
Sunday, September 11, 2005

Fashion & fascism - lost souls serving Pan-Arabic Islamism? Klevius' formula against veiled totalitarian racism/sexism.

In honour of all the victims of Pan-Arabic/Islamic fascism, and in dishonour of all those who desperately and by all means try to defend a totalitarian, sexist and racist (often hidden behind "ethnicity") ideology, in a world that is inevitably getting global, and therefore in need of less, not more, separatism, and more, not less, emphasise on negative human rights

Totalitarianism is the ultimate and pronounced goal of Islam, and submission, i.e. “peace” on Islam’s terms (depending on whoever happens to be the interprete(s), its arbitrary ruling. The only "pluralism" in Islam is its choice of means and victims! But that's just for a start of an evil heritage that is too positively and naively looked upon by many. Even worse is its function as an attractive outlet for separatist racism/sexism in a multitude of reactionary and/or malign forms.

The word 'fascism' is here defined as: A political/militaristic, totalitarian ideology to which one can be converted (albeit not de-converted), and, which can make use of democracy and negative human rights, albeit it itself is ultimately undemocratic and against those very rights it sponges on (see Klevius Human rights definition - most popular on MSN).

Without its handy disguise as a "religion" Islam would long since have been forbidden in most democratic countries, as a totalitarian, racist and anti-democratic movement, on pair with national socialism etc.

When reading this one also has to keep in mind that the essence of Pan-Arabic Islam today is based on a fascist/racist/sexist compilation of texts/contexts, which has to be read in Arabic (to be "really understood") for the plain purpose of spreading the Arabic language as part of Arabic oil-imperialism. This main purpose, of course, may then evolve into all kinds of sub-purposes on more local levels, due to Islam's lack of trackability (see for example Roger Scruton's "Who takes responsibility for Islam?" - by the way an article that Aftonbladet had to defend the publishing of by another article!). His answer: "No one" reveals the deceitful combination of Islamic totalitarian arbitrariness (which, in fact, also constitutes Islam's main and wide bases for recruitment), and also is the key to how "moderate" Islamists may sponge on the deeds and threats of Islamic terrorists etc radicals). One has also to remember that ethnicity has nothing to do with Islam, albeit Islam is often linguistically imputed and politically connected to a usually weaker society (incl. detached and segregated youth cultures).

Original Pan-Arabic Islam may be seen as a political/militaristic tool for the transition from kinship to kingship. See, for example, Klevius' Definition of religion (most popular on MSN) and What is true Islam? for the historical roots of this movement which was almost dead when it became rescued by Westerners (from Los Angeles) who found oil in Saudi Arabia! Ironically it seems that LA/Hollywood now is accused by Islamic fundamentalists for the spreading of "deprived culture", while the same LA/Hollywood is accused, by Klevius and others, for being the main supporters of Islam. Also see From Freud to bin Laden It's also noteworthy that bin Laden actually defends what he considers his right ethnicity while Western converts or Islam supporters betray their own! But compared on pair, bin Laden's local (in time and space) Arabic Islamism can never compete with its intruding competitor, the idea of every human's negative (i e freedom from submission) rights.

For a better understanding of the social-historical background see Klevius' analysis of the transition of different types of societies in Demand for Resources - on the right to be poor!

Modern, oil-fueled Pan-Arabic Islam, meets the Western social state (see Klevius' Angels of Antichrist - kinship vs social state) and detached individuals (see Klevius' work on how sex segregation and lack of family attachment have evolved into state sanctioned child trading and accelerated rootlessness).

Detachment and sex segregation are the main entrances into Islam.

Many falsely assume Islam could be an answer, i.e precisely what many thought about the 1930's fascist movements! As it's a well established fact that women in the 1930's were very eager supporters of fascism (see Angels of Antichrist), no one should be surprised when western women now support Sharia and even infibulation etc (i e heavy mutilation of the genitals of small girls). These contradictions can only be understood in the light of the feminist contradictions in the women's movement itself (see Klevius Definition of feminism + links).

But the simple fact is that attachment doesn't need medieval Mideastern religions, but rather a less separatist (generational, physical and relational) reality to eliminate most of youth criminality etc. And, as outlined in Angels of Antichrist - kinship vs social state, there is no connection, or rather a negative one, between the tax money that pours into the social (welfare) state as indirect transfers, and the attachment of children and adults. You may also note that Sweden, the country with the highest taxés, and sometimes by someone considered a welfare state model, has more poor people than the US, if measured by the same standards (in an average city like Borås the average income is roughly the same as the poverty line in the US)! Only in Stockholm 5000 people (99 % whites, by the way) are left on the streets! And now when the Swedish media is full of eager Bush blaming re. Katrin, almost everyone seems to have forgotten that the Swedish government was the worst to take care of its citizens during the Tsunami-catastrophy (see postings 31, December 2004)! The same Swedish government use to feed its jobless friends by offering huge compensations for nothing in return. So, for example, does Lena Häll Eriksson get some US $ 100.000/year although she doesn't have any duties nor place to work! On the salary list she is titled "civil servant with special duties"

It's an equally simple and related fact that modern - what I use to call artificial -sex segregation causes enormous problems, which aren't solved by packing them into "religious"7ideological frameworks. This modern sex segregation has so far been dumped into the social (welfare) state.

