Brexit-UK and its troll farm BBC, accuse Putin for "empire dreams" -
i.e. exactly what Brexit-UK tries to do under the wings of the evil US
warmonger eagle
Post-Brexit UK basically earns its living on money laundering, questionable freeports, smuggling and finance and militarism.IN NUKES WE TRUST
Theresa May, the lady of the 'hostile environment and Human Rights denial'.
Mini-nukes are made for lowering the threshold for their use as a first nuke strike weapon.
Pentagon has already delivered mini-nukes for Trident and F35
US and UK now constitute the main threat for war in Europe and the world.
They have actuall already started one in Ukraine. And deliberately so, because the so called "intelligence" about Putin attacking Ukraine was exactly what US/UK had worked hard to achieve.
If you master original English, i.e. Swedish, then watch this Swedish analyst's view on
UK England wanted out from EU's trade - and back as EU's warmongering military
Brexit-UK and its troll farm BBC, accuse Putin for "empire dreams" -
i.e. exactly what Brexit-UK tries to do under the wings of the evil US
warmonger eagle
Post-Brexit UK basically earns its living on money laundering, questionable freeports, smuggling and finance and militarism.IN NUKES WE TRUST
Theresa May, the lady of the 'hostile environment and Human Rights denial'.
Mini-nukes are made for lowering the threshold for their use as a first nuke strike weapon.
Pentagon has already delivered mini-nukes for Trident and F35
US and UK now constitute the main threat for war in Europe and the world.
have actuall already started one in Ukraine. And deliberately so,
because the so called "intelligence" about Putin attacking Ukraine was
exactly what US/UK had worked hard to achieve.
UK's delusional and dangerous offense secretary Ben Wallace: "UK could kick Russia like it did 1853 in Crimea".
Klevius corrects him: Crimean war ended in disaster home in UK! Learn
to read history! But the reason for US puppet "empire" the militant
Brexit-UK to be so cocky is precisely the new nukes it gets from its
evil master US, which, like UK, has become the real pariah state of the
world. And whereas US painted itself in a future corner already 1971
when it got away with the biggest scum the world has ever seen, UK
painted itself in an other undemocratic Brexit corner. And when China's
fast and successful development soon brings US $-freeloading home to
roost, then those who have invested their interest in a badly aging
thieve, will miss the train towards the future.
putin, which is almost a copy of what you've seen Peter Klevius writing - except that he hasn't fully understood as yet the 1971 US $-dilemma that China now exposes.
UK's delusional and dangerous offense secretary Ben Wallace: "UK could kick Russia like it did 1853 in Crimea".
Klevius corrects him: Crimean war ended in disaster home in UK! Learn
to read history! But the reason for US puppet "empire" the militant
Brexit-UK to be so cocky is precisely the new nukes it gets from its
evil master US, which, like UK, has become the real pariah state of the
world. And whereas US painted itself in a future corner already 1971
when it got away with the biggest scum the world has ever seen, UK
painted itself in an other undemocratic Brexit corner. And when China's
fast and successful development soon brings US $-freeloading home to
roost, then those who have invested their interest in a badly aging
thieve, will miss the train towards the future.