
Saturday, July 29, 2017

Fake "news" producing BBC's insidious propaganda for Saudi sharia islamofascism and against Human Rights, exemplified and generalized.

BBC again willfully and wrongly reported that it was because of European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) decision that the brain damaged Charlie boy had to die. 

 BBC's Saudi raised muslim "diversity" mouthpieceMishal Husain doesn't fast during Ramadan but rather drinks some alcohol and gives a s--t to "islamic modesty". She also brags about being able to live her life inthe West without any of the worries facing girls/women in muslim countries. Klevius: Good for you - but it isn't thanks to islamic sharia but thanks to Human Rights.

Nothing could be more wrong. The truth was exactly the opposite to BBC's reporting - and BBC was well aware of it, yet didn't hesitate to again abuse its monopoly position, paid by license fees and tax money, to not only distort the actual case but also to use it in its never ending campaign against Human rights for the purpose of paving the way for Sunni muslim sharia. And this isn't because of any special love of muslims in general (especially not Shia muslims in Iran and Mideast) but because it benefits the islamofascist Saudi dictator family who is not only the self declared "custodian of islam" - which fact keeps  all the world's muslims in a Saudi/OIC steered  hostage situation while protecting the worst forms of islam - but also due to its oil/gas wealth that has bought them influence over its neighbors and Western politicians and Salafi mosque builders.

The truth re. poor Charlie boy is that ECHR didn't even touch the case but instead referred to its 'margin of appreciation' which constitutes the border line against involvement by the court in national matters.

This 'margin of appreciation' has been questioned from both directions, not the least by Klevius in some cases he brought to ECHR on the behalf of families who had been trampled on by the Swedish social state, but which were repelled by ECHR on the grounds that they fell outside the 'margin of appreciation' and that there was no reason for the court not to believe that the Swedish state had the best interest of the child highest on the agenda and that the Swedish courts had a better insight than ECHR in cases where families and the state differed in evaluation. Read more about it in Angels of Antichrist referred to below.

Klevius wrote:

Tuesday, July 04, 2017

Klevius' Angels of Antichrist should be compulsory reading for everyone dealing with children and sociology.

From Angels of Antichrist to Pathological Symbiosis - a brief history about Klevius fight for Human Rights against the social state.

Children 'still at risk' of being abused through state/council inventions not only in Jersey but all over England.

As Peter Klevius wrote in Angels of Antichrist (1996) 'state bureaucracy has its own inertia' based on powerful legislative lobbying by state bureaucrats themselves, poorly regulated commercial interests and without due responsibilities, authority status, and a psychosocial swamp of hoax social "science". And all of this is "justified" because the state functions as the ultimate custodian.

However, by addressing and accepting the problems above - especially the fact that the social state now functions like whatever big corporation with the added benefits of authority and legislation, no clear profit and quality responsibility, and no problem with bankruptcy etc. - a slimmed down and more effective and humane welfare state could emerge. I.e. one that puts its "clients", not itself, first.

Angels of Antichrist was based on Klevius earlier articles as well as his experience as a solicitor for parents who had been robbed of their children without no real ground for it.

Angels of Antichrist is perhaps the most important sociological paper from the last Century - yet one of the least read and understood, possibly because it's the first to combine kinship, social state and sex segregation in one clear analysis firmly mounted to solid empirical (although often hard to swallow) facts.

Angels of Antichrist now resides on several locations on the web. Here some examples:

The original version from 1996

This article 'Where the law ends tyranny begins' from 1993 was published in Finland in Hufvudstadsbladet, and is a predecessor to Angels of Antichrist. Here later published on NKMR's web site.

And here's an other from 1994.

However, Peter Klevius himself recommends the updated version from 2006 on Klevius web museum, which deliberately hasn't been touched upon for more than a decade.

The social state hides its Human Rights atrocities behind the 'Margin of Appreciation'

Some points quoted from Angels of Antichrist (Klevius 1996):

the social state creates its own problems in a way which are beyond all conceptions of human rights

The authorized and monopolized interpretation of "the best interest of the child" (created by small and non-representative but strongly influential groups of legislators) has established a powerful and legal child trade system within the social state. (This legal child trade works within the "margin of appreciation" and thus, until now, out of reach for e.g. the European Convention of Human Rights.) Parents live under constant threat from the social workers, and their children can be abducted and placed into commercial foster "care" on the basis of purely subjective (e g psycho-dynamic) opinions.

Pamela Geller and others got it all wrong when accusing Human Rights because the very opposite is true, i.e. that ECHR doesn't rule within 'the margin of appreciation' which fact is clearly stated in this case. In this respect it resembles ECHR's reluctance to deal with cases of the state abducting children on questionable grounds, as Klevius pointed out in Angels of Antichrist (1992) after ECHR dismissed a couple of Klevius cases on the grounds that they were 'within the margin of appreciation'. Klevius still remembers the hopelessness he saw in the eyes of his clients.

ECHR: The Court bore in mind the considerable room for manoeuvre (“wide margin of appreciation”) left to the authorities in the sphere concerning access to experimental medication for the terminally ill and in cases raising sensitive moral and ethical issues, reiterating that it was not for the Court to substitute itself for the competent domestic authorities.

A further proposal was made to make it easier for the authorities to isolate pregnant women suspected of living in a way that could be harmful to the unborn child (the formulation does not say ’her’ child - the child is the property of the state). I think this can hardly be in accordance with the spirit and intention of the European Convention or of the UN Human Rights Convention.

Professor in jurisprudence Jacob Sundberg, who has defended human rights against the Swedish system for decades, became a serious dissident on the University of Stockholm in the late eighties (the ius docendi affair). His efforts and the incorporating of Sweden in EU have forced the Swedish juridical system to pay, at least some attention to what earlier was called "strange thoughts of catholic reactionaries from the south". The Swedish strategy seems, however to avoid these "strange thoughts" by lobbying their own.

Today the social state, more or less, runs its own race with little dependence on political parties and the legal actions against children are largely subjective; there are, in other words relatively few drug abusers, alcoholics and clearly mentally disturbed persons among the parents. This trading of children has expanded beyond all imaginable limits and today makes up one of the heaviest costs of the municipalities in Sweden. Thus, the proportion of foster children in Sweden is 6-12 times higher than in Japan, a welfare state where, according to UN statistics, the quality of children's lives are valued most highly in the world. It hardly needs mentioning that Japan is the oldest and most family centred developed country in the World. In fact, the interventions made by the social authorities have been roughly proportional to juvenile delinquency of non-economic types. In Japan, child-criminality is still on a very low level whereas the Swedish figures might well be among the highest in the world. We are hampered in realistic assessment about this, however, since such cases are transferred to the social authorities, out of reach for statistics and international police-agreements.


If I were a stockbroker and if the social state was on the list I would probably invest in it. Which stocks could be safer? However, I’m not sure I like the business idea.

We might ask: After such a clean sweep, what is left on the dining table to eat? There is not really very much that presents itself in the way of alternatives to a rigid, biological, fundamentalist society. Some sort of protection, however is needed for the free, atomized souls inhabiting society, mother- and fatherless and with limited or, in practice, often superficial or non-existing kin- or friendship ties.

The totalitarian enemy grows at approximately the same rate as the individual weakens. Kinship, friendship and family values are needed but without being strangled by religion and sex segregation. A rule of law based on human rights, but these rights must be formulated so that they provide a bulwark against the very real enemy threat: the social state. Individuals have to be protected by the negative rights of the individual, in sharp contrast to the collective (society’s) positive rights of the socialistic ideology. Pluralism versus centralized state power.

