Are the English about to be lured onto a racist/sexist Saudi sharia path away from democracy and Human Rights?
This heroic woman from Yemen gets little attention from far right Brexiter extremists and BBC.
BBC is far more interested in muslim
Uyghurs and muslim Rohingyas than muslim Yemenis. If you check BBC News
"reporting" you will easily see that it's all about what is best for the
islamofascist Saudi dictator family.
Is China unwittingly becoming the world's main defense for Human Rights? Who could have guessed? Not BBC, that's for sure.
China has vowed to crack down on the "three evils" of terrorism,
separatism, and religious extremism. I.e. same agenda as Theresa May -
except that May also includes "far right extremism". And Jacob Rees-Mogg
ticks all the boxes.
Yes, there are racists in all populations, and yes, they aer easily
turned on by playing the race card. But does it belong to civilized
democracy? Klevius doesn't think so.
No civilized country would even dream about having a "referendum" on
something unknown to be decided once and for all by two percent of a
part of that country.
Klevius has always wondered how Germany could slip to fascism. However,
the example of England today siding with the world's most intolerant
"country" and its sharia islamofascism, seems to give a clue.
UK (aka the so called "British") is an unconstitutional undemocratical
mess now utilized by dark religious Human Rightsphobic forces moving
towards fullblown fascism.
No one knows what UK really means. And no wonder when there's no foundation.
EU rescued UK but what about the future?
The "Brits" (i.e. the racist nationalists without a proper nation* of
themselves) say they will lead the world - but towards what - and how?
Without functioning brains in the lead and without a moral foundation.
* England and Scotland are both
hampered by each other as nations - only that the former has more say
over the latter. And they aren't states either. The Treaty of Union was
the agreement Scotland accepted 1707 under the threat of going
bankruptcy that led to the creation of the strange and diffuse creature
called United Kingdom. It wasn't a masterpiece of jurisprudence back
then, and is now far beyond any acceptable modern frameworks of
democracy. Klevius guess is that, apart from pure financial gains, what
still keeps it alice is an equally outdated feeling of colonial
nationalism under the more pompous name "British" - which actually goes
back long before the British empire, meanaing Bretagne of France, i.e.
The Isles of Bretagne. No wonder Macron smiled.
BBC's eager boosting of nostalgic nationalist "British pride" (while
simultaneously wholehartedly paving the way for sharia fascism) the
fighters against fascism seem themselves to mutate to what they use to
fight against. How else could we possibly interpret the strange fact
that a pathetic clown from the 18th century is seen as a possible Tory
Jacob Rees-Mogg is just the top of a far right extremist wing in the
Tory party which leans towards sharia finance and therefore Saudi
Klevius hint for analyzing the main tumor and its metastases. Just check
who stay in the way for the spread of Saudi influence in Mideast
(Russia), or alternatively, who might compete in dealing with Arab
states (China), and the result is a copy of BBC's extremely biased and
cherry picked "news" agenda.
Keeping the world's muslims hostage
via sharia finance and a piece of a meteorite, and US hostage via threat
against petro dollar. And England, who created this monster, sacrifices
not only basic Human Rights (which are illegal in Saudi Arabia) but
also any other moral aspect on the fact that Saudi spread sharia islamic
hate mongering against "infidels", is continuously attacking people in
Klevius advise pic for curing your ignorance about islam and Saudi Arabia. Learn it by heart!
Klevius World Factbook: How did Saudi
Arabia become the world's most evil moral cancer? 1. The racist/sexist
origin if islam was an Arab bandit gang raiding, enslaving and taxing
oasises along old slave routes, and kept together by a "religion" that
was based on Jewish/Christian texts and which was then tailored to
"justify" Arabic language imperialism and the declaring of non-Arab
speakers (Allahu's messenger Gabriel allegedly spoke in Arabic to an
other "messenger" called Mohammad who couldn't read or write but
produced scores of daughters and not a single son) as "infidels" who
could be slaughtered, enslaved, raped, taxed, humiliated etc..
