
Monday, May 16, 2016

Islam got a new name: "Uncontrolled migration" - and BBC calls ordinary Brits "far right populists" if they feel uncomfortable* with islam.

 * How could you not feel uncomfortable with islam when every muslim country is a deep mess - and the islamic ideology started with a bloodbath on Jews and continued with more slaughtering, pillaging, enslavement etc.?! Not to be an "islamophobe" must be the ultimate self-deception. Every politician who shouts "islamophobia" against Human Rights activists, should be prosecuted.

 Trump dared to come out of the closet as an "islamophobe" - and immediately got the support of the American people. When will the Brits get their voice heard?

Is the UK's relations with the islamofascist Saudi dictator family (the "guardians" of islam and OIC) really more important than UK's US relations? 

A (muslim?) petition to ban Trump from UK got 500,000 signatures.

However, an anonymous petition to ban islam would in no time attract much more than 500,000 signatures. And the only reason we don't see such a petition is because of politicians using the "islamophobia" stigmatization. So we have a situation where most Brits would probably ban islam all together - if they dared to. This is exactly the same method the Nazis (National-socialists) used.

Statistics reveals that Sadiq Khan (London's new sharia mayor) got his crucial winning votes from islamofascist (pro sharia and anti Human Rights) extremist muslims. In other words, except for the usual votes from islamofascism supporting and "islamophobia" shouting naive leftists, he was voted in by those very islamist extremists who oppose democracy, "British values" and the most basic of Human Rights.

Maajid Nawaz (a "former islamist" whom Sadiq Khan defebnded), Co-Founder and Chairman of Quilliam – a suspicious muslim think tank focusing on matters of "Integration, Citizenship & Identity, Religious Freedom, Extremism and Immigration" - and Founder of Khudi, a Pakistan based "social movement". In other words a muslim who has swapped his AK47 with sharia through massive muslim votes:
The seeds were sown with Khan’s now-former in-laws. During London’s ’90s Islamist heyday, Khan’s brother-in-law Makbool Javaid was affiliated and listed as a spokesman to the now-banned terrorist group al-Muhajiroun, founded by the hate preacher Omar Bakri Muhammad, and then led by the infamous fanatic Anjem Choudary. I knew of Makbool back then, too. His brothers were colleagues of mine, affiliated to my former extremist organization, Hizb ut-Tahrir.

Through such connections Khan ingratiated himself in the London Islamist scene. In 2003, he appeared at a conference alongside Sajeel Abu Ibrahim, a member of that same banned al-Muhajiroun.

Sajeel ran a camp in Pakistan that trained the 7/7 bomber Mohammad Sidique Khan. Speaking there, too, was one Yasser al-Siri, who had been convicted in Egypt over a political assassination attempt that left a young girl dead.

In 2004, Khan gave evidence to the House of Commons in his capacity as the chair of the Muslim Council of Britain’s legal affairs committee. This is the same Muslim Council of Britain that chose to condole the recent Ahmedi murder victim in Glasgow, by declaring Ahmedis not Muslim.

In his MCB capacity, Khan argued in Parliament that the Muslim Brotherhood cleric Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi “is not the extremist that he is painted as being.”

This is Qaradawi who, among other things, authored a book called The Lawful and Prohibited in Islam, in which he justifies wife beating and discusses whether homosexuals should be killed.

Infamously, Qaradawi also issued a fatwa advocating suicide bombings against Israeli civilians, a view which has seen him join the likes of Omar Bakri Muhammad in being denied entry to the U.K.

Khan’s relationships with extremists ran so deep in fact, that he attended events for the jihadist rights group Cage, and wrote a foreword for one of their reports. Cage has since declared ISIS executioner ‘Jihadi-John’ to be a beautiful man live on the BBC.

Khan’s defence of such a prolific flirtation with Islamism is that he was a human-rights lawyer. However, most of these events were not attended in his capacity as a lawyer at all. One suspects he was simply trying to gain votes.

By 2010, with increasing grassroots popularity among highly organized Islamists and fundamentalists, but carrying the burden of the Labour Party’s War on Terror record, Khan’s bid to get re-elected in his home-base of South London’s Tooting was facing challenges from another Muslim. For unlike the Labour Party, this Muslim’s party had opposed the invasion of Iraq.

