
Friday, April 24, 2015

An undeniable historical fact: The evil cult called islam has murdered, raped and enslaved more people than any other ideology - so why do you still call yourself a muslim?!

Ben Affleck is ashamed of his slave "owning" ancestor. Shouldn't BBC's muslim sharia presenter Mishal Husain then be even more ashamed of her muslim ancestors who not only "owned" slaves but forcefully took slaves and together with other muslims committed genocides on a scale not achieved by any other evil ideology!

Ben Affleck is ashamed of his ancestor buying slaves from muslims and Jews

Klevius question: Why aren't muslims ashamed of their slave raiding/trading/owning past? And of the Koranic ideology that "justifies" it - instead of excusing islam with cherry picked "new interpretations"

Muslim hypocrisy like the one expressed by BBC's Mishal Husain could be just a laugh - were it not for its connection to islamic evil. Islam has only one authority and that is muslimhood. So declaring yourself a muslim automatically adds to the "democratic" support of islamic evil.

Mishal Husain: “I don’t think my way of life is under any kind of threat."

Klevius: Well, that's because of Western Human Rights rather than islamic sharia, isn't it!

BBC-s sharia presenter Mishal Husain with her islamofascist muslim pals who share almost identical values with the Islamic State.

British muslim jihadists: Samantha Lewthwaite, Mishal Husain and Michael Adebolajo

The nearest to a global authority of muslimhood is Saudi based and Saudi steered OIC with its global sharia proclamation via UN against that very Human Rights declaration of 1948 that was supposed to protect us against such evil!

OIC Secretary-General Iyad Amin Madani stressed that the "Saudi governing system is based on islam, which fosters values of justice, compassion, equality, and tolerance."

Klevius: These words from this human scumbag must be some of the most hypocritical ever uttered. According to historical facts islam has been the by far worst crime against humanity throughout 1400 years. And today islam's "guardian" Saudi Arabia is the most intolerant of the world's countries and has even criminalized Human Rights.Moreover. the Saudi regime is the hate mongering mastermind behind islamic terror around the world. And while most people point to islamic "scholars" (aka clerics, imams, etc) as the driving force, Mishal Husain asks these muslim "scholars" to contribute even more.

Ask your muslim friend if s/he supports Saudi based OIC and its Sharia against Human Rights!  If s/he doesn't then s/he is an apostate (i.e. committing the worst "crime" known to islam) and ought to be welcomed by every non-muslim.

Sharia is the religious password for racism and sexism

Saudi based OIC - and its islamofascist Saudi sharia Fuhrer Iyad Madani - constitutes islam today, and it's against the most basic of Human Rights!

Two "noble" Judaic traditions

First the Jews murdered Jesus and then the muslims murdered the Jews - no wonder religion seems to be the problem. Or do you really think that without islam there would still be the same amount of victims on top of other victims?! In other words, do you, for example, really think the Germans had murdered equally many without Nationalsocialism (aka Nazism)?

When do Brits finally realize that islam is at least as evil as the "islamophobes" are saying and history tells us!

Klevius wrote:

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Jewish-muslim cooperation for British sharia islamofascism and a social state feeding itself rather than the broad public

Does it really help Jews to cooperate with the ideology that started with the genocidal slaughtering of all the Jews in Medina?

Ed Miliband is the son of Polish immigrant parents. His mother, Marion Kozak, is a Polish Jew who survived the Holocaust thanks to being protected by Poles. His father, Ralph Miliband, was a Belgian-born Polish Jewish Marxist academic who fled with his father to England during World War II.

Rochdale is notorious for its muslim sex predators abusing white British girls taken into "care" by the social state.

Rochdale Labour councillor Shakil Ahmed is the dad of now freed(?!) terrorist suspect Waheed Ahmed who was arrested and accused of trying to go to Syria with eight of his relatives.


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