
Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Do leftist liberals, because of their suffering from "moral emptiness", want to kill Terri Schiavo?

A right to marry one's grown up child might have been beneficial for Terri (Please note that Klevius has no opinion on the personal merits involved in the Schiavo case). But humanists are seldom humane in their legislative eagerness! This is well exemplified in Sweden where a long political tradition of fanatic family hatered - see Angels of Antichrist - in general, now is combined with a US/Bush hatred in particular - note e.g. a Swedish state radio (P1) reporting 2005-03-24: "Terri's parents want her to be tube fed while her husband wants to let her die in peace in accordance with her wish" (Alternative interpretation: Terri's parents want to resque her life...)Talking abt wish, compare her husband: "We didn't know what Terri wanted, but this is what we want....". After the Supreme Court verdict the Swedish state news described Terri's state as "deeply unconscious", which statement may be compared with: "As I looked at Terri and she looked back at me, I asked myself whether I could in good conscience withdraw her feeding and hydration," Cheshire wrote. "No, I could not.", and "her facial expression brightens and she smiles in response to the voice of familiar persons such as her parents." When piano music is playing, "she lifts her eyebrows, smiles, and even laughs." (By the way, Klevius is neither religious - but see Definition of religion - nor conservative - see Klevius' intellectual profile!).
Read more abt the totalitarian and heavily biased Swedish state media below!

Terri Schiavo may still possess pre-injury memories in her damaged brain. But she may also have created a whole new life based on her 15 years of bed experiences! So even if she didn't recognize her parents as her parents, she may now have included them as well as nurses, doctors, her ex-husband etc in a new pattern of life. When the dcision was made to let her live for many additional years, that decision may well have created a new, conscious human being! Also see EMAH Klevius hypothesis on consciousness!

Excerpts from diagnoses of 6 Schiavo doctors.

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