In conclusion I would like to quote a hesitant Swedish feminist Maud Eduards; "But can women trust the state to take care of their interests? And will a society ruled and regulated by the state, with mean possibilities of private life, benefit women?"

This I will argue is a relevant question for women, men and children around the world. Although it is a rare one, the book I dearly would like to read is part two of Selma Lagerlöf’s "The Miracles of Antichrist". This is even rarer because she never came to write it. My guess is that its name might have been "Angels of Antichrist".

Shouldn't social state people be sentenced for manslaughter, child abuse etc.?

The most serious charge of manslaughter in England is gross negligence manslaughter which carries a maximum life sentence on conviction.

Gross negligence manslaughter is a form of involuntary manslaughter where the offender did not intend to kill or cause really serious harm.  Instead the death resulted  from gross negligence.

The complex law was clarified in a House of Lords ruling in 1994 in the case of R v Adomako. The test for gross negligence manslaughter is now known as the Adomako Test. It has four stages.

To secure a conviction, the Crown Prosecution Service must show firstly the existence of a duty of care to the deceased.

Then, it must prove that duty of care was breached,

and thirdly that the breach of duty  caused or else significantly contributed to the deaths.

Finally, prosecutors would have to convince a jury that the breach should be characterized as gross negligence, and therefore a crime.

Gross negligence manslaughter is used to prosecute people who fail in a duty of care, causing someone's death.

Klevius question: When will people who were responsible for this be prosecuted?
Klevius question: Does molesting non-muslims by muslims deserve a shorter sentence?

Klevius scientific follow up analysis of Angels of Antichrist is a thesis called Pathological Symbiosis, which is the hereto most thorough one in its field. It not only the first to trace this hoax psychodynamic "diagnosis" to all its sources, but it also meticulously investigates legislation about it as well as its practical usage in social work and in the judicial process. And as an extra bonus it offers an appendix containing email correspondence with the author of the text that was used in the preparatory works for the Swedish Parliament - which, btw, mostly wasn't aware of it because it was cleverly hidden within a few lines in a many hundred pages work. Not even Klevius professor Henrik Tham believed it to be true before Klevius put the book in front of him.

When Klevius lectured about this he was contacted by the Swedish Government's muslim advisor who got so scared so he proposed that muslims should be exempted from the child care act (LVU).

Klevius wrote:

Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Why didn't you resque these girls from muslim predators? UK police: We thought they were child prostitutes (sic)!

The social state is much more devastating to children than any private company - and waste much more money!

A UK mother who found 125 names of potential (most/all muslims?) sex abusers on her daughter’s mobile phone claims she was told by police in Rotherham it would be a "breach of the girl’s human rights" if they investigated.

Klevius translation: Note that we are talking about underage girls who would have no Human Rights protection against social state interventions (aided by the police) whatsoever (to understand this and the tiltle see Angels of Antichrist and Pathological Symbiosis). What they really meant was that it would be a breach of the muslims' human rights (read "diversity policy") if they investigated. And this is the dilemma - Human Rights cover all, including muslims, whereas sharia opposes Human Rights - which fact doesn't hinder muslims (and their supporters) from abusing Human Rights when it serves themselves.!

The parasitic social state that feeds itself on behalf of the taxpayers and children while giving a s--t to non-muslim girls abused by muslims. Don't approve a penny before getting rid of the parasites residing in the social state! And one thing is definitive: Ed Milliband will continue supporting these parasites.

Rotherham has been totally dominated by Labour since World War 2. Compare the total dominance of the Swedish social democrats who created the disastrous Swedish social state all the way from Gunnar and Alva Myral's "social hygiene"  in the 1930s and due eugenics to the explosive tax injection in the 1970s and due birth of the modern social state. Some results: The Swedish "girl problem" (which Klevius has written about since 1993), high child/youth criminality, and a school system that 2015 is classified among the worst within OECD and heavily criticized in a recent OECD report. Yet Sweden has compulsory school attendance and doesn't admit homeschooling at all for normal children (alone in Europe together with Germany whose Hitler imposed law is still in power).

Learn more on Angels of Antichrist and Pathological Symbiosis

Joyce Thacker has been a central figure in the responsibility for letting children be abused and even murdered. How much does she get from your tax money, and will she be rewarded in the usual way for defending islam while not defending children.

Politicians in bed with islamofascism is a disaster for Human Rights

A vote for Ed Milliband is a vote against children's rights

Ed Miliband is the son of Polish immigrant parents. His mother, Marion Kozak, is a Polish Jew who survived the Holocaust thanks to being protected by Poles. His father, Ralph Miliband, was a Belgian-born Polish Jewish Marxist academic who fled with his father to England during World War II.

Rochdale is notorious for its muslim sex predators abusing white British girls taken into "care" by the social state.

Rochdale Labour councillor Shakil Ahmed is the dad of now freed(?!) terrorist suspect Waheed Ahmed who was arrested and accused of trying to go to Syria with eight of his relatives.

'Extreme islam' and 'extremist muslims' vs. ?

No, there is nothing to counter evil islam. Extreme islam has no alternative simply because islam is extreme in itself. Islam can never comply with the basic universal equality principle of Human Rights. That's because islam is based on racism and sexism, i.e. supremacy! Klevius therefore fully agrees with Erdogan's statement that there are no moderate muslims because there is no moderate islam.

And they are all around us ready to squeeze in more of islam whenever opportunities arise - and always ready to excuse islam from whatever that can be seen as unfavorable to islam.

BBC behaves precisely as those who let muslims continue their sex slavery (aka "grooming") in Rochdale, Rotherham and elsewhere!

Chief Crown Prosecutor for the north-west of England, Nazir Afzal was "removed" due to 'on-going drive for efficiency' after being investigated for allegation he sent a text message to a (muslim?) defendant in a court case.

Nazir Afzal to BBC's (deliberately?) toothless (and therefore useless) presenter Edward Stourton: It has nothing to do with islam. I know that the vast majority of offenders are British white male.

However, although white British men (because most Brits are "white" - "colored" muslims constitute below 3-5% and Pakistani/Bangladesh muslims even less) are the majority of abusers in the British population as a whole, the specific type of grooming offence and especially the very highly organised sex abuse such as we’ve seen in Rotherham and elsewhere, is dominated by muslims and follows Koranic principles from the origin of islam.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea have never attacked England - Saudi Arabia/Sunni Salafi islam/Sunni Salafi muslims have repeatedly done so. So why is the former declared a "considerable threat" while the latter is declared an "important ally"?

BBC today continues its racist approach against EU residents and EU citizens for the purpose of making England/London* more sharia (Saudi/Sunni islamofascist) compliant.

* London is a Saudi sharia money laundering hub sponging on financial fees etc. which don't benefit ordinary residents in England at all (do note that 'resident' is the legal definition of who has residential rights in England - being a citizen doesn't necessarily give access to those rights).

England mainly voted against muslim immigration from Turkey - but BBC and Theresa May & Co smear EU citizens who weren't even allowed to vote about their own future, while non-EU residents did. Brexit would never have won with a fair and democratic vote incl. EU residents whom it was all about.

When will Theresa May and BBC address and economically assess the value/cost of muslims in England in the same way as they do about EU residents/citizens?

And when will they include all the pension etc. money continuing to stream into England after Brexit? That heap of money is three times bigger that what English residents in EU will cost England.

