
Sunday, May 23, 2021

UK defends the Saudi based and steered OIC sharia caliphate with leaking boats and nukes rented from its master, US military

Peter Klevius (who discovered Homo filius nullius) wonders wether the Queen is the loneliest* person in UK?

* Peter Klevius has never been alone but mostly guarded by women while accepting very little say by himself against them. However, otherwise he has been extremely independent - just the very opposite to e.g. the Queen. 

Apart from family tragedies and the fact that she can't even get a passport of her own, she is also forced to be the mouthpiece for whatever others decide her to say or do. 

However, what is her relation to sharia islam? Does anyone know for sure? What we do know is that she wasn't very pleased with Diana before Diana started dating Pakistani muslims. At that point Wikipedia thinks the Queen got more positive towards Diana while Diana's own mother rejected her and Diana's brother denied her access to the family home.

 UK tries to restore its colonial past but rather seems to shoot itself in both feet.


Peter Klevius wrote:

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Klevius' Angels of Antichrist should be compulsory reading for everyone dealing with children and sociology.

From Angels of Antichrist to Pathological Symbiosis - a brief history about Klevius fight for Human Rights against the social state.

Children 'still at risk' of being abused through state/council inventions not only in Jersey but all over England.

As Peter Klevius wrote in Angels of Antichrist (1996) 'state bureaucracy has its own inertia' based on powerful legislative lobbying by state bureaucrats themselves, poorly regulated commercial interests and without due responsibilities, authority status, and a psychosocial swamp of hoax social "science". And all of this is "justified" because the state functions as the ultimate custodian.

However, by addressing and accepting the problems above - especially the fact that the social state now functions like whatever big corporation with the added benefits of authority and legislation, no clear profit and quality responsibility, and no problem with bankruptcy etc. - a slimmed down and more effective and humane welfare state could emerge. I.e. one that puts its "clients", not itself, first.

Angels of Antichrist was based on Klevius earlier articles as well as his experience as a solicitor for parents who had been robbed of their children without no real ground for it.

Angels of Antichrist is perhaps the most important sociological paper from the last Century - yet one of the least read and understood, possibly because it's the first to combine kinship, social state and sex segregation in one clear analysis firmly mounted to solid empirical (although often hard to swallow) facts.

Angels of Antichrist now resides on several locations on the web. Here some examples:

The original version from 1996

This article 'Where the law ends tyranny begins' from 1993 was published in Finland in Hufvudstadsbladet, and is a predecessor to Angels of Antichrist. Here later published on NKMR's web site.

And here's an other from 1994.

However, Peter Klevius himself recommends the updated version from 2006 on Klevius web museum, which deliberately hasn't been touched upon for more than a decade.

The social state hides its Human Rights atrocities behind the 'Margin of Appreciation'

Some points quoted from Angels of Antichrist (Klevius 1996):

the social state creates its own problems in a way which are beyond all conceptions of human rights

The authorized and monopolized interpretation of "the best interest of the child" (created by small and non-representative but strongly influential groups of legislators) has established a powerful and legal child trade system within the social state. (This legal child trade works within the "margin of appreciation" and thus, until now, out of reach for e.g. the European Convention of Human Rights.) Parents live under constant threat from the social workers, and their children can be abducted and placed into commercial foster "care" on the basis of purely subjective (e g psycho-dynamic) opinions.

Pamela Geller and others got it all wrong when accusing Human Rights because the very opposite is true, i.e. that ECHR doesn't rule within 'the margin of appreciation' which fact is clearly stated in this case. In this respect it resembles ECHR's reluctance to deal with cases of the state abducting children on questionable grounds, as Klevius pointed out in Angels of Antichrist (1992) after ECHR dismissed a couple of Klevius cases on the grounds that they were 'within the margin of appreciation'. Klevius still remembers the hopelessness he saw in the eyes of his clients.

ECHR: The Court bore in mind the considerable room for manoeuvre (“wide margin of appreciation”) left to the authorities in the sphere concerning access to experimental medication for the terminally ill and in cases raising sensitive moral and ethical issues, reiterating that it was not for the Court to substitute itself for the competent domestic authorities.

A further proposal was made to make it easier for the authorities to isolate pregnant women suspected of living in a way that could be harmful to the unborn child (the formulation does not say ’her’ child - the child is the property of the state). I think this can hardly be in accordance with the spirit and intention of the European Convention or of the UN Human Rights Convention.

