
Tuesday, January 30, 2018

A Yemeni woman is suing islamofascist Saudi Arabia at ICC - and asking England to arrest Mohammad ibn Salman (the war criminal dubbed "the world's most dangerous man"). And BBC is silent.

The real reason connecting BBC's faked and propagandistic sharia islam/Saudi agenda* and the racist and Human Rightsphobic part of "British" haters of EU/EU citizens, and "love" of islamofascist Human Rights violating oil wealthy muslims. 

* and due Human Rightsphobia and war  and hate mongering against Russia which is seen as a disturbing factor in the islamofascist Mideast led by England's "close ally", the islamofascist Saudi dictator family who has repeatedly attacked England on its own soil by the help of sponsoring muslim terrorists and spreading islamic hate against Western "infidels".

This "the world's most dangerous man" and likely war criminal is welcomed to England. Why?

Germans! Do you think BBC's chat with Jacob Rees-Mogg is funny? No? Well Klevius has tried his best to make it funnier by ornamenting it with some additional details on this blog posting.

Fake and disgusting BBC News and UK's 18th century PM candidate and Human Rightsphobe (but positive to oil wealthy muslim sharia dictators such as e.g. Saudi Arabia) Jacob Rees-Mogg have a good laugh together: Germans have no sense of humor - and there has never been a chancellor able to crack a joke.

The potential Conservative leader Jacob Rees-Mogg voted to repeal the Human Rights Act in 2012. At the time, even Conservatives like Theresa May, Michael Gove and Iain Duncan Smith were absent from the vote. Rees-Mogg voted to repeal the act again in 2016.

Mr Rees-Mogg clearly agrees that there are "huge areas of collaboration" between the UK and the Arabian Gulf islamofascist sharia dictatorships and war criminals. Especially selling more arms to them.

His fanatic and racist Human Rightsphobic Brexit speeches have paid off. He topped a survey of ruling Conservative Party members as the favorite to replace the incumbent leader, Theresa May. In the survey for Conservative Home, the deeply religious homophobic Human Rightsphobe and North East Somerset MP secured 23 per cent of the vote, while the Brexit secretary David Davis with his everlasting silly empty grin came in second with 15 per cent.

Dubbed "the MP for the 18th century" thanks to his unashamedly old-fashioned views, Mr Rees-Mogg has seen a surge in popularity among those very racists whom Theresa May and the "Brexiters" by playing hard with the "race card" let lose since the UK general election in June 2017. His racist and sexist grass roots movement called “Moggmentum” was set up to celebrate his every word via social media.

Klevius wonders whether Hillary Clinton would have called them "the deplorables"?

The potential Conservative leader Jacob Rees-Mogg voted to repeal the Human Rights Act in 2012. At the time, even Conservatives like Theresa May, Michael Gove and Iain Duncan Smith were absent from the vote. Rees-Mogg voted to repeal the act again in 2016.

Friday, January 26, 2018

UK's Human Rights problem: Jacob Rees-Mogg's HR ignorance (?) and Theresa May's sharia recommendation

This man, Jacob Rees-Mogg, wants to rob people in England of their most basic Human Rights

Pic text furthest down on this posting.

Jacob Rees-Mogg wants to skip Human Rights and to prefer trade/sharia finance* with Human Rights violating islamofascists: "I don’t think eternal, everlasting moral principles… go very well with the day-to-day practice of government and legislation."

* Do note that England is more dependent on finance than any other EU country, and that finance is the sector first in line to be practically 100% robotized in the very near future.

Peter Klevius: This statement either means that this homophobic right wing extremist doesn't understand Human Rights at all - or that he's lying in the UK parliament.

Here's Klevius help if it's indeed ignorance he suffers from: The individual is the basis for democracy. However, democracy is collective. Therefore the rights of the individual is the "constitution" on which democracy is based. This constitution is called (negative) Human Rights, i.e. the negative obligation to abstain from interfering with the individual. If you still have trouble understanding this, then compare it with traffic rules which are all about the individual, and with no reference to "communities", "collectives", "groups", "religion" etc. And the reason is self-evident for most people, i.e. that every individual should have the same right to proceed within the limitations the flow of traffic itself may actuate. And there are no "obligations", "duties" or restrictions dependent on sex.

