
Saturday, February 26, 2022

UK, no England, wanted out from EU's trade - and back as EU's warmongering military

 Brexit-UK and its troll farm BBC, accuse Putin for "empire dreams" - i.e. exactly what Brexit-UK tries to do under the wings of the evil US warmonger eagle


 Post-Brexit UK basically earns its living on money laundering, questionable freeports, smuggling and  finance and militarism.



Theresa May, the lady of the 'hostile environment and Human Rights denial'.

Mini-nukes are made for lowering the threshold for their use as a first nuke strike weapon. 

Pentagon has already delivered mini-nukes for Trident and F35 

US and UK now constitute the main threat for war in Europe and the world.

They have actuall already started one in Ukraine. And deliberately so, because the so called "intelligence" about Putin attacking Ukraine was exactly what US/UK had worked hard to achieve.

If you master original English, i.e. Swedish, then watch this Swedish analyst's view on 

























UK England wanted out from EU's trade - and back as EU's warmongering military

 Brexit-UK and its troll farm BBC, accuse Putin for "empire dreams" - i.e. exactly what Brexit-UK tries to do under the wings of the evil US warmonger eagle


 Post-Brexit UK basically earns its living on money laundering, questionable freeports, smuggling and  finance and militarism.



Theresa May, the lady of the 'hostile environment and Human Rights denial'.

Mini-nukes are made for lowering the threshold for their use as a first nuke strike weapon. 

Pentagon has already delivered mini-nukes for Trident and F35 

US and UK now constitute the main threat for war in Europe and the world.

They have actuall already started one in Ukraine. And deliberately so, because the so called "intelligence" about Putin attacking Ukraine was exactly what US/UK had worked hard to achieve.

$-freeloader scumbag uncle Sam tries dirty tricks while only thinking about saving his own skin - and having the world to pay for it. For this purpose he uses whatever other scumbags he can find to promote his own self interest - while sitting behind two oceans, with his offensive nukes far away! 


UK's delusional and dangerous offense secretary Ben Wallace: "UK could kick Russia like it did 1853 in Crimea". 

 Peter Klevius corrects him: Crimean war ended in disaster home in UK! Learn to read history! But the reason for US puppet "empire" the militant Brexit-UK to be so cocky is precisely the new nukes it gets from its evil master US, which, like UK, has become the real pariah state of the world. And whereas US painted itself in a future corner already 1971 when it got away with the biggest scum the world has ever seen, UK painted itself in an other undemocratic Brexit corner. And when China's fast and successful development soon brings US $-freeloading home to roost, then those who have invested their interest in a badly aging thieve, will miss the train towards the future.




















putin,  which is almost a copy of what you've seen Peter Klevius writing - except that he hasn't fully understood as yet the 1971 US $-dilemma that China now exposes.

$-freeloader scumbag uncle Sam tries dirty tricks while only thinking about saving his own skin - and having the world to pay for it. For this purpose he uses whatever other scumbags he can find to promote his own self interest - while sitting behind two oceans, with his offensive nukes far away! 


UK's delusional and dangerous offense secretary Ben Wallace: "UK could kick Russia like it did 1853 in Crimea". 

 Peter Klevius corrects him: Crimean war ended in disaster home in UK! Learn to read history! But the reason for US puppet "empire" the militant Brexit-UK to be so cocky is precisely the new nukes it gets from its evil master US, which, like UK, has become the real pariah state of the world. And whereas US painted itself in a future corner already 1971 when it got away with the biggest scum the world has ever seen, UK painted itself in an other undemocratic Brexit corner. And when China's fast and successful development soon brings US $-freeloading home to roost, then those who have invested their interest in a badly aging thieve, will miss the train towards the future.

Friday, February 25, 2022

Why did Finlad suddenly jump for F35 instead of (as palanned) Swedish Gipen? Because Gripen can't carry US new mini nukes!

 How stupid and dangerous can Finnish politicians be who try to push Finland into US extended nuke army (i.e. NATO)!

 US is 100% to blame for the Ukraine disaster as well.

STOP US (+ its Anglospheric puppets), the worst threat to the world right now!
This monstrous rogue state $-freeloading U.S.:
1. Is adding more than 600 nukes to its already more than 6,000.
Because of smaller size, better transportability, higher accuracy,
and US first strike policy (unlike e.g. Russia, China etc.)
the risk of use of nukes by US has dramatically increased
- especially considering the end of $-hegemony because of China
outperforming it in tech and healthy development.
2. US can at any time read and silence your free speech, or stop your
transaction - wherever you are in the world (except in China).
3. UK/AUKUS bought US mini nukes (e.g. for Trident) and NATO+Finland bought
F35 which can carry them.