Professor in jurisprudence Jacob Sundberg, who has defended human rights against the Swedish system for decades, became a serious dissident on the University of Stockholm in the late eighties (the ius docendi affair). His efforts and the incorporating of Sweden in EU have forced the Swedish juridical system to pay, at least some attention to what earlier was called "strange thoughts of catholic reactionaries from the south". The Swedish strategy seems, however to avoid these "strange thoughts" by lobbying their own.

Today the social state, more or less, runs its own race with little dependence on political parties and the legal actions against children are largely subjective; there are, in other words relatively few drug abusers, alcoholics and clearly mentally disturbed persons among the parents. This trading of children has expanded beyond all imaginable limits and today makes up one of the heaviest costs of the municipalities in Sweden. Thus, the proportion of foster children in Sweden is 6-12 times higher than in Japan, a welfare state where, according to UN statistics, the quality of children's lives are valued most highly in the world. It hardly needs mentioning that Japan is the oldest and most family centred developed country in the World. In fact, the interventions made by the social authorities have been roughly proportional to juvenile delinquency of non-economic types. In Japan, child-criminality is still on a very low level whereas the Swedish figures might well be among the highest in the world. We are hampered in realistic assessment about this, however, since such cases are transferred to the social authorities, out of reach for statistics and international police-agreements.


If I were a stockbroker and if the social state was on the list I would probably invest in it. Which stocks could be safer? However, I’m not sure I like the business idea.

We might ask: After such a clean sweep, what is left on the dining table to eat? There is not really very much that presents itself in the way of alternatives to a rigid, biological, fundamentalist society. Some sort of protection, however is needed for the free, atomized souls inhabiting society, mother- and fatherless and with limited or, in practice, often superficial or non-existing kin- or friendship ties.

The totalitarian enemy grows at approximately the same rate as the individual weakens. Kinship, friendship and family values are needed but without being strangled by religion and sex segregation. A rule of law based on human rights, but these rights must be formulated so that they provide a bulwark against the very real enemy threat: the social state. Individuals have to be protected by the negative rights of the individual, in sharp contrast to the collective (society’s) positive rights of the socialistic ideology. Pluralism versus centralized state power.

In conclusion I would like to quote a hesitant Swedish feminist Maud Eduards; "But can women trust the state to take care of their interests? And will a society ruled and regulated by the state, with mean possibilities of private life, benefit women?"

This I will argue is a relevant question for women, men and children around the world. Although it is a rare one, the book I dearly would like to read is part two of Selma Lagerlöf’s "The Miracles of Antichrist". This is even rarer because she never came to write it. My guess is that its name might have been "Angels of Antichrist".

Shouldn't social state people be sentenced for manslaughter, child abuse etc.?

The most serious charge of manslaughter in England is gross negligence manslaughter which carries a maximum life sentence on conviction.

Gross negligence manslaughter is a form of involuntary manslaughter where the offender did not intend to kill or cause really serious harm.  Instead the death resulted  from gross negligence.

The complex law was clarified in a House of Lords ruling in 1994 in the case of R v Adomako. The test for gross negligence manslaughter is now known as the Adomako Test. It has four stages.

To secure a conviction, the Crown Prosecution Service must show firstly the existence of a duty of care to the deceased.

Then, it must prove that duty of care was breached,

and thirdly that the breach of duty  caused or else significantly contributed to the deaths.

Finally, prosecutors would have to convince a jury that the breach should be characterized as gross negligence, and therefore a crime.

Gross negligence manslaughter is used to prosecute people who fail in a duty of care, causing someone's death.

Klevius question: When will people who were responsible for this be prosecuted?
Klevius question: Does molesting non-muslims by muslims deserve a shorter sentence?

Klevius scientific follow up analysis of Angels of Antichrist is a thesis called Pathological Symbiosis, which is the hereto most thorough one in its field. It not only the first to trace this hoax psychodynamic "diagnosis" to all its sources, but it also meticulously investigates legislation about it as well as its practical usage in social work and in the judicial process. And as an extra bonus it offers an appendix containing email correspondence with the author of the text that was used in the preparatory works for the Swedish Parliament - which, btw, mostly wasn't aware of it because it was cleverly hidden within a few lines in a many hundred pages work. Not even Klevius professor Henrik Tham believed it to be true before Klevius put the book in front of him.

When Klevius lectured about this he was contacted by the Swedish Government's muslim advisor who got so scared so he proposed that muslims should be exempted from the child care act (LVU).

Klevius wrote:

Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Why didn't you resque these girls from muslim predators? UK police: We thought they were child prostitutes (sic)!

The social state is much more devastating to children than any private company - and waste much more money!

A UK mother who found 125 names of potential (most/all muslims?) sex abusers on her daughter’s mobile phone claims she was told by police in Rotherham it would be a "breach of the girl’s human rights" if they investigated.

