
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Is Oisin Cantwell on Aftonbladet now Sweden's most disgusting bigot and hypocrite? Competition is hard - but still...

Doe's this "man", Oisin Cantwell on Scandinavia's biggest newspaper, represent the very core of the most dangerous accomplices to ideological islamic crimes, i.e. to islamofascism?

Background: 1) An Eritrean "refugee"*, Abraham Ukbagabir, murdered two Swedish shoppers at IKEA because they were white** Swedes. That's what he allegedly said, i.e. that he targeted "Swedish looking people" to stab to death.
2) A Swede, Anton Lundin Pettersson 21, stabbed people on a school. According to the police, he had visited web sites with "racist content". He was also "slightly disappointed with Sweden's immigration politics" but CCTV didn't show him particularly targeting people with darker skin color. However, his farewell letter was about family issues and "gave a simple reason to why he did it" says the police without revealing more. Yet the police who didn't see any hate or racism on IKEA say "it was a racist hate crime".

Whereas Abraham Ukbagabir's crime was handled with the utmost "sensitivity" by media and police, Anton Lundin Pettersson's stabbing spree  was immediately broad-casted all over the world as a "right wing racist hate crime". BBC didn't miss a single opportunity to announce him as "right wing".

* Abraham Ukbagabir had been denied refugee status by the Swedish authorities. Whether it was because he was a Eritrean Christian and not a muslim we don't know, but still.

** It may be convincingly assumed that he wouldn't have targeted black Swedes. So the skin color and his assumption that the shoppers were Swedes (or at least "Westerners" from his point of view) seems undeniable, and therefore leads to the conclusion that it was a racist hate crime.

Oisin Cantwell's original statement from today in Swedish with brief translation and comments by Klevius:

Oisin Cantwell: Att jag anser att Anton Lundin Pettersson begick ett terrorbrott beror dels på att han gick till angrepp mot en av samhällets viktigaste institutioner, skolan. Dels på att morden var rasistiska.

Klevius translation: The reason I consider Anton Lundin Pettersson committed a terrorist crime is that it was against one of the society's most important institutions, a school, and that it was racist.

Klevius comment: Makes no sense at all that a school (with adult students) should constitute the defining line for terrorism. And there are no convincing facts showing the attacks were mainly motivated by racism but on the contrary loads of indications that it had other main motivations.

Oisin Cantwell: Dessa mord har skapat skräck. Skräck hos människor som redan är utsatta för att deras hudfärg inte är vit. Skräck hos föräldrar som har barn i skolåldern. Skräck hos elever runt om i landet.

Klevius translation: Anton Lundin Pettersson's murders have caused horror among colored people, among parents, and among students.

Klevius comment: So why hasn't the hateful and undoubtedly racist stabbing spree against completely unrelated and innocent shoppers at a public store full of children, students and other adults, caused such horror among white Swedes?!  

Oisin Cantwell: Lundin Pettersson bedrev politik. Han har skrivit in sig i en tradition av högerextremister som begår mord av ideologiska skäl. En ensamvarg, men inte ensam om sina åsikter.

Klevius translation: Anton Lundin Pettersson did politics in a tradition of right wing extremists who commit crimes because of ideology. A loner but not alone with his right wing views.

Klevius comment: Cantwell seems here to build a big castle on a quite slim foundatiuon - especially considering Cantwell's excusing or avoiding attitude when dealing with the thousands of hateful and racist Allahu Akbar ideological crimes.

Oisin Cantwell: Men det finns en avgörande skillnad mellan Ikea och Trollhättan. Det finns ingen krets kristna eritreaner som anser att mord är ett legitimt svar på avslagen asylansökan.

Klevius translation: The main point is that there are no Christian Eritreans who think murder is a legitimate answer to a dismissed asylum application.

Klevius comment: Does this moron really understand that what he wrote means that according to his own logic there are muslims who really think just that?! Shouldn't Swedish muslims now charge him with "islamophobia" and "racial incitement" etc.!

Oisin Cantwell: Ideologi saknas. Vita, svenska medborgare behöver inte frukta att bli mördade av detta skäl.

Klevius translation:  The IKEA murderer lacked ideology and therefore white Swedes have nothing to fear because of these murders.

Klevius comment:  With hundreds of thousands of colored or/and muslim asylum applicants! No fears for colored and/or muslim racism! Really!

Kevius wrote:

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Klevius quiz to Aftonbladet: How many more have muslims murdered compared to Nazis?

Klevius corrections of Aftonbladet's headline today: Don't let (muslims and) Nazis spread hatred undisturbed. There's nothing normal with a movement(s) that have murdered millions of people

Klevius quiz to BBCs muslim(?!) sharia presenter Mishal Husain: Do you think there are more or less murderous muslims than Nazis in the world?

Klevius question: Why aren't muslims ashamed of their slave raiding/trading/owning past? And of the Koranic ideology that "justifies" it - instead of excusing islam with cherry picked "new interpretations"

Saudi Arabia itself suppresses Shia muslims and non-muslims without anyone seeming to react.

