
Saturday, March 04, 2006

D. Jerushalmi: "what is it that compels Western elites so relentlessly to resist facing this truth about Islam?"

Klevius description of the field (also see A non-religious, historical, human rights guide to Islam): "Moderate" Muslims are silent because there is no space left for such a thing as "moderate Islam" because Islam's "infidel" hate/contempt letters are so clearly expressed in Koran - a text more inseparable from its "religion" than any text in any other faith? Furthermore, Islam proves, on a daily basis, that its main tenets are violence, compulsion, rapetivism (i.e. Islamic law) and submission, and that it is actively using/inciting/abusing terror in all forms and on all levels from masses to individual jihadists, massively and right now, from Darfur to Oakland, without anyone at charge but everyone spreading their personal Islamic fatwas! This evilness cannot be compared to anything else on the planet! Who mentioned Leviathan?

Klevius proposal for a cure against Islamophobia: On a series of specific fridays let every mosque preacher/visitor clearly announce that: "Infidels" and unbelievers are exactly as good and worthy full humans as any Muslim; That bin-Laden & Co aren't Muslims in any sense; That Koran has to be heavily edited/re-written before it can be accepted by Muslims in a modern world; Sharia isn't acceptable; Wahhabis/Salafis aren't Muslims in any sense; Historical facts, hypothesises, criticism, jokes etc must be equally accepted as with other religious and non-religious beliefs/convictions etc; Other religions, non-religious world views are precisely equally worthy as Islam. And finally to support a historical scrutinity of Islam's atrocities during 1400 years of slavery, rapetivism, pan-Arabic colonizations and genocides.
You may also need to learn abt Klevius definition of the holy negative human rights

Klevius proposal: If you say you're "moderate" then why not take a real and total stance against anti-democratic, racist/sexist Mideast Islam in general, and pan-Arabic Saudi Wahhabi/Salafi Islamofascism in particular! And why not tell everyone that Koran is wrong abt "infidels", non-believers etc?

Ever occured to you that the history of Mecca and broader Saudi Arabia has always been an especially violent turmoil of splitting and confederating of shifting allegiances in a native system altering between tribal and governmental systems, but ultimately originating in the special local, nomadic tradition of tradings and robberies along the easy targeted international caravan routes between the few waterholes in a vast and harsh desert. THIS IS THE HISTORICAL BIRTHPLAY OF THE ISLAMIC IDEOLOGY OF VIOLENCE, CONQUEST AND SUBMISSION - NOT TO MENTION SEXISM (every historian knows the Arabic nomads used to be worse than most of their contemporaries in this aspect). An ideology that not only excuses wrongdoings but also incites them! Everything within Islam is right - everything outside is wrong! Hence the enormous cult of (infidel)contempt breeded within Islam.

As Dr Ghayasuddin Siddiqui, director of the Muslim Institute, points out: "The terrorists are using Islamic sources to justify their actions. How can one then say it has nothing to do with Islam?"

Klevius answer

Klevius questions: If there are radical and moderate Muslims, then why do they all bow towards a totalitarian, fascist, "infidel"-racist, sexist pan-Arabic Saudi dictatorship based on the worst possible branch of pan-Arabic Islam?!

Really want to know how rotten Sweden is? How come that Sweden's Islamofascist state radio P1 is so silent abt Swedish Holocaust denial etc. from Radio Islam, while fanatically agitating against Danes and comparing Mohammed comics with the death of milions of Jews and others? By the way, Jan Myrdal (mentioned together with Robert Faurisson on Radio Islam) was one of Sweden's foremost Pol Pot supporters! It's perhaps worth noting that Swedish Sunday sermon in the state radio has a Muslim preacher who use to be a "multiculturalist (Islamic) guide"! The Pol Pot etc socialist people who used to talk abt church as reactionary and rightwing have now turned to Islam via that very same Christianity they used to spit at. Also note that although it in many European countries is a crime publicly to deny Holocaust, that's not the case in Islamofascist friendly Sweden! The official Sweden completely blinks at whatever Islamic atrocities, insults, desecrations etc, while spending billions on supporting/protecting pan-Arabic Islamofascism and Muslims from "racism" and "ignorance" etc. But in reality those few baldheaded morons who sometimes use to stupidly shout at immigrants is but a drop in the ocean (albeit on the rise if Sweden continues its Islamofascist path) when compared to pan-Arabic oil-Islam induced street/schools etc racism/sexism.

