
Friday, December 31, 2004

Swedish state "expert": Dead bodies no threat!

A few days after the tsunami catastrophe, the Swedish state controlled radio, notorious for its biased and uninformed news reporting, chose an "expert" who reported that dead bodies on the beaches were nothing to worry about from a hygienic point of view! This statement is just a pale reflexion of how cold, grim and insensitive the Swedish state works when it comes to abducting and trading children under the title "in the best interest of the child" (see How the Swedish state uses psycho nonsense as criterions for child "protection").

The clumpsyness of the Swedish government only reflects the cruel truth, namely that the state with the highest taxes is the state with the lowest quality of its welfare performance (because the Swedish state is created for the state, not for the citizens outside that bureaucratic social state sphere).

The Swedish state (and its media) hypocrisy now peaks when the most notorious child abducting and family destroying social machinary in the world (see the revealing paper above), tries to express its "sorrow" for those families and others involved in the tsunami catastrophe! Sweden is no good example if you want to create a welfare state. Sweden is precisely the opposite (see Angels of Antichrist - kinship vs. social state)!

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