And finally, why is it so important to import more male muslims and often also their hugely extended families which are usually from the upper classes of their islamic country of origin, while a completely different moral logic seems to apply to non-muslims?

Klevius wrote:

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

UK PM escaping when "the best ally", the islamofascist Saudi dictator family attacks the Parliament.

Why is she continuing dealing with and supporting the worst spreaders of hate and evil?

Islam's "custodians", the islamofascist Saudi dictator family (together with Saudi based and steered OIC) constitutes the heart of evil islam in today's world. So why an "ally"?

The islamofascist Saudi dictator family is said to be the world's largest source of funds and promoter of Salafist muslim jihadism, which forms the ideological basis of terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda, Taliban, ISIS and others. Moreover, donors in Saudi Arabia constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide.

The violence in Afghanistan and Pakistan is partly bankrolled by wealthy donors from the Arabian peninsula whose "governments" support them. Three other muslim Arab countries which are listed as sources of militant money are Qatar, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates, all neighbors of Saudi Arabia. Taliban and their militant partners the Haqqani network earn "significant funds" through UAE-based businesses. Kuwait is described as a "source of funds and a key transit point" for al-Qaida and other militant groups. The Pakistani militant muslim outfit Lashkar-e-Taiba, which carried out the 2008 Mumbai attacks, used a Saudi-based front company to fund its activities in 2005. According to studies, most of suicide bombers in Iraq are Saudis. 15 of the 19 muslim hijackers of the four airliners who were responsible for 9/11 originated from Saudi Arabia, two from the United Arab Emirates, one from Egypt, and one from Lebanon. Osama bin Laden was raised in Saudi Arabia - just like BBC's sharia presenter Mishal Husain btw.

Starting in the mid-1970s the islamic resurgence was funded by an abundance of money from Saudi Arabian oil exports. The tens of billions of dollars in "petro-islam" largess obtained from the recently heightened price of oil funded an estimated "90% of the expenses of the entire faith."

Throughout the Sunni Muslim world, religious institutions for people both young and old, from children's maddrassas to high-level scholarships received Saudi funding, "books, scholarships, fellowships, and mosques" (for example, "more than 1500 mosques were built and paid for with money obtained from public Saudi funds over the last 50 years"), along with training in the Kingdom for the preachers and teachers who went on to teach and work at these universities, schools, mosques, etc.[108] The funding was also used to reward journalists and academics who protected the islamofascist Saudi dictator family and its spread of hate; and satellite campuses were built around Egypt for Al Azhar, the world's oldest and most influential islamic university.

Saudi-based Wahhabism or Salafism preaches that (Sunni) muslims should not only "always oppose" infidels "in every way," but "hate them for their religion ... for Allah's sake," that democracy "is responsible for all the horrible wars of the 20th century," that Shia and other "wrong-muslims" were "infidels", etc. According to former Prime Minister of Singapore Lee Kuan Yew, while this effort has by no means converted all, or even most, muslims to the Saudi Wahhabist islam, it has done much to overwhelm more moderate local interpretations of islam in Southeast Asia, and to pitch the Saudi-interpretation of islam as the "gold standard" of religion in minds of muslims across the globe.

Patrick Cockburn accused the islamofascist Saudi dictator family of supporting extremist islamist groups in the Syrian Civil War, writing: "In Syria, in early 2015, it (i.e. the islamofascist Saudi dictator family) supported the creation of the Army of Conquest, primarily made up of the al-Qaeda affiliate the al-Nusra Front and the ideologically similar Ahrar al-Sham, which won a series of victories against the Syrian Army in Idlib province."

While the islamofascist Saudi dictator family's "government" denies claims that it exports religious or cultural extremism, it is argued that by its nature, Wahhabism encourages intolerance and promotes terrorism. Former CIA director James Woolsey described it as "the soil in which Al-Qaeda and its sister terrorist organizations are flourishing." In 2015, Sigmar Gabriel, Vice-Chancellor of Germany, accused the islamofascist Saudi dictator family of supporting intolerance and extremism, saying: "Wahhabi mosques are financed all over the world by Saudi Arabia (i.e. the islamofascist Saudi dictator family). In Germany, many dangerous islamists come from these communities." In May 2016, The New York Times editorialised that the islamofascist Saudi dictator family allied to the U.S. had "spent untold millions promoting Wahhabism, the radical form of Sunni islam that inspired the 9/11 hijackers and that now inflames the islamic State".

Klevius additional comment: The pattern seems familiar when compared to the original aggression of islam in cooperation with (some) Jews*. Just take a look at the Jewiah-islamic relations by checking out e.g. the myth of "the Andalusian paradise", or the twisted life of Maimonides (you know, the "great Jewish thinker" who only survived islam by pretending to be a muslim).

* Today Jews who are critical to islamic Human Rights violations are forbidden by Theresa May from entering UK (e.g. Pamela Geller) while Jews who are supportive of the Saudi cause are welcomed and honored.

Klevius wrote:

Wednesday, August 05, 2015

The Jewish origin of islam

Islam is a sect grown out of Judaism via Christianity.

According to Human Rights there are no "chosen people". Meaning that you may believe whatever you like as long as you follow legislation guided by the principle of Universal equality.

 Here's an approximate map of Judaism just before the origin of islam.

And below an approximate map of the violent muslim colonization in the foot steps of the Jewish slave trade routes.

 The above maps could be almost identical if produced with same techniques. This is no coincident but due to the "mysterious" code (the Jews) that made Arab imperialism possible and historical analysis impossible ("mysterious") if not included.  

Except for Khazaria, Jews were more business orientated than eager to waive swords compared to their copycats the Arab Bedouins. However, without wealthy and influential Jews leading the bloodthirsty and illiterate Bedouins (compare Ibn-Khaldun's description) and paving the way for the Arab looters (compare how the Jews used Turkic people in Khazaria in pretty much the same manner) the "Arab conquest" would have quickly dried out in the Arabian sand.

Dear reader. When reading Klevius analysis of the origin of islam, do always keep in mind the following important facts:

1 There was no Koran - only some Jewish/Christian text manipulations.

2  There was no Muhammad - only the old Jewish Messias (the rescuer/saver/leader) myth. Muhammad as described by muslims is a later invention snd doesn't appear in any official documents whatsoever before Malik.

3  Conventional "descriptions" of the "Arab conquest" are impossible and leave historians "amazed". Instead looting, booty, and sex slaves were the main incentives for the Bedouins. What was new was a more tight racist system of "we-and-the-other" which hindered (for a time) hindered internal divisions. On top of this was the Dhimmitude taxation system under the sword.

4 Understanding these point is also understanding that islam originated as a parasite and therefore never functioned as inspiration in itself for innovations etc. This is why every islamic colony has ended in bachwardness. Africa is an example of how a parasitic ideology was able to drain a whole continent.

Klevius will tell you much more later. Keep tuned and excited!

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Sweden: 3 children and mum found dead with wounds to their necks in their burned down home. Husband freed because the wife "had likely caused the wounds herself and died because of the fire"".

Due to the fact that authorities/media fail to inform us properly, this configuration could also fit an islam induced crime - of which extent we only get small glimpses of the top of the iceberg.

Klevius comment: If this turns out to be a muslim hate crime and the prosecutor, Helena Treiberg Claeson, let herself be steered by "sensitivities" towards sharia islam, then the prosecutor ought to be prosecuted.

However, Klevius doesn't know what it's all about - only that similar things induced by islam (no dude, it's not "culture", it's islam which is a culture) have been going on on an industrial scale and mainly spread from the "custodians of islam", the islamofascist Saudi dictator family.

