin) text?!
Klevius comment: European Greek to Arabic to European Latin to European Greek?! We do know that Mohammed murdered, enslaved & raped. The rest of islam consists merely of measle words & unfounded glorification! The islamo-Arabs had nothing except their slaves so when they arrived with their empty cultural bags in civilized quarters no wonder they became acculturated!
جوانان ایران به جهانیان فریاد می زنند که:
ReplyDeleteاسلام یک دین اهریمنی است.
ما فهمیده ایم که محمد رسول الله یک دین اهریمنی و یک فرهنگ اهریمنی خلق کرده و مادر و دخترانش فاحشه بوده.
اکنون محمد رسول الله در جهنم است.
Iranian young people shout to all world peoples: Islam is a Satanic religion.We understand, "Mohammed messenger of Allah" has created a satanic religion and he has created a savagery culture .his mother was prostitute, and his girl was prostitute. Now "Mohammed messenger of Allah" is in the Hell.
صيحه الشباب الإيراني إلى جميع شعوب العالم : الاسلام هو الدين شيطانيه. ونحن نفهم ، "محمد رسول الله" قد اوجد شيطانيه الدين وقال انه قد أوجد ثقافة وحشية. والدته كانت عاهره ، وكان له فتاة عاهره. الان "محمد رسول الله" هو في الجحيم.
Ирански младежи Да за всички народи светът: Ислямът е религия сатанински. Ние разбираме, "Мохамед месинджър на Аллах" е създала в сатанински религия, а той е създал savagery култура. майка му е била проститутка, а момичето си е проститутка. Сега "Мохамед месинджър на Аллах" е в ада.
Translation: English » Chinese
伊朗的年轻人喊向所有世界人民:伊斯兰是一个撒旦的宗教。 据我们了解, “穆罕默德真主使者”创造了撒旦的宗教和他创造了一个野蛮的文化。 他的母亲是妓女,和他的女童被妓女。 现在“穆罕默德真主使者”是在地狱。
Translation: English » Chinese (Traditional)
伊朗的年輕人喊向所有世界人民:伊斯蘭是一個撒旦的宗教。 據我們了解, “穆罕默德真主使者”創造了撒旦的宗教和他創造了一個野蠻的文化。 他的母親是妓女,和他的女童被妓女。 現在“穆罕默德真主使者”是在地獄。
Translation: English » Croatian
Iranska mladih ljudi vikati na svim narodima svijeta: Islam je religija Satanic. Razumijemo, "Mohammed glasnik Allah" je stvorio satanic religije i on je stvorio savagery kulture. njegova majka bila prostitutka, i njegova djevojka je bila prostitutka. Sada "Mohammed glasnik Allah" je u Hell.
Translation: English » Czech
Íránský mladé lidi křičet, aby všechny národy světa: Islám je Satanské náboženství. Chápeme, "Mohammed posel Allah" vytvořila ďábelský náboženství a on vytvořil divokost kultury. Jeho matka byla prostitutka, a jeho dívka byla prostitutka. Nyní "Mohammed posel Alláh" je v pekle.
Translation: English » Danish
Iranske unge råbe til alle verdens folkeslag: Islam er en Sataniske religion. Vi kan forstå, "Mohammed budbringer af Allah" har lavet en sataniske religion, og han har skabt en grusomhed kultur. hans mor var prostitueret, og hans pige var prostitueret. Now "Mohammed budbringer af Allah" er i Helvede.
Translation: English » Dutch
Iraanse jongeren schreeuwen om alle volkeren ter wereld: de islam is een religie Satanic. We begrijpen, "Mohammed boodschapper van Allah" heeft een satanische religie en hij heeft een barbarij cultuur. zijn moeder was prostituee, en zijn meisje was prostituee. Nu "Mohammed boodschapper van Allah" is in de hel
this is posted from Iran