Klevius translation: Note that we are talking about underage girls who would have no Human Rights protection against social state interventions (aided by the police) whatsoever (to understand this and the tiltle see Angels of Antichrist and Pathological Symbiosis). What they really meant was that it would be a breach of the muslims' human rights (read "diversity policy") if they investigated. And this is the dilemma - Human Rights cover all, including muslims, whereas sharia opposes Human Rights - which fact doesn't hinder muslims (and their supporters) from abusing Human Rights when it serves themselves.!

The parasitic social state that feeds itself on behalf of the taxpayers and children while giving a s--t to non-muslim girls abused by muslims. Don't approve a penny before getting rid of the parasites residing in the social state! And one thing is definitive: Ed Milliband will continue supporting these parasites.

Rotherham has been totally dominated by Labour since World War 2. Compare the total dominance of the Swedish social democrats who created the disastrous Swedish social state all the way from Gunnar and Alva Myral's "social hygiene"  in the 1930s and due eugenics to the explosive tax injection in the 1970s and due birth of the modern social state. Some results: The Swedish "girl problem" (which Klevius has written about since 1993), high child/youth criminality, and a school system that 2015 is classified among the worst within OECD and heavily criticized in a recent OECD report. Yet Sweden has compulsory school attendance and doesn't admit homeschooling at all for normal children (alone in Europe together with Germany whose Hitler imposed law is still in power).

Learn more on Angels of Antichrist and Pathological Symbiosis

Joyce Thacker has been a central figure in the responsibility for letting children be abused and even murdered. How much does she get from your tax money, and will she be rewarded in the usual way for defending islam while not defending children.

Politicians in bed with islamofascism is a disaster for Human Rights

A vote for Ed Milliband is a vote against children's rights

Ed Miliband is the son of Polish immigrant parents. His mother, Marion Kozak, is a Polish Jew who survived the Holocaust thanks to being protected by Poles. His father, Ralph Miliband, was a Belgian-born Polish Jewish Marxist academic who fled with his father to England during World War II.

Rochdale is notorious for its muslim sex predators abusing white British girls taken into "care" by the social state.

Rochdale Labour councillor Shakil Ahmed is the dad of now freed(?!) terrorist suspect Waheed Ahmed who was arrested and accused of trying to go to Syria with eight of his relatives.

'Extreme islam' and 'extremist muslims' vs. ?

No, there is nothing to counter evil islam. Extreme islam has no alternative simply because islam is extreme in itself. Islam can never comply with the basic universal equality principle of Human Rights. That's because islam is based on racism and sexism, i.e. supremacy! Klevius therefore fully agrees with Erdogan's statement that there are no moderate muslims because there is no moderate islam.

And they are all around us ready to squeeze in more of islam whenever opportunities arise - and always ready to excuse islam from whatever that can be seen as unfavorable to islam.

BBC behaves precisely as those who let muslims continue their sex slavery (aka "grooming") in Rochdale, Rotherham and elsewhere!

Chief Crown Prosecutor for the north-west of England, Nazir Afzal was "removed" due to 'on-going drive for efficiency' after being investigated for allegation he sent a text message to a (muslim?) defendant in a court case.

Nazir Afzal to BBC's (deliberately?) toothless (and therefore useless) presenter Edward Stourton: It has nothing to do with islam. I know that the vast majority of offenders are British white male.

However, although white British men (because most Brits are "white" - "colored" muslims constitute below 3-5% and Pakistani/Bangladesh muslims even less) are the majority of abusers in the British population as a whole, the specific type of grooming offence and especially the very highly organised sex abuse such as we’ve seen in Rotherham and elsewhere, is dominated by muslims and follows Koranic principles from the origin of islam.



Saturday, May 22, 2021

Peter Klevius vaccine tutorial: We have no clue about longterm effects of manipulating with S protein


And the simple reason why younger people get more blood clots is statistical - many of those with this rare vulnerability have already died before getting old.

In the 1960s, scientists found that antiviral antisera might result in an exceptional increase in viral infectivity of animal viruses. This phenomenon that viral infection can be enhanced by internalization associated with antibody Fc receptors, i.e antibody dependent enhancement, was then widely reported in infections with flaviviruses and other viruses. Later, more antibody FcR-mediated effects, such as complement activation and release of inflammatory cytokines, were reported to be involved in severer diseas. ADE has also been observed in vaccinated animals after viral challenge with the corresponding virus.

