
Friday, May 31, 2024

$-freeloader (since 1971) US has now made peace, justice, and democracy all equally dead as Monty Python's parrot.

Desperate $-freeloader (since 1971) US has clearly asked Ukraine to bomb Russian radar installations made for warning against US intercontinental nuclear missiles - which have nothing to do with the Ukraine war - which US started 2013-14.

Do try to get it, US behavior is all about losing its dollar hegemony! And weakening Russia is just a means for getting at China, US real "problem".

And Ukraine did it immediately after Blinken left, and some strikes almost 2,000 km away. So when Blinken said Ukraine could decide how to use them, that was a usual US lie on par with US Gaza lies, i.e. they had been well thought through and prepared long in advance. Every time Blinken, Sullivan, Biden etc. open their mouth, it's nice sounding empty platitudes. After all, no one, not even dollar freeloader US itself, knows when the trust in US dollar hegemony suddenly capsizes - only that when it inevitably does, it will happen in no time. So US uses as a scapegoat the very unwitting "book keeper" China - which in every aspect has beaten US - and strangles the world with what is left of US stolen hegemony rope. This is why US is now desperate and more dangerous than ever before. And this is of course why US is so "concerned" about China's economy which has double true growth numbers compared to US fiat "growth", i.e. to contain China from everything incl. trade and investors. In fact, it's truly remarkable that after years of senseless and criminal onslaught from US and its puppets, China still manages to keep its growth and to continue accelerating away from the rest of the world in high tech and science etc.

The way the world's biggest ever financial fraudster and dollar embezzler US (since 1971 and progressively so now) utilizes its crime to continue its hegemony, is all over the place through intelligence (surveillance and spying on all people outside China (and probably some inside as well); politics (bribing, meddling, coersion etc.); finance (by controlling institutions US created for itself, like World Bank, IMF, etc.); CIA and The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) which purpose is to meddle, militarize, support and "award" seditious etc. forces in countries US want to destabilize; sanctions, stealing assets and money, blocking normal commercial channels etc;

DCA/Nato to make US nuke etc. occupation possible; social and other media monopoly via US web control (Silicon Valley is directly steered by US government and military - and for a very bad reason and aim compared to other countries! Etc. etc. etc!

Trump case

US lawfare against its most likely but not liked presidential candidate is much worse than the Russian Navalny case because whereas the latter really had a criminal past, Trump doesn't - so it had to be created.

A biased judge in a politicized justice system with ignorant jurors under the dictatorship of a professional judge who knows exactly how to steer them. In this case the judge even read a book for the, one would guess, mostly not well judicially prepared jurors, which fact leaves a lot of leverage for the judge to color his"explanation" of the text. Especially in cases where the judicial borders are more blurred. Peter Klevius wrote (1992) that although jurisprudence is the ultimate science in that it start from a truth (the law) that is then applied to a case, it's the judicial process per se that constitutes its Achilles heel. This means that "blurred" cases, i.e, lacking a directly pinpointed logical cause and effect line which excludes alternatives, should go unpunished even if it feels wrong. However, this weakness in the judicial system can also be used for the opposite, i.e. to via less well informed jurors etc. parts in the judicial process, make judgements contrary to the judicial understanding. A judge acts like a conductor in such judicial system.

Of course, the situation in higher court is completely different.

When Trump in his first campaign 2016 promised to get tough on islamism and "the deep state", Peter Klevius thought it could be better for the world. However, Peter Klevius was soon disappointed when Trump as president instead hugged the worst muslim islamist of them all (Saudi terror spreader, dictator and murderer MbS). Moreover, when Trump was told in full about the likelihood that China's continuing success would lead to a decline in the world's trust in US stolen dollar hegemony, then Trump joined the criminal band wagon instead of trying to honestly solve it in a rules based order.

Peter Klevius rests his case...

In UK - as in many other "democratic" countries - there's no meaningful reported difference between the two main "choices" voters are offered.

They share the most important issues like:



Anti-China (the world's leading meritocratic high tech, science, and clean energy country), pro-US (the world's leading warmonger and dollar embezzler), 

Increase in militarism so to satisfy its master, the warmongering "ally" US - which is actually an equally disastrous partner to UK as England is to Scotland. Just compare how low UK per capita income is compared to US, and how low it is in Scotland compared to England. And consider how even the worst warmonger (although competition is tough) on BBC Radio 4 PM, Evan Davis, was surprised to hear that his master US could place US nukes in UK without him even knowing about it. But of course one could argue that what is called UK nukes are ultimately under US control anyway.

Keir Starmer made Labour an exact copy of Tories (even incl. militant right wingers) by ousting voices such as Jeremy Corbyn, Diane Abbott etc. 

Although Peter Klevius sympathized with Corbyn's anti-militarism etc. it wasn't possible to swallow his uncritical view on sharia islamism. And of course Peter Klevius shares Coirbyn's, Abbott's and others condemnation of Israels genocide and war crimes against Palestinians - as has been evident on these pages since October 2023.

Peter Klevius wrote:


Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Labour and BBC equal Human Rights defense (so called "islamophobia") with muslim "extremism" and terrorism. Is this really fair?!

Will the "British neo-Empire" (based on Commonwealth islamofascism*) finally collapse and integrate due to self inflected religious cancer - just as the Roman Empire did?

* You need to be blindfolded not to realize that stupid people in Britain since the WW2 have desperately tried to reinstate a neo-empire - mainly via its connections to 

If the world's most powerful nation, "god willing", gets an "islamophobic" anti-sharia president (pbuh) and the UK either becomes ruled by EU and islamist Turkey or standing outside EU and joining its loosing and backward muslim Commonwealth nations - either way it's a way into the dark when the simple solution would be more, not less, "islamophobia".

If you abandon, or is abandoned by the US, then you only have China/Japan/East Asia left as serious partners. However, Sinophobia, Shintophobia etc. is widespread in the UK - on historical grounds, pure old fashioned racism agaoinst mongoloid people - and not the least because of BBC's relentless propaganda for islamofascist muslims and against everything standing in their way.
 The "islamophobia" campaign only helps islamofascism. However, Jeremy Corbyn couldn't for his life first remember that he had welcomed this extremist muslim. Only under hard pressure did he later managed to recollect it. How many other Human Rightsophobes has Corbyn met?!

Why isn't Jeremy Corbyn arrested for his racist and hateful agitation against Human Rights defenders, and therefore also promoting islamofascism - no matter how "soft" and non-violent*?!

* "Soft" sharia islamofascism is always connected with so called "hardliners". If politicias really mean what they say about "British values" etc. then they would inevitably be classified as "islamophobes" under the same criterion as those whom they spit on. However, at this very point these racist cowards hide behind "tolerance" and "religious freedom" platitudes.

