
Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Anthropologist Peter Klevius to afropologists: Anomalies ought to be checked - not hidden!

Read how climate change made human evolution possible in SE Asian volatile archipelago - not on a continent like Africa

Read how two craniopagus twins born 2006 solved the "greatest mystery in science" - and proved Peter Klevius theory from 1992-94 100% correct.

Peter Klevius is disgusted by white hypocrites who support segregation for the sole purpose of "being better" than their own product, i.e. white supremacists.

Peter Klevius anti-racism tutorial: Skin-, sex-, and religious segregation constitute the breeding ground for supremacism. And the way out spells (negative - i.e. basic) individual Human Rights against political "rights" of racist and sexist "communities".

BBC 20200603: "What should white people do to end racism?"

Peter Klevius crystal clear answer: Don't encourage or support segregation. Human lives matter more than segregation!

Sadly, since the time of the "chosen people" and the Jewish slaughtering of the Canaanites and the muslim slaughtering of the Jews (and "infidels"), racist (and sexist) supremacism based on segregation/apartheid has prevailed due to the lack and following of a universal Human Rights standard. However, since 1948 we actually have one, i.e. the Universal Human Rights declaration - which the Saudi based and steered all muslims main world sharia organization OIC has replaced with a sex and race segregation in accordance with islamic sharia.

Booker T. Washington (republican) anti-segregationalist like Peter Klevius.

W. E. B. Du Bois (democrat) segregationalist unlike Peter Klevius.

Founder of black supremacist organization Nation of Islam, Wallace D. Fard (most probably democrat) segregationalist unlike Peter Klevius.

Martin Luther King Jr. (republican)  anti-segregationalist like Peter Klevius.

The FBI's search for Fard was officially closed on April 15, 1958 but there is strong evidence that the Nation of Islam founder Wallace D. Fard was the same man as Wallace Dodd Ford, a criminal in San Quentin Prison. Wallie D. Ford of California, was arrested by Los Angeles police on November 17, 1918, on a charge of assault with a deadly weapon, and again on January 20, 1926, for violation of the California Woolwine Possession Act, and on February 15, 1926, for violation of the State Poison Act, for which he was sentenced on June 12, 1926. According to San Quentin records, Wallie D. Ford was born in Portland, Oregon on February 25, 1891, the white son of Zared and Beatrice Ford, who were both born in Hawaii.

Migrants from the South came into contact with militant supremacist movements among northern blacks.

Wallie D. Ford: The black men in North America are not Negroes, but members of the lost tribe of Shabazz, stolen by traders from the Holy City of Mecca 379 years ago. The prophet came to America to find and to bring back to life his long lost brethren, from whom the Caucasians had taken away their language, their nation and their religion. Here in America they were living other than themselves. They must learn that they are the original people, noblest of the nations of the earth. The Caucasians are the colored people, since they have lost their original color. The original people must regain their religion, which is Islam, their language, which is Arabic, and their culture, which is astronomy and higher mathematics, especially calculus. They must live according to the law of Allah, avoiding all meat of "poison animals", hogs, ducks, geese, possums and catfish. They must give up completely the use of stimulants, especially liquor. They must clean themselves up – both their bodies and their houses. If in this way they obeyed Allah, he would take them back to the Paradise from which they had been stolen – the Holy City of Mecca.[44]

Modern Nation of Islam theology is based upon the belief that Fard's teaching of Elijah Muhammad was fulfillment of scripture regarding God's teaching of an Apostle, where Fard is described as "God in Person", the "Messiah", and the "Mahdi". Fard wrote the following for his followers:

    [T]he LESSONS that OUR SAVIOUR (ALLAH) gave us to Study and Learn is the Fulfillment of the Prophecies of All the Former Prophets concerning the Beginning of the Devils, and the Ending of the Civilization, and of our Enslavement by the Devils, and Present Time of our Delivery from the Devils by OUR SAVIOUR (ALLAH). PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME! There is No God but ALLAH. How that ALLAH would separate us from the Devils and, then destroy them; and Change us into a New and Perfect People; and Fill the Earth with FREEDOM, JUSTICE and EQUALITY as it was filled with wickedness; and Making we, the Poor Lost-Founds, the Perfect RULERS.

Jeffery Muhammad, the Nation of Islam's longtime leader in Dallas, Texas, stated: They [Asian-American merchants in black neighborhoods] are just the latest in a long line of people who have come to this country—like Jews, Italians, Indians and now Asians—who have sucked the blood of and exploited the black community.

According to the Anti-Defamation League, the Nation of Islam "has maintained a consistent record of anti-Semitism and racism since its founding in the 1930s."

The Nation of Islam has repeatedly denied charges of anti-Semitism. Farrakhan has stated, "The ADL ... uses the term 'anti-Semitism' to stifle all criticism of Zionism and the Zionist policies of the State of Israel and also to stifle all legitimate criticism of the errant behavior of some Jewish people toward the non-Jewish population of the earth." However, NOI officials and outlets including Farrakhan have also been accused of repeatedly using anti-semitic and homophobic rhetoric, including saying, "It's the wicked Jews, the false Jews, that are promoting lesbianism, homosexuality. It's the wicked Jews, false Jews, that make it a crime for you to preach the word of God, then they call you homophobic!"

Regarding condemnation for having referred to Adolf Hitler as being a "great man", Farrakhan has said, "I have throughout my life referred to Hitler as a wicked man, yet, the national news media insists that I called him a 'great man', with the implied inference that 'great' means 'good'. However, I did refer to him as 'wickedly great', in the same sense that Genghis Khan stands out in history."

David W. Leinweber of Emory University asserts that the Nation of Islam engages in revisionist and antisemitic interpretations of the Holocaust and that they exaggerate the role of Jews in the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Leinweber and others use the original statements of Farrakhan and others as the basis for their evaluation.

NOI Health Minister Abdul Alim Muhammad has accused Jewish doctors of injecting Blacks with the AIDS virus.

Etc., etc., etc.

Peter Klevius wrote:

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Islam induced hatred

Obama's and Farrakhan's best hate card spells islam

Can we agree that hateful people are not only stupid but also dangerous - to all of us, including themselves.  Ok, he's smarter than Sharpton but what does that really prove! It's still far short of what could be expected from an ordinary civilized man. Just listen to this childish but hateful rant to childish but, as a consequence, hateful listeners. 

This hateful racist is whom Obama's minister for some 20 years awarded!

Yes, Klevius knows very well that people are very vulnerable to theatrical performance - especially when this helps to excuse one's often misdirected anger about oneself. This is why Klevius would never even dream of acting like Farrakhan. And this is why Klevius believes in Human Rights instead of segregation.