Cats immunized with a vaccine expressing the feline infectious peritonitis virus S protein on a recombinant pox virus vector died earlier than control animals when challenged with FIPV25. Given that passive immunization with feline serum containing high-titre antibodies reactive with feline FIPV also resulted in a more rapid disease after FIPV challenge, the vaccine-induced disease exacerbation may be attributed to antibody dependent enhancement. Moreover, type 2 T helper cell based immunopathologic responses induced by homologous viral challenge after vaccination could also result in disease exacerbation.

Vaccine-associated disease enhancement involves both antibody-dependent and TH2 cell-dependent disease exacerbation. The history of the development of vaccines against respiratory syncytial virus, dengue virus, SARS-CoV and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), each provides clues for better COVID-19 vaccine development.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Why are EU etc. residents' rights to "safety and security" lacking in the Queen's speech 2021?!

 My Government will introduce measures to increase the safety and security of its citizens.

Queen's Speech 2021 Her Majesty’s most gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament. From: Prime Minister's Office, 10 Downing Street Published 11 May

My lords and members of the House of Commons.

My Government’s priority is to deliver a national recovery from the pandemic that makes the United Kingdom stronger, healthier and more prosperous than before.

To achieve this, my Government will level up opportunities across all parts of the United Kingdom, supporting jobs, businesses and economic growth and addressing the impact of the pandemic on public services.

My Government will protect the health of the nation, continuing the vaccination programme and providing additional funding to support the NHS. My Ministers will bring forward legislation to empower the NHS to innovate and embrace technology. Patients will receive more tailored and preventative care, closer to home [Health and Care Bill]. Measures will be brought forward to support the health and wellbeing of the nation, including to tackle obesity and improve mental health. Proposals on social care reform will be brought forward.

My Government will build on the success of the vaccination programme to lead the world in life sciences, pioneering new treatments against diseases like cancer and securing jobs and investment across the country.

My Ministers will oversee the fastest ever increase in public funding for research and development and pass legislation to establish an advanced research agency [Advanced Research and Invention Agency Bill].

Following the unprecedented support provided to businesses during the pandemic, proposals will be brought forward to create and support jobs and improve regulation.

My Government will strengthen the economic ties across the union, investing in and improving national infrastructure. Proposals will be taken forward to transform connectivity by rail and bus [High Speed Rail (Crewe – Manchester) Bill] and to extend 5G mobile coverage and gigabit capable broadband [Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Bill].

Legislation will support a lifetime skills guarantee to enable flexible access to high quality education and training throughout people’s lives [Skills and Post-16 Education Bill].

Measures will be introduced to ensure that support for businesses reflects the United Kingdom’s strategic interests and drives economic growth [Subsidy Control Bill]. Laws will simplify procurement in the public sector [Procurement Bill].

Eight new Freeports will create hubs for trade and help regenerate communities [National Insurance Contributions Bill].

My Government will ensure that the public finances are returned to a sustainable path once the economic recovery is secure.

Measures will be brought forward to ensure that children have the best start in life, prioritising their early years. My Ministers will address lost learning during the pandemic and ensure every child has a high quality education and is able to fulfil their potential.

My Government will help more people to own their own home whilst enhancing the rights of those who rent. Laws to modernise the planning system, so that more homes can be built, will be brought forward, along with measures to end the practice of ground rents for new leasehold properties [Planning Bill, Leasehold Reform (Ground Rent) Bill]. My Ministers will establish in law a new Building Safety Regulator to ensure that the tragedies of the past are never repeated [Building Safety Bill].

Measures will be brought forward to address racial and ethnic disparities and ban conversion therapy.

Legislation will support the voluntary sector by reducing unnecessary bureaucracy and releasing additional funds for good causes [Dormant Assets Bill, Charities Bill].

My Government will invest in new green industries to create jobs, while protecting the environment. The United Kingdom is committed to achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and will continue to lead the way internationally by hosting the COP26 Summit in Glasgow. Legislation will set binding environmental targets [Environment Bill]. Legislation will also be brought forward to ensure the United Kingdom has, and promotes, the highest standards of animal welfare [Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill, Kept Animals Bill, Animals Abroad Bill].

My Government will strengthen and renew democracy and the constitution. Legislation will be introduced to ensure the integrity of elections, protect freedom of speech and restore the balance of power between the executive, legislature and the courts [Electoral Integrity Bill, Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Bill, Judicial Review Bill, Dissolution and Calling of Parliament Bill]. My Ministers will promote the strength and integrity of the union. Measures will be brought forward to strengthen devolved Government in Northern Ireland and address the legacy of the past [Northern Ireland (Ministers, Elections and Petitions of Concerns) Bill, Legacy Legislation].

My Government will introduce measures to increase the safety and security of its citizens.

Peter Klevius: So what about UK residents?!