Jeremy Corbyn's agitation against "islamophobia" constitutes the worst form of racism because it denies Human Rights. Criticizing islam's violations of Human Rights (compare e.g. Saudi based and steered OIC's world sharia declaration via UN) can never be stretched to epithets such as "racism" simply because universal Human Rights defense is the purest of anti-racism logic. It's the difference between impositions and freedom.

Sharia submission of "islamophobia?

London's new muslim mayor (voted in via Labour and with the help of muslim extremist votes) didn't answer the question whether he will eliminate Human Rights violating sharia "courts" in London. A "moderate" (but consider his history of defending muslim supremacists etc. muslim extremist connections) muslim who bows the true radical sharia muslims.

Saudi based and steered OIC and its islamofascist Fuhrer, Iyad Madani, associated with the Saudi dictator family.

Klevius suggestion: Ask your muslim friend if s/he supports OIC and its Sharia against Human Rights!

If you have a problem understanding this see more further down.

Klevius brief summary of world economy - and the failure of islam - and a hint where to look if you're more concerned about economy and development rather than islamofascist backwardness:

Secular/Atheist nations are the most successful - muslim nations are the least successful and most likely to have conflicts, persecution, poverty etc. Muslim nations are also the by far most hostile to giving women equal rights with men.

Indonesia (256 million) BDP (official exchange rate): $872.6 billion (2015 est.)

Bangladesh (169 million) GDP (official exchange rate): $202.3 billion (2015 est.)

Pakistan (199 million) GDP (official exchange rate): $247.8 billion (2015 est.)

Iran (82 million) GDP (official exchange rate): $396.9 billion (2015 est.)

Turkey (80 million) GDP (official exchange rate): $722.2 billion (2015 est.)

Saudi Arabia (28 million) GDP (official exchange rate): $681.2 billion (2015 est.) - all of what is the result of Western oil money - not islam.

Klevius comment: Muslim world with a Billion people end up well behind Japan (127 million) in comparison. And the only muslim nation Japan occupied, Indonesia, seems to have fared the best. And Turkey can be explained by its secular (non-Ottoman) period before Erdogan started his neo-islamization program that now constitutes the main artery into Europe of the political cancer called islam.

Some other numbers to contemplate:

Nigeria (182 million) GDP (official exchange rate): $493 billion (2015 est.)

Brazil (184 million) GDP (official exchange rate): $1.8 trillion (2015 est.)

Mexico (122 million) GDP (official exchange rate): $1.161 trillion (2015 est.)

India (1,252 million) GDP (official exchange rate): $2.183 trillion (2015 est.)

UK (64 million) GDP (official exchange rate):
$2.865 trillion (2015 est.)

Germany (81 million) GDP (official exchange rate): $3.371 trillion (2015 est.)

France (67 million) GDP (official exchange rate): $2.423 trillion (2015 est.)

Korea (49 million) GDP (official exchange rate):
$1.393 trillion (2015 est.)

Japan (127 million) GDP (official exchange rate):
$4.127 trillion (31 October 2015 est.)

China (1,367 million) GDP (official exchange rate): $11.38 trillion
    note: because China's exchange rate is determined by fiat, rather than by market forces, the official exchange rate measure of GDP is not an accurate measure of China's output; GDP at the official exchange rate substantially understates the actual level of China's output vis-a-vis the rest of the world; in China's situation, GDP at purchasing power parity provides the best measure for comparing output across countries (2015 est.)

US (321 million) GDP (official exchange rate): $17.97 trillion (2015 est.)

Klevius wrote: 

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Time to burn OIC's Human Rights violation and to indict the Saudi hate criminals and their supporters

Islam (the opposite to Negative Human Rights) is based on infidel racism and sexist rapetivism. It's islam's true origin, and the only tenet that cannot be reformed without erasing islam itself. However, instead of dealing with this most important issue, now criticism of this disgusting islamic supremacism is called islamophobia and suggested (by the most racist and evil organization out there) to be called "racism"!

Btw, did England incite hatred against the German Nationalsocialists thus causing unrest and chaos? And was Germany's attack reasonable because of an unfair Versaille treaty? Patrick Buchanan makes the case that, if not for the blunders of British statesmen the horrors of two world wars and the Holocaust might have been avoided? To this one may add that whereas Nationalsocialism was national and hence not totalitarian in a universal sense, islam is truly totalitarian, on a micro level as well as on a macro level.

57 islamic nations (OIC) have here agreed to adopt Sharia!

This man, Saudi "king" Abdullah (aka Mr X "president's" first call) is an oil parasite whose main task in life has been the spreading of evil islamism!

OIC, a Saudi initiated and supporting organization consisting of 56+1 islamist nations who have:

1 decided to violate Human Rights by replacing them with islamist Sharia which denies girls and women their rights given in the 1948 Human Rights Declaration
2 hijacked UN by constituting its biggest voting bloc
3 criminalized criticism against islam by calling it "islamophobia"

The mosque mouse, silenced by islam

Sept 28-30, 2010, the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC), is sponsoring Sharia propaganda at the AIC’s Chicago campus.

Founded in 1969 OIC is now a 56 (+ Palestine) state collective which includes every lslamic nation on Earth. Currently headed by Turkey’s Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, OIC thus represents the entire muslim Umma and is the largest single voting bloc in the UN.

John Laffin warned in 1988 that the Jedda-based OIC, initiated and patronized by Saudi Arabia, is persuading Muslim nations to jettison even their inchoate adoption of “Western models and codes,” and to revert to the pre-Western retrograde systems of Sharia.
According to Laffin, the Saudis offered sizable loans and grants in return for a more extensive application of Sharia.

Saudi Arabia also distributed an abundance of media and print materials which extended to non-muslim countries, including tens of millions of Korans, translated into many languages for the hundreds of millions of muslims (and non-muslims) who did not read Arabic.

And now two special US envoys to the OIC later (both the former, Sada Cumber, and current envoy, Rashad Hussain) will attend the Chicago OIC propaganda for the purpose of islamization.