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Beijing 2022: A bridge over troubled water - beautiful, high quality performance instead of ugly Sinophobic aggression and militarism

While China tries to build trust and bridges, the West under $-freeloader rogue state US influence and coersion, keeps spitting and smearing in a racist manner not seen since WW2  against a people!


China's Sui Wenjing & Han Cong win pairs gold in Beijing Winter Olympics 2022 to the tune of Bridge over troubled water.


Friday, February 18, 2022

$-freeloader rogue state US' and its immoral Western puppets' pretext for genocide in Ukraine

$-freeloader rogue state US, with the worst history of militant interventions, now in advance accuses Russia for "invading" Ukraine if Russia wants to help their fellow Russians who are under genocidal attacks in Ukraine.

While the rightwing neo-nazis supporting Ukrainian military attacks Russian speaking Ukrainians, the West (under coercion from $-freeloader rogue state US, or just out of stupidity) doesn't hesitate to support this real genocidal ethnic cleansing,

As $-freeloader rogue state US controls all financial transactions, it wants to weaponize this for blackmailing Russia to a point favorable for $-freeloader rogue state US' attacks against its main target, i,.e. China.

 An example of a disastrously naive, modern anti-democratic politician is the Finland-Swedish (like Peter Klevius) Alexander Stubb, who supports the openly anti-Human Rights, islamofascist totalitarian regime of Turkey, as well as $-freeloader rogue state US. Is he morally and/or intellectually blind, when he doesn't realize where the danger is coming from?!

$-freeloader rogue state US and its desperate situation when facing China's success, and therefore wants to use whatever means and whatever "allies" for the sake of safeguarding its position as a financial and militaristic global dictator, who otherwise faces a grim global trial when the world finally realizes how much unnecessary loss and suffering its dollar manipulation and militaristic interventions (open and behind the curtain) has caused since it 1971 decided to start the world's biggest scum, by exporting dollar losses to the rest of the world to pay for - i.e. making US a country stealing money from all other countries. And what's gone wrong behind Alexander Stubb's slooping forehead when it comes to his view on democracy. A couple of days ago in an interview with BBC he happily acknowledged that although only less than a third of Finns favored a NATO membership, that shouldn't stop it.

$-freeloader rogue state US global financial and militant extorsion needs to stop!

US is itself doing what it without any grounds whatsoever accuses China for.

The worst joke of today is that $-freeloader rogue state US is "a defender of freedom and Western values". Freedom for a bullying thieve to continue robbing and dictating the world?!

$-freeloader rogue state US is now a scared and cornered rat - busy loading its guns with the help of printed, i.e. in the case of US, stolen dollars. Keep away!


Peter Klevius warning to any country: Don't let $-freeloader rogue state US (or its puppet UK) militarism in! We were warned long time ago by US being the only country to have used nukes against an other country - twice. Today $-freeloader rogue state US and its puppets militarism constitutes the biggest threat against world peace and prosperity. Rogue state US, because its global $-freeloading (i.e. stealing money from the rest of the world since 1971) is threatened by China's growth, and UK because it's left in limbo after Brexit and therefore tries to live a militant puppet "empire" life under the wings of US hawks. 

UK military is occupying islands belonging to Mauritius and renting them out for US military - while Chagossians who used to live there were forcibly deported!

Camp Thunder Cove on Chagos was used against Vietnamese people in the 1960s and 70s.

Alexander Stubb says he feels Finland and EU should follow in UD decline and moral demise. Why?!

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Why are US and UK military occupying Chagos islands?! And aren't US and UK the least qualified to talk about "the Law of the Sea"!

Peter Klevius order to US/UK: Compensate the Chagossians and Mauritius - and immediately give back the islands in full and without US/UK military bases!


$-freeloader rogue state US global financial and militant extorsion needs to stop!

US is itself doing what it without any grounds whatsoever accuses China for.

The worst joke of today is that $-freeloader rogue state US is "a defender of freedom and Western values". Freedom for bullying thieve to continue robbing and dictating the world?!

$-freeloader rogue state US is now a scared and cornered rat - busy loading its guns with the help of printed, i.e. in the case of US, stolen dollars. Keep away!