An estimated 16 million natives of Saudi Arabia are Shia muslims. The Saud dictator family demand (but not necessarily for themselves) strict Sunni islamic Wahhabism which states that muslims should return to the interpretation of islam found in the Koran and the Sunnah. They also believe that muslims who seek intercession from holy men—such as the Imams Shia revere—are not true muslims. While attempts to force conversion of Shia have been infrequent, Shia have alleged severe discrimination in Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia is also the home for all muslims' world organization OIC which is led by Iyad Madani, an islamofascist belonging to the Saud dictator family.

Calling oneself a true muslim automatically connects to sharia islam, the very opposite to Human Rights - e.g. as stated by all the world's muslims' Saudi based and UN sanctioned sharia organization OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) and its islamofascist Saudi Fuhrer Iyad Madani.

A consequence of this is that a sharia supporting muslim's vote is undemocratic. OIC's 57 member state voting bloc in UN who supported Human Rights violating sharia as a guidance for muslim legislation all over the world was therefore also undemocratic.

Could there be any doubt that Mishal Husain isn't aware of OIC and its world sharia declaration? After all, it's even on Wikipedia.

Muslim hypocrisy like the one expressed by BBC's Mishal Husain could be just a laugh - were it not for its connection to islamic evil. Islam has only one authority and that is muslimhood. So declaring yourself a muslim automatically adds to the "democratic" support of islamic evil.

Samantha Lewthwaite, Mishal Husain and Michael Adebolajo have sharia islam in common - unless of course, Mishal Husain is an apostate and too cowardice to admit it.

As long as fascism is called good - how could we ever stop it? But Klevius, as a critical European ("islamophobe" if you like) feels extremely embarrassed in front of those true refugees escaping islam and hoping for protection under Western Human Rights. Sorry!


Sunday, October 18, 2015

BBC "worries" about China not "respecting" the Human Rights of muslim Human Rights deniers...

When did you last time hear about a hateful and racist knife waiving Chinese terrorist who believed in a book that told him to kill non-Chinese? 

The only Chinese terrorists Klevius knows about happen to be muslims. Is it because non-muslim Chinese lack a "holy book" that tells them to despise and murder non-Chinese?

This Hungarian "islamophobe" thinks islam doesn't belong to the civilized world.

However, Germany - the birthplace of Nazi (Nationalsocialist) fascism - now opens up for islamofascism.

But Klevius, as a critical European "islamophobe" feels extremely embarrassed in front of those true refugees escaping islam and hoping for civilized Universal Human Rights.

Which country is better for the world: One (China) that tries to limit its population growth while manufacturing goods needed for the world and at the same time managing to pollute less than most Western countries per capita (not to mention muslim countries), or one (Saudi muslim dictator family state) which represents precisely the opposite? BBC thinks the latter.

BBC also accuses China for being "cruel to women" because of China's one-child policy. So when did you last time hear BBC complaining over sex slavery in muslim marriages and due over population, wars, refugee problems, jihadism etc.?

Which fact would be in line with BBC's muslim presenter Mishal Husain's worries about too few muslim rockets hitting Jews.

Samantha Lewthwaite, Mishal Husain and Michael Adebolajo have sharia islam in common - unless of course, Mishal Husain is an apostate and too cowardice to openly abandoning sharia islam. Or even worse, that she lies straight in the face of BBC's listeners.

If it's not Chinese being rude to muslim jihadis, then it's something else - for example Chinese steel. But never Saudi jihad sponsoring via mosques, universities, politicians etc.

Former Scottish First Minister took to the television screens to intone that there will be no steel industry left in the UK without a government prepared ‘to make an intervention’ against Chinese steel. However, Mr Salmond appears conveniently to have forgotten that, under his and Finance Secretary, John Swinney’s own regime, steels for the new Forth Bridge – the Queensferry Crossing. came from China and Spain. Back then the Scottish Government itself was not willing ‘to make an intervention’ to support the national steel industry.

Klevius: So when should the Brits stop importing Audi/VW?

 This islamofascist member (Iyad Madani) of the disgusting muslim Saudi dictator family (the guardians of islam) leads the world's most important muslim organization OIC.

This organization has openly stated via UN that it will criminalize every Human Right that isn't in line with Saudi sharia. Yet BBC completely missed this. Perhaps they were too busy checking the Chinese.

BBC's "low profile" about the heart (Saudi Arabia/OIC) of today's worst fascism, islam, makes it easy for Klevius to beat BBC in essential news reporting on the topic.

 Klevius wrote about BBC:

Monday, May 21, 2012

Klevius beats BBC when it comes to true reporting about OIC!

Totalitarian fanaticism replacing Human Rights while BBC misinforms muslims and others on how they're robbed of their Human Rights!

Sadly, Klevius is still the foremost (and lone?!) expert on sex segregation/apartheid and, consequently, also the web's foremost expert on islam. Why? Because islam rests so heavily on sex segregation/apartheid, even in its most "secular" form (as long as it's meaningful at all to call it islam) that an effort to understand islam without understanding sex segregation/apartheid is doomed to complete failure! In essence what Klevius is doing is in Bourdieu's words 'to restore to historical action, the relationship between the sexes that the naturalistic and essentialist vision removes from them'.  And where Bourdieu went to the Kabyles Klevius went to the origin of islam, Christianity and Judaism!

