
Friday, May 27, 2016

Will Mr X* "president" Barry Barakeh Hussein Dunham Obama Soetoro (or whatever) also excuse a possible muslim atom bomb?!

* Everything about this muslim born (apostate?!) is kept behind secrecy since he was "elected" by the help of Saudi steered racist media campaign. In this respect it's just a minor issue that while he was probably born in Hawaii, he was unconstitutional as a president because his father wasn't a US citizen and his mother hadn't been an adult for five years at the time of his birth as required.
However, the most important issue is by far his support for unconstitutional sharia islam.

This pic was originally created in 2008. Do note his islamofascist and Saudi connected mentor Mansour at his right ear, as well as his pick of a sharia "professor" (left ear) who states that the US Constitution can be changed to a sharia constitution


Obama and Saudi OIC support Bengali muslim terrorism

BBC and Obama's pick, rabbi David Saperstein, as "ambassador of international religious freedom" managed to paint a picture where Bhuddists constitute the main evil and muslims constitute the main victims in the world of today. Really?

Isn't it islam and muslims behind the absolute majority of religiously motivated terror of today?! How come then that BBC in its interview about "religious freedom" with this islam supporting rabbi managed to blink Islamic State, al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, etc muslim terrorism and just focused on these Bengali muslims whom Bangladesh had abandoned or forced to flee or sent to Myanmar just to spread the anti Human Rights sharia disease.

Rabbi Aryeh Spero: “I’ve been following David’s activities for 30 years. I’m not confident he will address the greatest threat to religious freedom today – radical Islam’s oppression … of Christians across many parts of the world as well as its threats against Jewish people.”

Klevius wrote:

According to BBC Nigeria suffers from "ethnic violence" and Myanmar from "Buddhist violence"!? But who started it?

Whereas believers in Universal Human Rights believe in the freedom of the individual, no matter of sex etc, believers in islam have to (because of Sharia) act as a collective, the Umma (today steered by OIC).


The first trigger: Rohingya muslims raped and murdered Buddhist Ma Thida Htwe

On the evening of 28 May 2012, a group of men robbed, raped and murdered an ethnic Rakhine Buddhist woman, Ma Thida Htwe, near the Kyaut Ne Maw village. The locals claim the culprits to have been Rohingya Muslims. The police arrested three suspects and sent them to Yanbye township jail. This event is first cause of riots of Rakhine.

Second trigger: Tun Tun Oo, a wealthy muslim gold shop owner slapped a Buddhist woman customer in her face and had her husband badly beaten up

Witnesses told Reuters that on March 21, Tun Tun Oo slapped a Buddhist woman who had accused employees of damaging a gold hair clip she wanted to sell. The woman’s husband was pulled outside, held down and beaten by three of the shop’s employees, according to the couple and two witnesses. The assaulted Buddhist couple was U Khin Maung Win and Daw Aye Aye Naings.
A mostly Buddhist crowd gathered, hurling stones and eventually destroying the shop and neighboring businesses. Later that day, four muslim men killed a Buddhist monk and Buddhist mobs then went on the rampage.
The muslim gold shop owner was sentenced to jail time after court hearing.

At that day, a Buddhist monk from Hanzar village of One-dwin township had come into the Meiktila town as a passenger on a motorbike and they were unknowingly riding through the Da-hart-tan muslim ward the biggest muslim quarters in Meiktila. Already-agitated muslims saw the Buddhist monk and chased the motorbike and managed to strike the Buddhist monk from behind with a sword and he fell to the ground from his pillion-riding position on the motorbike. He had a long deep gash on the back of his head just above his left ear. Muslim mobs forcefully took off his robe and brutally dragged the direly-wounded Buddhist monk into the nearby Myo-ma Mosque. Once inside the mosque they poured acid and petrol all over the wounded Buddhist monk and burned him alive.

Islamic feminism is connected with "islamic academia"

Klevius comment: And "islamic academia" is entirely connected to islamic fairy tales - like a microphone in front of a loudspeaker it just painfully repeats itself in an eternal loop! Asma Lamrabet in "Islamic Feminisms": “Muslim women have come to accept discriminatory acts supposed to be established by God, whereas they simply result from human interpretations that became sacred with time.” The project is extensive. It consists — in theory — of revising the fiqh (Islamic jurisprudential law), practicing ijtihad (intellectual effort), differentiating universal verses from those whose scope is only temporary, and distinguishing the text of the Quran from its application on the ground. These practices led Ali and her female colleagues to draw radical conclusions. Hanan al-Laham, a Syrian activist who interprets Islamic texts and works as a teacher in Saudi Arabia (sic), called for ijtihad to solve the difficult question of inheritance. These women have concluded that the framework in which the distribution of inheritance was designed in islam is no longer compliant with our times. Hence, it must be amended to create more equitable inheritance.

Klevius comment: “Muslim women have come to accept discriminatory acts supposed to be established by Allah". Yes, muslim women like Shamira Ahmed and Sayeeda Warsi both seem to fully accept Saudi based OIC and its Sharia (the so called Cairo declaration on "human rights in islam (sic)" which is aimed to cover the whole world's muslims. OIC's islamofascist coup d'état in the UN has resulted in a state of affairs that excludes muslim women from full Human Rights - no matter what "muslim feminists" try to do. The only possible way out for muslim women is apostasy, the worst crime known to islam! In this light pretend-to-be muslim women such as Shamira Ahmed and Sayeeda Warsi are hypocrites and bigots who earn their money on the behalf of all muslim women who continue suffering under islam. In fact, Samira Ahmed and Sayeeda Warsi have both already committed apostasy just like Obama (whose father was a muslim and whose father was also a muslim) unless, of course, they aren't committing taqiya, i.e. deliberately lying for the sake of islam!

Nothing of this nonsense addresses the main problem visavi full Human Rights! And the childish "differentiating universal verses" proposal can never free itself from equal but differing proposals from other muslim groups!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Stop searching for the motive - it's in the Koran for anyone to read!

If women wouldn't submit to sex apartheid, islam would be dead by now - not its victims!

Klevius comment: And aided by sex segregation. Just consider the denying mum who got a veil at approximately the same time as her son matured. And the US wife "who didn't know anything" although she had to convert to islam.

The pathetic US "president" eagerly tries to erase islam's fingerprint from this case while he equally eagerly supports Saudi and Qatar islamofascists and Al-Qaeda in Syria.

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