Peter Klevius warning to any country: Don't let $-freeloader rogue state US (or its puppet UK) militarism in! We were warned long time ago by US being the only country to have used nukes against an other country - twice. Today $-freeloader rogue state US and its puppets militarism constitutes the biggest threat against world peace and prosperity. Rogue state US, because its global $-freeloading (i.e. stealing money from the rest of the world since 1971) is threatened by China's growth, and UK because it's left in limbo after Brexit and therefore tries to live a militant puppet "empire" life under the wings of US hawks. 

UK military is occupying islands belonging to Mauritius and renting them out for US military - while Chagossians who used to live there were forcibly deported!

Camp Thunder Cove on Chagos was used against Vietnamese people in the 1960s and 70s.

Will US/UK continue trampling the Chagossians right of return, by again influencing and bribing politicians etc.?

In return for US being allowed to operate a major military base, the UK receives discount on the research and development costs of the US-led nuclear weapons programme. It was also revealed that Diego Garcia played a key role in the CIA’s torture programme.

There is strong reason to believe that US nukes are stored in Diego Garcia with a great probability of nuclear testing and experimenting in the Indian Ocean, i.e. a considerable risk for all inhabitants of the islands in the Indian Ocean. The recent leaking of information from a US Senate report has raised fresh questions about what UK knew about CIA’s torture programme and other obscure US military activities performed on Diego Garcia.

There has been a long line of international protest and judgement condemning UK for its unlawful occupations and in 2021, UN's International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea delivered a stern and unequivocal rebuke to the UK in ruling the UK has no legal right in the maritime area of the Chagos Islands, and that the islands should be handed back to Mauritius.

Peter Klevius wrote:

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Does hegemonic, militaristic and aggressive US invite the world to global assassinations, interventions and the destroying of space equipment?!

According to US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, the murdering of Soleimani was just part of a ‘broader strategy’ showing 'real deterrence' against China and Russia.

He said nations have to understand that the US is not only capable of imposing cost on nations by killing their leaders but “willing to do so,” saying that the killing put the US in the “greatest position of strength ever.”

Pompeo presented the killing of Soleimani as part of the same strategy that has seen the US sending lethal military aid to Ukraine, and withdrawal of the US from arms control deals and testing of intermediate-range nuclear weapons. He also said sending more ships through the South China Sea was “restoring credibility.”

US also declared military ownership of space combined with the right to intercept and destroy whatever the US considers 'against its interest' in space or on the ground - or between.

Peter Klevius wonders whether this is any good for a global world and peace? However, it's certainly in line with US existing policy to use islamofascist terrorists as weapons in conflicts around the world.




Thursday, February 10, 2022

Finland, the motherland of lands

 'Finn' and 'land' are both more than 2,000 years old - and first applied to northern Europe settled by different types of Finns

 Peter Klevius tries to correct the scientific bias that population gravity and PC, rather than essence and honesty, has created.

Get the explanation and history of the above pic here

Finland - the motherland* of Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Holland, England, Scotland, Ireland etc.

The muslim scimitar against the Western "infidel". Or today, Saudi islamofascism (Saudi based OIC sharia) against Human Rights. This has been made possible by OIC officially abandoning Human Rights in 1990, and EU's s.c. Mediterranean treaty that paved the way not only for an unregulated immigration of muslims from Middle East and Africa, but also for the stifling of criticism against islam (compare OIC's urge to criminalize the new "illness" it had diagnosed and called "islamophobia"). The scimitar on Finland's and Karelia's coat of arms symbolizes the evil of islam - not Russia* (although Ivan was terrible, he wasn't an ideology). Before the appearance of the scimitar trampling lion on the coat of arms of Finland, muslim Tatar warriors (on the pic) carrying scimitars* repeatedly attacked and pillaged the southern coast of Finland with devastating effect on the locals. * Tatars used by Russia (Muscovite) carried Cossack style sabers, not scimitars. Finland's coat of arms (top right) is first known from the 1580s (on Gustav Vasa's tomb in Uppsala cathedral), while the Karelian coat of arms (below Finland's) was seen already in 1562. Uppsala cathedral was built after the Viking age on top of Sweden's original sacred non-Christian site. Uppsala was the natural and closest connection from Finland via the archipelago (see Peter Klevius Finland-Swedish history lesson about Kvenland). The symbol of the lion is derived from the coat of arms of the Folkunga family, and included in the royal arms of Sweden. The beginning of the Folkunga family is said to be traced to Fornjotr, the King of Kvenland and Gotland (ca 160-240 AD). Finland-Swedish Leif Tengström made a desperate 1,000 page long effort in his thesis Muschoviten-- Turcken icke olijk": Ryssattribut, och deras motbilder, i svensk heraldik från Gustav Vasa till freden i Stolbova (1997 - ("The Muscowite, not unlike the Turk" : Russian attributes in Swedish heraldry from Gustavus Vasa [1523] to the peace-treaty of Stolbova [1617]. Diss. -- Jyväskylä University) - trying to disprove a much better Finland-Swedish historian, Matti Klinge, who already 1981 established the scimitar on the weapon as representing muslims. Tengström vehemently opposed this view but after a decade long research he had to admit his failure but covered it up in a charlatanic excuse, i.e. that the scimitar just represented a general western xenophobia against both Russia and islam. In fact, Tatar warriors were all over the place, even fighting for the Muscovites, but they can't possibly have been the prototype for the muslim scimitar on the coat of arms. Tatar muslim warriors were sent to Arabia to learn how to hate "infidels" - and then utilized by a Swedish/Polish king (Sigismund II Augustus) who said he "liked the muslim way of keeping with old customs". Peter Klevius: Reminds me of how the islamofascist Saudi dictator family still today uses the old islamic method of "teaching" hate against the "infidels" (compare Rohyngia jihadis, Sri Lankan jihadis, Uyghur jihadis etc. - or just any Sunni jihadi all over the world.