No matter how "Western", "imperialist" etc. - Atheism (or A(mono)theism) is the only road to moral responsibility and Human Rights equality. Why? Simply because it eliminates "chosen people", "forgivness of sins", and totalitarian sharia racism and sexism, by giving everyone the same "rights space". This is the very foundation of the anti-fascist 1948 Universal Human Rights Declaration.

Why is Wikipedia lying, faking, and misrepresenting islam and Human Rights? How hard could it be to disinguish clear evil from good? Sharia islam imposes limitations on women - Human Rights protects women from such imposed limitations.

Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam (i.e. islamofascist sharia)

(a) Woman is equal to man in human dignity,
and has her own rights to enjoy as well as
duties to perform, and has her own civil
entity and financial independence, and the
right to retain her name and lineage.

(b) The husband is responsible for the
maintenance and welfare of the family.

The anti-fascist 1948 Universal Human Rights Declaration

Article 2
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration,
without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion,
political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political,
jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person
belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other
limitation of sovereignty.

It's all about the islamofascist Saudi dictator family. Sounds silly, does it? What could ppossibly such a small power among the world's giants do? Well, consider what the islamofascist Saudi dictator familyreally is. It's not what it looks like because the real power behind it (and all "religion" retorics) is that the islamofascist Saudi dictator family (no dude, it won't help to get rid of the Wahhabi branch) are the "guardians" of islam and that we have lumped together 1.5 Billion muslims, and that those muslims furthermore are lumped together in a judicial sharia prison via Saudi based and steered OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) which more or less now steers UN despite opposing those very basic Human Rights UN was built around. And even this wouldn't be enough was it not for the financially tied support these islamofascists (i.e. Human Rights violators) get from Western business and politicians.

Klevius criticism of islam has nothing to do with what individual muslims might believe but all to do with the collective use of religion for financial, political and military uses.

There's a widespread conflation of individual beliefs and collective religion. Klevius couldn't care less about what individuals believe as long as they respect each other.What bothers Klevius is the faceless "community" in which the individual is lost.

There's no equality between men and Women in islam

A combination of islam and feminism has been advocated as "a feminist discourse and practice articulated within an islamic paradigm (i.e. sharia)". Islamic feminism is defined by islamic "scholars" (i.e. with "PhDs" in islamism using sharia as their pseudiscientific tool) as being anchored with the non-sensical Koran as its central text.

In islam there is a difference between men and women based on physical differences and their roles given by "Allah", i.e. what we usually call essentialism, i.e. the view that categories of people, such as women and men, or heterosexuals and homosexuals, or members of ethnic groups, have intrinsically different and characteristic natures or dispositions - i.e. what we call racism and sexism.

Muslim men are given the "right" to "take care" of "their" wives and kids, and those who do not will suffer the consequences. This is in twisted islam "logic" because men are created physically stronger than women. Islam stresses on the different roles "Allah" (i.e. the human muslim interpretor) has given to men and women because of how "Allah" created them. Men are providers and women are the caregivers at home, given more patience, resilience, and the "ability to forgive more than men".

Klevius concluding comment: Try to get some structure in this craziness. There are sharia muslims and cultural "muslims" (or secular "muslims") on a scale from poor and ignorant muslims to educated Billionary muslims. And they are all lumped together under the muslims/islam title which is then used as a sledgehammer - not the least against the most precious asset we as humans possess, i.e. basic (negative) Human Rights equality against racism and sexism.

Klevius has fought for these rights all his adult life - and did never image a time when he should be called an "islamophobic" "racist" for fighting against racism.

Pic text

Jacob Rees-Mogg  paving the way for racist and sexist religious fascism in
UK Parliament

This man wants to rob people in England of their most basic Human Rights.

Eton boy Jacob Rees-Mogg wants to skip Human Rights and prefer trade with
Human Rights violating islamofascists: "I don’t think eternal, everlasting moral
principles… go very well with the day-to-day practice of government and

Peter Klevius: This statement either means that this religious homophobic right wing extremist doesn't understand Human Rights at all - or that he's lying in the UK parliament.

