"that the democracy and the freedom that America is keen to promote in our world are not a 21st century Trojan horse."
"God has endowed women with a capacity for patience so they may realize their dreams and the dreams of their children"
Klevius' comment: Is it the horrifying possibility of children's freedom from being forced into brainwashing Koran schools etc that is the "Trojan horse" in Mid-East? And do Muslim sex segregators want Dr. Rice become a Muslim (or at least a supporter of fundamentalist Islam. I mean, she, like the women in Darfur etc., isn't racially a "real Arab")? It certainly looks so when you read the Arab/Islamic article above (I assume that the Muslim writer hardly incorporates all non-Muslim Arabs in his world view. But I do!).
The flattering approach to Dr. Rice in the article clearly reflects an Islamist's crude sex segregation as well as an unveiled attempt to use this sex segregation for the purpose of selling the picture of non-Muslim atrocities without even mentioning Islamic terrorists or the unknown but huge number of individuals outside Mid-East who have been targeted (religious rapes, tortures,killings etc) by Muslim offenders bred in fanatic Koran schools (in the name of their religion and their victims' lack of the "right" religion).
Islam is sex segregation, but What is sex segregation?
What is the true definition of religion?
What is the Vagina gate?
Understanding Muslim fascism?
Klevius' AIQ net & World Values Survey
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