Andrew Bostom : Elizabeth Kendal, in a recent commentary [4] about the plight of brutalized Egytpian Muslim “apostates” Maher el-Gowhary and Nagla Al-Imam, made a series of apt observations which illustrate the most salient aspect of Islam’s persistent religious totalitarianism: the absence of freedom of conscience in Islamic societies. Egypt, Kendal notes, amended its secular-leaning constitution in 1980, reverting to its pre-colonial past and designating Sharia (Islamic law) as “the principal source of legislation” — an omnipresent feature of contemporary Muslim constitutions, including the new constitutions of Afghanistan and Iraq — rendering “constitutional guarantees of religious liberty and equality before the law illusory.” This is the inevitable outcome of a Sharia-based legal system, because:

Sharia’s principal aim concerning religious liberty, is to eradicate apostasy (rejection of Islam) through the elimination of fitna (anything that could tempt a Muslim to reject Islam) and the establishment of dhimmitude — the humiliation and subjugation of Jews and Christians as second class citizens [or non-citizen pariahs]; crippling systematic discrimination; violent religious apartheid …

In Egypt, as in virtually all Muslim states, a person’s official religion is displayed on their identity card. According to Sharia, every child born to a Muslim father is deemed Muslim from birth. According to Sharia, a Muslim woman is only permitted to marry a Muslim man. (This is the main reason why Christian men convert to Islam, and why female converts to Christianity will risk life and liberty to secure a falsified/illegal ID, for without a Christian ID they cannot marry a Christian.)

There is no religious liberty in Islam, for Islam survives as religious totalitarianism that refuses rejection.

Islam’s refusal to abide rejection by its votaries — the global Muslim umma’s strident rejection of freedom of conscience — is now openly codified, and has been for two decades. The 1990 Cairo Declaration, or so-called “Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Islam”, was drafted and subsequently ratified by all the Muslim member nations of the Organization of the Islamic Conference.

Both the preamble and concluding articles (24 and 25) make plain that the OIC’s Cairo Declaration is designed to supersede Western conceptions of human rights as enunciated, for example, in the U.S. Bill of Rights and the UN’s 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The opening of the preamble to the Cairo Declaration [5] repeats a Koranic injunction affirming Islamic supremacism (Koran 3:110; “You are the best nation ever brought forth to men … you believe in Allah”), and states:

Reaffirming the civilizing and historical role of the Islamic Ummah which Allah made the best nation …

The preamble continues:

Believing that fundamental rights and universal freedoms in Islam are an integral part of the Islamic religion and that no one as a matter of principle has the right to suspend them in whole or in part or violate or ignore them in as much as they are binding divine commandments, which are contained in the Revealed Books of God and were sent through the last of His Prophets to complete the preceding divine messages thereby making their observance an act of worship and their neglect or violation an abominable sin, and accordingly every person is individually responsible — and the Ummah collectively responsible — for their safeguard.

In its last articles 24 and 25, the Cairo Declaration maintains

[Article 24] All the rights and freedoms stipulated in this Declaration are subject to the Islamic Sharia. … [Article 25] The Islamic Sharia is the only source of reference for the explanation or clarification to any of the articles of this Declaration.

Michael Hamilton: As noted in Shariah: The Threat to America, Ihsanoglu used the occasion of an earlier speech to an OIC Council of Foreign Ministers’ conclave to declare war on freedom of speech:

In [the OIC’s] confronting the Danish cartoons and the Dutch film “Fitna,” we sent a clear message to the West regarding the red lines that should not be crossed. As we speak, the official West and its public opinion are all now well-aware of the sensitivities of these issues. They have also started to look seriously into the question of freedom of expression from the perspective of its inherent responsibility, which should not be overlooked.

Of late, the Organization of the Islamic Conference has taken to the United Nations its war against expression that gives offense to Islam. Last September, the Obama administration actually co-sponsored a resolution with Egypt (representing the OIC) in the UN Human Rights Council, calling on the United Nation’s member states to limit such expression, as part of the OIC’s ongoing campaign to have the UN recognize Islamophobia as a form of racism subject to prosecution under international law.

This effort to establish what it calls “deterrent punishments” for shariah slander is only one example of OIC activity at odds with American interests and the U.S. Constitution. Other examples include:

• Disrupting U.S. Efforts in Afghanistan: In the July 2010 edition of the OIC’s “Islamophobia Observatory” Bulletin, the OIC sharply criticized Gen. Petraeus’ counter-insurgency manual as “a manifestation of Islamophobia”;
• Damaging Middle East Peace Negotiations: Since its founding, the OIC has pursued an aggressive anti-Israel campaign, including creating a fund for the intifada in 2001;
• Denies Civil Liberties and Freedom to Muslims and Non-Muslims: The OIC for decades has tried to deny American Muslims and others the protections of the UN Convention on Human Rights and the U.S. Constitution, insisting instead that they comply with the shariah apartheid doctrine formally adopted by the OIC’s members as the so-called “Cairo Declaration of Human Rights.”

According to the conference agenda published by the OIC New York UN Permanent Mission (, the executive director of the Chicago franchise of the Hamas-linked CAIR, Ahmed Rehab, will moderate a panel entitled: “The Role of the OIC and the Scope for its Relation with American Muslims.”

In yet another ominous move, the Organization of the Islamic Conference has announced that it will meet on September 30 with American Muslim leaders – many of whose groups the federal government has identified in court as Muslim Brotherhood fronts – for the purpose of creating the “American Muslim Liaison Council to the OIC.”

Question to: Nobel Prize Laureate Shirin Ebadi by David G. Littman (Representative: AWE & WUPJ)

My question is addressed to Madam Shirin Ebadi.
Thank you for your remarkable frank speaking here and your courage - a true lesson for us all.
A year ago, on Human Rights Day 2007, OIC Secretary-General Prof. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu stated that the OIC General Secretariat is considering the establishment of an independent permanent body to promote Human Rights in Member States in accordance with the provision of the Cairo Declaration of Human Rights in Islam and to elaborate an OIC Charter on Human Rights.

Four days later, on 14 December 2007, Pakistan's Ambassador Masood Khan - speaking for the OIC at the Human Rights Council -claimed that the 1990 Cairo Declaration was "not an alternative competing worldview on human rights," but failed to mention that the shari'a law was "the only source of reference" in that Declaration's articles 24 and 25 - the same shari'a law in which there is no equality between Muslim men and women and Muslims and non-Muslims. The Final Communiqué of the 3rd Extraordinary Session of the Islamic Mecca Summit on 8 December 2005 had provided a clear message on this - and on the UN system of human rights.
Madam, do you feel that the Cairo Declaration of Human Rights in Islam - and a future Islamic Charter based on shari'a law - would clash with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Islam and the International bill of Human Rights? To give one example: the marriage of girls at nine years old, as in Iran, since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

Klevius comment: Islamic “monotheism” is the most evil form of the old Jewish “the chosen people” racism. The only meaningful difference is that whereas old Judaism was spread via the Vagina, islam is spread via the Penis (rapetivism). This fact together with islam’s harsh apostasy ban (meaning leaving islam is considered a crime) and that muslim women are not allowed to marry non’muslims, explains why there are now less than 10 Million Jews but more than one Billion muslims.