Here's Klevius help if it's indeed ignorance he suffers from: The individual is the basis for democracy. However, democracy is collective. Therefore the rights of the individual is the "constitution" on which democracy is based. This constitution is called (negative) Human Rights, i.e. the negative obligation to abstain from interfering with the individual.

   If you still have trouble understanding this, then compare it with traffic
rules which are all about the individual, and with no reference to "communities",
"collectives", "groups", "religion" etc. And the reason is self-evident for most people, i.e. that every individual should have the same right to proceed within the limitations the flow of traffic itself may actuate. And there are no "obligations", "duties" or restrictions dependent on sex.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Macron the Conquerer sees a new use for the "British", i.e. the occupants of the Isles of Bretagne - and their helicopters.

England's worst enemy is Saudi Arabia* - not Russia or China - and being an "ally" with the Saudi dictator family isn't an asset but a disaster in cooking.

* The Saudi "custodians of islam" are the world's main supporter of islamic terrorism, and the homeland and leader of the world's biggest Human Rights violating sharia organization OIC. England has repeatedly been attacked by Saudi sponsored and agitated muslim terrorists.
Macron also wants to borrow some English helicopters for killing muslims in Mali. Klevius thinks English helicopters aren't too busy right now.

An English army helicopter was reportedly yesterday seen hovering a few meters over some dog walkers and football players on a public park in southern England - for no particular reason.

Frank comes from the Germanic word for "javelin" (such as in Old English franca or Old Nordic frakka). Words in other Germanic languages also mean "fierce", "bold" or "insolent" (Old and modern Swedish fräck and frank, German frech, Middle Dutch vrac, Old English frǣc and Old Norwegian frakkr).

EU is historically a "pagan" Gothic/Viking project initiated by France. And the "British" seems to become a sharia muslim project against "pagan" Human Rights.

A 70-metre-long depiction of the Bretagne Isles being successfully (re)invaded by the Vikings.

Viking ships 1066 depicted on the so called Bayeux Tapestry that Macron will borrow to England for the "Brits" to contemplate.

Christianity had been the official imperial religion of the Roman Empire, and the first churches were built in England in the second half of the fourth century, overseen by a hierarchy of bishops and priests. Many existing "pagan" (i.e. Celtic/Gothic/Viking) shrines were converted to Christian use and few "pagan" (i.e. Celtic/Gothic/Viking) sites still operated by the fifth century. The collapse of the Roman system in the late fifth century, however, brought about the end of formal Christian religion in the east of England, and the new Germanic immigrants (i.e. Gothic/Viking) arrived with their own polytheistic Nordic gods, including Woden, Thunor and Tiw, still reflected in various English place names. Some minor Christian communities still survived in more remote areas such as Gloucestershire and Somerset.

The movement towards Christianity began again in the late sixth and seventh centuries, helped by the Frankish Vikings (the Northmen) in Northern France, who carried considerable influence in England.

Gaul (from the Latin Gallia) was the ancient name for an area roughly equivalent to modern France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Germany west of the Rhine.

In the late 3rd century, "barbarian" (i.e. Goths or Northmens if you like) raids devastated Normandy. Coastal settlements were raided by Saxon "pirates"*. Christianity also began to enter the area during this period. In 406, Germanic tribes (Goths or Northmen if you like) began invading from the east, while the Saxons subjugated the Norman coast. The Romans withdrew from most of Normandy. As early as 487, the area between the River Somme and the River Loire came under the control of the Frankish (Goth or Northman if you like) lord Clovis.

* Klevius is puzzled about the use of the word 'pirate' because muslim pirates are never called that of some funny reason. Muslim pirates are instead called "conquerers", so Klevius politely resåects this but also wants to use it consequently about non-muslims as well.

The Franks (Latin: Franci or Latin: gens Francorum, from Old Swedish/Nordic/North-Germanic) were a collection of Germanic peoples (Goths), whose name was first mentioned in 3rd century Roman sources, associated with tribes on the Lower and Middle Rhine in the 3rd century AD, on the edge of the Roman Empire. Later the term is associated with Romanized Germanic (Gothic) dynasties within the collapsing Roman Empire, who eventually commanded most of Europe incl. the region between the rivers Loire and Rhine, and imposed power over many other post-Roman kingdoms and Germanic (Gothic) peoples, later being recognized by the Catholic church as successors to the old rulers of the Western Roman Empire.

