
Sunday, March 22, 2020

Big Afropological words from a big (on the web) "Piltdown man" - with a PC dwarfed brain?

Afropologist John Hawks: "Humans and fossil hominins, we know today, are closer to chimpanzees and gorillas than any of them are to orangutans." Anthropologist Peter Klevius: ?!

To spread unfounded guesswork outside ones "expertice" is usually called charlatanism. John Hawks lacks expertice on most of his fanciful conclusions. And it seems that he lacks brain power enough for a multidisciplinary connecting of evolutionary dots. Btw, do realize that Homo floresiensis LB1 on the pic is an adult female.

Anthropologist Peter Klevius: Why orangutans?! Is it because he sees orangutans as a problem in the great ape family? It would have been so much easier if orangutans didn't exist in SE Asia. However, John Hawks is much more related to Homo floresiensis than to chimps. But his "explanation" to how Homo floresiensis "travelled from Africa to Flores" wouldn't impress a 3-year old. Moreover, John Hawks "explanation" in fact completely counteracts his own out-of-Africa sermon.

Afropologist John Hawks: "Is it hard to imagine that a medium-sized mammal species, which relies on foraging across 100 square kilometers or more for high-energy foods, would be aware of islands that are in sight? When you look at these places in island Southeast Asia with early hominin activity, ancient sea levels were much lower and all these islands are one or two small hops across narrow straits. Palawan is an island between Borneo and the Philippines, and today these water crossings are hundreds of kilometers, but in the past they may have been as narrow as ten kilometers. That’s not very far to imagine hominin individuals making crossings, if they were already playing with very basic ways of crossing rivers and using near-beach water resources. When it comes to colonizing a new island, it is the exceptional that matters. In fact, if crossings were regular, island populations could never evolve to be very different from nearby mainland populations. It is the very fact that crossing is rare that allows island adaptations to emerge after the population is established."

Anthropologist Peter Klevius question to Afropologist John Hawks: So how could humans ever have evolved in Africa?!

The hoax Piltdown man moved to Africa - while the real Flores lady is called "a Hobbit".

 Peter Klevius thanks two ladies, Jinniushan (1992) and Floresiensis (2004), for leading him out of his out-of-Africa delusion.

 The use of tools, fire etc. is of no importance for the overall picture. It's the modern features of the skull and the ape like, yet fully bipedal, postcranial features, found on an island on the wrong side of the Wallace line that makes any evolutionary theory based on out-of-Africa simply laughable. It took Piltdown man many decades to be accepted as a hoax among "mainstream anthropologists". How long will it take before "mainstream anthropologists" accept that the out-of-Africa castle is buit on sand?

Homo floresiensis fits perfectly as an outlier in Peter Klevius SE Asian volatile island/mainland scheme where primates evolved over monkeys to apes and homos. SE Asia has produced a variety of evolutionary forms of which most have spread over the Afro-Eurasian continent, mixing/hybridizing with previous ones.

Islam is again hampering science - but when you prove it then you aren't considered believable (sic) anymore.

Peter Klevius wrote on Science Blogs 2005 and was immediately attacked by islam defenders:

A stunning photo that really makes one think abt M130 and brain qualities (regardless of size)!
OK that put aside this is all about protecting Islam and yes, Teuku Jacob is a crypto-creationist in line with the usual balancing between fundamentalism and an Islam that pretends being modern (By the way, Australia has already a law making it impossible to critisize Islam!).
Take a look at Out of Africa as Pygmies and back as global "Mongoloids". Maybe the Hobbit represents the first OOA-delivey of a more wrinkled brain that later replaced all the other?
"OK that put aside this is all about protecting Islam and yes, Teuku Jacob is a crypto-creationist in line with the usual balancing between fundamentalism and an Islam that pretends being modern"
At least try to have an ounce of real evidence beyond someone's ethnicity if you are going to make wild accusations like this. If he was a Creationist he would've arranged for Duane Gish or William Dembski to analyze the bones, not Alan Thorne and Maciej Henneberg*.
By Jason Malloy (not verified) on 25 Jun 2005 #permalink
However, today the situation remains. DNA extraction from Homo floresiensis is forbidden by Indonesia - and the only reason is the same as with Teuku Jakob, i.e. that the very mix of ape and human like fatures doesn't fit islam's crypto-creationism. Sad, isn't it?

Anthropologist Peter Klevius wrote:

Sunday, May 19, 2019

The "out of Africa" hoax is worse than the Piltdown hoax - and much bigger and more worrisome.

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