OIC’s Cairo declaration clearly violates girls/women’s Human Rights. Under OIC’s islamic Sharia a female doesn’t really count as a fully human (only "truly" muslim men counts) because of islam’s rigid sex segregation. Because of their sex females are, according to islam, forever and in all aspects of life, doomed to legal difference as prescribed by whatever Sharia happens to rule. To make this more simple to understand, just compare to the original Human Rights which expressly state that sex should not be an excuse for limiting girls’ and women’s freedom. And even more simple: Whereas under Sharia women are doomed to sex segregation, under Human Rights a woman can choose to sex segregate herself as well as to refuse to sex segregate herself (However, due to the detrimental effects of psychoanalysis this latter option isn’t always open for girls because they may be labeled as “suffering” from gender identity disorder – see Klevius explanation of this repulsive psychiatyric intervention in girls’ lives).

Negative Human Rights constitute the backbone of the Human Rights Declaration and the US Constitution. Islam/Sharia is the very opposite. This is why OIC violates the most important part of the Human Rights by replacing their freedom with medieval islamofascism.



Tuesday, May 28, 2024

In a future when less than ever "boots on the ground" are needed, conscription is just a means to brainwash and militarize young minds to "defend" US criminal (since 1971) "world order" $-hegemony "values" in the name of "national cohesion amd security".

Read how climate change made human evolution possible in SE Asian volatile archipelago - not on a continent like Africa

Read how two craniopagus twins born 2006 solved the "greatest mystery in science" - and proved Peter Klevius theory from 1992-94 100% correct.

The world's main problem is US militarism - which is ultimately directed against China (US "enemy" because China challenges US stolen $), which constitutes the rest of the world's best asset. So why add insult to injury by agitating for more threat and less peace?!

The US led dumb warmongers in UK Tories thought it was a good idea to secure more militarism via compulsory conscription. And even if Labor wins, it will put more militaristic pressure on them as well, was the thinking.

So Peter Klevius asks how democratic this suugestion is considering that people who don't like it has no real choice in the election. Moreover, how wise is it for UK to be more militaristic when there's no other chance that England should be attacked - except when other countries feel England is threatening them? A self-fulfilling prophecy!

In a world divided into an aggressive, destructive and now desperate (and therefore extremely dangerous) US led camp, and an other peaceful trade and infrastructure buildup camp led by China that has no reason whatsoever to disturb peace, the choice seems easy - except for dumb (or worse) militaristic Tories. 

Western "democracy" - because of US dollar theft 1971 - is heading towards an authoritarian anti-meritocratic dictatorship cliff edge.

In the heart of EU compulsory voting (for something you may dislike) is already proposed, and if you don't vote you're fined and if you repeat to not vote you're removed from your "democratic rights". Moreover, if your preferred party doesn't fit the US controlled ruling political coterie elite, then it will face enormous headwind  - and even might be hindered altogether to participate in the "democratic process". 

This direction inevitably ends up in open political dictatorship that is only "democratic" in name only.

Why you can trust your rock solid unbiased intellectual servant Peter Klevius against academic charlatans - just one example from the top of the iceberg:

Afropologist John Hawks trying to explain away how the most important fossil ever found (Homo floresiensis) managed to come from Africa over the Wallace line to Flores in SE Asia: "Is it hard to imagine that a medium-sized mammal species, which relies on foraging across 100 square kilometers or more for high-energy foods, would be aware of islands that are in sight? When you look at these places in island Southeast Asia with early hominin activity, ancient sea levels were much lower and all these islands are one or two small hops across narrow straits. Palawan is an island between Borneo and the Philippines, and today these water crossings are hundreds of kilometers, but in the past they may have been as narrow as ten kilometers. That’s not very far to imagine hominin individuals making crossings, if they were already playing with very basic ways of crossing rivers and using near-beach water resources. When it comes to colonizing a new island, it is the exceptional that matters. In fact, if crossings were regular, island populations could never evolve to be very different from nearby mainland populations. It is the very fact that crossing is rare that allows island adaptations to emerge after the population is established."

Anthropologist Peter Klevius question to Afropologist John Hawks: So how could humans ever have evolved in Africa?!

On the "extremely normal" and unbiased Peter Klevius thousands of blog posts and other writings you can never find such stupid reasoning as John Hawks above! And John Hawks isn't a nobody in the academic world of anthropology. Although he hasn't made any discoveries on his own, he (both 'John' and 'Hawks' are very common names) pops up first on the web even without any additional search word(s) - see below. 

Peter Klevius wrote:

Friday, April 17, 2020

Peter Klevius anthropological quiz to Afropologists: Anything peculiar with this map?

 Apparent stupidity lecture by a Harvard professor

However, Peter Klevius thinks this stupidity is derived from his ignorance about human evolution. However, the fact that he uses the map below is unforgivable.

Professor Christopher A. Walsh lectures on Genes, Cognition, and Human Brain Evolution, Oct 10, 2018.

Peter Klevius hint: It's a long way to Australia from Africa - and over the Wallace line. But a short walking path to e.g. Europe.

Peter Klevius wrote:

Friday, March 27, 2020

No human, antelope or gelada/baboon evolution in Africa - only hybridization and phenotyping.

Svante Pääbo (Max Planck Institute) thinks something happened with human intelligence some 50,000 bp. Peter Klevius has since 2010-2012 stated that this was due to 1) a new brain setup from the cradle of evolution, i.e. SE Asian volatile archipelago (see postings below) which 2) then entered the mainland and filled big skulled northern Homos (compare art and dna from the Denisova cave).

Peter Klevius reminder to other anthropologists (and especially to afropologists): Earth isn't flat anymore!

The insane idea that a moving target like Australopithecus, Homo habilis, Homo erectus, Homo sapiens etc. could have been hiding on the Eurasian peninsula called Africa for some million years to reach speciation, will become the laughing stock of future anthropologists.

Everyone agrees that antelopes came out of Eurasia into Africa. However, because baboons have become sort of a love child of afropologists as a model for the senseless "human evolution in Africa", it's stubbornly and without any real foundation argued that baboons evolved there. But the very fact that all baboons are so similar and frequently hybridize, should have been a crispy clear warning signal - especially considering geladas in 
Spain and India, and the much more plausible evolutionary connection to SE Asia.

Peter Klevius: Do realize that India and the rest of South Asia constitute a black hole for fossils - while East Africa is the very opposite where e.g. the continuous cracking up of the Rift Valley places fossils on a smorgosboard with the oldest in the northern parts of Africa. However, quantity of fossils doesn't prove origin, nor does DNA from (Mongoloid looking) modern people prove where their genetic ancestors lived hundreds of thousand years ago.

Peter Klevius wrote:

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Big Afropological words from a big (on the web) "Piltdown man" - with a PC dwarfed brain?

Afropologist John Hawks: "Humans and fossil hominins, we know today, are closer to chimpanzees and gorillas than any of them are to orangutans." Anthropologist Peter Klevius: ?!

