
Tuesday, May 05, 2020

First double fake news? Swedish Aftonbladet continues to spread U.S. fake news about Shi Zhengli - in two places of its front page - long after this particular conspiracy theory has been other media

Swedish media hate China to an extent that it's the only thing Sweden's socialist and extreme right wing media have in common.

The Swedes were so eager to spread anti-China propaganda that they had to  double it on exactly the same frontpage. The screendumps were taken at the same time - and there was no updating for a long time to explain this.

Swedish Sinophobia has old roots inspired by the 19th century Opium Wars which were triggered by UK's imposition of the opium trade upon China. Lord Palmerston regarded the Chinese as uncivilized and suggested that the British must attack China to show up their superiority as well as to demonstrate what a "civilized" nation could do. And because the Brits looked so similar to the
Swedes, and the Chinese so different so...

Btw, check out Peter Klevius web museum from 2004 and the page The Mongoloid Complex.

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