Klevius beats BBC in reporting on the most essential and critical issue of our time: OIC and its Fuhrer Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu's islamofascist violation of the most basic of Human Rights!

BBC, the largest broadcaster in the world, has as its main responsibility to provide impartial public service broadcasting.

Klevius question: How come then that Klevius beats BBC when it comes to informing about OIC? As you can see on the 'OIC BBC' search below Klevius' 'BBC News', i.e. not BBC, is the first to offer real info about OIC. on the web (see the eighth result on the pic below: BBC News by Klevius)! And to really prove it you will find a picture of the first BBC post (BBC News - Profile: Organization of the Islamic Conference) further down to show that it completely avoids to inform the most essential feature of OIC, namely that it has abandoned Human Rights and replaced them with Sharia.

According to BBC OIC's aims are to 'safeguard islamic holy places' (Klevius comment: Those places are already carefully destroyed by the Sauds) and toe eradicate racial discrimination (meaning Human Rights "discrimination" of islamic Sharia) and colonialism (sic - islam has been the worst colonizer ever throughout 1400 years!). But nowhere in BBC's text can you find the most important namely OIC's violation of Human Rights by replacing them with Sharia!

While BBC has some 23,000 staff Klevius is not only alone* and without resources, he is also deliberately hindered in his extremely informative work by active and continuous "islamophobia filtering". Yes, Klevius knows that he could do much better by avoiding words like 'islamofascism' etc. - but why not call it for what it is?!

* no offence to other "islamophobes" out there but Klevius happens to be the one with the best potency for evaluating the origin of islam from a perspective of sex segregation/rapetivism.


Friday, October 16, 2015

The so called BBC calls all islamic terrorist groups with their proper names - except the one with the proper name*, i.e. the Islamic State.

* They, like the Saudi based and steered OIC (all muslims official organization), criminalize Human Rights and distinctly replace them with Koran based sharia.

Grow up, Mishal Husain - and take responsibility for your evil ideology!

Only racism as a conscious ideological foundation for attacks and parasitism  can explain the origin of islam - meaning "Westernized islam" only acts as a camouflage of neo-islam!

When faced with questions about obvious muslim racism and sexism the represenatatives of muslim councils accuse other muslims over “false” or “mistaken” interpretations of islam. In this way they try to get the focus off themselves despite their own interpretations don't differ in essence.

BBC's lying (or does she really support sharia?!) muslim sharia presenter (or is she a lying apostate?!) seemed to complain over Palestine muslims' rockets not causing enough suffering among Jews. So Klevius wonders what she thinks about the stabbing spree that the Islamic State has initiated and that many muslims now find so popular.

However, there are honest muslims who openly admit the basic racism and sexism of islam.

Islam is rooted in a Christian-Jewish messianic tradition (Muhammad comes from Aramaic and meant the same as Christos) and retains the worst parts of it. A disgusting side effect of this is that some Jews and Christians support it in a deeply bigoted and hypocritical way. 

Anglican Church leader Chris Sugden preached homophobia - in a radical mosque!

Klevius comment: How long will you continue to accept this religious contamination of basic Universal Human Rights? And always remember that even the meekest form of religion is defined by it being - no matter how slightly - in opposition to Human Rights. So "reforming" religions is like driving just a little bit on the wrong lane - or in the case of islam, on the sidewalk. 

The more (sharia) muslim you are, the more racist and sexist your are from a Universal Human Rights perspective.

From this simple formula one might also conclude that Mishal Husain belongs to the least racist/sexist muslims. After all, she doesn't fast during Ramadan but drinks alcohol and

Is BBC's presenter Mishal Husain a muslim or an apostate?

Klevius uses Mishal Husain as an example due to her role as a presenter at a world leading state funded (plus Sunni muslim funds through BBC World) broadcasting company. There are many lesser "Mishal Husseins" out there.

 There are three types of muslims:

1  The original violent jihad muslim - today represented by, for example, the Islamic State (IS, ISIS Daesh or whatever).

2  Sharia muslims who don't do violence themselves but may approve of others doing it. OIC, many (most?) imams, media (e.g. Mishal Husain*) politicians (e.g. Sayeeda Warsi).

3  Non-sharia "muslims", i.e. apostates, although many of them haven't realized it as yet due to their ignorance about their religion.

 * She seems to ask for more "success" for muslim jihadis. However, she also commits blasphemy against islam by not fasting during Ramadan but rather drinking some alcohol etc., so in this respect she might also be considered an apostate, i.e. someone committing the worst of crimes against islam. But most people seem to blink this the most important borderline between muslims and "muslims". Yes, it must feel nice to eat the cake while still keeping it. But this delusion doesn't help the real victims of islam. So when Mishal Husain proudly states that "I don't feel any threat against my way of life" this might be seen as a spit in the face of islam's victims.

Samantha Lewthwaite, Mishal Husain and Michael Adebolajo have sharia islam in common - unless of course, Mishal Husain is an apostate and too cowardice to openly abandoning sharia islam. Or even worse, that she lies straight in the face of BBC's listeners.