To spread unfounded guesswork outside ones "expertice" is usually called charlatanism. John Hawks lacks expertice on most of his fanciful conclusions. And it seems that he lacks brain power enough for a multidisciplinary connecting of evolutionary dots. Btw, do realize that Homo floresiensis LB1 on the pic is an adult female.

Anthropologist Peter Klevius: Why orangutans?! Is it because he sees orangutans as a problem in the great ape family? It would have been so much easier if orangutans didn't exist in SE Asia. However, John Hawks is much more related to Homo floresiensis than to chimps. But his "explanation" to how Homo floresiensis "travelled from Africa to Flores" wouldn't impress a 3-year old. Moreover, John Hawks "explanation" in fact completely counteracts his own out-of-Africa sermon.

Afropologist John Hawks: "Is it hard to imagine that a medium-sized mammal species, which relies on foraging across 100 square kilometers or more for high-energy foods, would be aware of islands that are in sight? When you look at these places in island Southeast Asia with early hominin activity, ancient sea levels were much lower and all these islands are one or two small hops across narrow straits. Palawan is an island between Borneo and the Philippines, and today these water crossings are hundreds of kilometers, but in the past they may have been as narrow as ten kilometers. That’s not very far to imagine hominin individuals making crossings, if they were already playing with very basic ways of crossing rivers and using near-beach water resources. When it comes to colonizing a new island, it is the exceptional that matters. In fact, if crossings were regular, island populations could never evolve to be very different from nearby mainland populations. It is the very fact that crossing is rare that allows island adaptations to emerge after the population is established."

Anthropologist Peter Klevius question to Afropologist John Hawks: So how could humans ever have evolved in Africa?!

The hoax Piltdown man moved to Africa - while the real Flores lady is called "a Hobbit".

 Peter Klevius thanks two ladies, Jinniushan (1992) and Floresiensis (2004), for leading him out of his out-of-Africa delusion.

 The use of tools, fire etc. is of no importance for the overall picture. It's the modern features of the skull and the ape like, yet fully bipedal, postcranial features, found on an island on the wrong side of the Wallace line that makes any evolutionary theory based on out-of-Africa simply laughable. It took Piltdown man many decades to be accepted as a hoax among "mainstream anthropologists". How long will it take before "mainstream anthropologists" accept that the out-of-Africa castle is buit on sand?

Homo floresiensis fits perfectly as an outlier in Peter Klevius SE Asian volatile island/mainland scheme where primates evolved over monkeys to apes and homos. SE Asia has produced a variety of evolutionary forms of which most have spread over the Afro-Eurasian continent, mixing/hybridizing with previous ones.

Islam is again hampering science - but when you prove it then you aren't considered believable (sic) anymore.

Peter Klevius wrote on Science Blogs 2005 and was immediately attacked by islam defenders:

A stunning photo that really makes one think abt M130 and brain qualities (regardless of size)!
OK that put aside this is all about protecting Islam and yes, Teuku Jacob is a crypto-creationist in line with the usual balancing between fundamentalism and an Islam that pretends being modern (By the way, Australia has already a law making it impossible to critisize Islam!).
Take a look at Out of Africa as Pygmies and back as global "Mongoloids". Maybe the Hobbit represents the first OOA-delivey of a more wrinkled brain that later replaced all the other?

"OK that put aside this is all about protecting Islam and yes, Teuku Jacob is a crypto-creationist in line with the usual balancing between fundamentalism and an Islam that pretends being modern"
At least try to have an ounce of real evidence beyond someone's ethnicity if you are going to make wild accusations like this. If he was a Creationist he would've arranged for Duane Gish or William Dembski to analyze the bones, not Alan Thorne and Maciej Henneberg*.
By Jason Malloy (not verified) on 25 Jun 2005 #permalink
However, today the situation remains. DNA extraction from Homo floresiensis is forbidden by Indonesia - and the only reason is the same as with Teuku Jakob, i.e. that the very mix of ape and human like fatures doesn't fit islam's crypto-creationism. Sad, isn't it?

Anthropologist Peter Klevius wrote:

Sunday, May 19, 2019

The "out of Africa" hoax is worse than the Piltdown hoax - and much bigger and more worrisome.

Peter Klevius asks whether there has ever been a more laughable "theory" than the silly "out of Africa" one? Flat Earth (supported by the Vatican) and NASA hiding our second Sun, come close though. And if any African takes offence for this Western pseudoscience, then it just proves that no one is safe against fake science. When does Klevius get accused of "out of Africa-phobia"?

Homo naledi was thought to have had shut up for some millions of years but sadly turned out to be a very recent fellow. The fact is that Africa (like Europe) lies in the wrong end of the Afro-Euroasiatic continent, and African "diversity" is similar to what you expect to find in a dump - not in a factory.

Why is our real* ancestor "mother" from SE Asia called a sick hobbit while an African ape fossil was named Lucy (actually a quite appropriate name for this LSD fog) and the "mother" of humankind?

* As Klevius has always argued since he knew about it (2004), Homo floresiensis on Flores was stuck behind the Wallace line and therefore not directly connected as such. However, Klevius point is that she represents an evolutionary stage that was widespread on both sides of the Wallace line but where those to the north developed further thanks to repeated contact and hybridization with mainland Asia. A scenario where Lucy swims to Flores over the Wallace line and there develops to a fire using, tool making skilled hunter with a globular brain and modern teeth is completely out of question for any sensible mind - except apparently for "out of Africa" sectarians. But for Homo floresiensis-like creatures to the north of the Wallace line there has been many possibilities to reach Africa without crossing water. The whole of primate evolution is centered in SE Asia from the very scratch. And as the volatile SE Asian archipelago seems to have been the perfect evolutionary laboratory for primates - you don't really need Klevius intelligence to connect the most obvious dots, do you. Try to imagine an evolutionary volatile island world, repeatedly connected and disconnected with each other and with the mainland. Spice it with climate changes that keep it tropical but also offers a range of different elevations due to existing mountain slopes etc. Then add repeated island dwarfing, extended bipedalism and hybridization. And if you still didn't get the picture, at least you may realize the complexities and evolutionary niches and opportunities it offers - quite the opposite to the African (or other) continent. Whereas true evolution needs protected niches, hybridization dilutes through gene flow. So Homo floresiensis got a better organized brain due to island evolution - but needed to come out from it so to be able to spread the brain gene(s) to its previous kins who had already become better bipedals precisely because of previous land connections. In fact, Klevius thinks this evolutionary pattern has been going on throughout most (maybe all) primate evolution to monkeys/apes/hominines. The pattern in Africa fits perfectly in Klevius out of Eurasia theory. Klevius admits being embarrassingly stupid because of how long he tried to cling to the African savannah and bipedal apes scenario. He should have skipped it already 2004 when he first heard about Homo floresiensis. There you see how even intelligent and free scientists can be trapped in an overwhelming bias fog - only excuse being Klevius scientific method of bias hunting sometimes causes severe allergic reactions. So in summary, whereas the oldest (and "puzzling") out of "Africa "evidence" is based on fossils on the corner closest to Asia and DNA from now living mongoloid African natives, SE Asia offers a non-puzzling relief.

