
Friday, February 27, 2015

The solution to the muslim problem is simple Mr. Cameron - forbid sharia that violates basic Human Rights!

and do follow it up by demanding every muslim (including BBC's muslim sharia presenter Mishal Husain) to either openly abandon sharia islam or loosing their right to Human Rights!  Don't repeat the mistake of King John!

Two British leaders who wanted/wants to convert England into sharia islam

King John the Traitor, PM David Cameron and the islamofascist "king" Abdullah who pretended to be "reformist" while steering the country in an even more intolerant direction by new sharia inspired laws by early 2014 (e.g. equalizing Human Rights and Atheism with "terrorism" and due penalties - compare Raif Badawi and others).

King John in the early 13th century sent envoys to Mohammed al-Nâsir asking for his help. In return King John offered to convert to islam and turn England into a muslim state.

The muslim jihadist Mohammed al-Nâsir's view on King John: "I never read or heard that any king possessing such a prosperous kingdom subject and obedient to him, would voluntarily ... make tributary a country that is free, by giving to a stranger that which is his own ... conquered, as it were, without a wound. I have rather read and heard from many that they would procure liberty for themselves at the expense of streams of blood, which is a praiseworthy action; but now I hear that your wretched lord, a sloth and a coward, who is even worse than nothing, wishes from a free man to become a slave, who is the most miserable of all human beings." Mohammed al-Nâsir concluded by wondering aloud why the English allowed such a man to lord over them — they must, he said, be very servile and soft.

Samantha Lewthwaite, Mishal Husain and Michael Adebolajo

Michael Adebolajo and Mohammed Emwazi were, according to British muslims, both "harrassed by MI5 to become muslim terrorists"

Klevius alternative hypothesis: They read the Koran and became muslim terrorists because of islam! And the reason this deprived world view has become so popular is twofold: Saudi hate mongering money and political correctness and "diversity training" steered by - muslims.

Michael Nazir-Ali (UK bishop): It would never be possible to satisfy all of the demands made by them because "their complaint often boils down to the position that it is always right to intervene when muslims are victims... and always wrong when muslims are the oppressors or terrorists". In reference to conflict in Bosnia, Kosovo and Afghanistan, he said "Given the world view that has given rise to such grievances, there can never be sufficient appeasement and new demands will continue to be made." In response, the Muslim Council of Britain said "We would normally expect a bishop to display more humility and work towards bringing communities closer together rather than contributing towards fostering greater divisions."

The link between BBC's muslim sharia presenter Mishal Husain, Lee Rigby murderer and Jihad John

Except for that they are all fostered outside Britain, they are all also trapped in islamic sharia because you can't be a religious muslim without Human Rights violating sharia! And in the very moment Mishal Husain dares to open her usually already big open mouth and say that she opposes sharia that violates basic Human Rights (Klevius said Human Rights - not "islamic human rights")  e.g. OIC's sharia declaration via UN - which is probably the mildest of them all yet fulfills every civilized criterion of what could be called extremism - then she has committed the worst of crimes against islam! Which fact contains the key to the world muslim problem.

Michael Adebolajo, was approached by – and known to – MI5 before going on to murder Fusilier Lee Rigby with a meat-cleaver to the neck in 2013 on a busy London street.

Mohammed Emwazi aka Jihadi John, an Arab muslim born in Kuwait and allowed to become a jihadist because of pc "sensitivities" towards muslims.

Mohammed Emwazi was associated with the Ladbroke Grove group who are from a wide variety of backgrounds: unlike Berjawi, the ex-gang member, Emwazi is believed to have come from a middle class family and had not been in trouble with the law before. Exactly where they were radicalised is not clear, although a number are believed to have attended the local Al Manaar Mosque, opened by Prince Charles in 2001.

In a recent interview, its chairman, Dr Abdulkarim Khalil, said efforts were made to counter radicalisation, but said it would be “dishonest” to pretend that it did not happen. “The honest answer is that it is really difficult to know,” he said. “On Fridays we have about 2,000 people come.

Campaigners with the Cage organisation - which lobbies against the US-led war on terror - said it had been in contact with Emwazi for two years over alleged "interference" by the UK security agencies.

Cage said British security services "systematically" harassed young Muslims, leaving them with no legal avenue to redress their situation, citing the example of Michael Adebolajo, who murdered soldier Lee Rigby in May 2013.

Cage director Asim Qureshi said: "Like Michael Adebolajo, suffocating domestic policies aimed at turning a person into an informant but which prevent a person from fulfilling their basic life needs would have left a lasting impression on Emwazi.

    'Claims that MI5 drove Emwazi to extremism are pathetic'
    26 Feb 2015

    'Jihadi John' is kind and gentle, says human rights group
    26 Feb 2015

"He desperately wanted to use the system to change his situation, but the system ultimately rejected him."

But Shiraz Maher from King's College London dismissed the Cage claims that Jihadi John was driven into extremism by British security services as "pathetic".

Amit Roy: When it comes to covering the rise and rise of Narendra Modi, Indian viewers in the UK have noticed a trend: the BBC tends to deploy women reporters who are young, beautiful and Muslim. BBC announced: “The BBC’s Mishal Husain reports from India’s most populous state, Uttar Pradesh, on how India’s Muslim vote could affect the election.”
Mishal is currently the darling of the corporation and is one of the main presenters on Radio 4’s Today several mornings a week.

Taji Mustafa, Media Representative for Hizb ut-Tahrir (at least earlier associated with Sayeeda Warsi) in Britain said: “It is hardly surprising that prejudice and hatred towards Islam and Muslims is on the rise when leading politicians ignore political grievances of the Muslim world, rooted in western foreign policy, instead equating Islam with violence saying ‘The driving force behind today’s terrorist threat is Islamist fundamentalism’ (David Cameron 2005); or that the Shariah and Caliphate are ‘an evil ideology’ (Tony Blair 2005); or when they refer to Islamic scholars visiting from overseas as ‘foreign hate preachers’ (Theresa May 2010); or when David Cameron demonizes the Muslims of Pakistan during his trip to India saying they cannot ‘look both ways on ‘terrorism’; or when niqab and Pakistani men are demonized following comments by Jack Straw. These, and other statements, add to the deliber ate smears, misinformation and propaganda peddled by some politicians and sections of the British media.”

“She absolutely fails to expose the fact that this growing hatred towards Islam and Muslims has been fuelled by politicians and the media, who seem incapable of engaging in an intellectual debate about different worldviews, and instead default to emotive and populist talk of ‘extremism’, ‘hate’ and the banning of speakers and groups.

Klevius comment: Dear reader, you see the problem, don't you. Here it is!

Saudi based OIC - and its islamofascist Saudi sharia Fuhrer Iyad Madani - constitutes islam today, and it's against the most basic of Human Rights!


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