What is Sex segregation (Klevius' pages on this topic most popular on MSN).

Youth and women using Pan-Arabic Islamic racist/sexist/fascism as a route for escape - Veiling the detached individual in fascism and sexism - When sex segregation from the Middle Ages meets modern chauvinism/feminism (see Klevius' Definition of feminism - most popular on MSN).

The Islamic veil (see Klevius' Veil trap) - unless it's just plain, superficial fashion - is a racist/sexist offense signing: I think I'm a better person than you non-Muslim, and I think you male might want/have the right to rape or sexually offend me, if I,m not a Muslim and/or if I don't wear the veil! For males the Islamic veil, or just the information that a woman is an Islamist, is good enough to safeguard his own "malehood" status and due chauvinism.

The (naive) Arabic dream of bin Laden & Co is to make possible an Arabic/Islamic social museum without entrances for the "West". Israel, and the Americans (especially the female soldiers) in Saudi-Arabia. And now Bush, Condi, Blair etc, have been the main obstacles for this Islamic Utopia, which, pathetic as it is, however isn't even close to the global neo-fascist evilness hidden behind so called "peaceful and moderate Islam", which in turn sponges on everything from secularism/human rights to personal lunatic ideas bolstered by lonelyness and a contourless and irresponsible Islamic "religion" without anything else in commonh in the end except arbitrary but totalitarian (i.e. depending on power) interpretations of what it is! Except, of course, for Pan-Arabism and political power!

Klevius suggestion: Throw away the Pan-Arabic Islamic veil confining your modern lonelyness and go back to Mom and Dad and upgrade yourself and perhaps even them (or whoever might be appropriate in your case), so you may be rehabilitated for really meeting and relating to other people without racist/sexist separatism! Not like the false "deep religious relationship" in the Islamic Koran cells from which Atta & Co streamed out (via some Western brothels!) to the planes in September 11 2001!

It's an irony, and perhaps even logical, that the secular supporters of modern fascism/sexism, are those supporting a strong leftist state, whereas those warning for it, usually propose "a limited state", well aware of the fact that states can't handle social relations, no matter how much money you give the state bureaucracy, and no matter how nicely you name it! This is why ciitizen salaries etc direct transfers, combined with abduction of tax on work, should be preferred, instead of state bureaucracies.

Do you really want to be part of a new fascist movement? And do you really know how your ideology, religion etc affect the most important of your rights, i e the holy negative human rights? And did you know that these rights are entirely excluded in ALL FORMS OF ISLAM!

Finally, check out your prejudices abt Klevius. The following ones are all wrong:

Klevius has personal reasons for blaiming Islam
Klevius is a Jew
Klevius is a Christian
Klevius is a right-winger
Klevius is rich
Klevius is a neo-liberal
Klevius is a communist
Klevius is Euro-centered
Klevius is a racist (how could he without a race?)
Klevius is a crypto-racist
Klevius is sexist (how could he without a "manhood"?)
Klevius hates Arabs
Klevius is gay
Klevius is homophobic and anti-lesbian
Klevius is anti-hetero sexual
Klevius is a woman
Klevius doesn't know anything abt women
Klevius doesn't know anything abt children
Klevius is paranoid and jealous towards his partner(s)
Klevius has a problem with his sex life
Klevius has a problem with the sex life of others
Klevius has a problem with his family life
Klevius has a problem with the family life of others
Klevius has opinions abt how other people should lead their lives
Klevius is a pervert (so far claimed by none)
Klevius is unhappy
Klevius is a moron (maybe, but he is certainly not alone)

Klevius' sites and blogs, however, seem to be the only ones, so far, emphasizing and rationally connecting modern lack of attachment, the social state, and sex segregation (usually lacking from most analysis, because of feminism etc), into a coherent package (see links above) that makes the easy spreading of Islamic neo-fascism (a Pan-Arabic tool for global neo-imperialism sponsored by oil-money) understandable, and a solution (strenghtening of attachment and negative human rights, de-sex segregation and global as well as local responsibility) possible.

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