
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

PM David Cameron says UK muslims are helping Islamic State - but don't mention islam!

Why can't the British PM utter the enemy's name (sharia islam) and the only true repellent (Human Rights)? Instead he talks about a 'perverted ideology' and 'British values'. 

 To be "perfectly clear" about David Cameron, pick some of the following news titles - or add your own:

1 David Cameron: The Islamic caliphate has nothing to do with islam!
2 David Cameron: Muslims do it (supporting Islamic State).
3 David Cameron is a crypto-"islamophobe".
4 David Cameron uses British muslims as scapegoats.
5 David Cameron: Muslims must repel Islamic State, sorry, Daesh, sorry, ISIL!
(no words containing islam should be used, remember)

Klevius: What is the connection between Cameron's 'some muslims' and the Islamic State, sorry, ISIL? If Islamic State has nothing to do with islam then why does David Cameron target British muslims?!

More muslim doctors, police etc. inevitably means a higher risk of you meeting a more devout one, doesn't it.

 Klevius: If the murderers, rapists, looters etc. who accompanied "prophet" Muhammad and spread terror and slavery wherever they went were muslims, but muslims of today are not, maybe we should call the latter neo-muslims and their ideology neo-islam so not to offend nice "muslims".

Klevius wrote:

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

UK Camoron uses political Islam while denying Islam is Islam - and forbids BBC calling bin Laden & Co Islamists!

Dear Mr Cameron - you've either got it all wrong - or you are just a politician!

"Moderate" Islamic Malaysian Islamic law regards people born to Muslims as being Muslims themselves, no matter what they think - themselves!

Revathi Masoosai, an ethnic Indian, was detained by the Islamic Religious Department in southern Malacca and sent for religious "counseling" in a "rehabilitation" center after they discovered she had been born to a Muslim family. Islamic officials then seized her 15 month daughter.

Saudi Expert on Family Affairs Dr. Ghazi Al-Shimari Explains Wife Beating in Islam

"According to a reliable Hadith, a woman said: "Oh Prophet of Allah, I will not marry before you tell me what my husband's rights from me are." The Prophet said: "Do you really want to know?" She said: "Yes." He said: "If pus or blood comes out of your husband's nose and you lick is up, you still will not have observed all his rights." The rights of the husband are great, and you must observe them."

Maulana Nawabzadaa Nabiullah Khan (a confidant of and adviser to the Amir of leading Pakistani Islamic party, Jamaat-e-Islami, Maulana Qazi Ahmed): "Mohammad's views on women are the exact views of Qazi Ahmed and the Jamat. Equality of men and women is stupidity. What men can do, women cannot do. Women are weak physically and mentally compared to men. Men have to take care of women all the time"

Conservative leader David Cameron: Stop labeling terrorists as Islamic or Islamist! "By using the word 'Islamist' to describe the threat, we actually help do the terrorist ideologues' work for them. He continued: Britain's state-funded broadcaster BBC should give direction and stop associating terrorism with Islam! "To inspire Muslims to feel British, Cameron also proposed that sometime needed to be done about "the quality of life that we offer, our society and our values." However: "Here the picture is bleak: family breakdown, drugs, crime and incivility are part of the normal experience of modern Britain. Many British Asians see a society that hardly inspires them to integrate."

Klevius comment to Cameron: You don't seem to have any respect for Muslims and Islam, do you? I mean, by removing such basic (and, btw, extremist) tenets of Islam as accepting slave terror, rapetivism/marriage terror, death etc for apostasy, blasphemy ban, infidel racism/sexism etc. - what's left?! And IRA, btw, cannot be compared to Islamic terrorists because it was not to my knowing claiming to blow things up in the name of the Chatolic religion! Where's your brain, Cameron?! Why didn't you ask the Muslim family you visited abt their view on basic Islamic tenets and what they really think abt non-Muslims. And if they'd answered I'm 100% sure you couldn't repeat them in any other modern democratic human rights/equality forum! Only when it comes to Islam everythhing seems to be OK. Why?!

It's a fact that the welfare state has failed to breed family/kinship ties - on the contrary actually, as you can see in the most important sociological paper from the last century - Angels of Antichrist - kinship vs social state. Child/youth criminality, caused by detachment, fills streets and schools etc. However, Totalitarian infidel-racist/sexist Islam is hardly the way out - in fact many, perhaps most, of the victims are terrorized by Islam induced infidel ideology, perhaps also from so called "peaceful Muslim homes"!

According to US attorney Gonzales' prepared remarks and a Justice Department fact sheet, obtained by The Associated Press, a study found:
_That a growing number of offenders appear to be younger, and their crimes more violent, and that laws in some states provide few, if any, tough penalties on juvenile offenders.
_Many youths have little parental oversight and are too easily influenced by gang membership and glamorized violence in popular culture.
_Loosely organized gangs present the biggest concern for law enforcement officials because they are hard to investigate and their members often commit random acts of crime out of self-protection.
_Offenses committed by people using firearms pose a major threat not only to communities, but also to police. So-called "straw purchases," where gun owners buy their firearms through a go-between is an area of concern.

UK Merseyside & Cheshire (pop. 2 M): The Home Office insisted levels of youth crime were falling, but opposition parties said more and more young people were getting involved in serious crime because they thought they could get away with it.

Michelle Forbes (Mothers Against Guns): “Each gang has a set of initiation, they have to prove their commitment and loyalty to the gang by shooting someone.
“They use fear and intimidation – they’re not even wearing anything over their heads because they are so confident nobody is going to report them.
“If my child was involved in gang warfare, I would report him because I would rather be visiting him in prison than in a cemetery.
“People must start shopping their children to the police.”