'I will kill you if you put your hands on me' Farrakhan said in a context where some presumably white official during the "million man marsh" had explained an escape route for him in the case of violence. And for his black audience (above) he made it sound the opposite to what the official had meant. Farrakhan unscrupulously played the race card hard, hinting the possible violence was white, not black, and then in a childish but obviously for this audience effective way (see how happy they look at the very moment he utters 'kill') played the hero card by stating that he 'should die with his people'. Moreover, Farrakhan knows very well that many young and some older black haters love to hear him hinting at hate violence by using words like 'kill' and 'fight back' etc. He also loves using the word 'devil' when talking about white people. Why? Simply because Nation of Islam's very racist hateful core idea is that "whites" are evil devils while "blacks" are "god's" chosen people. No other race is as good as "blacks" according to just one of the unbelievable fantasies from which Farrakhan's muslim hate organization emerged (see more about NOI furthest down on this posting).

How many police officers and civilians have been assaulted and murdered by young black haters because of muslim clown Farrakhan's and others continuous hateful agitation?

NYPD officers turning their back against NY mayor Blasio who together with muslim born (apostate?!) Mr X "president" Hussein Obama Soetoro (or whatever) has been agitating in support of black racism. NYPD officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos (top left) were murdered by a black thug (with a long criminal record) while sitting in their patrol car. Whereas every muslim is tied to Human Rights violating islam via islamic sharia, a black police has no such a tie to black criminals. However, because blacks in certain areas are hugely over represented in crime stats (hence also proportionally in general stats), it would be quite strange if equally many whites were pulled over, arrested etc. in such areas.

The black clown* "Minister" Louis Farrakhan for the audience on the pic: You grew up a privileged devil on the sweat and blood of black people who made America before your fathers got here. All you recent Europeans, you're so happy here but you're walking on our blood. We picked the cotton till our fingers were cut and bruised. And you sold it all over the world so you got rich and we got nothing.

If we hypothetically consider so called "African-Americans" as a group having the same intelligence as other groups - then what we see here would be a segregation based on intelligence, i.e. that dumb blacks are clustered together via hate speech while the smart blacks keep away - or just benefit on these dumb blacks. Although one might expect that most of the audience are quite privileged (enjoying money from the Obama administration etc) and that the dirty guides this agitation is meant for listen to it via Youtube.

However, the one and only hook that keeps up Farrakhan's hate speech is something that has absolutely nothing to do with the audience or the Youtube consuming haters. And without that slavery hook Farrakhan's racist rant becomes completely meaningless in every other sense except as a pure invitation to hate - and to politically/financially benefit on it - thanks to the Obama administration.

Blacks are not the only ones whose forefathers and mothers suffered and it's ridiculous to connect 1/8 of one's genetics into a skin color that encompasses everything (even albinos?) but not "white" and then categorize it as "black" for segregational hate usage. If blacks have claims against history then they will end up in an endless cue of other "sufferer heirs" as well. And could they even stand a cue filled also with white people?!

Moreover, there are no groups of sufferers other than sufferers and sufferers can't be distinguished by 1/8 genetics that occurred many hundred years ago.  And the only ones in the group of sufferers who can suffer are individuals, not the group. And "whites" isn't and has never been a self conscious group. On the contrary, it's a group created recently and mainly by segregationalists outside that "group" as a target for hatred.

However, what is totally lacking in Farrakhan's retarded theatrical rant is the self conscious group that enslaved practically the whole of Africa, i.e. islam. And not only did the Arab muslims based their entire finance on slavery, they did it so consciously that they even wrote a book about it in Arabic that said they could do so, and used Arabic language imperialism as an interface to segregate the "infidels" and to "educate" other Africans in how to "justify" the taking and trading of African slaves to the islamic slave markets. Zwahili is one remnant of that slavery interface.

Islam is the worst ideological crime history knows about. That's why criticism of islam is called "islamophobia" (i.e. "blasphemy"). And it's the very same reason why the defense of the most basic of Human Rights inevitably becomes "islamophobic".

Etc., etc., etc.

White afropologists continue the same destructive segregation that started with the white founder of the African-American movement and the white founder of Nation of Islam.

 Where the whole out-of-Africa hoax is all about segregation, Peter Klevius unbeaten analysis (since 1992) shows that evolution doesn't follow political segregation. 

A real scientist, like e.g. Peter Klevius, always starts from anomalies. The main anomalies in the flawed out-of-Africa paradigm are:

1 Cold adapted, mongoloid "native Africans".

2 280,000 bp archaic mongoloid Jinniushan woman (Denisovan?!) in northern China with a bigger brain than most women today. She is also the biggest female Homo fossil ever found - so what about her brothers and sons?

3 Shompen (SE Asia), Khoisan (South Africa), Yanomami (South America).

4 Homo floresiensis representing a pre-Homo erectus stage - beyond the Wallace line. I.e. the very answer to those Afropologs who have pointed to the lack of pre-Homo erectus outside Africa.

5 The extremely sophisticated artefacts in the Denisova cave, as well as the non-African genome complexities there.

6 Liujiang and other moderns in SE Asia - much older than any truly modern in Africa.

7 The impossibility of Africa as a continent to produce necessary radical evolutionary steps for human evolution.

Contrary to Afropologists who try to hide their confusion by declaring "Africa is a big place", a real scientist, like e.g. Peter Klevius, thinks Africa is a too cramped place for easily moving bipedals.

Contrary to Afropologists, a real scientist, like e.g. Peter Klevius, doesn't jump to conclusion on the basis of what can be easily found - e.g. in the Rift Valley smorgasbord.

Peter Klevius wrote:

Friday, April 17, 2020

Peter Klevius anthropological quiz to Afropologists: Anything peculiar with this map?

Apparent stupidity lecture by a Harvard professor

However, Peter Klevius thinks this stupidity is derived from his ignorance about human evolution. However, the fact that he uses the map below is unforgivable.

Professor Christopher A. Walsh lectures on Genes, Cognition, and Human Brain Evolution, Oct 10, 2018.

Peter Klevius hint: It's a long way to Australia from Africa - and over the Wallace line. But a short walking path to e.g. Europe.

Peter Klevius wrote:

Friday, March 27, 2020

No human, antelope or gelada/baboon evolution in Africa - only hybridization and phenotyping.

Svante Pääbo (Max Planck Institute) thinks something happened with human intelligence some 50,000 bp. Peter Klevius has since 2010-2012 stated that this was due to 1) a new brain setup from the cradle of evolution, i.e. SE Asian volatile archipelago (see postings below) which 2) then entered the mainland and filled big skulled northern Homos (compare art and dna from the Denisova cave).

