
Friday, February 20, 2015

Do you really need extremist muslims to fight extremist muslims?

Muslims constitute a couple of percent of US population yet their influence in the White House seems to be a couple of hundred percent!

Is it because their Human Rights violating hateful sharia ideology is so much preferred than the boring equality principle of Human Rights?

Ruby Giuliani: 'The reality is, from all that I can see of this president, all that I’ve heard of him, he apologizes for America, he criticizes America … This is an American president I’ve never seen before.'

And here's US islamofascist representative Rashad Hussain in OIC, the worst scum bag organization the world has seen since the Nazis. Yes, he has memorized the hateful Koran text by heart and is now ready to take over as director of the Center for US Strategic Counterterrorism Communications.

OIC is a muslim extremist organization which openly violates the most basic of Human Rights!

Albert Einstein: 'For me the unaltered Jewish religion like all other religions is an incarnation of the most primitive superstitions.'

Klevius quiz: Which of the Judaic branches do you think would have been first in line trying to murder Albert Einstein as of today?

Islam is originally built on a foundation of hate and rape - that's why it's so popular among haters and rapers!

The problem today is that original islam was so evil so we aren't really allowed to even mention it anymore because that would disturb the frenetic efforts made to use the "success" of original evil islam to fit a construed non-evil islam while blinking the fact that by doing so you really pave the way for extremist (read evil) original islam. However, this fits open or subtle muslim taqyya (lying for the "infidels" when it promotes islam) or similar strategies.

You need to understand that almost everything you read about islam is written by islamists or their supporters and therefore as far from the truth you can get. Those offering a more truthful analysis are all called "islamophobes" and therefore dismissed by pk society.
So for example, there was never any official Muhammad figure in original islam. He was introduced much later together with the Koran to make muslim atrocities "officially" "moral". The original islam was looting and murdering campaigns made successful by teasing teenage boys with sex slaves and booty.

An example from the tip of the iceberg:

Islam's Wikipedia "history" built on ridiculously polemic and vaguely founded single "sources" several hundred years later

Wikipedia's references to its long and colorfully detailed article about the early muslim murder campaigns (Ridda wars) against apostates contains only one source, Tabari who wrote his fantasies some 300 years later and from an Abbasid (750-) perspective.

Parvaneh Pourshariati has convincingly established that the muslim murder/looting/raping campaign of Mesopotamia (today Iraq) "took place, not, as has been conventionally believed, in the years 632–634, after the accession of the last Sasanian king Yazdgerd III (632–651) to power, but in the period from 628 to 632." An important consequence of this change in timeline means that the muslim jihad crusades started precisely when the Sasanians and Parthians were engaged in internecine warfare over who was to succeed the Sasanid throne.

The muslim finger (shahada) problem


The shahada hate finger is protected by

Saudi based sharia OIC - and its islamofascist Saudi sharia Fuhrer Iyad Madani - constitutes islam today, and it's against the most basic of Human Rights!


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