So if this case has nothing to do with islam then Klevius presumes the prosecutor has acted as in any other case. If on the other hand, islam is involved then she should check for religious hatred rather than being too "sensitive".

Sunday, July 23, 2017

BBC again neglected women's football while boosting for boring cricket and higher salary for Mishal Husain.

Mishal Husain thinks that £250,000 isn't enough pay for her being BBC's top muslim sharia poster woman.

Cricket, introduced by British empire colonizers, is a boring and less physical and technical "sport" than football. Girls lured into school cricket spend most of their PE hour watching others. Cricket is also mostly played among muslims who have conservative views on sex segregation (e.g. sharia apartheid in Pakistan, Bangladesh etc.).

So Mishal Husain's boosting of cricket, sharia islam and more pay seems just as bigoted and hypocritical as her bragging about how she doesn't care about fasting during Ramadan but rather drinks some alcohol. She also brags about not seeing any threats to her way of life - despite the fact that she well knows most muslim girls/women don't have a chance because they have to obey that very sharia islam she defends while pretending not to defend it.

Klevius comment: Disgusting - makes me vomit.

England's and Scotland's women are today playing crucial games in the European Cuo 2017. But not a single mentioning of it by BBC in their main midday news hour - where they talked a lot about women's cricket instead.

Klevius question: Why???

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Audi is a dangerous and sexist European Nazi brand that tries to cover up its poor quality with cheating, fake news and strange ads.

Audi is a little bit like far-islam* - it gets almost no critical press, no matter how constantly bad and dangerous it is. Why?!

* Far-islam is the original islam that the islamofascist Saudi dictator family promotes and which violates the most basic of Human Rights.

Audi news: Audi's braking system may not function properly when the driver over-steers, under-steers or slams on the brakes. Now finallyand under pressure reluctantly admitted by Audi itself.

Klevius question: Can you really trust anything from Audi/VW? However, what you can trust is the overwhelming mass of surveys since many decades ago which place Audi/VW products BELOW AVERAGE in quality - yet loads of people believe (compare islam) the very opposite.

When a supplier of parts for Japanese cars outside Japan fails to deliver quality it's all over the media. When similar and much more dangerous and frequent things happen to German cars almost nothing of it reaches the public in general.  BBC talked for months about Toyota's "slipping door mats" but has said almost nothing about the Germans - only exception being Audi/VW's diesel cheat (but usually without mentioning Audi).

Every Audi driver ought to be ashamed - and if s/he* just didn't know, then cure you ignorance.

* Isn't this grammatical sex segregation (inherited from Semitic) in most Indo-European languages quite annoying and sexist. In Finnish ('hän' means both he and she), like in most non-Semitic/Indo-European languages there is no he/she segregation. Same with Japanese, although they introduced such possibility for translational purpose.

Audi has a long (and right now continuing) history of technical failures and poor quality.

Only a Japanese brand, Mazda, has succeeded in producing a functioning and lasting rotary engine for mass production. When a racing version of this engine won Le Mans (usually owned by Audi and Peugeot diesels) it was immediately forbidden from participating in the future.

Audi is a VW masked with cheap make ups. Klevius remembers how racist and biased European car reviewers - desperate over the obvious technical and quality superiority of Japanese cars - told their readers that "the Germans have more wood panels which make them a nicer choice" - until, of course, environmentalists told them where the woods came from. Then the same reviewers turned to "but the perfection of Japan made cars makes them boring" argument. And so on and on...

VW car plants produce cars that have been below average (when Japanese are incl. in this average*) as far Klevius can remember. However, although Audi is a VW it might be even worse (as also indicated in many surveys) precisely because of its cheap so called "luxury" make ups which are reflected in a price .

* Japanese cars were often excluded in surveys because the threshold numbers were arbitrarily made up. And in many countries and market segments Japanese cars weren't even available. As a consequence, in the "golden age" of Japanese cars of the 1960's (the decade when high speed Shinkansen trains in 1964 became world leaders) mostly small cars were shipped, hence giving the public the impression that that was what Japanese cars were about - despite all the Toyota Crown wagons etc. rolling on th Finnish roads and building up a reputation as the only really trustworthy choice for small scale entrepreneurs etc. And luxury models of Japanese cars were sold in such small numbers that people never got to know how much better quality they had compared to e.g. "the Germans".The digital revolution in the 1990s soon became the new and cheap "make up tool" for Germans who couldn't produce the same technology and quality as the Japanese. However, all the wiring in a less than average quality car just added potential trouble and cost for the consumer.

Audi/VW and main media failed to disclose that Audi's Start/Stop system has a defect that can cause Audi cars to roll unintendedly, creating a potential for serious accidents.

Far-islam and Audi also have sexism in common

In a commercial Audi regards women as secondhand cars.

In an other commercial it's said: “Audi of America is committed to equal pay for equal work.” The ad has already amassed 36,261 negative thumbs down reactions verses a mere 2,956 thumbs up reactions on YouTube. Audi was slammed for its ad being everything from “100% unadulterated liberal propaganda” to “What do I tell my daughter? Tell her that if she wants to earn equal pay, she should get a degree in Engineering instead of Gender Studies.”

Another commentator asked:

    First, why would you ever tell your daughter that she is worth less than any man she would ever meet?  And why would you ever insult your own wife and mother by telling your daughter that they were worth less than their male counterparts?  Also, why would you ever tell her that a person's value is based solely on how much money they earned?"

Klevius comment: Are sharia sex segregated women worth less than muslim men who aren't restricted by sharia?

Audi posted a video on Twitter with this tweet:

"Women are still paid 21% less than men. As a brand that believes in progress, we are committed to equal pay for equal work."

However, the statistic behind that line is a comparison of the median earnings of women and men who work in full-time wage and salary jobs. It does not compare women and men in the same job with the same education, years of experience, or hours worked, for example. These are choices that individuals make and choices that they should be able to make, even if a choice leads to a lower salary (usually a consequence of sex segregation - Klevius commment).

When questioned whether Audi pays women less, Audi countered that women are paid equally "when certain factors are added to the equation" — likely the very same factors that its ad ignores"

Klevius wrote long time ago:

How many people have unnecessarily suffered from the flames of a self igniting Audi/VW - due to quality problems?

There's a multitude of quality surveys out there from the last half of a century which could vary considerably due to methods etc. However, when summed up the Japanese stand out as overwhelmingly superior. And despite an equally long period of besserwissers telling us it won't last - it still lasts.

Just one example from a safety aspect:

Risk of car fires recorded by Sweden's biggest insurance company Folksam

Japanese brands on average face a far less risk of bursting into flames, than do European cars (see note above)! Especially Volvo and French cars, but also all the German brands, are much often involved in accidental or even spontaneous car fire. Although this is well in line with previous studies on TV-fires, which found that European brands were involved up to 50 times more often than similar Japanese and Korean brands, Volvo and others continue to talk safety! When a Swedish mother left her child for day care, she found her new Volvo X90 in spontanenous flames after having left it for a few minutes. Luckily she took her older child with her inside the day care center! These kinds of stories are very common. So next time you buy a car you may reconsider the safety issue, especially the one that concerns the real life situation where you want to use your car.

The most dangerous brands? BMW, VW & Peugeot plus, of course, perhaps the worst, Volvo which, apart from burning very easily, has much more than the average of safety problems related to poor build quality.