By calling islam "peaceful" you encourage muslim supremacism. The aim of islamic hate jihad is to achieve submission, i.e. "peace". A much better option would be to defend basic Human Rights by rejecting sharia islam wherever it is to be seen. That would force your so called "moderate" muslims to Human Rights equality or, alternatively, isolate them as evil jihadis without the sanction of a general but extremely blurred islam that encompasses both them and Mishal Husain etc. "moderate" muslims. Human Rights violating sharia is the only defintion needed to det rid of evil islam. Sign Klevius petition to force Mishal Husain to take a clear stance against hateful muslim supremacist racism based on sharia islam - or alternatively, advice her to move back to Saudi Arabia.

 Klevius hint: BBC's muslim sharia presenter Mishal Husain has no problem eating or drinking whatsoever during Ramadan! What do those muslim women who are not allowed - "due to their religion" - to do it think?

Klevius wrote:

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Why are muslims so eagerly throwing rocks against a symbol for non-muslims in Mina outside Mecca (the most intolerant place on Earth)?

Pope today: Most of us were immigrants! Klevius: But not hateful muslims!

 Klevius wrote:

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Don't fly Qatar to the pagan Kaba idol in hateful Mecca/Saudi Arabia!

Hajj pilgrimage to the pagan idol of islam in the world's most racist, sexist and intolerant city and state may involve some additional evil

Throwing rocks against non-believers. It was here that nearly two thousand muslims stampeded each other in the 2015 Haji.

The word Hajj may be traced to the Swedish 'haj' which now means shark but used to refer to a pole and which originally is an old Finno-Ugric word that later on entered Mideast and semitic languages such as Hebrew and its later derivative Arabic (much like the Finnish 'koti' and Sami 'khode'home are reflected in the Persian Khoda).


Wednesday, October 07, 2015

A sexist Sunni oil-"prince"-Ali, backed by Obama who sued away his competitors, would make FIFA worse than ever.

 Sunni oil-"prince"-Ali (or is it gas-"prince"-Ali) applauded for reinstating sharia dress code for muslim women in football

Sunni oil-rich islamofascists want to radicalize youth around the world by (Sunni) islamizing FIFA

Sunni sharia football

Others outside Fifa including Transparency International maintain that oil-"prince" Ali is also compromised by his four-year spell on FIFA’s executive committee and continue to call for an independent root and branch governance review.

Klevius: Of course he is compromised. However, that doesn't matter when you're a Sunni sharia fascist. Look at the Sunni atrocities in Syria, Bahrain, Yemen etc. The Saudi dictator family together with Jordan, Qatar, Turkey etc. are allowed to commit whatever crimes against humanity while Assad is made an even worse enemy than the Islamic State..

Sharia supporting oil-"prince" prized for reinstating islamofascist dress code on female footballers

Ali bin al-Hussein, who has been vice president of FIFA and who is the brother of "king" Abdullah of Jordan, also says he is the 43rd generation direct descendant of Muhammad (you know, the guy that according to research didn't officially even exist). No wonder that he during his time with the organization pushed hard for the ban on (i.e. freedom from) hijabs to be lifted and so arranged for covering women in "proper islamic gear" at football matches.

 Replacing Assad and Blatter with Saudi friendly Sunni islamofascists 

First Michel Platini was removed as a contender, and now Chung Mong-Joon is attacked. Which leaves us with an islamofascist sharia supporting candidate.

Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya: Prior to the investigation on Blatter, the US had the Swiss police arrest seven FIFA officials at the Hotel Baur au Lac in Zurich on May 27, 2015. These officials were in Zurich preparing to cast their ballots for the FIFA elections. They were arrested on «suspicions» of corruption and extradited to the US by Switzerland.

The US actually accelerated its investigation even while a separate probe was being conducted by the authorities in Switzerland as to how FIFA awarded World Cup 2018 to Russia and World Cup 2022 to Qatar. This is the crux of the matter. FIFA was not willing to rescind its decisions and follow Washington’s geopolitical script against Russia.

The timing of the raids and arrests occurred twenty-four hours before FIFA’s elections. The arrests were deliberately planned to prevent Blatter from being re-elected. Blatter responded by saying, «No one is going to tell me that it was a simple coincidence, this American attack two days before the elections of FIFA. It doesn’t smell good.»

The Politicization of FIFA: Dividing the World

The contours of geopolitical rivalries and divisions are manifesting themselves in FIFA. While El Salvador and Honduras fought a war ignited by soccer/football in 1969, what is happening behind the scenes with the FIFA scandal is giving new meaning to «Soccer/Football War.»

Although the voting at the Hallenstadion was conducted by secret ballot, there is a general understanding of how the FIFA delegates and regional confederacies voted.  Aside from Australia, all forty-seven members of the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) are believed to have voted for Blatter. The AFC made strong statements of support for Blatter since the scandal broke. The fifty-four members of the Confédération Africaine de Football/Confederation of African Football (CAF), which is the largest FIFA confederation, also all voted for Blatter and made strong shows of support for him like the AFC.