Compare this to the fact that many Swedes in the 19th century used to escape to freedom in USA precisely because of religion at home!

Iranian schizophrenia?: Former Iranian president Mohammad Khatami's "dialogue between civilizations" (sic - what has Islam to do with civilizations anyway? - see Shinto meets Islam, below), and "West needs an enemy", clashes heavily with the words of the new president, and with a representative (Hojjatol-Islam Alireza Panahyan) of Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in Tehran University who now declares that Islam must “conquer the world” by defeating the West!

Klevius sites & blogs the only non-religious (but see Klevius anthropological definition of religion) addressing the root cause of sex segregation

True (active) Islam always takes the worst possible (fascist/racist/sexist) path because it is its inborn original program (well and colorfully described in Koran for those who want to check it out. Furthermore Koran is so rigidly tied to all branches of Islam, so that a "moderate" Muslim" really don't have a choice other than to abandon Islam altogether, which, as you know, is also rigidly forbidden! For a better understanding of Islam's/Koran's original evil historical background see What's true Islam?

Is EU becoming the extended Islamic Mideast (without that much oil)? EU was created as a fortress against Japan because Europe couldn't compete with Japanese technology (see Euro-Vulgo vs. Shinto high tech and the "Finnish/Swedish/European Mongoloid complex"). Interestingly one of the most isolated parts of Asia (Japanese islands) has excelled in high tech for at least 13.000 years (from Jomon pottery and samuraj swords to Honda Asimo) whereas Mideast has suffered from "cultural bastardization" as a crossroad for continuos raids and disturbances. Also see Out of Africa as "pygmies" and back as global "mongoloids"!
Also see a short but impressive timeline incl. prehistoric Japan.
Talking abt civilizations - was it really that smart to have thousands of individuals pulling together thousands of huge stones for a graveyard. Why are we (you) so impressed?

Finally Klevius first and worst blasphemy (or should we call it truth?): The masses aren't always right! The worst car ever, VW “beetle”, had gas tank in the front (first hit in collision), battery inside (dangerous fumes), no place for luggage, worst mileage, worst performance, and worst reliability! Yet best sales figures back in the 60s! But most people then learnt abt Toyota, Honda etc Shinto hightech/reliability and due passive safety. Some people do seem able to change! But how many innocent victims has Hitler's revenge on the afterworld caused before that?

Update: Pathetic stupidities heard on Swedish rock station March 16, 2006

Cheap people

The real bottom line of the new, non-sophisticated, sexist (though there's a girl whose job is to follow the guys' laughters) ignorant, self-centred (compare Sweden last on World Values Survey) younger Swedish middle-agers, was again exemplified this morning. After having bragged abt how he used to visit an expensive restaurant in Stockholm, one of the morons invited a guest (presumably a Mideastern immigrant due to his way of talking - other immigrant groups usually have much better clues abt cars than the Swedes) to discuss a third person, who was allegedly wealthy but "drove a Honda" (laughter)! I assume a Ferrari would have been OK. But the funny thing with this is a) that Honda as a brand is more suppressed in Sweden than anywhere else (despite, or perhaps because, it's top rated all over the world for leading tech, reliability, racing ambitions built in, and stunning "greenishness" tech, b) that Ferari is a super high cost low quality (ask Saudi oil princes - they know) brand without any "greenishness" whatsoever. And if you want a Ferrari "Civic" then buy and compare a small, lousy low quality Fiat (Ferrari's mother)! Moreover one has to keep in mind that Mideastern youngsters in Sweden seem to know nothing abt cars (only abt car brands' local status) and are usually driving pathetic low quality one wheel drive BMWs in a country with lousy, wet and icy roads most of the year! And because they usually can't even drive properly they often end up in firing death traps - see Euro top brands most likely to burn).
Also see Bad Motoring Waste

More blasphemy on the car "religion" Euro-vulgo!

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