
Monday, October 10, 2005

Arabic "Negro slaves" and slave armies underlying the senseless & hypocritical myth of the "good" Islam in medieval Spain.

High life in al-Andalucia when "the people of the book" shared slave trade profits!

A shallow "undergraduate" introductory presentation of Arab-Islam's horrendous crimes against Africans and others (Muslims were especially attracted by blond Europeans - that's how Christians learned to catch "infidels" - the Arabic/Islamic "infidel"* concept in Koran*** etc is one of the most evil tools for expansionism among "religions"-/political/militaristic totalitarian ideologies - such as Finns, Slavs etc from the North and trade them to Muslims). Not to teach these and similar facts (and the totalitarian, violent sexist and racist anti-democratic and anti-human rights texts in Koran) for innocent school children, is an additional crime. Every nation, state, school etc. who teaches about Islam while witholding this kind of info, ought to be legally scrutinized and sued. Who files the first application for a summon?.

* The Arabic/Islamic "infidel" concept in Koran etc has to be understood together with the proposition that individuals who do not submit to the "Allah" described in the Arabic/Islamic Koran, are no real humans, and hence could (and even should) be humiliated, raped, killed, enslaved etc. Jews, and sometimes even Christians, where placed somewhere in between as "people of the book" due to the forced connection originally made on the basis of what Mohammad learnt from the Jews in Medina who were then killed/expelled for not submitting to the new Arabic "religion" (see What's true Islam/Arab?).

*** The Arabs, who didn't know how to make paper, captured some Chinese paper makers, hence making the spread of Koran possible

Morocco and Spanish Andalucia were two of Islam's main evil medieval centers prospering on the enormous trading and work of especially African but also other slaves. These not only constitute the much worse backbone and base for what later evolved into the Atlantic slave trade", but also are revealing examples of how politically correct history inbterpretations may, in fact, cover up the worst of evilness. Many nations and -isms have already reconsiled and apologized for their historical atrocities. Arabic Islam has not!

"With Negroes brought from West Africa and Slavs from Russia, the Spanish Muslim capital of Cordoba became one of the greatest slave-markets in the world. With the decline of Muslim Spain, this bulk of this trade shifted to East Africa**. By this time, some peoples of Africa had come to depend upon the slave trade, and Zanzibar had become the great slave emporium. Wars between African tribes were not fought to kill, but to take prisoners who could be exchanged with Arab slave-traders for imported goods. It has been estimated that 25% of the slaves taken out of Africa ended up in Muslim lands. Even more important, this centuries-old trade had rooted the institution in the African economy and had established the general pattern of that trade."

** see The Arab Slave Trade is the longest yet least discussed

Without their wealth created by slavery and the help of maps and ships made and given by Visigothic traitors, Arab-Islam would never have been capable of entering Iberia!

Without slaves or oil no Islam!

Peter Klevius sites and blogs grow faster than oil-fueled Arabic Islam and al-Jazeera!

Klevius (sually) top-rated on MSN:

Definition of religion
Definition of feminism
Sex segregation
Definition of human rights
Out of Africa (as "Pygmies" and back as global "Mongoloids").

and many others. Peter Klevius' politically not correct (yet rudimentary and unsponsored) AIQ net Klevux is (because of its transparency, global contributions, logical flexibility and reliance on the "Holy" negative human rights) developing into an irresistable critical net of logic targeting evil, totalitarian, sexist or racist -isms.


  1. Anonymous6:02 AM

    Even though I am not Muslim
    nor arab..i gotta say this blog
    has very little truth to it and
    it's about nothing but hate.

    Every faith known to me has the
    concept of infidel in's
    just that muslims are very frank
    about it when some other faiths
    play with words to hide it. Including your own faith who
    says that you won't be safed
    unless you follow our faith
    and that practically means you
    will burn in hell because you
    are not one of us.

    you may hate muslims if you feel
    like it but do not try to fool
    us by making up things the way
    you are doing in this blog. And
    stop all your hypocrisy because
    your own faith also has the
    infidel concept yet the people
    of your faith play with words to hide it and point their fingers
    at other!! That's what hypocrisy
    is all about.

  2. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Amen! Since when has reason and the defending of the weaks become hate? I talk Islam, but you talk Muslims because you want to make me a "racist" YOU can hate! You seem to have read the blog blindfolded when you write abt my "faith". Which faith? I don't belong to "the people of the book" in any sense but rather to the UN (negative) human rights declaration. Follow the links and you'll soon discover a completely different picture than the one of your own prejudices! By the way, Islam is indeed very different from other faiths, especially because it has, so far, completely failed to reconsider/clearify its teachings, political objectives and its hierarchical (traceable) responsibilities for itself! Islam lacks not only a new testament and a Kierkegaard, but also the necessary disengagement towards the state. All of this is well known by scholars. What I've added to the analysis is the burden of sex segregation!