Khan’s rival was Liberal Democrat Nasser Butt. Liberal Democrat opposition to the Iraq war posed a serious challenge to Khan and his Muslim power base in Tooting. British South Asian Muslims—myself included—overwhelmingly opposed that war. “Luckily” for Khan, Nasser happened to be an Ahmadi Muslim. Yes, this is as relevant as Sadiq Khan being a Sunni Muslim. In other words not at all, in a perfect world. Alas, Khan’s world was far from perfect. Ahmedis are perhaps the most persecuted minority sects among Sunni Muslims.

Khan knew this, and yet this fact didn’t stop his campaign working closely with Tooting Mosque to stir up anti-Ahmedi sectarian hatred in order to secure the Sunni vote for his victory. For many of my fellow Sunni Muslims Nasser Butt being an Ahmedi was a doctrinal “offence” for which he was personally responsible, while Khan was too junior of an MP at that time to have much to do with the invasion of Iraq. By now, Khan’s religious writing was clearly on the mosque wall.

Again, Khan is no Muslim extremist. Indeed, this cannot be repeated enough. Nor can the fact that Khan clearly has a record of terribly poor judgment in surrounding himself with Islamists and Muslim extremists, and in using them for votes.

For a Muslim politician in modern Britain, this is incredibly tempting and increasingly possible. Neither Britain’s Conservatives nor its Liberal Democrats have been free of such electoral opportunism in the past.

When push comes to shove, gaining power becomes more important for politicians from all parties, than defending principles. And sadly, extremists remain among the most powerful organized forces in Britain’s Muslim grassroots.

But it did not need to be like this. As a column in The Wall Street Journal recently noted “Other Muslim leaders took a different approach”. So no, Khan is no extremist, but it certainly was not ‘racist’ to press him on these issues. Though the cry of racism did eventually boomerang to hit his own campaign.

It is only after knowing how Khan shored up his 2010 power base in Tooting, in part by demonizing his rival as being “not Muslim enough,” that the scandal that hit Khan on the last day of his campaign begins to makes sense.

It was discovered that in 2009 Khan used the racially divisive and derogatory term “Uncle Tom”—on Iranian State TV no less—to describe reforming liberal Muslims, who counter extremism. The question Khan answered here came in specific reference to my own organization, Quilliam.

By 2009, extremism had grown so rife among my own British Muslim community that, in a sign of our times, a Muslim government minister for Social Cohesion would find it politically expedient to call a group of Muslims, who were not in government, “Uncle Toms” simply for criticizing extremism.

The struggles that reforming liberal and ex-Muslims face every day, the dehumanization, the delegitimization, the excommunication, the outcasting, the threats, intimidation and the violence makes this inexcusable.

In their very nature, such slurs are designed to dehumanize the intended target as not Muslim enough, which in turn can incite Muslim on Muslim violence.

Today, Muslim terrorists kill more Muslims than people from any other faith, after they dehumanize them for being “not Muslim enough.” In such a climate, labeling counter-extremist Muslims as “Uncle Toms,” “House Muslims,” or “native Informants” is comparable to calling someone a heretic during the Inquisition, or a ni*** during U.S. segregation.

Degrading the “Muslimness” of someone claiming otherwise is a prerequisite to their murder by terrorists. The recent murder of an Ahmedi shopkeeper in Scotland—whose sect Khan vilified in his 2010 Tooting campaign—brings the seriousness of such slurs home. Khan knows all of this. He really should have known better.

Among my fellow liberals, it would never fly for a white candidate to say something racist, nor incite religious hatred against those deemed not Christian enough. Likewise, it shouldn’t when a brown Muslim politician does so. Khan’s last-minute general apology is a welcome start, but his time as mayor will need to show a track record of courting the right people, while distancing extremists, before it carries any weight.

Why is it OK for a mayor to have shared panels with all manner of Muslim extremists, while actively distancing himself from, and smearing counter-extremist Muslims?

Despite this, liberal Muslim reformers and ex-Muslims alike would probably still lend their good will and support to Khan.

To be honest, in his personal life he is pretty much a liberal Muslim. So much so that his old friends, the extremists, are already classifying him as a traitor for not being anti-Israel enough, and for supporting gay marriage equality.

In a funny twist, some Muslims are now comparing him to those he deemed “Uncle Toms” in the past. Politicians from across the West must learn from a past in playing politics with religion. For anti-Muslim bigots, we’re always too Muslim. For Muslim extremists, we’re never Muslim enough. Luckily for London’s “first Muslim mayor,” God invented Secularism.

Klevius: What a load of deception! "Muslim secularism" will always harbor muslim islamists as long as long as the slaughtering, pillaging muslim supremacist Mohammad stands as the muslim ideal.


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