Peter Klevius reminder to other anthropologists (and especially to afropologists): Earth isn't flat anymore!

The insane idea that a moving target like Australopithecus, Homo habilis, Homo erectus, Homo sapiens etc. could have been hiding on the Eurasian peninsula called Africa for some million years to reach speciation, will become the laughing stock of future anthropologists.

Everyone agrees that antelopes came out of Eurasia into Africa. However, because baboons have become sort of a love child of afropologists as a model for the senseless "human evolution in Africa", it's stubbornly and without any real foundation argued that baboons evolved there. But the very fact that all baboons are so similar and frequently hybridize, should have been a crispy clear warning signal - especially considering geladas in 
Spain and India, and the much more plausible evolutionary connection to SE Asia.

Peter Klevius: Do realize that India and the rest of South Asia constitute a black hole for fossils - while East Africa is the very opposite where e.g. the continuous cracking up of the Rift Valley places fossils on a smorgosboard with the oldest in the northern parts of Africa. However, quantity of fossils doesn't prove origin, nor does DNA from (Mongoloid looking) modern people prove where their genetic ancestors lived hundreds of thousand years ago.

Peter Klevius wrote:

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Big Afropological words from a big (on the web) "Piltdown man" - with a PC dwarfed brain?

Afropologist John Hawks: "Humans and fossil hominins, we know today, are closer to chimpanzees and gorillas than any of them are to orangutans." Anthropologist Peter Klevius: ?!

To spread unfounded guesswork outside ones "expertice" is usually called charlatanism. John Hawks lacks expertice on most of his fanciful conclusions. And it seems that he lacks brain power enough for a multidisciplinary connecting of evolutionary dots. Btw, do realize that Homo floresiensis LB1 on the pic is an adult female.

Anthropologist Peter Klevius: Why orangutans?! Is it because he sees orangutans as a problem in the great ape family? It would have been so much easier if orangutans didn't exist in SE Asia. However, John Hawks is much more related to Homo floresiensis than to chimps. But his "explanation" to how Homo floresiensis "travelled from Africa to Flores" wouldn't impress a 3-year old. Moreover, John Hawks "explanation" in fact completely counteracts his own out-of-Africa sermon.

Afropologist John Hawks: "Is it hard to imagine that a medium-sized mammal species, which relies on foraging across 100 square kilometers or more for high-energy foods, would be aware of islands that are in sight? When you look at these places in island Southeast Asia with early hominin activity, ancient sea levels were much lower and all these islands are one or two small hops across narrow straits. Palawan is an island between Borneo and the Philippines, and today these water crossings are hundreds of kilometers, but in the past they may have been as narrow as ten kilometers. That’s not very far to imagine hominin individuals making crossings, if they were already playing with very basic ways of crossing rivers and using near-beach water resources. When it comes to colonizing a new island, it is the exceptional that matters. In fact, if crossings were regular, island populations could never evolve to be very different from nearby mainland populations. It is the very fact that crossing is rare that allows island adaptations to emerge after the population is established."

Anthropologist Peter Klevius question to Afropologist John Hawks: So how could humans ever have evolved in Africa?!

The hoax Piltdown man moved to Africa - while the real Flores lady is called "a Hobbit".

 Peter Klevius thanks two ladies, Jinniushan (1992) and Floresiensis (2004), for leading him out of his out-of-Africa delusion.

 The use of tools, fire etc. is of no importance for the overall picture. It's the modern features of the skull and the ape like, yet fully bipedal, postcranial features, found on an island on the wrong side of the Wallace line that makes any evolutionary theory based on out-of-Africa simply laughable. It took Piltdown man many decades to be accepted as a hoax among "mainstream anthropologists". How long will it take before "mainstream anthropologists" accept that the out-of-Africa castle is buit on sand?

Homo floresiensis fits perfectly as an outlier in Peter Klevius SE Asian volatile island/mainland scheme where primates evolved over monkeys to apes and homos. SE Asia has produced a variety of evolutionary forms of which most have spread over the Afro-Eurasian continent, mixing/hybridizing with previous ones.

Islam is again hampering science - but when you prove it then you aren't considered believable (sic) anymore.

Peter Klevius wrote on Science Blogs 2005 and was immediately attacked by islam defenders:

A stunning photo that really makes one think abt M130 and brain qualities (regardless of size)!
OK that put aside this is all about protecting Islam and yes, Teuku Jacob is a crypto-creationist in line with the usual balancing between fundamentalism and an Islam that pretends being modern (By the way, Australia has already a law making it impossible to critisize Islam!).
Take a look at Out of Africa as Pygmies and back as global "Mongoloids". Maybe the Hobbit represents the first OOA-delivey of a more wrinkled brain that later replaced all the other?

"OK that put aside this is all about protecting Islam and yes, Teuku Jacob is a crypto-creationist in line with the usual balancing between fundamentalism and an Islam that pretends being modern"
At least try to have an ounce of real evidence beyond someone's ethnicity if you are going to make wild accusations like this. If he was a Creationist he would've arranged for Duane Gish or William Dembski to analyze the bones, not Alan Thorne and Maciej Henneberg*.
By Jason Malloy (not verified) on 25 Jun 2005 #permalink
However, today the situation remains. DNA extraction from Homo floresiensis is forbidden by Indonesia - and the only reason is the same as with Teuku Jakob, i.e. that the very mix of ape and human like fatures doesn't fit islam's crypto-creationism. Sad, isn't it?

Anthropologist Peter Klevius wrote:

Sunday, May 19, 2019

The "out of Africa" hoax is worse than the Piltdown hoax - and much bigger and more worrisome.

Peter Klevius asks whether there has ever been a more laughable "theory" than the silly "out of Africa" one? Flat Earth (supported by the Vatican) and NASA hiding our second Sun, come close though. And if any African takes offence for this Western pseudoscience, then it just proves that no one is safe against fake science. When does Klevius get accused of "out of Africa-phobia"?

Homo naledi was thought to have had shut up for some millions of years but sadly turned out to be a very recent fellow. The fact is that Africa (like Europe) lies in the wrong end of the Afro-Euroasiatic continent, and African "diversity" is similar to what you expect to find in a dump - not in a factory.

Why is our real* ancestor "mother" from SE Asia called a sick hobbit while an African ape fossil was named Lucy (actually a quite appropriate name for this LSD fog) and the "mother" of humankind?