Although the Frankish name only appears in the 3rd century, at least some of the original Frankish tribes had long been known under their own names to the Romans, both as allies providing soldiers, and as enemies. The new name first appears when the Romans and their allies were losing control of the Rhine region. The Franks were first reported as working together to raid into Roman territory, but from the beginning this was associated also with attacks upon them from outside their frontier area, for example by Saxons, and a desire by frontier tribes to move into Roman territory.

Known Frankish peoples inside the Roman Rhine river frontier were the Salian Franks who were permitted to live in Roman territory, and the Ripuarian or Rhineland Franks who, after many attempts, eventually conquered the Roman frontier city of Cologne and settled the left bank of the Rhine. Later, in a period of factional conflict all over Gaul in the 450s and 460s, Childeric I, a Frank, was one of several military leaders commanding Roman forces with various ethnic affiliations. Childeric and his son Clovis I faced competition from Aegidius and his son as competitors for the kingship of the Franks, and commanders of the Roman Loire forces. (According to Gregory of Tours, Aegidius held this kingship for 8 years while Childeric was in exile, while in contrast Gregory refers to his son Syagrius as "King of the Romans".) This new type of kingship, perhaps inspired by Alaric I, represents the start of the Merovingian dynasty, which succeeded in conquering most of Gaul in the 6th century, as well as establishing its leadership over all the Frankish kingdoms on the Rhine frontier. It was on the basis of this Merovingian empire that the resurgent Carolingians eventually came to be seen as the new Emperors of Western Europe in 800.

In the Middle Ages, the term Frank came to be used as a synonym for Western European, as the Carolingian Franks were rulers of most of Western Europe, and established a political order which was the basis of the European ancien regime that only ended with the French revolution. Western Europeans shared their allegiance to the Roman Catholic church and worked as allies in the Crusades beyond Europe in the Levant, where they still referred to themselves and the Principalities they established as Frankish. This has had a lasting impact on names for Western Europeans in many languages.

The Vikings started to raid the Seine valley during the 9th century. 841, a Viking fleet appeared at the mouth of the Seine, the principal route by which they entered the kingdom. After attacking and destroying monasteries, including one at Jumièges, they took advantage of the power vacuum created by the disintegration of Charlemagne's empire to take northern France. The fiefdom of Normandy was created for the Viking leader Hrólfr Ragnvaldsson, or Rollo (also known as Robert of Normandy). Rollo had besieged Paris but in 911 entered vassalage to the king of the West Franks, Charles the Simple, through the Treaty of Saint-Clair-sur-Epte. In exchange for his homage and fealty, Rollo legally gained the territory which he and his Viking allies had previously conquered. The name "Normandy" reflects Rollo's Viking (i.e. "Norseman") origins.

The descendants of Rollo and his followers adopted the local Gallo-Romance language and intermarried with the area's original inhabitants. They became the Normans – a Norman-speaking mixture of Norsemen and indigenous Franks and Celts.

Rollo's descendant William the Conqeror, became king of England in 1066 after defeating Harold Godwinson, the last of the Anglo-Saxon kings, at the Battle of Hastings, while retaining the fiefdom of Normandy for himself and his descendants.

Besides the conquest of England and the subsequent subjugation of Wales and Ireland, the Normans expanded into other areas. Norman families, such as that of Tancred of Hauteville, Rainulf Drengot and Guimond de Moulins played important parts in the conquest of southern Italy and the Crusades against islamists.

The Drengot lineage, de Hauteville's sons William Iron Arm, Drogo, and Humphrey, Robert Guiscard and Roger the Great Count progressively claimed territories in southern Italy until founding the Kingdom of Sicily in 1130. They also carved out a place for themselves and their descendants in Asia Minor and the "Holy Land" that had been raped by muslims.

The 14th century explorer Jean de Béthencourt established a kingdom in the Canary Islands in 1404.He received the title King of the Canary Islands from Pope Innocent VII but recognised Henry III of Castile as his overlord, who had provided him aid during the conquest.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

In racist UK Parliament yesterday: "British people", "British people", "British people" - and go whistle Human Rights and EU citizens!