According to Swedish Folksam's insurance statistics on car fires only one out of the 55 most dangerous cars in Sweden was Japanese, whereas 34 out of the 47 least dangerous cars were Japanese (with Toyota and Honda in top).

Saturday, May 16, 2015

VW/Audi, part of Hitler's revenge on the after-world

The German protestant myth and the Japanese Shinto secret

Audi has constantly managed to score below average quality. Japanese have constantly managed to score above average. Why?

Has Hitler's cars victimized more people than his army?

            German car maker Audi used Nazi slave labor during World War II

It all started with the stupid idea of a cheap car for the masses with the driving unit over the driving wheels in the rear, the battery in the middle, and the fuel tank in the front as the main impact zone. As a consequence the engine was made air cooled with a huge noisy fan. Luckily we don't see these kinds of dangerous cars anymore - except for Porsche of course. Ever tried to drive a classic Porsche on a road littered with grovel, old leaves etc., or just wet?! The Beetle was definitely safer because of its lower power output and smother on the road. However, the noise is almost the same.

The need for a cheap, simple car to be mass-produced for Hitler's new Autobahn network of Germany, was formulated by Hitler himself, the leader of the National-socialist Germany. In June 1934 Ferdinand Porsche received a contract from Hitler to design a "people's car" (or Volkswagen). The production of this death trap went on from 1938 until 2003. In other words, VW continued to spit out this dangerous car in less developed countries for profit for 40 years after its much safer front engine and front wheel driven successor Golf had been introduced.

In 1937, Porsche joined the National Socialist German Workers' Party (becoming member no. 5,643,287) as well as Schutzstaffel (SS). By 1938, Porsche was using the SS as security members and drivers at his factory, and later set up a special unit called SS Sturmwerk Volkswagen. In 1942, Porsche reached the rank of SS-Oberführer. During the war, Porsche was further decorated with the SS-Ehrenring and awarded the War Merit Cross.

A new city, "Stadt des KdF-Wagens" was founded near Fallersleben for the Volkswagen factory, but wartime production concentrated almost exclusively on the military Kübelwagen and Schwimmwagen variants. Mass production of the car, which later became known as the Beetle, began after the end of the war. The city is named Wolfsburg today and is still the headquarters of the Volkswagen Group.

Hitler contracted Porsche in 1934 to design and build it to his exacting standards. Ferdinand Porsche and his team took until 1938 to finalise the design. This is one of the first rear-engined cars. With over 21 million manufactured (21,529,464) in an air-cooled, rear-engined, rear-wheel drive configuration, the Beetle is the longest-running and most-manufactured and most dangerous car of a single design platform, worldwide.

 This car was made in the 1960s at the same time as this Japanese Mazda Luce (below) which in every aspect was its direct opposite - except for the price tag. Yet, people continued buying the catastrophic Beetle! Why? Because it was German and you couldn't trust the Japanese, could you.

VW Beetle 1966: Air cooled engine based on WW2 technology. Maximum Output:  50hp, Top speed: 123 km/h.
0-60mph  23.0 (declared by factory but usually slower - the lousy engine rarely worked as it was planned to).

A more expensive but poor quality Audi from the same time

Audi 1700, 1966, 71 hp / 72 PS, top speed: 148 km/h (declared by factory - not in real life); accelerations: 0- 60 mph 14.8 s (declared by factory - not in real life). The engine was extremely old fashioned compared to Mazda Luce's engine. Moreover, it was nowhere near the quality and reliability of the Japanese. The car was in every other aspect also inferior. Where the Audi had mechanical fuel pump, poor electric generator, poor brakes etc. Mazda was just the opposite.

Already in the late 1950s the Japanese technological and quality superiority was obvious. Just compare the bikes above from BMW and Honda.

Mazda 1500 Luce 1966: 84 hp/86 PS, top speed: 160 km/h; accelerations: 0- 60 mph 14.3 s (declared by a cautious factory but usually faster). OHC, Alu top, 50/50% weight distrib. Kad all the latest safety devices etc that VW lacked. The most beautiful (did BMW copy it?) and reliable (compared to its time) sedan ever made? Remember that Mazda was the only one who managed to develope a functioning rotary engine! After the 1992 le Mans win Mazda's rotary engine was, of course, excluded from racing again!

Sweden's biggest motoring organization warns: This is why Audi/VW engines fail

Is Audi the world's worst "luxury" car?

 compared to the best

Klevius wrote:

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Japan makes the world's top technology - yet Europe gets the press! Why?

Why is the media shouting FIRST EVER when a bunch of European countries try to copy what Japan did a decade ago?!

Nissan rocket no. 1 with the Hayabusa robot first ever in the world to land and bring back stuff from a body (Itokawa asteroid) outside Earth/Moon

Nissan rocket no. 2  Nissan GT-R Nismo the world's fastest non-electric super car

With a lap time of 7 min 8 sec Nissan GTR is the fastest, (non-hybrid*) globally-homologated road car around the world's most famous race track Nurburgring in Germany.

The old GTR was the first car to go under 8 minutes at Nurburgring.

* i.e. using a battery and Japanese hybrid technology to get extra power for the short time the ride lasts.

A Nissan Skyline* GTR ATESSA 4WD (2700 cc 6 cyl 280-1600 hp) from the 1990s  - the Japanese legend that Lambourghini Gallardo (5000 cc) was aimed to beat - more than a decade later! But consider huge difference in quality! The old Skyline GTR has the world record for legal cars abt 350 km/h on a German (!) autobahn (unofficial >380 km/h)!

What all GTRs have in common compared to non-Japanese super cars is superior quality. Already in the 1990s a Porsche CEO admitted that they can never achieve the same quality level as the Japanese.

* The new GTR has dropped the Skyline name. However, the basics are the same: 4WD and a small but powerful 6 cylinder engine.

Klevius wrote:

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Obama fines the cleanest cars and the highest quality - while the culprit is a US company and a rotten legal system!

What Obama & Co did against Toyota is perhaps the worst of crimes against consumers

but quite in line with other evils of his administration - like the eager support of medieval islamofascism.

Electrical failures (like other types of failures) rare in Japanese cars - because of a superior production policy compared to all others. 

Decades of quality surveys paint an unambiguous picture.

Just one of hundreds of examples. In a study of the worst models, two thirds of all Chrysler Sebring’s (66 per cent) experienced electrical breakdowns, while the Hyundai Matrix (63 per cent) and Mercedes-Benz E Class (60 per cent) followed closely behind. The study also found that over 25 per cent of Renault, Saab, MG, Audi, Citroen, Seat and BMW models suffered electrical failure each year.

In contrast, just one out of seven Subarus developed an electrical fault each year, whilst there were no recorded claims with the Honda S2000 (the best high rewing non-turbo 4 in line engine ever built), Mazda 5, and Toyota Prius (the world's first mass produced hybrid already in 1997).

Why Toyota Must Replace Flawed CTS Gas Pedal With Superior (Japanese) Denso Pedal
By Paul Niedermeyer on February 1, 2010

Update: a portal to all of TTAC’s articles on the subject of Toyota gas pedals is here:

Toyota uses two different electronic gas pedal designs in its cars. The version built by CTS (lower) is the subject of a massive recall, and the 2.3 million units in affected Toyota cars are to be “fixed” by the insertion of a steel shim. This CTS design is also being modified for new Toyota production, currently suspended. To our knowledge, Toyotas built with the other design (by Denso, upper) are not subject to any recalls or NHTSA investigations,. We have spent the last two days tearing down both units, and familiarized ourselves with their designs, reviewed Toyota’s “shim fix”, and replicated the fix ourselves. Toyota’s planned fix will undoubtedly reduce the likelihood of sticky pedals in the short term, but after examining both units, we are convinced that the CTS unit is intrinsically a flawed design, and poses safety risks in the long term, even with the fix. The only right action for Toyota is to acknowledge the long history of problems with the CTS-type unit, and replace them all with the superior Denso or another pedal unit that lacks the intrinsic flaws of the CTS design.