The Union des Associations Européennes de Football/Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) and the US on the other hand were hostile towards Blatter. EU politicians, including British Prime Minister David Cameron, had been demanding he resign as the president of FIFA. UEFA even threatened to cut ties with FIFA if Blatter was re-elected.  The English Football Association also called for a boycott of the World Cup. The campaign against Blatter reached a point where Sepp said that UEFA was involved in an unnecessary demonization campaign.

UEFA, however, was not united against Blatter. «UEFA is divided: a quarter of its members apparently voted for Mr Blatter, defying a plea from Michel Platini, UEFA’s head, to oust the Swiss septuagenarian. Among those who backed the incumbent were Russia, Spain and, less predictably, France, Mr Platini’s own country. So UEFA action is, alas, unlikely to extend much beyond removing co-operation from FIFA committees,» the Economist reported («Untangling FIFA’s mysteries,» 2 June 2015).

Aware of what was happening behind the scenes, the Russian Federation, at both the FIFA level and the political level of the Kremlin, voiced its strong support for Joseph Blatter. Vladimir Putin even leapt to support Blatter. Aside from France, Spain, and Russia, as many as eighteen UEFA members, including Armenia, Belarus, Finland, and Kazakhstan are believed to have supported Blatter during the voting in Zurich («‘Little point’ to divided Uefa talks on Sepp Blatter, says Dutch football association,» Dutch News, 2 June 2015).

The US and Canada were also isolated among the Confederation of North, Central America, and Caribbean Association Football (CONCACAF). The CONCACAF countries of Central America and the Caribbean put their support behind Blatter.

Are the US and EU Fighting Corruption or Fighting Democratization in FIFA?

In Orwellian terms, the press in the US and Britain have tried to portray Blatter’s projects to enhance the standing of soccer/football in Africa and Asia through investment and development projects as a form of «bribery.» Even critics admit that the equal division of profits between the two hundred and nine members of FIFA generated by revenues and tournaments «has prompted many a genuine football revolution in the developing world» (Tom Peck, «Fifa corruption: How Sepp Blatter buys support by investing Fifa’s millions in Africa,» Independent [London], 28 May 2015).

Mauritania provides an excellent case study of how the equal division of profits among all of FIFA’s members, starting in 2013, has helped poorer countries improve the standing of soccer/football. To enhance the profile of the sport, studios were built to provide Mauritanians the opportunity to watch the sport from television.  Two paragraphs published in the Independent (ibid) relay what occurred:

• «We now have a TV production unit, one of the first of its kind in Africa,» explained the president of the Mauritanian Football Association, Ahmed Ould Yahya, at the time. «We’ve signed a contract with the national broadcasting company and we show matches every week. That is really changing the image of the game in the country.»

• Before the money arrived, Mauritanian football had effectively collapsed. It had never played in an international tournament, and fallen out of the world rankings. It is still struggling, but now it also has pitches and facilities, all paid for by Fifa. Mauritania has never played in a World Cup, but has had its share of the profits. All 209 Fifa member nations receive an equal share of the income from the tournament in Brazil in 2014, around $1.2m (£783,000).

The above is being billed as a form of bribery. Not once is the deep corruption involved in UEFA or the European Union ever mentioned. This has prompted observations that aside from geopolitics, this is an issue of power and economics. The following excerpt illustrates this point: «‘The past two editions of the World Cup have been played in South Africa and Brazil. The next one is in Russia. All three are BRICS countries. It’s obvious that the west is not very happy with this. All this talk about corruption is an attempt by Europe and America to bring the game back into their sphere of influence,’ says Thiago Cassis, a reputed Brazilian football writer. ‘There is a lot of corruption in European football too. They do not talk about it. This whole game is not about tackling corruption, but regaining control…»  (Shobhan Saxena, «Make No Mistake, the FIFA War is Not About Football or Corruption,» Wire, 31 May 2015).

«Dependent on South America and Africa for football talent, and, increasingly Asia for TV audiences, the Europeans know they are losing control» of soccer/football, the Brazilian journalist Shobhan Saxena has noted (ibid).  «Europe wants to import all the labour from us because that gives them a global TV audience and lots of money. But they do not want to give us World Cups or share any power with us,» a FIFA delegate from Africa at the 65th FIFA Congress has explained in this regard (ibid).

The Reason Behind the FIFA Arrests: Pressuring Latin America against Russia

All the FIFA officials arrested before the elections in Zurich were Latin Americans from Central America and South America. Aside from their own corruption investigations, this has prompted both resentment and backlash in CONCACAF and the Confederación Sudamericana de Fútbol/South American Football Confederation (CONMEBOL).

The Wire gives the Latin American perspective on why the US and its allies targeted the Latin Americans in FIFA. «Why did they arrest officials only from our federations and that too in Switzerland? Why didn’t they approach our governments through Interpol? Is it because they knew that extradition from South America to US is impossible?» one of Brazil’s soccer/football official asks (ibid).

This account points to an organized effort to derail FIFA with a coup: «There was also anger about reports in the western media about the CBF chief Marco Polo Del Nero ‘fleeing’ Zurich for Brazil as he ‘feared’ arrest. In fact, when papers like the Guardian and New York Times were reporting Del Nero’s ‘escape’ from the FIFA meeting, the Brazilian official was still in Switzerland. ‘They brought all this pressure on us to force us to vote for Prince Ali. They have been lobbying with us for months. When they didn’t see it working, they conducted the raid followed by veiled threats to others that they could be arrested too. Some British and American journalists were part of this pressure tactic,’ the Brazilian official alleged» (ibid).