Theresa May and her Tories play the disgusting race card against EU citizens' Human Rights. Is it really any good for the "Brits"?

Constitutionally Theresa May & Co are worse than Myanmar. And no one knows what would have happened because of Theresa May's divisive and inflammatory playing of the race card 'against EU citizens if there had been similar attacks on police stations etc. as those Saudi initiated in Myanmar. Btw, why is BBC's bigoted and hypocritical sharia presenter Mishal Husain in Bangladesh propagating for Rohingyas instead of in her childhood country Saudi Arabia propagating for Yemenites? Moreover, the Bangladeshi muslims seem to be extremely hostile to what used to be their own people coming back after having been displaced by the Brits in the first place.

EU citizens in what used to be their homeland are already abused on a daily basis in England - by racist "Brits" as well as by government introduced administrative hostility and the shameful use of EU citizens as cards in trade negotiations.

"British people", echoed from the racist Tories in England's parliament debating the rights of "non-British" EU citizens who have been denied to vote on their own right to exist in what was their own land (EU) when they settled there.

However, so called "Brits" from Bangladesh, Pakistan etc. former British colonies were allowed to vote for denying EU citizens their rights in their own land.

Dominic Grieve called for the human rights detailed in the charter to be protected

The Conservative Party would send out ‘a really strange message’ if it does not incorporate the EU charter of fundamental rights into UK law after Brexit.

That’s according to senior Tory Dominic Grieve who said people view issues like LGBT rights ‘as being rights of a fundamental character’.

Ministers have previously said the human rights detailed in the charter will be protected and maintained in some form.

But the former attorney general accused the Government of giving a ‘paltry’ response to the matter.

Mr Grieve added that he hoped the House of Lords would revisit the issue when the European Union (Withdrawal) Bill makes its way to them.

He said: ‘I listen very carefully to what the prime minister says about modernising the Conservative Party, about giving it a broad appeal to younger people, about trying to ensure that we reflect current norms and standards in our country and give effect to them in the sorts of policies we develop.

‘And yet it does seem to me that in simply batting this issue away and saying don’t worry, it’s all going to be perfectly alright, without even coming up with a plan for the future about possibly adding a bill of rights clause or rights clauses to the Human Rights Act, we’re sending out a really very strange message about our attitude on this side of the House to matters which I believe many people in this country now see as being rights of a fundamental character, particularly on issues like LGBT and things of that sort.’

Mr Grieve said the Government had provided a mechanism where the rights in the charter could be invoked for three months after exit day, but not in a way which challenges primary legislation.

He added: ‘I have to say that I think that the response on this matter is, frankly, rather paltry.

‘It is a minuscule change, although I will also say this, that minuscule though it may be, it is actually a little wedge in the door, because it represents quite a major surrender or change of principle on the part of the Government towards this issue.’

Mr Grieve added that he did not think the Bill would pass through the House of Lords ‘without this issue being considered’.

Klevius comment: Theresa May has long before the Brexit vote showed her disgust against Human Rights. Why? Because Human Rights are against that very sharia she says is so "good for the Brits".

Monday, January 15, 2018

The weakest (i.e. most in need of protection against criticism/"blasphemy") of "monotheisms" attracts weak and ignorant racist/sexist people interested in religious excuses for violating basic Human Rights.

 The reason islam has no Martin Luther King is itscomplete* incompatibility with basic Human Rights

* Atheism (or A(mono)theism) is the only road to moral responsibility and Human Rights equality. Why? Simply because it eliminates "chosen people", "forgivness of sins", and totalitarian sharia racism and sexism, by giving everyone the same "rights space" and therefore countering the former.

Why is Wikipedia lying, faking, and misrepresenting islam and Human Rights. How hard could it be to distinguish clear evil from what's good? Sharia islam imposes limitations on women and non-muslims - Human Rights protects women and EVERYONE else from such imposed limitations.

Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam (i.e. Saudi based and steered OIC's islamofascist sharia)

(a) Woman is equal to man in human dignity,
and has her own rights to enjoy as well as
duties to perform, and has her own civil
entity and financial independence, and the
right to retain her name and lineage.