Before we briefly review the key design differences, we must acknowledge that Toyota is ultimately responsible for both designs. CTS has stated that its product was built to Toyota specifications. What we don’t know (or understand) is why Toyota has two such fundamentally different units in production. Is one unit cheaper to build? Or was CTS tooled up to produce its unit because of other similar units it builds for other manufacturers? What we do know is that the CTS unit has been used in Toyota products since 2005, whereas the Denso unit has been in use since well before that time. Toyotas sold in Europe are also subject to a similar recall, and based on the description of the issues and the unit, it appears that it is the same or similar design as the CTS unit, but we do not know if it was built by CTS or another supplier.

The key component in question is the friction arm of the CTS. It is both essential and desirable to have a certain defined degree of friction in these electronic gas pedal assemblies. The amount of friction is designed to be some degree less than the return spring, so that when the pedal is released, it returns to the closed position. But the friction (hysteresis) makes it easier to maintain a steady throttle setting, and relieves strain from pushing against the spring continuously. It simulates the intrinsic friction that is present in the traditional throttle cable as it passes through the cable housing.

The two units generate the desired degree of friction in very different ways. In the Denso unit (above), the return spring (steel coil) is squeezed on both sides of its housing. It rubs against the plastic housing as it compresses, which generates the desired amount of friction. Both sides of the full length of the Denso coil are in continuous contact with the rubbed are, spreading out the contact area size. And the metal to plastic interface seems to be relatively unproblematic.

The CTS unit is a fundamentally different design. The friction is generated by two “teeth” (A) that extend from the friction arm, and ride in two grooved channels of the housing (B). The friction arm is an extension of the pedal itself, and moves as the pedal is moved. Both the friction arm, its teeth and the surface it rubs against are plastic. Notice the small area of contact (dulled gray spot on tooth). This is the fundamental source of the problem with this unit, and one that Toyota has not come clean about. The friction unit assembled, showing the teeth engaged in the two grooves, is shown below.

In Toyota V.P. Jim Lentz’ appearance on the Today show, he claimed that issues with the friction arm go back to only October of 2009. Not so. According to a letter from Toyota to the NHTSA , in 2007 Toyota changed the plastic material used in the friction arm (from PA46 to PPS) in response to problems similar to those occurring now.

Furthermore, Toyota has been facing similar issues in Europe going back to 2008:

Toyota has been modifying the friction-arm (CTS) type assembly since 2007. Yet to our knowledge, the Denso design has never been implicated in any sticking-pedal issue, and has presumably been in production for some ten years. Why didn’t Toyota change over years ago?

Klevius answer: Because Toyota wanted to use US suppliers for more easy to do components on its biggest market outside Japan. This is in line with what happened to their Avensis model long time ago when its production started in UK. A Finnish car magazine (Tekniikan Maailma) made an extremely thorough comparison between Toyota cars made in Japan and same cars made in UK. The magazine even demounted the engines into its smallest parts before measurements and analysis. The results where striking and showed that the Japan made were clearly of better quality. However, the UK made Toyotas still easily outperformed the Germans and others!

Porsche is said to have the best quality of non-Japanese cars. Despite the fact that more expensive cars are easier to produce do to bigger profit margins. However, already in the 1990s Porsche's executive admitted that they can never achieve Japanese standard of quality. 

He was so right!

Porsche will replace the engines in all of its current model year 911 GT3 sports cars due to poor quality engines, and has told owners to stop driving the cars because they could catch fire, the Volkswagen AG (VOWG_p.DE) unit said on Tuesday.

Last month, Porsche said it was recalling all of the model year 2014 911 GT3 cars produced because of oil leaks, fire risk and engine break down.

The action was taken after Porsche said it investigated engine fires in which a loosened fastener caused oil to leak, which then caught fire.

Porsche is allegedly cooperating with U.S. regulators (why isn't Obama suing VW?!) in the recall and engine replacements, and is in touch with each customer who owns one of the affected vehicles.

The GT3 is the sportiest of the 16 variants of the Porsche 911 sold in the U.S. market but the real question is how this poor production quality has affected other Porsches as well - not to mention all VWs with their enormous DSG (gearbox) and other quality problems that makes them stall when you overtake, catch fire, accelerate unintentionally etc. VW's (incl. Audi) severe quality problems have been going on for years. Actually, VW is most possibly the worst road killer ever. It all started with Hitler's revenge on the after world, VW Beetle with an air cooled engine (that consumed like a V8 and never lasted for long) placed in the trunk (compare Porsche) and the gas tank placed behind the tiny front bumper, and the battery inside the car! So, although the front was soft enough, the gas shower you got in your face through the broken windscreen then continued to the battery behind you. But most people didn't bother anymore - with a steering rod penetrating their body.

The two-seat Porsche has a base price of about $131,000 (94,200 euros) in the United States and about 137,000 euros ($191,000) in Europe.

more car safety etc info:

Monday, March 03, 2014

Real quality cars are made by Shinto - crappy overpriced cars are bought by stupid islamofascists - who can't produce anything themselves!

Ever seen a super car - or rather a small high quality car, which is much harder to produce, the French need state (tax payers) support to produce their low quality cars - or some other high tech made in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Abu Dhabi etc  muslim countries?!

But why is Top Gear's Richard Hammond so stupid. Has he converted to islam*?! Why is he lying? Why isn't he even trying to deliver some relevant consumer info?

* Only in islamofascist places like Abu Dhabi (built by oil money from the West) where it's proposed that only stupid wealthy people should be alloved to drive, can you find so many stupid cars, buyers and drivers. And contrast this with poor countries, what do you see if not loads of old Japanese cars. To be poor forces you to chose quality!

Unlike May, who openly admits the stupidity of his beloved Italians, Hammond seems to desperately try to rescue Porsche from drowning in the sea of real facts. It's a pity cause otherwise he too seems to be such a lovable creature. Btw, Porsche was made as a "sporty" Beetle (aka "Hitler's revenge") and because of the weight over the rear wheels caused by its tail engine, it got better acceleration grip and became popular as a race car in the 1950s and 60s in the hands of skillful drivers. However, precisely because of the same reason it also became a death trap for less skillful drivers.

Klevius (who is extremely* normal - possibly except for his driving skills he got on dark icy roads in Finland with used Japanese cars at maximum speed without a single mishap for decades) has always considered the Top Gear guys lovely insane. However, if pressed Klevius has to admit that before Jeremy saw the light in Nissan GTR and Lexus LFA (and Honda S2000 - not sure about his view), he appeared only marginally more intelligent than his dummy in Madame Tussaud's cabinet. What disqualified Jeremy as a human being was when he long ago, missed to truly recognize the technological wonder under the hood of a Honda Civic Type R. Not a word about the unparalleled high reving engine and quality that made it the world's only small and cheap but fast hatchback that could be used as a normal car on low revs (without a turbo) while turning into a sports car when needed on high revs. And unlike Ferraris and other costly big low quality stupidities, the Honda engine technology, because of its small size, has to stand much more of high revs in use than a four litre Ferrari with hundreds of more horsepower. You can't possibly utilize a big engine at high revs as often as a small one. This was actually the whole idea: Fiat makes small low reving cars and Ferrari makes expensive big ones that no one can use to the max very often and if used on the track warranties are gone. Actually, you don't need a track to destroy a Ferrari it does it quite often just by itself.Very unlike Honda S2000 which already 1999 managed to produce a 9,000 rpm 251 hp 1997cc engine without a turbo that also lasted due to superior production technology.

