
Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Warning: In 9/11-05 the most powerful posting so far, abt true Islamic fascism, will appear here!

In the meantime see postings below and read: True sexism/racism in Islamic original sources as well as in ethnic reality of today!
A glimpse of an awkward tendency in the US: Tip of the black Islamic "brotherhood" (sic - where are the sisters?) racism/sexism iceberg? (Also compare Klevius' notion on Hip Hop vulgo "rapetivism").
Also read abt Islamic crypto-creationism and how an Indonesian "scientist" stole and damaged recently discovered Homo floresiensis
Klevius comment: It's a tragic irony that many black Americans now support that very same Islam that was enforced upon them before their Arabic/Islamic masters traded them overseas. The Arabic word for black and slave is actually the same, i.e. "Abed".

The ideology of Islam, not the people, is the problem, just as it was with fascism in the World War 2.

Muslims, married to a failed past, offer little hope for integration into modern society Klevius correction: By abandoning their ties to evil sexist and racist Islam every possibility for integration, cooperation, (or whatever appropriate naming you might prefer), is open to them exactly as it is for non-Muslims!

"Standing on Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn, on the afternoon of September 11, 2001 the residents of the neighborhood danced in the streets, laughing, shouting to each other, shaking hands. These people were not what one would suppose to be fanatical or militant Muslims. They were people who had come to these shores from the Middle East, mostly shop keepers, bakers, purveyors of eastern spices, tradesmen, cab drivers and the usual diversity of people found in a New York"

The "holy" Koran states:

Kill the disbelievers wherever we find them. (2:191)

Fight and slay the pagans (translation: that's us) seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem. (9:5)

Slay or crucify or cut the hands and feet of the unbelievers...(5:34)

...strike off the heads of the disbelievers...[make a] wide slaughter among them, carefully tie up the remaining captives [for ransom] (947:4)

[treatment of disbelievers]...garments of fire shall be cut and there shall be poured over their heads boiling water whereby whatever is in their bowels and skin shall be dissolved and they will be punished with hooked iron rods (22:19).

The Koran also instructs Muslims to slay or crucify or cut the hands and the feet of the unbelievers (5:34), fight unbelievers until no other religion except Islam remains. (3:85)

Klevius comment: But the real Achilles' heal of Islam (apart from its totalitarian/fascist "infidel" message) is its inevitable sex segregation. Unfortunately many in the West still seem to live in a "fin de siècle" sex segregation hysteria (see From Freud to bin Laden), hence naively applauding Sharia and other Islamic stupidities (see From Klevius' without love), while the victims, in Sudan/Darfur and elsewhere, suffer!

And always remember the difference between true racist/sexist Pan-Arabic Islam/fascism on one hand, and ethnicity that has been (most often forcefully) labeled "Muslim", on the other. Be proud of your ethnicity - not of Islam!

The real political heroine Ayan Hirsi Ali: "We Must Declare War on Islamist Propaganda"

When Ayan Hirsi Ali was about to visit Stockholm recently, Swedish official state (Islamist?) radio eagerly reported the name of her hotel and how the polices were positioned! But I haven't heard anything since abt what she said when she arrived!? Suddenly no media interest in Sweden at all... As many times before noted on this blog Swedish state media continue their horryfying tradition exactly as during the fascist era of the 1930s and WW2.

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