2. UK
meddling in Mideast and making of a local warlord ally a "king" and
"custodian of islam's holy places". 3. US oil exploration bringing huge
wealth to the Saudi war lord family. 4. The 1974 petro dollar treaty
between US and Saudi Arabia. 5. The 1990 creation of the Cairo
declaration (aka sharia) and bringing it into UN via a muslim voting
block led by Saudi steered and based OIC. 6. US fear of loosing the
petro dollar. 7. Brexit.
By demolishing the real threat of
original islamic teachings in a similar way as the islamofascist Human
Rightsphobic Saudi dictator family demolished any possible remains from
early islam (except a small black pre-islamic meteorite stone now glued
together with other pieces and kept at a huge Saudi built black building
as a muslim idol), a path to reform (i.e. ending) original evil islam -
i.e. so called "Westernized non-extremist islam". However, in doing so
the sharia part of islam has inevitably to be replaced with those very
basic Human Rights it opposes (compare OIC) and which are now considered
terrorist crimes in Saudi Arabia and other muslim nations.
Iran isn't an Arabic country and islam is just a thin frail theocratic
filter on the Iranians. In fact one could say that upholding/supporting
an all encompassing "religion" that at its core has Arabic language
imperialism, is treason.
England is fast going down the moral sewer cheered by Jacob Rees-Mogg
and his racist nationalist (without a proper nation) far right Brexiter
And playing the race card against EU citizens has proven successful
among racists in England. BBC: "...non UK people who live here...". This
quote from BBC News really illustrates it. They of course knew that "UK
people" included the strange and imprecise "Brits" but not EU citizens
living in England.
BBC also doesn't miss a single opportunity to fake a story that fits
Saudi sharia islamofascism, the worlds leading Human Rights violator.
But BBC has no problem complaining over "lack of Human Rights" for
Uyghur muslim jihadi.
However, the very fact that China isn't a monotheist theocracy, and that
China so successfully has managed by peaceful manufacturing and trading
to not only empower its own population but also more poor people around
the world than any other nation has done so far, means that China also
unwittingly protects vasic Human Rights around the world than most other
countries - and certainly more than the spreaders of islamic anti Human
Rights hate.
BBC using muslims in general to boost Saudi sharia islamofascists in
particular - and often by referring to muslim's Human Rights, i.e. to
those very right which are criminalized in Saudi Arabia.
When a derailed and mentally disturbed alcoholic who initially had
planned to drive over Jeremy Corbyn, runs his van over a muslim already
lying ill on the ground and allegedly dying from the injuries rather
than his initial health problem, two other muslims jumped or where
pushed aside by the van. However, BBC reported day after day in long
sequences (do note that the opposite is true if it had neen a muslim
attacker) it as "far right extremist terrorist drove over a crowd of
war-shipping muslims leaving one dead and twelve injured". How come?
Well, nine of them were injured while they attacked the driver and tried
to kill him until an imam from a nearby mosque stopped them. And BBC
also forgot to mention that it's a crime to try to kill someone who is
already restrained. These muslims, most of who got very minor injuries
in the attempted lynching of the mentally ill driver, will now be
awarded similar compensation as the victims of the muslim terrorist
attacks, instead of facing a court.
Through the unconstitutional Britisharia Brexit gate towards Human Rights violating islamofascism
England voted Brexit - UK did not.
Of course the slim Brexit vote of 2016 needs a follow up vote - by the parliament or the people.
Only England voted to leave EU. And did so with the smallest of margin.
Scotland and Northern Ireland voted to stay with a much higher margin.
And EU citizens living in the UK weren't even alloved to vote about
their own legally settled EU country of choice. A choice made under UK
However, non UK citizens from other parts of the world were alloved to vote.
Also, the very foundation for the Brexit vote was completely lacking.
Klevius has never heard about a civilized European country that has
voted completely in the dark on a groundbreaking matter, i.e. with no
substance whatsoever. When UK voted to become a member state of EU in
the 1990s they had the Maastricht treaty at hands and were already
members of EEC since the 1970s.
A yes/no vote in the dark about the most important question would
normally at least demand a 2/3 majority according to most civilized
However UK lacks a constitution. And therefore UK's hastily and poorly
effectuated Brexit vote comes nowhere close a civilized democratic