Swedish state news, always filled with "evil Bush", now pin-points the "horrible fact" that he wants to make it possible for security people to check library records. But in Sweden everyone can check everyone's library records since many decades ago!!! But this was, of course, not mentioned in the state news. The Swedish state news hypocrisy is truly senseless.
When four "Mideasterners" raped a barely 13 yr old girl they were first freed (see e.g. posting 27, January 2005) and now "awarded" (230.000,-) for "suffering"! And the state media was very silent (also see 3, February 2005 posting with a comparison between Swedeish state pedophilia and the Jackson trial).
Yes, Bush was, of course, wrong abt global warming (as abt gay marriage - see the Terri Schiavo killing and Why can't marry our sibs and grown up kids). But both statements were probably politically, not rationally, motivated (compare Iraq and WMD - Bush couldn't possibly tell the world that it was, in fact, Islam that was the real WMD). But the real hypocrisy is when Swedish state media has continued to make a big "Bush-hating campaign" out of it while simultaneously boosting for stupid and stubborn Swedish "scientists" acccording to whom "nothing is proven abt the human role in climate change" and that "the natural variations are the real culprits" (Volvo is, by the way, a huge polluter because of poor mileage).
And now Sweden, who prides itself with strict anti-drug policies, shall take responsibility for some regions in Afganistan where drug production for the "infidel" market in the West is the main Islamic business. But no problem, Sweden will just shut its eyes and "cooperate" with the drug dealers because "one has to be pragmatic in these countries"!
No, they can't. Check 9 kap., 22 § sekretesslagen (SFS 1980:100, SFS 1989:713).
ReplyDeleteYes, they can if it's obvious that it will not "harm" someone. Being caught for planning terror acts can hardly be considered "harm", can it!