
Monday, March 09, 2015

Forbid so called* "diversity" (read 'sharia') police by not voting for those who support so called "ethnic recruitment" (read 'recruitment of sharia muslims')!

* BBC is constantly using 'so called' in front of Islamic State. However, the Islamic State is as close to original islam you cab get and the picture of islam that BBC misinforms the Brits about is as far from real islam you can get.

UK voters! Recruiting sharia police  equals violation of your Human Rights

Selling out the Human Rights of Brits: Will David Cameron make British police so called sharia compliant?

The true traitor of the will of the people

King John the Traitor, PM David Cameron and the islamofascist "king" Abdullah who pretended to be "reformist" while steering the country in an even more intolerant direction by new sharia inspired laws by early 2014 (e.g. equalizing Human Rights, Secularism and Atheism with "terrorism" and due penalties - compare Raif Badawi and others).

King John in the early 13th century sent envoys to Mohammed al-Nâsir asking for his help. In return King John offered to convert to Islam and turn England into a muslim state. The muslim jihadist Mohammed al-Nâsir's view on King John: "I never read or heard that any king possessing such a prosperous kingdom subject and obedient to him, would voluntarily ... make tributary a country that is free, by giving to a stranger that which is his own ... conquered, as it were, without a wound. I have rather read and heard from many that they would procure liberty for themselves at the expense of streams of blood, which is a praiseworthy action; but now I hear that your wretched lord, a sloth and a coward, who is even worse than nothing, wishes from a free man to become a slave, who is the most miserable of all human beings." Mohammed al-Nâsir concluded by wondering aloud why the English allowed such a man to lord over them — they must, he said, be very servile and soft.

The so called muslim election manifesto 

British Muslims have presented a manifesto to Parliament outlining thirty-three issues they want addressed by candidates for Parliament in the 2015 general election. It would officially allow Sharia Law to operate in the United Kingdom and guarantee a very pro-muslim agenda in Britain.

Point 19 says, “Acknowledge that the holy scripture of Muslims (the Qur’an) does not endorse terrorism and the murder of innocents”.

However, keep in mind that sharia law does not view infidels, blasphemers, or those who oppose the will of allah as “innocent”.

Original here;
Critical analysis here;

Is that why former Metropolitan police Dal Babu proposes sharia polices in Britain? And do the Brits really want to turn Britain into something like Aceh etc so called muslim "communities"?

Is this the future of the British?

"Diversity trained" and/or muslim UK police take care of British "islamophobe"

Narion Rodgers from Cornwall representing Pegida: Islam is the big problem.

BBC: She says they are not racist or fascist but that islam is the big problem. That's a contradiction!

In other words, BBC says being against islamic extremism equals fascism!

Ch Supt Dal Babu* (sic) told BBC News many of his colleagues just "don't get it" (that they'd be sharia compliant)

* Strange abbs and interesting name which in patriarchal communities also means 'someone women have to respect'...

Klevius: Get what? That UK should be sharia ruled and UK police don't have to respect Human Rights!

Ch Supt Babu: "Radical measures" were needed so police had a better understanding of different cultures.

Klevius: A a better understanding of so called muslim sharia, you mean of course! So called sharia doesn't understand different cultures at all but is the very opposite to understanding! That's why OIC abandoned Human Rights via UN! Atheists (incl Buddhists etc) secularists, well everyone who doesn't  comply with so called islamic sharia can/will be targeted. Wouldn't the obvious solution be to instead deny every muslim access to the police force before s/he has publicly rejected islamic sharia - i.e. committed apostasy, the worst crime known to islam?!

The so called "diversity" (read sharia) so called "ethnic recruitment" (read muslim recruitment) means violating the rights of non-muslims

The Met said it had made "good progress" with ethnic recruitment.

Klevius: "Ethnic recruitment"?! Don't you mean that you have made the Met sharia compliant (while simultaneously undermining Human Rights) via recruitment of sharia muslims!

The Metropolitan Police, which covers the most ethnically diverse (read 'muslim') part of the country, said it had made "good progress", with 17% of its officer recruits from black and minority ethnic backgrounds (read muslim or islamic sharia supporting backgrounds).

But the Met said its Commissioner, Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, had asked for "new proposals" to increase (muslim) representation in the force as a whole and at senior levels, as it embarked on a drive to recruit thousands more police later this year.

Klevius: So there are already more than two million sharia muslims in London!