* As Klevius has always argued since he knew about it (2004), Homo floresiensis on Flores was stuck behind the Wallace line and therefore not directly connected as such. However, Klevius point is that she represents an evolutionary stage that was widespread on both sides of the Wallace line but where those to the north developed further thanks to repeated contact and hybridization with mainland Asia. A scenario where Lucy swims to Flores over the Wallace line and there develops to a fire using, tool making skilled hunter with a globular brain and modern teeth is completely out of question for any sensible mind - except apparently for "out of Africa" sectarians. But for Homo floresiensis-like creatures to the north of the Wallace line there has been many possibilities to reach Africa without crossing water. The whole of primate evolution is centered in SE Asia from the very scratch. And as the volatile SE Asian archipelago seems to have been the perfect evolutionary laboratory for primates - you don't really need Klevius intelligence to connect the most obvious dots, do you. Try to imagine an evolutionary volatile island world, repeatedly connected and disconnected with each other and with the mainland. Spice it with climate changes that keep it tropical but also offers a range of different elevations due to existing mountain slopes etc. Then add repeated island dwarfing, extended bipedalism and hybridization. And if you still didn't get the picture, at least you may realize the complexities and evolutionary niches and opportunities it offers - quite the opposite to the African (or other) continent. Whereas true evolution needs protected niches, hybridization dilutes through gene flow. So Homo floresiensis got a better organized brain due to island evolution - but needed to come out from it so to be able to spread the brain gene(s) to its previous kins who had already become better bipedals precisely because of previous land connections. In fact, Klevius thinks this evolutionary pattern has been going on throughout most (maybe all) primate evolution to monkeys/apes/hominines. The pattern in Africa fits perfectly in Klevius out of Eurasia theory. Klevius admits being embarrassingly stupid because of how long he tried to cling to the African savannah and bipedal apes scenario. He should have skipped it already 2004 when he first heard about Homo floresiensis. There you see how even intelligent and free scientists can be trapped in an overwhelming bias fog - only excuse being Klevius scientific method of bias hunting sometimes causes severe allergic reactions. So in summary, whereas the oldest (and "puzzling") out of "Africa "evidence" is based on fossils on the corner closest to Asia and DNA from now living mongoloid African natives, SE Asia offers a non-puzzling relief.

A multi-regional Wallacea-Sundaland may explain a lot.

The Orangutan is earlier on the ape tree than any African ape, and possesses many dental etc. traits pointing towards more flexible relatives when it comes to environment.

The Makassar Straits opened sometimes  during mid Eocene. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that Afrasia and Afrotarsius are sister taxa within a basal anthropoid clade designated as the infraorder Eosimiiformes. Current knowledge of eosimiiform relationships and their distribution through space and time suggests that members of this clade dispersed from Asia to Africa sometime during the middle Eocene, shortly before their first appearance in the African fossil record. Crown anthropoids and their nearest fossil relatives do not appear to be specially related to Afrotarsius, suggesting one or more additional episodes of dispersal from Asia to Africa. Hystricognathous rodents, anthracotheres, and possibly other Asian mammal groups seem to have colonized Africa at roughly the same time or shortly after anthropoids gained their first toehold there. Also compare India colliding with Asia.

The oldest hominids in Africa were all near the Bab el Mandeb land bridge to Asia - except for the oldest (Toumai) which died in what is now mid-Sahara but back then a rich valley connected to Europe over a then dry Mediterranean.
Toumai was actually a later copy of similar European fossils.

And why is it that Peter Klevius has had the best  adapted and published analyses about human evolution since 1992 (see below), and that his views always have been contrary to the field although they have later always been confirmed? Although Peter Klevius* would love to lick it up as due only to his intelligence, the fact is that this intelligence would have meant nothing was it not for Peter Klevius* lucky position of not being bound by bias to the same extent as others in the field.

Although Peter Klevius* would love to lick it up as due only to his intelligence, the fact is that this intelligence would have meant nothing was it not for Peter Klevius* lucky position of not being bound by bias to the same extent as others in the field.

* Peter Klevius writes 'Peter Klevius' precisely so to remind all citation fantasts about the fact that they can cite Peter Klevius and therefore contribute to enlighten some dark corners of the field who would otherwise have no idea about the existence of better analyses. And always remember, Peter Klevius is a defender of your Human Rights and against those who try to protect islamofascism from scrutiny and criticism. So don't let a fascist "islamophobia" smear campaign against Human Rights divert you.

However, the very fact that the Piltdown hoax was created by a specialist in the field and that it corresponded to wishful thinking among "scholars", should be taken very seriously as a warning. Out of Africa is a similar hoax although it's even more "patched" by stretching concepts over their limits, using quantity and lack of quantity as proof, using modern DNA as proof of evolution in Africa hundreds of thousands and millions of years ago, political correctness, muslim oil money etc. - plus a bit of what could be described as essentially racist pity for a backward Africa that was devastated by 1,400 years of islamic slave raiding and trading.

The area of exposed land in Sundaland has fluctuated considerably during the past recent 2 million years.
Greater portions of Sundaland were most recently exposed during the last glacial period from approximately 110,000 to 12,000 years ago. When sea level was decreased by 30–40 meters or more, land bridges connected the islands of Borneo, Java, and Sumatra to the Malay Peninsula and mainland Asia. Because sea level has been 30 meters or more lower throughout much of the last 800,000 years, the current state of Borneo, Java, and Sumatra as islands has been a relatively rare occurrence throughout the Pleistocene. In contrast, sea level was higher during the late Pliocene, and the exposed area of Sundaland was smaller than what is observed at present. During the Last Glacial Maximum sea level fell by approximately 120 meters, and the entire Sunda Shelf was exposed.

The skulls found in Europe (Iberia/Sima de los Huesos) are more than 100,000 years older than the Moroccan fossils - which moreover are on the "wrong side of Africa".

In the face of "out of Africa" sectarians: The so called "oldest anatomically modern human" (Irhoud, Morocco) was actually quite primitive.

In contrast to their partially modern facial morphology, the Irhoud crania
retain a primitive overall shape of the brain-case and endocast, that
is, unlike those of recent modern humans.

There exists no genetic evidence whatsoever that supports "out pf Africa" - simply because we lack old enough DNA from sub-Saharan Africa. Oldest African DNA came from Eurasia.

It's all circumstantial and centered around its initial out of Africa presumption, i.e. not scientific at all.

Moreover, Africans with the oldest DNA, the Khoisan (e.g. San people), are light-skinned and cold adapted, i.e. mongoloid, and the oldest sub-Saharan skull is unrelated and younger than Eurasian globular skulls. Also compare the remarkable Liujiang skull (see below).

However, cold adaptation makes much more sense in Eurasia.

Afro-centrism is all over the place. So for example, is it said that monkeys swam or rafted some 1,800 km to South America rather than taking the natural way between South and North America. We don't know when or how this could have happened exactly, but we do know for sure that it would have been much easier. And the lineage to monkeys was certainly already there.