Legislation will increase sentences for the most serious and violent offenders and ensure the timely administration of justice [Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill]. Proposals will be brought forward to address violence, including against women and girls, and to support victims [Draft Victims Bill]. Measures will be brought forward to establish a fairer immigration system that strengthens the United Kingdom’s borders and deters criminals who facilitate dangerous and illegal journeys [New Plan for Immigration Legislation].

My Government will lead the way in ensuring internet safety for all, especially for children [Draft Online Safety Bill] whilst harnessing the benefits of a free, open and secure internet.

My Ministers will provide our gallant Armed Services with the biggest spending increase in thirty years, taking forward their programme of modernisation and reinforcing the United Kingdom’s commitment to NATO. My Ministers will honour and strengthen the Armed Forces Covenant, placing it in law [Armed Forces Bill]. Measures will be introduced to provide National Insurance contribution relief for employers of veterans [National Insurance Contributions Bill].

Peter Klevius: The foreign aid is taken down to a record low level while the "gallant Armed Services" get to rent even more nukes from Uncle Sam, while efforts have been made justifying, avoiding and covering up crimes committed by UK army personnel abroad.

Legislation will be introduced to counter hostile activity by foreign states [Counter-State Threats Bill, Telecommunications (Security) Bill]. 

Peter Klevius: What about a "counter-islamist threat bill" instead? People in UK are attacked by muslim terrorists - not by Chinese students, researchers etc.

My Ministers will implement the Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy.

Peter Klevius: The biggest security threat is coming from islamism - so how would that be cured by more nukes and racist Sinophobia and hate against China?!

The United Kingdom will host the G7 Summit and lead the global effort to secure a robust economic recovery from the pandemic. 

Peter Klevius: A "global effort" without the foremost global power when it comes to technology and economy?!

My Ministers will deepen trade ties in the Gulf, Africa and the Indo-Pacific.

My Government will continue to provide aid where it has the greatest impact on reducing poverty and alleviating human suffering. My Government will uphold human rights and democracy across the world. 

Peter Klevius: Doesn't that clash with the Saudi dictator family ally and OIC which represent the very opposite to Human Rights?!

It will take forward a global effort to get 40 million girls across the world into school.

Peter Klevius: Does it include muslim Uighur girls under sharia?

Members of the House of Commons.

Estimates for the public services will be laid before you.

My lords and members of the House of Commons.

Other measures will be laid before you.

I pray that the blessing of Almighty God may rest upon your counsels.
Published 11 May 2021 

Thursday, May 06, 2021

$-freeloader rogue state US' criminal global trade dictatorship undermines a healthy world order

Chinese voice: "It's like when you want to drink milk but you not only need to own a whole farm, breed dairy cows, build barns, fences etc.. all by yourselves."

And $-freeloader rogue state US has nothing of that but uses its global hegemony to push the world so it fits Uncle MAGA Sam.
$-freeloader rogue state US is itself incapable of producing chips. A s it has been with so much else, it always needed help from East Asia and Europe.

And yes, US built the first massproduced car but the poor quality became only obvious when Europeans and East Asians also started building cars. So no wonder that European and Japanese luxury brands have been more popular among Americans than their own brands.  

Nuclear tech, rocket tech, computing tech etc. were all imported from Europe.

And the only reason $-freeloader US' doesn't go even further in its criminal behavior against China is because it's dependent on Chinese chipmakers for its own survival. However, this also means that those who stupidly follow the already gravely dement Uncle Sam may miss the Chinese highspeed train towards the future. And most worrisome of all is the fact that Uncle Sam starts a mass shooting in his delutional desperation.

Nikkei: It is a frustrating area of dependence for China, which imported $350 billion worth of semiconductors last year, according to the China Semiconductor Industry Association. Removing this source of U.S. leverage over its economy became a national priority two years ago, when Washington put sanctions on China's biggest telecommunications equipment maker, Huawei Technologies, while spreading unfounded spying allegations that the Chinese company has constantly denied.

This was followed by sanctions on several other major Chinese technology companies, from its top contract chipmaker, Semiconductor Manufacturing International Co., to Hikvision, the world's biggest surveillance camera maker. Over a hundred companies in total have been placed on a trade blacklist prohibiting most U.S. technology to be sold to them without a license. That has spurred an aggressive effort by Beijing to identify and replace risky parts and suppliers.

The result has been an unprecedented flourishing of chip-related companies within China. Dozens of Chinese companies, with specializations mirroring U.S. incumbents in key areas from ion implantation to etching, have sprung into prominence over the past few years, accelerating as the state realizes the enormity of the self-sufficiency project.