Wednesday, February 02, 2022

If Youtube supports science*, it ought to stop giving free pass to anti-science afropologists who promote grave misinformation about human evolution.


* What's really the differance between (religious?) afropologists and religious creationists? Youtube seems to treat them similarly well.

Peter Klevius has for a decade* told the world that humans didn't originate in Africa - by using the very "evidence" afropologists claim to have.

* And as the world's first 1992 to combine "mongoloid" (cold adapted) Jinniushan with Khoisan. Genetic diversity, fossils (or rather the lack of transitional ones), and "Africa is a big continent" (smaller than Asia and with less variation in climate and ecology - and doesn't possess a tropical and volatile archipelage as the one in SE Asia)!

Genetic diversity of dogs and humans


 Cumulative genepool corresponds with cumulative fossilpool. And species diversity corresponds with immigration of new species over time.

When afropologists say there are more genetic diversity in Africa, they simply lump together all migrant DNA from the oldest (Khoisan) to the youngest (Bantu). It's like saying there are more genetic diversity among pet dogs - which we do know has nothing to do with evolutionary origin. Except, of course, as a model for how volatile islands created new species.

Genetic diversity is the total number of genetic characteristics in the genetic makeup of a species, it ranges widely from the number of species to differences within species and can be attributed to the span of survival for a species.

Genetic diversity serves as a way for populations to adapt to changing environments. Asian environment was much more varied than African. And the dog breeding environment was different from the wolves.

Dog breeding started some 40,000 bp, perhaps even earlier, i.e. close to when truly modern humans started conquering the world from Asia some 55-45,000 bp.

If all pet dogs were let loose, we would end up with the same situation as with humans - i.e. answering the stupid question: Why is there only one type of human species left?

The absolute impossibility of African "crdle of humankind".

Sustained reproductive isolation creating true species differences among intelligent, bipedal and omnivorous primates, can only be achieved on unstable islands - meaning they need both island isolation as well as mainland interaction from time to time.

An omnivorous, fast moving and clever bipedal wouldn't give species evolution a chance on a continent. What was needed was repeated island isolation. Just like our diversity of dogs was created on breeding "islands".

Africa's "genetic diversity" rests on migration, because the oldest DNA in now living Africans comes from "mongoloid" (cold adapted) Khoisan who must have come from the north. According to Peter Klevius (who is a real scientist - i.e. bias assassin) theory (first hinted at 1992 and finalized 2012) round-skulled Homo sapiens sapiens (HSS) got a better brain setup in the SE Asian archipelago due to jungle dwarfing where only better packed small brains could survive. During iceages (e.g. after the Toba catastrophe) the new brain setup entered mainland Asia and finally mixed with Jinniushan's relatives in the cold north - and became "mongoloid". This resulted in the clever HSS that the conquered the whole world. However, when Khoisan's ancestors passed the tropics they also mixed with the ancestors of what we used to call "Negritos", "Pygmies" etc.. This mix resulted in small statured people with either negroid or mongoloid features.

All modern humans, except for Australian aborigines - which has its own mixing history with Papua-New Guinea in the past - have identical globular skulls.