* Klevius is like most people. Most people are Atheists. Most people have kids. Most people adhere to the thought about Human Rights that everyone should be seen as equal - even women. Most people aren't addicts. Most people aren't violent or bad to other people. Most people don't have extremist political etc. views (adhering to Human Rights isn't extremism). Most people aren't sexual predators. Most people don't have criminal records. Most people are social. Most people like football. Klevius ticks every box - that's why he's extremely normal.

However, rumor tells Jeremy may have participated in a heroic demonstration against stupid and racist Euro 5 emission rules which punish Type R precisely for its technological capacity to pollute less than its turbo charged rivals. If this is true Jeremy has the Human Right to be reassessed as a human being. Don't you think?

Japanese Shinto continues ruling Nurburgring/Germany

Nissan GTR Nismo is the fastest non-hybrid serious production car on Nurburgring

2-seater (Nissan GTR is 4-seater) Porsche 918 is a RWD w 4WD when battery allows it (Nissan is 4WD whenever needed) extremely low, 1,167 mm (Nissan GTR 1,372 mm) plug in hybrid which is just an overweight RWD car easily beaten by a GTR Nismo after the short period the battery lasts. And even w fully charged battery, performance is about the same. The only reason it could creep under 7 min was the electric motor torque (compare the Americans which took their torque from even bigger engines!

Porsche 918 will cost US$845,000 while the better quality and performing
2015 Nissan GTR Nismo will cost from $149,990 with a 3.8l V6, 600hp, 481lb/ft of torque. It currently holds the lap record for a mass production vehicle at Germany’s famous Nordschleife circuit with a time of 7:08.679. It has a top speed just short of 200mph, 0-60 in 2.6 and features technology perfected by the truly Japanese Nissan Nismo factory (i.e. not the same as ordinary Nissans but the one behind Infiniti's Formula One success etc).

Fastest laps reported at Nurburgring

6:57 (this car was built only for repairing Porsche's damaged reputation - it's a stupid heavy monstrosity in all other aspects)
Porsche 918 Spyder 4.6l V8 + Toyota hybrid motors and tech
Marc Lieb
4 September 2013
Equipped w 'Weissach Package' with Michelin Pilot Sport Cup 2 tyres. Observed by Sport Auto.

Nissan GT-R Nismo (2015)
Michael Krumm
September 30, 2013
'Track Pack' with 255/40RF-20 run-flat Dunlop SP Sport Maxx GT 600 DSST tires.

Dodge Viper ACR (2010) with an 8l V8
Dominik Farnbacher
14 September 2011
SRT conducted test. Video and manufacturer confirmed. OEM Michelin Pilot Sport Cup R compound track DOT competition tires. TTAC article.

Lexus LFA Nürburgring Package
Akira Iida
31 August 2011
Lexus conducted test. Video confirmed. Stock LFA with "Nürburgring Package". OEM Bridgestone Potenza RE070 street tires. Additional Roll Cage was equipped

Chevrolet Corvette C6 ZR1 (2012) 7l V8
Jim Mero
9 June 2011
General Motors conducted test,[24] base specification car with optional track DOT competition tires (Michelin Pilot Sport Cup Zero Pressure), video confirmed.

Porsche 911 GT2 RS the fastest non-hybrid Porsche
Horst von Saurma
Sport Auto

Nissan GT-R (2011)
Toshio Suzuki
1 October 2010
Nissan conducted test.[29] Semi-wet conditions. Video confirmed. Best Motoring (12/2010).

Maserati MC12
Marc Basseng
August 2008
Evo Magazine conducted test

Best Ferrari comes way down:

Ferrari Enzo
Marc Basseng
August 2008
Evo Magazine conducted test

Car quality study 2014

Do note that Acura and Honda are the same - just like Audi and Volkswagen. Also note that while Mercedes sell expensive cars in US Honda does the opposite. Same with BMW compared to Subaru. With such a reading you'll soon realize that among luxus cars no one is even close to Lexus and that among ordinary cars Honda and Toyota are the by far best brands. And although Toyota may have a lead in selling hybrids Honda has always been ranked the greenest car producer overall in the world.

Compare this to:

2006 Consumer report: "After Lexus, Honda and Toyota, the brands rounding out the top ten for reliability were Mitsubishi, Subaru, Acura, Scion, Mercury, Mazda and Suzuki. The ten lowest-rated brands were Audi, Infiniti, Saturn, Lincoln, Jaguar, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, Land Rover, Hummer and Porsche."

Porsche can't even produce a high tech small car and BMW's Mini is a quality disaster! Compare this to the extreme quality and built-in drivability and Honda high tech feeling (also compare Honda Asimo) in a Civic made for ordinary users! Not to mention high tech Honda hybrid and Fuel Cell cars. Honda also makes the cleanest diesel engines.

Honda has the world's best engines followed by Toyota - and Germans are among the worst

German cars 'among worst for engine failures'

Audi, BMW and VW ranked in the bottom 10 of a study into engine reliability

German-made cars are not as reliable as many believe, according to new research (Klevius comment: German cars have never been even close to Japanese best brands - but the myth is still on). Warranty Direct has studied its claims data to compile a list of the manufacturers with the most reliable engines - and Audi, BMW and Volkswagen all finished in the bottom 10 out of a total 36 makers.

In fact, the only firm whose cars had a worse engine failure rate than Audi was MG Rover. MINI wasn’t much better, finishing third from bottom, while its parent company BMW came seventh from bottom. And, despite its reputation for rock-solid reliability, Volkswagen came ninth from bottom.

Honda scooped the gold medal – the study found that just one in every 344 Honda engines failed, compared to one in every 27 Audi engines.

Honda has the world's best engines followed by Toyota - and Germans are among the worst

Update 2017: This was written long before we knew about the Audi/VW emissions etc. scandals.

German cars 'among worst for engine failures'

Audi, BMW and VW ranked in the bottom 10 of a study into engine reliability

German-made cars are not as reliable as many believe, according to new research (Klevius comment: German cars have never been even close to Japanese best brands - but the myth is still on). Warranty Direct has studied its claims data to compile a list of the manufacturers with the most reliable engines - and Audi, BMW and Volkswagen all finished in the bottom 10 out of a total 36 makers.

In fact, the only firm whose cars had a worse engine failure rate than Audi was MG Rover. MINI wasn’t much better, finishing third from bottom, while its parent company BMW came seventh from bottom. Volkswagen came ninth from bottom.

Japanese high tech in context

Although Japanese technology, in its "relentless pursuit for perfection", always has created the world's best swords, and the Arabs usually got their inferior ones from others, it seems that the latter ones have been in much more frequent usage for submission throughout history than the former!

Klevius wrote about HAYABUSA’s space mission 2005 (mainly because almost no one else did): To bring back samples from an asteroid and investigate the mysteries of the birth of the solar system. This Japanese ultra technology, and world unique performance, isn't even reported in Sweden, so far (9/2005)!?

Today we know Hayabusa landed not only once but several times on the asteroid and then successfully delivered samples back to Earth. An accomplishment no other nation has succeeded with so far.