While David Cameron is making UK sharia compliant, those criticizing sharia islam for it being against the most basic of Human Rights are suppressed by every means from anti-"islamophobia" campaigns paid by British tax payers to extreme legal forgivingness and leniency against muslim criminals

George Igler, the director of the Discourse Institute, a think-tank which monitors the suppression of freedom of speech and offers support and protection to those who are persecuted for voicing controversial opinions in Europe was interviewed by American television network CBN for a new feature series called Warnings. Focussing on the expert analysis of world leading thinkers on subjects posing challenges to the Christian West, Igler was asked to speak on the topics that, in the words of CBN senior reporter Dale Hurd: “you should be hearing from the “mainstream media” but aren’t because of its bowing and bondage to political correctness and, in some cases, cultural Marxism. “These will be, in many cases, dark visions of the future, because Europe, if it doesn’t wake up, faces a dark future”.
Speaking on the duplicity of the European political class, Igler said the spectre of resurgent Fascism and the “far right” had been used as a smoke screen to distract people, remarking: “it’s not thanks to Philip Dewinter and Vlaams Belang [A Belgian political party that would oblige migrants to adopt local customs and culture] that the Jewish population of Antwerp is currently under guard from Belgian paratroopers, it’s the fact that Belgium has a huge Muslim population. Brussels has a 26-percent Muslim population.
“There are a lot of particularly left wing political analysts who made a lot of money in a anti-radicalisation industry saying the real thing to fear was the growth of the far-right”.
Igler later speaks of literalistic interpretations of the Koran which are becoming more common in Britain, and dominate the thinking of the Islamic State: “If you believe in the five words in Chapter (2:191) that Idolatry is worse than carnage… then you are not an equal and relevant part of Western society, you are in fact a colonist. You are someone who has exactly the same opinions and intentions towards 21st century Europe, that Europeans had towards the Americas in the 17th and 18th centuries.
“This is a reality that we are forced to live with. Somewhere, at some decision making process it has been decided up on high that my continent, and the rights and freedoms that uniquely evolved here over 3,000 years are somehow at the stage in which Islam should be allowed to moderate”.

Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of muslim hate against non-muslims and Human Rights equality

Saudi based OIC - and its islamofascist Saudi sharia Fuhrer Iyad Madani - constitutes islam today, and it's against the most basic of Human Rights!

Klevius wrote:

Monday, May 21, 2012

Klevius beats BBC when it comes to true reporting about OIC!

Totalitarian fanaticism replacing Human Rights while BBC misinforms muslims and others on how they're robbed of their Human Rights!

Sadly, Klevius is still the foremost (and lone?!) expert on sex segregation/apartheid and, consequently, also the web's foremost expert on islam. Why? Because islam rests so heavily on sex segregation/apartheid, even in its most "secular" form (as long as it's meaningful at all to call it islam) that an effort to understand islam without understanding sex segregation/apartheid is doomed to complete failure! In essence what Klevius is doing is in Bourdieu's words 'to restore to historical action, the relationship between the sexes that the naturalistic and essentialist vision removes from them'.  And where Bourdieu went to the Kabyles Klevius went to the origin of islam, Christianity and Judaism!

Klevius beats BBC in reporting on the most essential and critical issue of our time: OIC and its Fuhrer Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu's islamofascist violation of the most basic of Human Rights!

BBC, the largest broadcaster in the world, has as its main responsibility to provide impartial public service broadcasting.

Klevius question: How come then that Klevius beats BBC when it comes to informing about OIC? As you can see on the 'OIC BBC' search below Klevius' 'BBC News', i.e. not BBC, is the first to offer real info about OIC. on the web (see the eighth result on the pic below: BBC News by Klevius)! And to really prove it you will find a picture of the first BBC post (BBC News - Profile: Organization of the Islamic Conference) further down to show that it completely avoids to inform the most essential feature of OIC, namely that it has abandoned Human Rights and replaced them with Sharia.

According to BBC OIC's aims are to 'safeguard islamic holy places' (Klevius comment: Those places are already carefully destroyed by the Sauds) and to eradicate racial discrimination (meaning Human Rights "discrimination" of islamic Sharia) and colonialism (sic - islam has been the worst slave colonizer ever throughout 1400 years!). But nowhere in BBC's text can you find the most important namely OIC's violation of Human Rights by replacing them with Sharia via UN!

While BBC has some 23,000 staff Klevius is not only alone* and without resources, he is also deliberately hindered in his extremely informative work by active and continuous "islamophobia filtering". Yes, Klevius knows that he could do much better by avoiding words like 'islamofascism' etc. but he loves it because that's what it really is.

* no offence to other "islamophobes" out there but Klevius happens to be the one with the best potency for evaluating the origin of islam from a perspective of sex segregation/rapetivism.


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