And no one knows anything about the evolution of African apes - yet they are constantly used as "evidence". So out of Africa random cherry picking ought to be contrasted with Klevius smaller quantity but much more crucial findings (Jinniushan, Liujiang, Homo floresiensis, Denisovan etc.) perfectly located in an overarching theory.

Good scientific theories ought to be able to predict future finds. Klevius "mongoloid" line of theory since 1992 seems to have fulfilled this criterion quite well, and probably even more so in the future. As Klevius stated some ten years ago

What puzzles Klevius right now is how to place Pygmies and Negritos relative to Khoisan, Shompen and South American natives. However, Klevius will be back when he gets just a little more info from the secretive rooms of anthropology.

However, what puzzles Peter Klevius even more is the silence from the field. Have they found more stuff in line with Klevius analysis and don't know how to present it?!

Btw, here's Demand for Resources (Resursbegär 1992, ISBN 9173288411), recommended reading for Greta Thunberg and all her supporters. It's originally written in Swedish and published in Sweden. If you can't find it anywhere else, then ask the Royal Library in Stockholm.

Portrait cut out from a family family photo - after all, the book was addressed "to our children".

Why trust Peter Klevius? 

No financial ties. No academic ties. No religious ties. Super intelligent. Best analysis on "consciousness", sex segregation, human evolution, and Human Rights - not to mention that Peter Klevius was the first to correctly analyze the origin of Vikings as a bilingual "Finland-Swedish" phenomenon triggered by the establishment of the Abbasid slave caliphate and its hunger for white sex slave girls - so to keep their lineages lighter than the non-Arab "infidel" Africans. The only one on the planet that can show an uninterrupted line of the, in retrospective, best possible published analyses after new discoveries - and much less "surprises" than the "mainstream academic field" seems to be filled with. Never heard about Peter Klevius? No wonder because he's rarely cited. And that should worry you. University research and news media are biased in line with their political and/or religious sponsors. So when Wikipedia demands "citations", and adds that they should be from "news media" or "scholars", then you're practically excluded from really good unbiased information. Moreover, serious scientific analysis outside these channels then often gets deliberately pushed to a domain filled with alien hunters and creationist nut heads - making it even harder for you to find relevant info.

Klevius could continue elaborate on his theory for you but he's lazy and not paid, so why not ask in comments. The way this posting is shaped has all to do with targeting deep bias in the field while simultaneously spread some relevant facts to people with less understanding of the problems - and therefore an easy target for PC fake academic "science" - not to mention alien conspiracy "alchemists" etc. 

This pic has since 2012 always come up top on a 'klevius' search on Google. Back then Peter Klevius still cowardly hesitated to skip the African savanna from the formula.

Klevius wrote:

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Africa was unsuitable for human evolution, SE Asia was perfect - so why are some "researchers"* still babbling?!

Acknowledgment: Dear reader, as you're already more than accustomed with Klevius laziness, you're probably not surprised to hear that this posting was meant to be more thorough and elaborated but failed again. So have patience, any month now Klevius  patch it via proofreading and updates. So chew on this in the meantime and blame Klevius - others do. And as usual, Klevius doesn't take any responsibility - except for the intellectual content behind the rubbish, of course.

The genetic myth about "out of Africa" is entirely based on mongoloid San DNA (non ancient) whose physical appearance in fossil records in sub-Saharan Africa is very recent and differs from the oldest "modern" skull ever found in sub-Saharan Africa (36,000bp Hofmeyer). This means that the old part of San DNA came from somewhere else. Together with mongoloid features (cold adaptation) this clearly points to the north.

The ~260,000bp incipient "mongoloid" Jinniushan from northern China - a corner stone in Peter Klevius' published theory on human evolution since 1992.
Klevius question in his 1992 book (ISBN 9173288411) was twofold:

1 How come that there was a "mongoloid" big brained skull in northern China  two ice age cycles before present, yet nothing really happened before ~50,000bp?
2  How come that the oldest modern Africans are "mongoloids" - but much younger in Africa than the China fossils?

Since then it has emerged that Jinniushan was actually female, hence making her even more remarkable.

While continental Africa is and always has been an evolutionary dead end (no secure and longterm evolutionary hiding places), South East Asian archipelago has always constituted an evolutionary hotbed with its volatile island/mainland fluctuations.

Peter Klevius evolution tutorial - and the misleading term "anatomically modern humans" - and the silence about Denisovan's brain connection to truly modern humans.

Unlike most PC genetists/anthropologists today, Klevius shares with Svante Pääbo (is someone holding Svante back?) the view that what happened before the events represented by the findings in the Denisova cave, the pace of development among Homos were extremely slow. No matter how much Neanderthalphils and Afrocentrists try to induce "human like" meaning in more general Homo behavior. Neanderthals mixing and scrawling with ochre or using tree resins to affix stone points to wooden shafts doesn't prove anything re. their intelligence compared to the bracelet etc. in the Denisova cave, and how this new sophistication among modern humans then rapidly spread over Eurasia (compare the Lion Man 41,000bp in Europe and the Sulawesi rock painting 35,500bp). And burying the dead just tells about missing a loved one. And regular scratches on different materials have been around since at least half a Million years.

Klevius reminder to the reader: In Demand for Resources (1992 ISBN 9173288411) Klevius not only set the foundation of the so far best theory on consciousness and how the brain works, but also connected the big brained 280,000 bp Jinniushan in northern China with the mongoloid features of the oldest Africans - and asked: Why didn't Jinniushan people go to the Moon., after all, they had several iceages time to do so with a brain size exceeding modern humans. In 2004, after the discovery of Homo floresiensis  Klevius immediately told the world that here was the "missing brain link". Whe six years later Denisovan was found, Klevius theory was proven correct in everything except details.

John Hawks and many others seem to have combined their own ethnocentrism with Afrocentrism by 1) in a racist way "comforting" "Africans" that they are the "cradle" while simultaneously trying to lift up the "European" Neanderthal to be included in the "human family". Ironically, reality seems to prefer the very opposite.

The most important anthropological discovery ever, Homo floresiensis, doesn't fit in their view and is therefore either called "sick" or a "hobbit".

Chris Stringer in an interview 2018: "The heartland of Denisovan might have been in South East Asia." Peter Klevius (who was the first to say it publicly on the web 14 years before Stringer) agrees. However, there's much more to it. Denisovan 2 (two lineages discovered) was the one that had got a better packed brain through island dwarfing in SE Asia.

