
Sunday, January 04, 2015

Is Ani Zonneveld just so ignorant about islam - or is she just deceiting you?

Klevius thinks Ani Zonneveld would do better fearing Human Rights violating islam than Human Rights defending "islamophobes"

Ani Zonneveld, president of Muslims for Progressive Values (sic): 'Where is Sharia law coming from? It is man-made.'

Klevius: Everything in islam is man made. What would not be man made?! However, this ridiculously ignorant "muslim" seems to have completely missed Saudi based and steered OIC's wahhabist sharia declaration which via UN now informs legislations for over a billion muslims.

Ani Zonneveld: What first brought me to activism was my personal experience of gender inequality within the Muslim community in the US. I was surprised to find that some in my Muslim community thought that as a female singer my voice is "aurat," an extension of my body that also needed to be covered. This was an alien concept for me, given that for centuries Muslim women have contributed to music and singing. That forced me to reassess. Going back to the community I was part of was not an option.

Klevius: And that wasn't enough for you to get the truth about islam. No. instead you had to start creating a childish daydream "islam" that has never existed and never will exist - and thereby playing straight in the hands of the islamofascists.

Ani Zonneveld: The problem: There are so much radical, hateful and extreme interpretations of Islam on-line. They target the youth, they dumb it down, they appeal to the ego and to the exclusive notion of supremacy. (This is not that much different from White Supremacy, or any supremacist ideology, but as a Muslim I want to talk about Islam.)

Klevius: A muslim can't and isn't allowed to "talk about islam"! But don't panic Ani, you've proven beyond any doubt that you're no real muslim. However, the most powerful 'radical, hateful and extreme interpretations of islam' comes out of UN  but is rooted in wahhabist Saudi islam.

 Muslims for Progressive Values (they perform same-sex muslim marriages!) and its Malaysian American musician head Ani Zonneveld, are convoking a global Alliance of Inclusive Muslims to question the right of the regressive Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to speak for the faith internationally. In a June 2014 Geneva press conference, they promised to ‘challenge theological justifications for hate with the progressive values that we feel to be inherent in Islam.’ How can you not be inspired?” 

However, this 'regressive' Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) speaks for islam and all the world's muslims internationally.

Iyad Madani, the Saudi Fuhrer of Saudi based OIC, the worst Human Rights violator, not you Ani Zonneveld, represents islam!

Klevius question to Ani Zonneveld: How much do you have in common with Sayeeda Warsi, UK's "minister of faith islam" who really loves OIC?

Klevius urgent advice to cure Ani Zonneveld's bottomless ignorance about islam: Read and listen to an intelligent woman like Ayaan Hirsi Ali!

Ani Zonneveld's islam is not only completely unfounded wishful thinking - it's also a dangerous prolonging of islamic evil in the world.


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