Rescinding the Selection of Russia as the Venue for World Cup 2018

What it comes down to is World Cup 2018 in Russia. The Latin American perspective is the following: «From the versions of the Zurich raid given by some South American officials, it appears that the FBI, Swiss police and a few western reporters hunted them together,» Saxena reports (ibid). He was also told by one FIFA delegate from South America that the US was trying to pressure the Latin Americans. «As the Asian and African vote was solidly behind Blatter, they wanted the votes from the Americas for Prince Ali. They were desperate to make the prince the new chief of FIFA as he could re-open the bids for the 2018 and 2022 tournaments,» testifies the Paraguayan official (ibid). «Since the UK and the US lost the 2018 and 2022 bids respectively, they have been working to somehow cancel the World Cups in Russia and Qatar. They haven’t accepted the fact that they lost the bids in a fair contest» the same official has explained (ibid).

Prince Ali, who is also the head of both the Jordanian Football Association and the West Asian Football Federation, was the candidate that Blatter’s opponents in the US and Britain had put forward to implement their agenda. The US, Britain, and the leadership of UEFA had for months been actively lobbying for Prince Ali against Sepp Blatter. True to his pedigree, like the other so-called «royals» of the Hashemite scion in Jordan, Prince Ali  is a puppet or a «stooge» that represents US and British interests as one anonymous Brazilian official told Saxena in an interview (ibid).


Tuesday, October 06, 2015

How come that muslims are protected against non-muslim criticism (so called "islamophobia") by those very Human Rights the muslims oppose, while non-muslims are robbed of their Human Rights freedoms?

Boris Johnson (possible new PM in UK): 'Sharia law in the UK is absolutely unacceptable'.

Klevius: But 'unacceptable' sharia is precisely what defines islam. And every effort to circumvent this fact - e.g. by the empty "it's just a consensual agreement" or "sharia without stoning etc." - is a deliberate lie. Islamic sharia is impossible to reconcile with the civilized view that all humans (incl. women) are equals.

This is why Saudi based and Saudi steered OIC, the world's main muslim body, couldn't accept a universal Human Rights standard - especially not when it comes to the most basic of Human Rights - but instead, via UN, declared that sharia should trump Human Rights. In other worlds, what the main muslim world organization did was to admit that islam can't exist without its racism and sexism.

This leads to the next question, i.e. that when all true muslims are pro sharia then those civilized "muslims" who oppose sharia are technically apostates, i.e. committing the worst crime known to sharia islam.

Theocrats constitute the main obstacle against full Human Rights (incl. women).

The disgusting, bigoted and hypocritical Christian-muslim "cooperation" at work in a UK mosque 2013.

The racist ideology called monotheism (my god's better that other gods) was spread by Jewish slave traders. It then transformed according to circumstances at hand into different sects and sub sects - some of them still called Jewish, while others have tried to free themselves from Judaism.

The racist "we are the only ones chosen by the only god" leaves no room whatsoever for the equality of others. This is the very soul of monotheism, i.e. to exclude others from possessing any other god equal to the Jewish god. And the simple reason was to get access to slaves etc. while being able to excuse it as "the will of god".

However, as you, dear reader, probably noticed, 'sexism' was missing in the previous paragraph. Well, here it comes. "The chosen people" needs not only borders to identify against the "infidels", it also needs this god given right to racism to be securely reproduced. For this end elaborated sexism is the perfect way to go, i.e. the institutionalized and legalized fostering of women ("educated" sex segregation/apartheid).

It's important to distinguish between what Klevius calls classical sex segregation due to purely practical matters on one hand, and religious sex segregation on the other hand.  Do remember that most of the world has never been monotheist. And do consider the appalling pompous dismissal and disrespect monotheists show against non-monotheists. No wonder islamofascists around the world feel encouraged when committing their atrocities.

From Klevius Demand for Resources - on the right to be poor (1992:68-71):

Patricia Draper in "The Harvard !Kung Bushmen Study Project" compared sex role differences between classical humter/gatherers and sedentary ones. She concluded that the traditional "!Kung society may be the least sexist of any we have experienced" and that this becomes obvious through "women's subsistence contribution and the control women retain over the food they have gathered, the lack of rigidity in sex-typing of many adult activities including domestic chores and aspects of child socialization; the cultural sanction against physical expression of aggression; the smaller group size; and the nature of the settlement pattern." She also says that "authoritarian behavior is avoided by adults of both sexes." However, according to Draper, all of this changed among the more sedentary !Kungs.

In 1963 Richard Borshley Lee studied in detail the so called Dobe Base Camp 12. Marshal Sahlin concluded the results: '1f the affluent society is one where all the people's material wants are easily satisfied this is the first affluent society." He continued: "The human condition must keep man the prisoner at hard labor of a perpetual disparity between his unlimited wants and his insufficient means... " and "There is (instead) a road to affluence, departing from premises... that human wants are few, and technical means unchanging but on the whole adequate."