Primate evolution started and continued in SE Asia

 Klevius is of the strong opinion that the individual to the right on the pic below possesses a higher IQ, i.e. intelligence than the one to the left. And when it comes to intellect, the difference is even higher.
 Chris Stringer, who is a lovely lecturer who seriously tries to be scientific and PC at the same time, and therefore particularly dangerous for contaminating students with bias, is no stranger to fancy "theories". At one point he told the world (via fake news BBC, of course) that Neanderthals were less social than humans because they needed so much of their big brain for vision so that they lacked social skills. Peter Klevius answered (2013) this nonsense with the above pic (Tarsiers have smaller brains than their eyes - and they live in social groups as well as single) and reminded Stringer about the fact that there is no specific "visual brain area" which has been proven by studying individuals who were born blind and still had a functioning "visual brain area" now used for other tasks. Chris Stringer is also notorious for his lame excuses for having for so long clung to the most extreme out of Africa "theories". When will he again alter his Africa view - and preferably get it out of Africa?!

True scientist Peter Klevius has come out of Africa - when will Chris Stringer and other PC scientists come out of Africa?

Klevius respects Stringer, there are much worse out of Africa fanatics out there than him, but they aren't even worth mentioning. Chris ought to feel honored.

The Out of Africa mantra is a neo-colonialist insult against people living in Africa. A double one, considering the divisive effect it also has on "immigrants" to Africa.

Should they just be racially abused? PC people, in their blindness, are supporting divisive and racist movements in Africa. Many of these "immigrants" may even be seen as "Africans" because they look "negroid", and many non-"negroids" who have long roots in Africa may be seen as non-Africans.

There are no Africans, Asians, Europeans or Americans. We are all bastards. The reason why Klevius (since 1992) always has emphasized "mongoloids" is precisely to 1) underscore
that the least favoured "race" may be the main key to understanding modern humans, and to 2) undermine the racial bias against North and East Eurasians.

The fear of talking about intelligence but not about e.g. beauty etc., is an obstacle to science and scientists like Svante Pääbo and Peter Klevius, who both have no problem seeing the selfevident, namely that there must have been a huge jump in at least some humans intelligence based on what we now know from the Siberian Denisova cave.

Yes, there are more people with lower IQ in sub-Saharan Africa and Australia. So what?! There are also geniuses - and most people there are just average as everywhere else. Why would it be a problem that intelligence isn't exactly equally distributed? Underlying such an approach is pure racism against e.g. retarded (by birth or accident etc.) or less intelligent people.

Sub-Saharan Africa and Australia were dead ends when it came to human evolution. As was South America which only differed in that it didn't collect "evolutionary garbage" - there's little difference between e.g. Shompen in SE Asia and indigenous South Americans, but a huge genetic diversity in Africans and Australians.

Primate evolution has since its start come out from SE Asia. And the reason for this is the evolutionary volatile SE Asian archipelago. However, modern humans got their "mongoloid" features in the cold north (see Klevius theory below).

In all ends (except Australia) of the world natives look mongoloid.

The world during and after the dinosaurs

The modern human Homo sapiens sapiens (HSS) brain setup, according to Peter Klevius (2012), evolved in three main steps: 1. head shrinking without losing processing power, 2. filling up bigger skulls, 3. entering HSS.

100 Ma: The southern continent has just cracked up.

60 Ma six million years after the "big bang" in Yucatan killed most insects and therefore altered evolution for many species. After this period we see the emergence of Teilhardina.

Omomyid haplorhine Teilhardina is known on all three continents in association with the carbon isotope excursion marking the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum 55.5 Ma. Relative position within the carbon isotope excursion indicates that Asian Teilhardina asiatica is oldest, European Teilhardina belgica is younger, and North American Teilhardina brandti and Teilhardina americana are, successively, youngest. Analysis of morphological characteristics of all four species supports an S-E Asian origin and a westward Asia-to-Europe-to-North America dispersal. High-resolution isotope stratigraphy indicates that this dispersal happened in an interval of ≈25,000 yr. Rapid geographic dispersal and morphological character evolution in Teilhardina are consistent with rates observed in other contexts.

50 Ma

40 Ma:

10 Ma: Bipedal apes in Eurasia.

Sea-level changes can act as “species pumps” (compare what Klevius, back in 2003, wrote about how climate changes "pumped" genes through central Asian "arteries").

Sea-level changes during the Paleocene–Eocene and Plio–Pleistocene played a major role in generating biodiversity in SE Asia and contributed to recent divergence of many species. The timing of one early divergence between Indo-Burmese and Sundaic species coincides with late Paleocene and early Eocene high global sea levels, which induced the formation of inland seaways in the Thai-Malay Peninsula. Subsequent lowered sea levels may have provided a land bridge for its dispersal colonization across the Isthmus of Kra.

 Do consider that the Manot skull is very small (1,100cc) compared to the much older Liujiangs skull (1567cc) from Southeast China >68,000bp. Do also understand that early reports about "sapiens teeth and jaws" in Israel don't prove anything about the crania.

Here Manot is compared to a female from Europe 36,000bp.

These skulls were found in Northwestern Africa (300,000bp) and Southwestern Europe (430,000bp) respectively. However, the "African" skull is called modern human whereas the "European" skull is called Neandertal, despite the fact that neither has anything to do with truly modern humans.

Klevius theory on human evolution has tightly followed new findings without being locked to a doxic out-of-Africa mantra. That's why this image has come first for some six years on a Google search.

Peter Klevius wrote:

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Why Africa was impossible and SE Asia necessary for human evolution

Peter Klevius simple evolution tutorial for simple minds - e.g. ignorant anthropology professors etc.

 Peter Klevius evolution formula, first published as an article 1981 and as a book 1992 (ISBN9173288411) and on the web 2004, 2008, 20010, 2012. Do note that those who didn''t hybridize resulted in the fossile diversity that has puzzled som amny an anthropologist. Also consider that Peter Klevius general evolution formula (first published 1981) covers everything including the fractured oceans(s) that led to diversity after the cambrian explosion and extinction.

Peter Klevius annoying habit of repeating Peter Klevius, and his self citations, isn't a neural defect but has to be evaluated against the very thick wall* between him and Harvard, Stanford etc., which makes his existence almost invisible. Not to mention the enormous moat* concisting of "spiritualists", creationalists, religionists, alienists, conspirationalists etc.

* 'Wall' and 'moat' come from old Swedish words still in use today, i.e. 'vall' and 'mot'. Don't trust fake etymology - trust Peter Klevius who would be extremely embarrassed if he were proven wrong.

Peter Klevius evolution formula (published 1981, 1992): Isolation-fluctuation* and hybridization. There's no difference between the evolution of Universe and the Sun and its surrounding, or the evolution of "life". We lack a coherent definition of "life" and will never get one. However, comfort yourself with Peter Klevius 'existence-centrism' and UN's negative Universal Human Rights.