(b) The husband is responsible for the
maintenance and welfare of the family.

Universal Human Rights Declaration

Article 2
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration,
without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion,
political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political,
jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person
belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other
limitation of sovereignty.

Martin Luther King: "When Cassius Clay joined the black muslims and started calling himself Cassius X he became a champion of racial segregation and that is what we are fighting against. I think perhaps Cassius should spend more time proving his boxing skill and/or do less talking."

Klevius wrote:

Friday, June 10, 2016

Cassius Clay's ignorance and CNN's bigoted hypocrisy (boosted by the Saudi dictator family)

There's only one islam - so CNN thinks all muslims are cool?! It's these kinds of headlines that boosts islamofascism and makes racist/sexist islamofascism cool among ignorants

Klevius pays respect to a dead man, Cassius Clay, who was a good boxer.  But first joining a racist supremacist organization (Nation of Islam), then Saudi islamofascism, and finally ending up as a non-muslim (British sufism) pretending to be a muslim, was just the result of a deep confusion originally put upon a young ignorant lad who happened to have some physical skills.

Nation of Islam had no "dreams" - only a fascist racist confused mythomania solely aimed for the purpose of ignating hatred among "black" Americans - and just the opposite to Martin Luther King.

This is the final blow that pushed Cassius Clay's* already ongoing Parkinson's disease to its knockout stage. But what about the blow to the Supreme Court produced by an unnamed clerk to a justice ignorant about islam and fearing to be called a "racist"?

* Cassius was given the name "Muhammad Ali" by US worst racist supremacist group, the Nation of Islam, also known for its childish mythology and the number of murders it has committed.

Larry Holmes (left) badly beat "the greatest" (right) to an extent that definitely sealed the rest of Cassius' life under the spell of Parkisnon's disease.

The leader of the racist supremacist organization Nation of Islam is Louis Farrakhan who here spews his hate mongering in front of eager co-racists.

Racist supremacist hate mongerer Farrakhan used to be defended by Sadiq Khan who was "elected" mayor of London by the help of supremacist muslims. Sadiq Khan is also known for his view on moderate muslims as "uncle Toms".

Klevius wrote:

Monday, August 08, 2011

Islam/Shariot taking over London thanks to "sensitivity policing" and cooperation with islamofascist OIC. And BBC calls the thugs "protesters" and their crimes "general anger"!

A European version of the disgusting ultra-racist American black fascist movement Nation of Islam - you know, the very same movement that was rewarded by Obama's minister. Their leader Louis Farrakhan also supports Qadhafi and threatens: "You will be drowned in your own blood" (read what he vomitted in July 2011 below).

You really don't seem to get it. Islam is hate mongering racism and parasitism based on sexism! The (Sha)riot coordination of the UK riots was islamist! Got it dude?! And the answer will most probably AGAIN be more appeasement for parasitic racist islam (the by far worst ideological crime ever)! You will again be taught islam got nothing to do with it.Yes, islam can appear in many forms but the basis of it is shared by all from more timid variants to Nation of Islam (NOI) etc.

Btw, Iran's president asks British government to "restrain" from using violence against the "protesters".

Polis and politicians ask parents to take their kids home. But Klevius says many of the parents actually sent them out there in the first place!

Youth jihadists terrorizing the infidels and getting rewarded through looting, while their hypocrite and bigot teachers (other family members, imams, politicians, media, academics etc) suck their share of it. And all this precisely because people can't comprehend the simple truth that this "moral" excuse is pure evil in its true essence.

Klevius comment: This is EXACTLY how islam originally emerged. And in every detail in accordance with those parts of the Koran that YOU don't want to read! Islam has ALWAYS combined rioting/looting/intimidation/humiliation with a white collar "diplomacy" (i.e. blackmailing)! "Sensitivities" and "cooperation" only worsen the case. In pre-democratic times, when slave trade was the main currency of islam, influential non-muslims were directly bought into islam (see Klevius description of East-African and Indian Arabic/islamic slave system, as well as The Origin of the Vikings). Today the process is (sometimes) a little more complicated but follows essentially the same pattern.