A multi-regional Wallacea-Sundaland may explain a lot.

The Orangutan is earlier on the ape tree than any African ape, and possesses many dental etc. traits pointing towards more flexible relatives when it comes to environment.

The Makassar Straits opened sometimes  during mid Eocene. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that Afrasia and Afrotarsius are sister taxa within a basal anthropoid clade designated as the infraorder Eosimiiformes. Current knowledge of eosimiiform relationships and their distribution through space and time suggests that members of this clade dispersed from Asia to Africa sometime during the middle Eocene, shortly before their first appearance in the African fossil record. Crown anthropoids and their nearest fossil relatives do not appear to be specially related to Afrotarsius, suggesting one or more additional episodes of dispersal from Asia to Africa. Hystricognathous rodents, anthracotheres, and possibly other Asian mammal groups seem to have colonized Africa at roughly the same time or shortly after anthropoids gained their first toehold there. Also compare India colliding with Asia.

The oldest hominids in Africa were all near the Bab el Mandeb land bridge to Asia - except for the oldest (Toumai) which died in what is now mid-Sahara but back then a rich valley connected to Europe over a then dry Mediterranean.
Toumai was actually a later copy of similar European fossils.

And why is it that Peter Klevius has had the best  adapted and published analyses about human evolution since 1992 (see below), and that his views always have been contrary to the field although they have later always been confirmed? Although Peter Klevius* would love to lick it up as due only to his intelligence, the fact is that this intelligence would have meant nothing was it not for Peter Klevius* lucky position of not being bound by bias to the same extent as others in the field.

Although Peter Klevius* would love to lick it up as due only to his intelligence, the fact is that this intelligence would have meant nothing was it not for Peter Klevius* lucky position of not being bound by bias to the same extent as others in the field.

* Peter Klevius writes 'Peter Klevius' precisely so to remind all citation fantasts about the fact that they can cite Peter Klevius and therefore contribute to enlighten some dark corners of the field who would otherwise have no idea about the existence of better analyses. And always remember, Peter Klevius is a defender of your Human Rights and against those who try to protect islamofascism from scrutiny and criticism. So don't let a fascist "islamophobia" smear campaign against Human Rights divert you.

However, the very fact that the Piltdown hoax was created by a specialist in the field and that it corresponded to wishful thinking among "scholars", should be taken very seriously as a warning. Out of Africa is a similar hoax although it's even more "patched" by stretching concepts over their limits, using quantity and lack of quantity as proof, using modern DNA as proof of evolution in Africa hundreds of thousands and millions of years ago, political correctness, muslim oil money etc. - plus a bit of what could be described as essentially racist pity for a backward Africa that was devastated by 1,400 years of islamic slave raiding and trading.

The area of exposed land in Sundaland has fluctuated considerably during the past recent 2 million years.
Greater portions of Sundaland were most recently exposed during the last glacial period from approximately 110,000 to 12,000 years ago. When sea level was decreased by 30–40 meters or more, land bridges connected the islands of Borneo, Java, and Sumatra to the Malay Peninsula and mainland Asia. Because sea level has been 30 meters or more lower throughout much of the last 800,000 years, the current state of Borneo, Java, and Sumatra as islands has been a relatively rare occurrence throughout the Pleistocene. In contrast, sea level was higher during the late Pliocene, and the exposed area of Sundaland was smaller than what is observed at present. During the Last Glacial Maximum sea level fell by approximately 120 meters, and the entire Sunda Shelf was exposed.

The skulls found in Europe (Iberia/Sima de los Huesos) are more than 100,000 years older than the Moroccan fossils - which moreover are on the "wrong side of Africa".

In the face of "out of Africa" sectarians: The so called "oldest anatomically modern human" (Irhoud, Morocco) was actually quite primitive.

In contrast to their partially modern facial morphology, the Irhoud crania
retain a primitive overall shape of the brain-case and endocast, that
is, unlike those of recent modern humans.

There exists no genetic evidence whatsoever that supports "out pf Africa" - simply because we lack old enough DNA from sub-Saharan Africa. Oldest African DNA came from Eurasia.

It's all circumstantial and centered around its initial out of Africa presumption, i.e. not scientific at all.

Moreover, Africans with the oldest DNA, the Khoisan (e.g. San people), are light-skinned and cold adapted, i.e. mongoloid, and the oldest sub-Saharan skull is unrelated and younger than Eurasian globular skulls. Also compare the remarkable Liujiang skull (see below).

However, cold adaptation makes much more sense in Eurasia.

Afro-centrism is all over the place. So for example, is it said that monkeys swam or rafted some 1,800 km to South America rather than taking the natural way between South and North America. We don't know when or how this could have happened exactly, but we do know for sure that it would have been much easier. And the lineage to monkeys was certainly already there.

And no one knows anything about the evolution of African apes - yet they are constantly used as "evidence". So out of Africa random cherry picking ought to be contrasted with Klevius smaller quantity but much more crucial findings (Jinniushan, Liujiang, Homo floresiensis, Denisovan etc.) perfectly located in an overarching theory.

Good scientific theories ought to be able to predict future finds. Klevius "mongoloid" line of theory since 1992 seems to have fulfilled this criterion quite well, and probably even more so in the future. As Klevius stated some ten years ago

What puzzles Klevius right now is how to place Pygmies and Negritos relative to Khoisan, Shompen and South American natives. However, Klevius will be back when he gets just a little more info from the secretive rooms of anthropology.

However, what puzzles Peter Klevius even more is the silence from the field. Have they found more stuff in line with Klevius analysis and don't know how to present it?!

Btw, here's Demand for Resources (Resursbegär 1992, ISBN 9173288411), recommended reading for Greta Thunberg and all her supporters. It's originally written in Swedish and published in Sweden. If you can't find it anywhere else, then ask the Royal Library in Stockholm.

Why trust Peter Klevius? 