* No dude, there's no "extinction" other than the one you use practically in Wittgenstein's language game. If the dinosaurs haven't disappeared then why would the hominies.

Peter Klevius' appeal for the understanding of the disability concisting of how a super high IQ combined with a flawless hormone/dopamine/serotonine balance* makes him the "extremely normal" whom no one really likes - except for those who know him 100% longterm and have survived their annoyance of own shortcomings mirrored in his disability. So Peter Klevius "bragging" about himself is easily outweighed by his disability - if this fact may comfort you. After all, intelligencephobia is so PC that the only intelligence that is possible, i.e. the individual one, is denied while the oxymoron "group intelligence" is hailed. Peter Klevius + 9 half idiots would have an average IQ as a group - so what?!  

* If you get annoyed while reading this, then ask yourself if you would be equally annoyed when reading about the qualities of a sports star, an actor/actress, a singer etc. See my point?
However, unlike you, Peter Klevius also suffers from the ethical dilemma of sitting silent and have peace  while clearly understanding he has something to offer. And pretending to be "humble" would only diffuse him into the realm of easily dismissed (from whatever direction at whatever time and subject) opinionaters.

Peter Klevius on cosmology, first in an article (1981) and later unchanged in Demand for Resources (1992:23, ISBN 9173288411):

'The basis of existence is motion/change, and causality constitutes a complex of evolution and devolution. Evolution may be seen as the consequence of causality's variables in time where complexity in existing structures are regenerated. This stands in opposition to thermodynamics which theoretically leads to maximal entropy (i.e. equilibrium) where time/change ultimately would end. Someone might then say that the products of evolution are just temporary components in causality's road towards uniformity.'
(Klevius 1992:23). An example of evolution and devolution is a star cycle ending in a super nova - incl. everything in it.

A lump in a nebula is the "island" on which a star is born.

1. Peter Klevius concept 'existence-centrism' (1992) is the only way to understand and handle the traps for logic that language creates. Existence-centrism is the immutable truth that we can't sidestep. All your (or humankind's) collected experience at every single moment limits what you can say. And as a consequence, metaphysical statements are either impossible or just "meta-metaphysical".

2. The formation of structure not only rests on previous structure but is the very evidence for it.

The evolution of life may be described as based on strong fluctuations (isolation) and weak fluctuations (hybridization).

Speciation needs isolation. After migration hybridization
stops further speciation and explains fossil diversity
as well as existing phenotypes.
Human evolution in retrospective is a repeated chain of
speciation and hybridization.

Different types of life depend on different types of isolation and fluctuation.

Early hominines (before more advanced use of tools) were not specialized to really anything except bi-pedalism, but could do a little and eat a little of almost everything. This made them moving around in a way that excludes isolation other than on islands.

Therefore "part time islands" constitute the best evolutionary labs.

And SE Asia is the perfect cradle which has had a longterm and varied hiatory of island/mainland fluctuations incl. between islands.

 Peter Klevius wrote:

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Red Deer Cave people add more evidence for Klevius’ ape/homo hybridization theory

The irrefutable art track in Northern Eurasia (see map below) has no contemporary equivalent in other parts of the world. Based on what we know now it had no fore bearers whatsoever in any period of time. Moreover, it seems that there was even a decline before "civilizations" started tens of thousands of years later! Yet Klevius seems to be the only one addressing this most interesting (besides genetics) fact! According to Klevius (and no one else so far) the new and more efficient brain evolved in a jungle environment (SE Asia?) and spread up until meeting with big headed Neanderthals hence creating the modern human who later spread and dissolved with archaic homos. In this process Homo erectus was most probably involved as well.

Updated info about the origin of Klevius' theory

Keep in mind that mainland SE Asia possibly harbored physically truly modern humans already before the time range (12,000/18,000 ybp - 98,000 ybp) of the Homo floresiensis remains in the Flores cave.

Liujiang, SE China (est. 100,000-140,000ybp)

If this Liujiang skull had been found in Africa or Mideast Wikipedia and other media would be overfilled. But this is all you get now (summer 2015 update) from Wikipedia about this extremely important skull:

The Liujiang skull probably came from sediment dating to 111 000 to 139 000 which would mean it's older than the oldest Homo floresiensis remains on Flores. Nothing even remotely close to this modern skull has ever been found in Africa, Mideast or Europe this early. In other words, we have the extremely archaic looking Red Deer Cave people 100,000 years after this extremely modern looking Liujiang population at approximately the same region. Even the least probable estimate of 70,000 bp would make Liujiang more modern looking than anything else.

Also compare Lake Mungo remains in Australia with an mtDNA that differs completely from ours (incl. Australian Aborigines). Sadly the remains have been kept out of further research (which fact came handy for those who want to dismiss it) because of stupid* "Aboriginal"(?!) greed (for the purpose of making certain people more "special" than others for no good reason at all (also compare the ridiculous Kennewick man controversy). Does it need to be said that the Mungo remains are as far from Australian Aborigines in appearance as you can imagine. However, according to Alan Thorne, 'Mungo could not have come from Africa as, just like Aboriginal Australians don't look like anybody from Africa, Mungo Man's skeleton doesn't look like anybody from Africa either. LM3 skeleton was of a gracile individual, estimated stature of 196 cm, which all sharply contrast with the morphology of modern "indigenous" Australians. Compared to the older Liujiang skull Mungo man had a much smaller brain.

* There's no way anyone can state who was "first" in Australia - and even if there was, then there's still no way of  making any meaningful connection to now living people.

 Peter Klevius 1992-2010: From tropical SE-Asia to cold and protein/fat rich North Eurasia to global humans. In Demand for Resources (1992 ISBN 9173288411) Klevius not only set the foundation of the so far best theory on consciousness and how the brain works (see e.g. the "stone" example pp 31-33, or the 1994 EMAH paper that was sent to Francis Crick ), but also connected the big brained 280,000 bp Jinniushan in northern China with the mongoloid features of the oldest Africans - and asked: Why didn't Jinniushan people go to the Moon, after all, they had several iceages time to do so with a brain size exceeding modern humans. In 2004, after the discovery of Homo floresiensis  Klevius immediately told the world that here was the "missing brain link". When six years later Denisovan was found, Klevius theory was proven correct in everything except lesser details.

Most "mysteries" in genetics disappear by abandoning OOA and changing direction of HSS evolution. Only South East Asia offered a combination of tropical island/mainland fluctuations needed to put pressure on size reduction paired with evolutionary isolation in an environment where only those survived who managed to shrink their heads while keeping the same intelligence as their mainland kins with some double the sized brain. Homo floresiensis is evidence that such has happened there.