The bizarre but extremely racist "ideology" of Nation of Islam may be summarized as this: Blacks are the superior race on Earth and white people beong to Satan and should be destroyed. The other races are somewhere in between with Asians (Mongoloids) near the bottom just above the whites.

An, irony, isn't it, that Blackberry, which was forbidden in Saudi Arabia because it threatened the islamofascist leadership, now are used in London by islamofascists who are the product of Saudi hate mongering via racist/sexist islam!

Sadly, many (most?) "muslims" don't understand the evilness of islam but rather let their own inferiority complex evolve into racism against non-muslims and as a consequence support that very evil.

Louis Farrakhan: "According to what we understand, only two percent of the Libyan people are in rebellion against their government. Now, you [Obama] mean to tell me that half the people don't want you, and you dare to say that this man [Al-Qadhafi - i.e. the guy who possibly arranged the Lockerbie terrorist attack and who arranged for the freeing of the one who actually did it] is illegitimate? What makes him illegitimate, and what makes you legitimate?

"I came here to preach the doom of this institution. You say that he is illegitimate, he kills his own people? What's your record? What's your record, America?

"Your governments will soon be laying in… some of you, who have plotted against the peoples of the world, will be seen on the back of pickup trucks, driving through the streets of America, with the American people throwing stones and raw garbage at you.

"In the name of Allah, the Merciful and Compassionate. Dear brother leader, Mu'ammar Al-Qadhafi, may this letter find you, your family, and the faithful people of the Libyan Arab Republic, in the best health and spirit in spite of the prevailing circumstances.

"Dear brother leader, in the general orders that we were given by the honorable Elijah Muhammad, whose desire was to make us brave fighters, willing at any time to give our lives for Allah's sake and righteousness, it states in general order No. 5 'Do not quit your post until properly relieved.' Allah put you on your post, and neither NATO, the president of the U.S., the Arab League, or anybody else, has the power or authority to tell you to quit your post. Elijah Muhammad told me: 'Die on your post.'

"Dear brother [Barack Obama], be careful about the assassination of Mu'ammar Al-Qadhafi and others in the Muslim world. Could it be that while you and your staff are planning the death of Mu'ammar Al-Qadhafi, could it also be that members of your own Democratic Party are plotting to betray you? Could it be that right now, while you are planning for your second term, that there are those in your party [who don't] want you for a second term, and definitely the Republicans don't want you to be a one-term president.

"So, like Abraham Lincoln, who was prosecuting the civil war, and doubted that he would be reelected, won a second term, but this so angered the opposition that it was then that his own reelection inspired his assassination. Could that be going on right now, under your own nose?

"Think, dear brother, before you act, because as the Bible puts it: 'God is not mocked. As a man soweth, the same shall he also reap.'As Obadiah the Prophet said: 'As thou hast done, so shall it be done unto you.' If they are successful in killing brother Al-Qadhafi, this is not going to be the end. This is the beginning of horrors, as you will see."

"The Future for Europe and America is Bleak, Very Very Bleak; China and Russia – Oh, You All will be at War"

"Al-Qadhafi wasn't in some tent twiddling his thumbs. He was working for the good of the African people. The African people will rise. NATO and… I'm sorry, America – I have got to say it, because I heard it from the mouth of the honorable Elijah Muhammad – Europe is finished.

"All of you who love war will be drowned in your own blood, as it is written: 'Those of you who love to shed the blood of others – Allah will make you drunk with your own blood, as with sweet wine.' Europe is headed for war, as we speak. Yes England, France, Italy, Germany, the honorable Elijah Muhammad told me that at the right time to tell you that Europe is the graveyard of the future. All of you who ran to Europe, to your former colonial masters, it is written that everyone will have to go to their own, and find refuge under their own vine and fig tree.

"And as Europe is trying to push out the Africans, to push out the Pakistanis, you would be wise to prepare yourself to get out of there or die there, because the future for Europe and America is bleak, very very bleak. China and Russia – oh, you all will be at war. You like it, so Allah is going to give it to you. You will have war soon. Mark my words – not my words, but the words of a man who was taught by God. You will face every word that he spoke. You will remember what you heard today – that a man, a real man of God was in your midst, and every word that I speak – you will face it."