No financial ties. No academic ties. No religious ties. Super intelligent. Best analysis on "consciousness", sex segregation, human evolution, and Human Rights - not to mention that Peter Klevius was the first to correctly analyze the origin of Vikings as a bilingual "Finland-Swedish" phenomenon triggered by the establishment of the Abbasid slave caliphate and its hunger for white sex slave girls - so to keep their lineages lighter than the non-Arab "infidel" Africans. The only one on the planet that can show an uninterrupted line of the, in retrospective, best possible published analyses after new discoveries - and much less "surprises" than the "mainstream academic field" seems to be filled with. Never heard about Peter Klevius? No wonder because he's rarely cited. And that should worry you. University research and news media are biased in line with their political and/or religious sponsors. So when Wikipedia demands "citations", and adds that they should be from "news media" or "scholars", then you're practically excluded from really good unbiased information. Moreover, serious scientific analysis outside these channels then often gets deliberately pushed to a domain filled with alien hunters and creationist nut heads - making it even harder for you to find relevant info.

Klevius could continue elaborate on his theory for you but he's lazy and not paid, so why not ask in comments. The way this posting is shaped has all to do with targeting deep bias in the field while simultaneously spread some relevant facts to people with less understanding of the problems - and therefore an easy target for PC fake academic "science" - not to mention alien conspiracy "alchemists" etc. 

This pic has since 2012 always come up top on a 'klevius' search on Google. Back then Peter Klevius still cowardly hesitated to skip the African savanna from the formula.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

The Finnish idiocy of jumping in the lap of the most dangerous and warmongering desperate criminal embezzler (since 1971) whose hungry chickens are heading home to roost!

 The people of Finland ought to arrange a Nurenberg trial against former PM Sanna Marin and sitting president Alexander Stubb who can't have been unaware of the connection between China's success and US desperation of losing its dollar hegemony unless it puts the world (outside US) on fire! It has the matches...

 Giving the worst and most unpredictable rogue state in the world the right to occupy one's formerly neutral and nuke free country should easily fulfill any criterion of high treason. 

Moreover, it was Sanna Marin's actions 2021 that opened up for this disaster that then spread to Sweden as well after US had managed to get Russia more involved ("special operation") in the already ongoing Ukraine war 2022, thereby changing opinion on ignorant people. So Sanna Marin, and now also Alexander Stubb, are the main suspects who opened up and continue US nuke occupation and a "war economy" with more war and nuke threat instead of security and prosperity.

Macgregor thinks Sweden's DCA and Nato connection  is "strange". However, US desperate situation is because of the world's biggest financial fraud/embezzlement US started 1971.

 The head of the international non-governmental organization– International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN)  said recently that the US is now training pilots from Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Türkiye and other NATO countries on the use of nuclear weapons, with the training content not open to the public. In the view of Military Observer Liang, the US is actually controlling and kidnapping European countries in the name of consolidating the so-called strategic security.

"The US is in charge of the air force training of these countries, and even has the final say on the fighter jet selections. Germany's previous request to independently develop its next-generation fighter aircraft was vetoed by the US on the grounds that the German aircraft could not carry American nuclear bombs. The nuclear weapons of the US are not an 'umbrella' for European countries, but a 'straitjacket' on their body," Military Observer Liang analyzed.

It's worth noting that NATO's "Steadfast Noon" nuclear deterrence exercise took place amid Russia's announcement to revoke its ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT). However, Russia has proclaimed that it will continue to abide by its commitment to suspending nuclear tests.

Military Observer Liang pointed out that Russia's initial considerations stems from the US's persistent refusal of the treaty. The CTBT was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1996, but the US Congress has not ratified the treaty on account of protecting the interests of the US Military-industrial complex. As a major nuclear power in the world, the US should show more sincerity in nuclear arms control.

Military Observer Liang concluded, "As the largest nuclear weapon states in the world, the US and Russia should take the lead in complying with the CTBT. Especially the US should stop to impair global security for its selfish gains, and behave like a major power."

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Media's US led deception of the 1989 Tiananmen "democracy"* riots in China is as far you can get from the truth.

* Even if some of the violent rioters really believed that "democracy" would be better for China, history now tells them how wrong they were. Moreover, just consider dollar embezzler (1971-) US reaction if China had become even stronger technologically, economically, politically and morally (if the latter is even possible for a 1.4 billion country)? That wouldn't have extended US stolen hegemony, right. 

$-freeloader US extreme anti-China cognitive, financial, militaristic warfare is made possible with US 1971 stolen world dollar hegemony and is a crime against humanity and most people are too busy/ignorant to understand the danger of the cornered US - but instead fear China which offers best consumer goods, infrastructure etc, without imposing its system as US does! 

 Sadly, many haven't understood the enormity of US financial fraud 1971. And US economists - and some stupid US puppets called "allies" - just "explain" away how US as the only country in the world can prosper and militarize the rest of the world despite constant trade deficit. "We're just so good" is Bloomberg's and others answer!

When US 1971 stole* the world dollar it could manipulate it as it wanted and have the world pay for its trade deficit. However, China is now back and challenges it with superior tech which makes consumers happy. China's capitalist reform got severely hit 1988-89 because of US Feds chock rate increase. That caused havoc in a still extremely vulnerable China on its path out from Maoism.

 * 1944 Bretton Woods "agreement" pegged the world dollar to US dollar which was then pegged to gold under US Feds custodianship. 1971 US was bankrupt and arbitrarily violated the gold connection but kept the custody over the world dollar. Although it hit poor countries the most, China was especially vulnerable because it was in an intensive opening-up trade development following Deng Xiaoping's capitalist reform policy. 

Peter Klevius analysis of the US controlled media massacre of the truth about the Tiananmen square incident by neglecting cause and effect while producing anti-China* smear. 

* No, it's not just CCP! Undemocratic Christian theocracy US uses Sinophobia as synonymous with "democracy", well knowing that the absolute majority of Chinese people don't share the US view on "democracy", although young Chinese in the late 1980s realized the difference in living standard between US and China after Deng Xiaoping opened up the China that Mao had closed. So when US again manipulated the world dollar it hit hard (up to 19% 1989 inflation from 7% 1987) on China's economy. 

 Peter Klevius agrees with Klaus Schwab (WEF) who said "I respect China's tremendous achievements … over the last forty years. China could act as a role model for many countries, but in the end, each country should be left to make its own decision regarding the system it wants to adopt. We should be very careful in imposing systems but the Chinese model is certainly a very attractive model for quite a number of countries." Peter Klevius: Especially for US!

Wu'er Kaixi (aka Örkesh Dölet) Of Uyghur heritage from Xinjiang had a leading role during the 1989 protests.

Peter Klevius: What did he think about the old Uyghur jihad battle cry "kill the Han and the Hui"?

Summary of Peter Klevius Tiananmen analysis: There were two distinct and mutually exclusive groups of protesters who were not distinguishable by their appearance. 