Denisovan is an extinct species of human in the genus Homo. In March 2010, scientists announced the discovery of a finger bone fragment of a juvenile female who lived about 41,000 years ago, found in the remote Denisova Cave in the Altai Mountains in Siberia, a cave which has also been inhabited by Neanderthals and modern humans. Two teeth and a toe bone belonging to different members of the same population have since been reported.

Analysis of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of the Denisovan finger bone showed it to be genetically distinct from the mtDNAs of Neanderthals and modern humans. Subsequent study of the nuclear genome from this specimen suggests that this group shares a common origin with Neanderthals, that they ranged from Siberia to Southeast Asia, and that they lived among and interbred with the ancestors of some present-day modern humans, with about 3% to 5% of the DNA of Melanesians and Aboriginal Australians deriving from Denisovans. DNA discovered in Spain suggests that Denisovans at some point resided in Western Europe, where Neanderthals were thought to be the only inhabitants. A comparison with the genome of a Neanderthal from the same cave revealed significant local interbreeding, with local Neanderthal DNA representing 17% of the Denisovan genome, while evidence was also detected of interbreeding with an as yet unidentified ancient human lineage. Similar analysis of a toe bone discovered in 2011 is underway, while analysis of DNA from two teeth found in layers different from the finger bone revealed an unexpected degree of mtDNA divergence among Denisovans. In 2013, mitochondrial DNA from a 400,000-year-old hominin femur bone from Spain, which had been seen as either Neanderthal or Homo heidelbergensis, was found to be closer to Denisovan mtDNA than to Neanderthal mtDNA.

Little is known of the precise anatomical features of the Denisovans, since the only physical remains discovered thus far are the finger bone, two teeth from which genetic material has been gathered and a toe bone. The single finger bone is unusually broad and robust, well outside the variation seen in modern people. Surprisingly, it belonged to a female, indicating that the Denisovans were extremely robust, perhaps similar in build to the Neanderthals. The tooth that has been characterized shares no derived morphological features with Neanderthal or modern humans. An initial morphological characterization of the toe bone led to the suggestion that it may have belonged to a Neanderthal-Denisovan hybrid individual, although a critic suggested that the morphology was inconclusive. This toe bone's DNA was analyzed by Pääbo. After looking at the full genome, Pääbo and others confirmed that humans produced hybrids with Denisovans.

Some older finds may or may not belong to the Denisovan line. These includes the skulls from Dali and Maba, and a number of more fragmentary remains from Asia. Asia is not well mapped with regard to human evolution, and the above finds may represent a group of "Asian Neanderthals".

Jinniushan and Floresiensis - the keys to Denisovan and the truly modern humans

Jinniushan had a bigger brain than anything in contemporary Africa

In Demand for Resources (1992:28 ISBN 9173288411) in a chapter about human evolution, Peter Klevius used only one example, the remarkable Jinniushan skeleton/cranium:

In northern China near North Korean border an almost complete skeleton of a young man who died 280,000 years ago. The skeleton was remarkable because its big cranial volume (1,400cc) was not expected in Homo erectus territory at this early time and even if classified as Homo sapiens it was still big. The anatomically completely modern human brain volume is 1,400 cc and appeared between 50-100,000 years ago. One may therefore conclude that big brain volume by far predated more sophisticated human behavior (Klevius 1992:28).

Today, when many believe the skeleton is female, the brain size becomes even more remarkable.

Since 1991 when Klevius wrote his book much new information has been produced. However, it seems that the Jinniushan archaic Homo sapiens still constitutes the most spectacular anomaly (together with Homo floresiensis) in anthropology. So why did Klevius pick Jinniushan instead of one of the more fashionable human remains? After all, Klevius was a big fan of Rchard Leakey (he even interviewed him in a lengthy program for the Finnish YLE broadcasting company) and there was a lot of exciting bones appearing from the Rift Valley.

In the 1980s Klevius paid special attention to Australian aborigines and African "bushmen" and noted that the latter were mongoloid in appearance (even more so considering that todays Khoe-San/Khoisan are heavily mixed with Bantu speakers). But mongoloid features are due to cold adaptation in the north and therefore the "bushmen" had to be related to Eurasia. Klevius soon realized that the Khoisan speakers had moved to the southern Africa quite recently as a consequence of the so called Bantu expansion. More studies indicated that the "bushmen" had previously populated most of east Africa up to the Red Sea and beyond.

So the next step for Klevius was to search for early big skulled human remains in the mongoloid northern part of Eurasia. And that search really paid off.

This happened more than 20 years before the discovery of the Denisova bracelet and the human relative Denisovan in Altai. 

Klevius book Demand for Resources (1992) in which these thoughts about mongoloid traits were published also predates Floresiensis with more than a decade.

Both fossils show clear cold adaptation (mongoloid) traits. However, Jinniushan (right) is older and has a bigger cranial capacity although it's female.

Peter Brown (world famous for discovering/defending Floresiensis in 2004 and who had big trouble getting his PhD accepted because of a biased supervisor/institution): What makes Dali, as well as Jinniushan (Lu, 1989; Wu, 1988a), particularly important is that both of their facial skeletons are reasonably complete. This is an unusual situation in China as the only other middle Pleistocene hominids to have faces in China are the Yunxian Homo erectus (Li and Etler, 1992), which are both very distorted. Originating in the pioneering research of Weidenreich (1939a, 1939b, 1943) at Zhoukoudian, there has been strong support by Chinese Palaeoanthropologists for evolutionary continuity between Chinese H. erectus and modern humans in China. It has been argued that this is most clearly expressed in the architecture of the facial skeleton (Wolpoff et al., 1984). East Asian traits have been argued to include lack of anterior facial projection, angulation in the zygomatic process of the maxilla and anterior orientation of the frontal process, pronounced frontal orientation of the malar faces, and facial flatness. While some of these traits may occur at high frequency in modern East Asians (cf Lahr, 1996) they are not present in late Pleistocene East Asians, for instance Upper Cave 101 and Liujiang (Brown, 1999), or more apparent in Dali and Jinniushan than archaic H. sapiens from Africa or Europe. Recently there has been a tendency to link a group of Chinese hominin fossils, including Dali, Maba, Xujiayao, and Jinniushan, previously considered by some researchers to be "archaic Homo sapiens", with the Denisovians (Reich et al. 2010; Martinón-Torres et al. 2011) ( However, apart from a few teeth, the Denisovians are only known from palaeo DNA. There is also a great deal of anatomical variation in the Chinese "archaic Homo sapiens" group. It will be interesting to see how this plays out over the next decade, or so.

Klevius: It turns the conventional anthropological map on its head!

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