In the mid 1970s Diane Gelburd observed that the Dobe camp had changed character since Richard Lee's field studies. Investment economy and personal belongings sided with more private dwellings. At the same time internal social relations changed. There was also less re-distribution of wealth and questions surrounding marriage got complicated due to new and previously unknown problems regarding property etc. "What explains the shattering of this society"? asked John Yellen from The National Science Foundation anthropology program. He continued: "It hasn't been a direct force, a war, the ravages of disease... " and concludes: '1t is the internal conflicts, the tensions, the inconsistencies, the impossibility of reconciling such different views of the world" (Klevius 1992).

Its an irony then that while 'civilization' means 'ordered society', it's in fact the most chaotic due to its technology driven dynamics. A dynamics that neither we nor the !Kungs can avoid.

If this sounds too complicated, please don't hesitate to comment so Klevius can elaborate further on it in accordance with what you didn't get of it.

Is BBC's presenter Mishal Husain a muslim or an apostate?

Klevius uses Mishal Husain as an example due to her role as a presenter at a world leading state funded (plus Sunni muslim funds through BBC World) broadcasting company. There are many lesser "Mishal Husseins" out there.

 There are three types of muslims:

1  The original violent jihad muslim - today represented by, for example, the Islamic State (IS, ISIS Daesh or whatever).

2  Sharia muslims who don't do violence themselves but may approve of others doing it. OIC, many (most?) imams, media (e.g. Mishal Husain*) politicians (e.g. Sayeeda Warsi).

3  Non-sharia "muslims", i.e. apostates, although many of them haven't realized it as yet due to their ignorance about their religion.

 * She seems to ask for more "success" for muslim jihadis. However, she also commits blasphemy against islam by not fasting during Ramadan but rather drinking some alcohol etc., so in this respect she might also be considered an apostate, i.e. someone committing the worst of crimes against islam. But most people seem to blink this the most important borderline between muslims and "muslims". Yes, it must feel nice to eat the cake while still keeping it. But this delusion doesn't help the real victims of islam. So when Mishal Husain proudly states that "I don't feel any threat against my way of life" this might be seen as a spit in the face of islam's victims.

Samantha Lewthwaite, Mishal Husain and Michael Adebolajo have sharia islam in common - unless of course, Mishal Husain is an apostate and too cowardice to openly abandoning sharia islam. Or even worse, that she lies straight in the face of BBC's listeners.


Friday, October 02, 2015

How Los Angeles Times lies you straight up your face

This pro-islamic, Christians hating murderer is in the news called an "anti-religious white supremacist". Klevius wonders why?


Los Angeles Times: Chris Harper Mercer, 26, the shooter in the attack at Umpqua Community College in Oregon, was a "hate-filled" individual who had anti-religion, anti-government and white supremacy leanings, according to two law enforcement sources familiar with the investigation.

The reality behind LAT's skewed presentation: The murderer asked for Christians to be killed - not muslims. And one of his two Facebook friends seems to be fond of islam.

A witness account of the shooting


Thursday, October 01, 2015

The Nazi Audi, the Hippie Beetle and the neo-Beetle (plus relatives) have surivied because of emotional bias - despite being constantly average or below average in quality/safety/environment

The VW/Audi "quality" is nowhere to be found when putting together all main quality surveys throughout decades of testing. However, the very opposite has been true for Japanese top brands (when not contaminated with non-Japanese diesel engines or other not Japan made parts)!

Adac (a German testing brand) test results showed BMW, Citroen, Fiat, Ford, Hyundai, Jaguar, Mercedes, Renault, Peugeot and Volvo diesel cars 'flout EU emission norms' and have understated emissions. Japanese brands mentioned were Mazda (contaminated by Ford, a main shareholder) and Nissan (contaminated by main shareholder Renault and Renault's dirty diesel in X-trail).

How BMW cheated Toyota to get access to Toyota's superior hybrid technology

How could Toyota people be so stupid that they believed BMW could possibly produce a better diesel engine than themselves?!

1.6 and 2-litre diesel engines for Toyota Motor Europe's revised Auris [Corolla] and Avensis model lines, are supplied by BMW.

The Japanese automaker first tapped BMW for diesels in 2013 when a BMW 1.6 either replaced or supplemented Toyota's own two-litre unit in some versions of the Verso MPV/minivan according to market. In the UK, the 1.6 completely replaced the two-litre.

A BMW 1,598cc turbo diesel is making its first appearance in the Auris range, replacing a two-litre unit branded 'D-4D' that has been available in some European markets.

It's supposed to develope 110bhp and maximum torque of 270Nm between 1,750 and 2,250rpm. This accelerates the Auris 1.6 D-4D hatch from 0–62mph in 10.5 seconds and on to a top speed of 118mph.

It's also supposed to have CO2 emissions that are lower than the outgoing 2.0 D-4D at 104g/km. Average fuel consumption is, according to lying BMW, 68.9mpg.

The lousy BMW engine supplements the superior Toyota 1,364cc D-4D turbodiesel upgraded in the latest Auris to comply with Euro 6 regulations.

Yeah right!