The absolute majority were peaceful protesters. However, the rest were intent for violence, and their leaders even openly admitted that they wanted to provoke PLA to also use violence "so the world could see it". But even this wasn't enough. As crit­ics of Chai Ling’s role in the move­ment point to the infam­ous “last words” interview she gave to US journ­al­ist Philip Cun­ning­ham on May 28, just days before the riots. With the move­ment facing an uncer­tain future, a deeply pess­im­istic and fear­ful Chai gave video testi­mony to Cun­ning­ham in which she described her intention to leave the square, adding “I want to live”. But, other stu­dents would have to stay until the square was “washed with blood,” she said.

Much of the rioters brutality was the result of Beijing’s decision on June 2 to send in unarmed soldiers to clear the Square. The unarmed soldiers  were set upon immediately by rioters around the Square waiting for the chance to attack the soldiers. Beijing’s armed battalions were sent in later.

US Embassy daily reports of what was happening at the time.

The US Embassy report for June 4 notes:

    “the beating to death of a PLA soldier, who was in the first APC to enter Tiananmen Square, in full view of the other waiting PLA soldiers, appeared to have sparked the shooting that followed.”

So it was the rs, not the government soldiers, that started the bloody confrontation.

State Department chroniclers continue their unbiased summary of events:

    “.. the initial moves against the students suggested to many that the Chinese leadership was still, as of the morning of June 3, committed to a relatively peaceful resolution to the crisis.”

From there we go to:

    “fascinating eyewitness accounts of the disorganized and confused retreat of PLA soldiers from the center of Beijing after their advance on Tiananmen Square was halted by crowds of demonstrators on the morning of June 3.’ ..the soldiers were ridiculed by Chinese citizens and scolded by elderly women who called them “bad boys” and “a disgrace to the PLA.”

On the day after, on June 4, however: “thousands of civilians (rioters - not peaceful protesters) stood their ground or swarmed around military vehicles. APCs were set on fire, and demonstrators besieged troops with rocks, bottles, and Molotov cocktails.”

Media reports confirmed this rioters violence.

According to the Wall Street Journal of June 4:

    “As columns of tanks and tens of thousands soldiers approached Tiananmen many troops were set on by angry mobs … [D]ozens of soldiers were pulled from trucks, severely beaten and left for dead. At an intersection west of the square, the body of a young soldier, who had been beaten to death, was stripped naked and hung from the side of a bus. Another soldier’s corpse was strung at an intersection east of the square.”

Even ABC, later to one-sidedly dramatize cruelties by government forces, describes how in front of the Australian embassy a PLA solder was beaten to death, disembowelled and left with his penis stuck in his mouth.

But those who condemn government violence  at Tiananmen need to explain the seeming hatred of the government among protestors that triggered Tiananmen events .

Chai Ling, like many other Tianamen rioters became Christian and welcomed in US. Listen to her video to measure her bloodthirstiness - and cowardice.

The "tank man" hoax* 

* The photographer used Peter Klevius favorite film camera (before F4) Nikon Fe2. 10 years earlier Peter Klevius bought a Nikon Fe because of its fast (for fill in flash) titanium shutter, which also handled better in cold than Canon's slow and cold sensitive fabric shutter. Moreover, whereas Canon A1 was useless with low battery (which was also really expensive), Nikon Fe (and Fe2) could still do B and 1/90 mechanically. Double exposure and good depth and field control also helped. However, the best thing was the wonderful metering system with both manual and auto relative to each other on the side of the viewer.

Although the "tank man" photo is authentic, its usage is almost never. As Peter Klevius has always said: Cameras never lie - pictures do. And in this case it's the presentation against a background on an extremely distorted Western presentation of the "Tiananmen massacre", that completely eliminates the "hero" against the "evil CCP" mantra - at a time when CCP had abandoned everything Maoist. 

Peter Klevius was first reluctant to even mention the "tank man" in the post because he thought most people already understood the silliness in it. However, a brief check revealed that BBC and other fake media still uses it deeply tendentiously and polemically. According to Peter Klevius, the incident clearly shows that PLA had strong orders to be careful with non-violent people no matter what they did. Otherwise any army would hav just taken the guy for interrogation - as a ny police would have done in any other country. Moreover, his strange behavior can only be described as either mad or just joking in front of the crowd. There was nothing to "protest" against - or did he want them to park on a normally busy street, or even worse, return to Tiananmen square?! 

1) 5 June 1989 everyone in Beijing knew that PLA wouldn't hurt non-violent civilians. Yes, that happened accidently in the chaotic battle the day before with the rioters who deliberately started the violence (already 3 June) against unarmed PLA soldiers whom they burned alive and hanged etc. That the PLA may have used excessive force is in line with any army in a similar situation. Just listen to Chai Ling and understand how deliberate the provocations from the rioters side were. Btw, also check the Waco siege and similar incidents in US.

2) It didn't happen at Tiananmen square, and the tanks were not going against protesters but just the contrary, i.e. back home.

3) Little, or nothing is publicly known of the man's identity or that of the commander of the lead tank. 

4) An endless list of "theories" have been put forward. Shortly after the incident, London newspaper Sunday Express named him as "Wang Weilin" (王维林), a 19-year-old student who was later charged with "political hooliganism" and "attempting to subvert members of the People's Liberation Army." This claim has been rejected by internal Chinese Communist Party documents, which reported that they could not find the man, according to the Hong Kong-based Information Center for Human Rights. One party member was quoted as saying: "We can't find him. We got his name from journalists. We have checked through computers but can't find him among the dead or among those in prison."

There are several conflicting stories about what happened to him after the "demonstration". In a speech to the President's Club in 1999, Bruce Herschensohn, former deputy special assistant to US President Richard Nixon, alleged that he was executed 14 days later; other sources alleged he was executed by firing squad a few months after the Tiananmen Square protests. In Red China Blues: My Long March from Mao to Now, Jan Wong writes that she believes from her interactions with the government press that they have "no idea who he was either" and that he is still alive somewhere on the mainland. Another theory is that he escaped to Taiwan and remains employed there as an archaeologist in the National Palace Museum. This was first reported by the Yonhap news agency in South Korea.

The Chinese government has made few statements about the incident or the people involved. The government denounced him as a "scoundrel" once on state television. In a 1990 interview with Barbara Walters, then-General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party Jiang Zemin was asked what became of the man. Jiang first stated (through an interpreter), "I can't confirm whether this young man you mentioned was arrested or not", and then replied in English, "I think [that he was] never killed." The government also argued that the incident evidenced the "humanity" of the country's military.

In a 2000 interview with Mike Wallace, Jiang said, "He was never arrested." He then stated, "I don't know where he is now." He also emphasized that the tank stopped and did not run the young man over.

Cui Guozheng, was an unarmed cook in the 348th Regiment of the 116th Division. He was murdered by rioters because he did not stay close enough with the other troops.