The phony Porsche 918 and what Richard Hammond forgot to tell you about it

Update 2017: Porsche is now sued for misleading commercials.

Porsche 918 Spyder has a big V8 engine coupled to a Toyots hybrid technology similar to that used in a Lexus SUV and, according to the official figures, emits just 70g/km of CO2 while using just 3.0l/100km. So we are to believe it’s faster than a Porsche 911 Turbo, and more economical and emits less carbon than a Prius.

The NEDC (New European Driving Cycle) test on which these fanciful and gravely misleading official emission figures are based, unreasonably favors cars that use plugs as well as petrol, and with no realistic assessment of engine size, real time driving etc.

These official CO2 (and associated fuel usage) figures are used to promote cars. But the figures are deeply flawed.

The official test is done at warm temperatures (between 20 and 30deg C) and cold weather reduces the efficiency of the hybrids’ batteries while you’ll also need to use the electric-powered heater or, when it's hot, air conditioner, increasing electric energy consumption and reducing range.

Moreover, air conditioning, lights and heated windows are all turned off in the test cycle, the test is statistically biased to a high amount of urban driving, where hybrids perform better.

The official test is even less accurate for plug-in hybrids such as the Porsche 918 Spyder, because the CO2 emissions from power stations used to charge their batteries are ignored. On top of this there are numerous assumptions, each of which flatters a plug-in hybrid’s fuel economy. Why? Because European car makers were so much behind the Japanese and now when they finally bought in to the Japanese technology they chose the plug-in variant

The NEDC test assumes a plug-in hybrid starts each journey with a fully charged battery on which it can run electric-only until the charge is depleted. Once the battery is exhausted, it assumes you’ll go no further than 25km on petrol power before charging again. Just a few km more with a near five  litre V8 compared to a 1,6 litre Prius makes a huge difference, not to mention that people buying a Porsche don't drive like Prius drivers in the first place.

If you don’t charge up as regularly as the test assumes, or drive longer distances between recharging, fuel consumption (and CO2 emissions) will be much higher.

The normal hybrid Prius officially emits 89g/km of CO2 while the otherwise identical ‘Plug-in’ Prius emits 49g, and consumes 3.9 vs 2.1 (L/100km).

 Plug-in hybrid "supercars" (918 Spyder, new ‘Enzo’ Ferrari, McLaren P1 etc) are easily beaten in overall performance by, for example the much cheaper but qualitatively superior, Nissan GTR Nismo and Lexus LF-A/RC1.

Honda engine fun in a lousy old fashioned BMW

Do note that this is already an old story.

Here's a funny story abt some crazy Japanese street mechanics enlivening a tired BMW by the help of an old 1999 Honda S2000 STANDARD engine - 250 hp from 2 litre WITHOUT A TURBO more than a decade ago! Kiss my ass Ferrari). Note the BMW's rev meter's redline at 6000 plus, & how the lively Honda engine pushes the needle all the way round to the start position at zero! see the hilarious video!

Here's what Klevius wrote 2005:

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Shinto meets Islam - Civilization vs "killing & raping fields"

Update January 9, 2006 (American Daily): "Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Shintoism, and Confucianism are all religions of the world. Islam says it is a religion among world religions. It is not. It is a killing cult, nothing more. Islam demands that those who do not convert to Islam be slain or taken as slaves. There is no third option. With the genuine world religions, they tolerate those who do not agree with their tenets. They do not declare that those who do not agree with their dogmas be slain or taken as slaves."

Klevius comment: Look at those pathetic males (pathetic if they are racist/sexist pan-Arabic Islamist mosque-building oil-billionaires who trade in Islamic darkness in mosques, schools, universities, youth organizations etc?)! Too busy spending oil-money on technical wonders their own slave & oil-fuelled pan-Arabic/Islamic culture is uncapable of producing? Whereas Shinto (the world's oldest* religion) created the world's best high tech, Islam (the world's youngest "religion") created terror and Koran-brainwashed suicide-killers in the service of fascist and sexist pan-Arabism (i.e. true Islam)! For a better world in Darfur and elsewhere - bury Islam! Islam has caused more suffering than any other ideology (incl. Hitler's & Stalin's socialism/communism), yet it has always been excused (and surprisingly often by its own victims, i.e. the opposite compared to the "black"/"white" situation)!

This (Saud based OIC and its Saudi Sharia Fuhrer Iyad Madani) is islam today - and it's against the most basic Human Rights! No matter how many times you or your informants tell us islam is nice!

Klevius wrote:

Saturday, August 17, 2013

How come that the best tech in the world comes from a non-muslim and non-Christian people?

Who moron bought Steinway?

And why do many churches, concert halls etc keep buying inferior grands?

Klevius has the answer - keep reading!

BBC's confused "piano expert" Chris Hopkins, didn't even mention the best brand when he named his favorite piano makers. Instead Chris Hopkins blabbed about Steinway and their top model D. And here comes the truly revealing part. When asked to motivate his opinion Chris Hopkins had nothing logical to say but instead admitted that the Steinway D's quality differed widely between individual pianos. But this devastating fact he then tried to turn positive in the old tiresome babbling about "hand made"* and "individuals", when the fact is that Steinway cannot produce the same quality pianos as Yamaha because of the same reason Ferrari, Porsche etc cannot produce the same quality as Lexus etc Japanese high tech cars.

* Compare extremely over-prized (part of the selling trick) handmade European watches - usually driven by some already outdated Japanese tech.

Kevin Higgins (about Yamaha CFX): I was pleasantly surprised by the warm round tone of each note. It was the best piano I have ever played. The action was easy and the keyboard had a nice textured feel that gave me confidence and security in my play. Much easier to play than the Steinway D. More clarity on the bottom end. This piano achieves real depth but with a better action. It's amazing.

Klevius: Not only that. Yamaha's superior and even production quality guarantees that you really get what you want.

Yamaha talked to hundreds of  the world’s most accomplished pianists, including those that did not play Yamaha pianos, and they asked them all what it was they most wanted to see in a concert instrument, and also what they hoped not to see.

Klevius comment: If they'd asked the buyers instead they'd likely got the answer that they hoped not to see the Yamaha brand name on the piano. Btw, have you noticed how TV cameras tend to be allergic to the Yamaha brand name while never missing an opportunity to show the Steinway brand name. Crypto-racism?!

The V10 engine in Lexus LFA is made by Yamaha.

Never buy a camera with a Zeiss lens

I got a cheap Sony bridge camera more than four years ago. I've taken thousands and thousands of pics and I've had it out almost every day in a variety of wet, sandy, dirty, hot and cold environments loose in the car or in some suspicious bags etc without any other protection. It has never failed (the only Japanese camera that has failed for me was a Panasonic with a Zeiss lens - which very soon lacked working both zooming and focusing while the rest of the camera works perfectly). I'm sure I'm not alone. Just check quality lists etc.

This photo was taken hand-held with my soon five year old cheap Sony HX1 recently.

No Audis among the better cars in a quality and pollution survey 2015

It's not just Lexus - it's Japanese world leading quality

Ignorant people don't realize that Japanese quality is older than Germany is as a nation. The pre-history of Japanese quality goes deep into Shinto tradition. No dude, Shinto isn't a stupid "monotheist religion"!

There's a multitude of quality surveys out there from the last half of a century which could vary considerably due to methods etc. However, when summed up the Japanese stand out as overwhelmingly superior. And despite an equally long period of besserwissers telling us it won't last - it still lasts.