Klevius answer to this pathetic "wanna be god's messenger" who uses to agitate extreme religious racial hatred while simultaneously changing views like a chameleon when it suits him: You idiot hide behind the otherwise non-related facts that Arabic islam managed to destroy most of Africa for more than a Millennium, and that a majority of African people have darker skin than most of the rest of the world. And of course, when the most advanced cultures (meaning they are based on the non-religious idea of Universal Human Rights) are predominantly "white" (actually really white people, so called albinos you find mostly oppressed in Africa!) this has been utilized by NOI and you as a ground for agitating dangerous racism especially in children and youth. You moron are lowering, not bettering the moral of what you try to lump together under skin color as "blacks".

You, Louis, and your butt-wipes are so funny to watch in your pompous appearance, was it not for all the misery and suffering you cause! All the way from Wallace Fard Mohammad (a white guy with extremely confused ideas) via a string of serial killers incl. Black Panthers etc to British street riots and looting. And on the way your organization didn't only murder people like Malcolm X but also, of course, targeted Martin Luther King and others (a god's gift was it that a "white" man was sentenced).

The founder of Nation of Islam, who actually existed - unlike the made up founder of islam

Drug dealer Wallie Wallace Dodd Fard Ford Farrad David Ali Mohammad (or whatever - i.e. the NOI foudner that Farrakhan forgot to refer to) was born somewhere and died somehow. He founded the fascist organization Nation of Islam in the period between World War 1 and 2 that saw all kinds of fascist movements appear. He became the head of the Chicago mosque in 1929, i.e. when Hitler led the growing National Socialist Party in Germany (by the help of his ability to evoke a sense of violated national pride - compare NOI). Already at the start NOI was connected with murders and suspicious disappearances. He himself also disappeared in 1934, most probably murdered by the next NOI leader, Eliah Muhammad, just as Hitler murdered his competitor Ernst Röhm.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Theresa May, BBC and Egypt, all follow Saudi islamofascism

Egyptian Parliament considers criminalizing Atheism

And fake news and sharia propaganda BBC chose to eliminate this news.

although other media reported it widely

Don't go to Egypt if you don't believe in one of the "monotheistic" gods. It may soon be a criminal offense to be an A(mono)theist in Egypt.

From news media other than BBC: Shortly before New Year’s Day, the Egyptian Parliament considered enacting a law that would make it illegal to profess no belief in God. It is already against Egyptian law to “insult” or “defame” religion, and blasphemy arrests are on the rise. A conviction can bring up to five years in prison.

The new measure would criminalize the act of not believing in God — no insults or defamation of another faith required.

The legislation was proposed Dec. 24 by Amro Hamroush, head of the Parliament’s committee on religion.

“It must be criminalized and categorized as contempt of religion because atheists have no doctrine and try to insult the Abrahamic religions,” Hamroush said in announcing the proposed law.

The legislation has the support of Egypt’s highest Islamic religious organization, the Al-Azhar. Mohamed Zaki, an Al-Azhar official, called it necessary “to punish those who have been seduced into atheism.”

The Egyptian government has long punished blasphemy and has targeted atheists since the 2014 inauguration of President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi. At that time — three years after the 2011 revolution that ousted longtime Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak — the government announced a national plan to “confront and eliminate” atheism.

Later, a government-run newspaper denounced atheists as “the country’s second enemy after the Muslim Brotherhood.”

Since then, arrests of atheists have been on the rise. On Dec. 21, police in Cairo arrested a 29-year-old computer programmer who they say administered a Facebook page that is critical of religion. Under interrogation, the man acknowledged being an atheist.

Under el-Sissi, there have also been crackdowns on journalists and LGBT people.

A 2017 report from the London-based International Humanist and Ethical Union does not list countries that outlaw atheism but says that because of blasphemy and apostasy laws that carry the death penalty ”… in effect you can be put to death for expressing atheism in 13 countries.”

Those countries, according to the IHEU, are: Afghanistan, Iran, Malaysia, Maldives,
Mauritania, Nigeria, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, United Arab Emirates and Yemen.