Audi/VW - Hitler's revenge on the afterworld reveals the same stubborn stupidity as when faced with facts about islam

What do the Nazi VWs and hippie VWs have in common? Deaths, suffering and pollution. However, the relative quality was much higher in the 1930s than in the 1960s and today. 

The Nazi VW/Audi

The beloved gas guzzling hippie VW noisy "death trap" stink bomb with an engine that rarely lasted 60,000 miles.

The mythology about "German quality" makes sense only if we blink that Japan exists. And the mythology of an islam that can coexist with basic Human Rights follows the same pattern. Is it pure racism or just stupidity and ignorance?!

There's a reason why Klevius show these kind of pics!


The evil islamofascist Saudi dictator family now feels threatened by their own creation

Putin does as did Turkey & Co - doesn't focus on the Islamic State.

Obama and his allies support "moderate jihadis" meaning Sunni jihadis who are considered no threat to the Saudi dictator family. However, when IS is now also considered a threat to the Saudi dictator family, the tone has changed.

The Islamic State was created by the Saudi dictator family as their covert military force abroad - starting long before Bush was elected president. And due to the fact that the Saudi dictator family is protected by PC politicians in the West

Some* of the countries where Saudi Arabia has caused enormous blood bath and suffering

* Street jihadism around the world caused by the Saudi dictator family's islam based hate mongering, is so widespread and numerous that in the future it may well turn out to be the worst form of all jihadism when we eventually get the true numbers which are now effectively masked by PC and "diversity sensivities".


Islam 99% (Shia 70%-75%, Sunni 22%-27%), Christianity 0.8%, Mandaeism and other less than 1%.

While there has been voluntary relocation of many Christian families to northern Iraq, recent reporting indicates that the overall Christian population may have dropped by as much as 50 percent since the fall of the Saddam Hussein regime in 2003, with many fleeing to Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon (2010 estimate). The percentage of Christians has fallen from 6% in 1991 or 1.5 million to about one third of this, due to massive exodus - two-thirds of Assyrian Christians have fled to other countries in the Middle East, Europe, United States and Canada.


The Saudi dictator family has been a good friend and supporter of Bashir's genocidal campaign there. The victims can be counted in millions while Bashir has never been seen in the Criminal Court despite he was arrested in his absence long ago. Serbs were quickly arranged to face trials but muslim dictators seem to be immunized - especially if they are Sunnis and in accordance with the wishes of the Saudi dictator family.


Religion in Yemen consists primarily of two principal islamic sects: 53% of the muslim population is Sunni and over 45% is Shia, according to the UNHCR.

The Saudi dictator family has mass slaughtered civilians in Yemen during a long bomb campaign, artillery, troops etc. All by the help of Western weapon technology bought with oil/gas  money Westerners found and dug up for them. Despite the Saudis criminal activities almost nothing is said about them while all shit is thrown towards Shia friendly Assad in Syria who fights against Saudi (plus Qatar and Turkey) backed jihadis who initially started the war and who were also responsible for the gas attacks. So when you hear your PC politician and/or their "experts" saying that Assad has killed so and so many - just replace Assad with the Saudi dictator family and you will get a much more accurate picture of the situation. Klevius has never been a friend of Assad but this is not only ridiculous but a horrebdous and cynical crime against the victims of Saydi jihad export.


It is estimated that 60-70% of the Bahrainis are Shia muslims, with the remaining third following Sunni islam. The Al Khalifa dictator family and its supporting tribes are Sunni and are assisted by Saudi military in suppressing the Shia majority.

Saudi Arabia itself suppresses Shia muslims and non-muslims without anyone seeming to react.

An estimated 16 million natives of Saudi Arabia are Shia muslims. The Saud dictator family demand (but not necessarily for themselves) strict Sunni islamic Wahhabism which states that muslims should return to the interpretation of islam found in the Koran and the Sunnah. They also believe that muslims who seek intercession from holy men—such as the Imams Shia revere—are not true muslims. While attempts to force conversion of Shia have been infrequent, Shia have alleged severe discrimination in Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia is also the home for all muslims' world organization OIC which is led by Iyad Madani, an islamofascist belonging to the Saud dictator family.

Calling oneself a true muslim automatically connects to sharia islam, the very opposite to Human Rights - e.g. as stated by all the world's muslims' Saudi based and UN sanctioned sharia organization OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) and its islamofascist Saudi Fuhrer Iyad Madani.

A consequence of this is that a sharia supporting muslim's vote is undemocratic. OIC's 57 member state voting bloc in UN who supported Human Rights violating sharia as a guidance for muslim legislation all over the world was therefore also undemocratic.

Could there be any doubt that Mishal Husain (raised in Saudi Arabia) isn't aware of OIC and its world sharia declaration which goes straight against the most basic of Human Rights? After all, it's even on Wikipedia.

Samantha Lewthwaite, Mishal Husain and Michael Adebolajo (who murdered Lee Rigby). Mishal Husain is BBC's top muslim presenter and BBC is the world's leading media. The only thing she needs to say is that she opposes Human Rights violating sharia - and thereby also opposes islam because islam without some form of Human Rights violating sharia is not islam anymore - it's just a private belief and won't bother Klevius a bit.