Children as young as 10 have been arrested for robbery and burglary, with 346 under 17 for the former, and 1,050 for the latter.
Recent figures revealed more than 1,400 crimes committed by under 14 in the Merseyside and Cheshire area.

Sweden: In a survey among 4 500 children/youth in Stockholm and Malmö half of robbery victims didn't reprt to the police cause it was meaningless and dangerous and the offender seldom gets any penalty but rather hits back again on the victim.

In Japan child/youth criminality is, compared to us, still on a low level whereas the Swedish (and British) figures might well be among the highest in the world (Klevius 1996) in Angels of Antichrist - kinship vs social state.

Origin of Islam

We can't really continue thinking of girls/women as second class citizens and first class rape victims and breeders, can we! Islam originated in Arabic slave trade (btw, first Koranic slaves were Arabs followed by the worlds's most extensive slavery ever) following the old trade roots passing Mecca, the world's main slave market, and Koran was a manual for this slavery/conquest/rapetivism, written on top of some ancient Jewish etc tales and laws from a distant past. Islam was a tremendous boost to the international slave trading (see e.g. my Origin of Vikings - usually #1 on Yahoo) that caused the drainage/corruption of almost the entire Africa. Connected to slavery was (& still is) rapetivism (rape-marriage/compulsory Sharia-fostering of new Muslims - who later face apostasy punishment if attempting to leave). Because of its lack of internal logic (other than slavery/rapetivism) Islam has to use physical or judicial violence such as jihad, Sharia, apostasy ban, blasphemy ban, non-Muslims to pay Jizya tax, infidel racism as a "moral" code for slavery/rapetivism violence/rape/assault/t5hreatening/terror etc etc. However, because many non-Muslims share the same sex segregation it leaves plenty of space for Islam (there will never be such a creature as "modern" or "moderate" Islam - that's why we have the "silent Muslim majority" around). Islam is Islamofascism because it's racist/sexist/totalitarian/violent and non-negotiable because of its original idea/tenets!


Monday, June 29, 2015

Somehow David Cameron forgot the words 'sharia' and 'Human Rights' when he contemplated racist muslim supremacism "extremism" against Brits

Why isn't PM David Cameron using the word 'Human Rights' when defending (or pretending?!) against islamic sharia supremacist racist hate crimes against his people?!

Is this a slap in the face of the victims of islamic racist hate crime supremacism?

Calling for the most basic of Human Rights, written down 1948 after the fall of National-socialism (aka Nazism) to protect human equality from supremacist racism and sexism, is the only constructive way of defeating the hateful racist/sexist supremacist ideology of sharia islam - yet the PM of the Brits doesn't even mention the word in his today BBC interview where he himself pondered about the root causes for the popularity of the Islamic State among muslims and how to counter islamic hate supremacism and Human Rightsphobia (of course he never used these important words either). He couldn't even utter the proper name of his enemy because it contained the word 'islamic'! Klevius would say the Brits are in trouble if their PM can't open his eyes for the reality out there.

Magna Carta Libertatum is the first rudimentary effort in a long struggle towards the final 1948 Human Rights declaration which PM David Cameron now again seems to betray by giving in for Human Rights violating sharia.

Back in 1215 Magna Carta (the first predecessor to Human Rights) was produced to stifle traitor King John's effort to islamize Britian. Compare this to the  British PM Cameron's attacks on Human Rights while seemingly proposing Britain as the center of islamofascism outside Mideast (beginning with London sharia finance).

King John the Traitor, PM David Cameron and the islamofascist "king" Abdullah who pretended to be "reformist" while steering the country in an even more intolerant direction by new sharia inspired laws by early 2014 (e.g. equalizing Human Rights, Secularism and Atheism with "terrorism" and due penalties - compare Raif Badawi and others).

King John in the early 13th century sent envoys to Mohammed al-Nâsir asking for his help. In return King John offered to convert to Islam and turn England into a muslim state. The muslim jihadist Mohammed al-Nâsir's view on King John: "I never read or heard that any king possessing such a prosperous kingdom subject and obedient to him, would voluntarily ... make tributary a country that is free, by giving to a stranger that which is his own ... conquered, as it were, without a wound. I have rather read and heard from many that they would procure liberty for themselves at the expense of streams of blood, which is a praiseworthy action; but now I hear that your wretched lord, a sloth and a coward, who is even worse than nothing, wishes from a free man to become a slave, who is the most miserable of all human beings." Mohammed al-Nâsir concluded by wondering aloud why the English allowed such a man to lord over them — they must, he said, be very servile and soft.

Ramadan, the months of jihad war in islam. "The great Battle of Badr" in 624 was the first "battle" between muslims and non-muslims and it was fought during Ramadan.

Racist muslim supremacist Seifeddine Rezgui walked onto the beach near Sousse in Tunisia holding an umbrella and a Kalashnikov before he began his hate crime by firing at tourists, killing mostly Brits. He was shot and killed by police while committing muslim prayer and bowing towards Saudi Arabia, the guardian of the evil root to his muslim hate crimes.
This "guardianship" includes the whole of islam's "holiness" as well as islam's world organization OIC which is based and steered by the very same Saud dicator family Mr Cameron so eagerly defends. However, at least he now seems to rethink his self appointed muslim peer and "minister of faith" (read 'islam') Sayeeda Warsi who has been his sharia messenger at OIC.
This happens after years of Klevius criticizing her for being against Human Rights! More tellingly though is the fact that Sayeeda Warsi is considered too "moderate" by a huge (a majority?) part of British muslims.

The hate crime committing Tunisian supremacist muslim's father Hakim Rezgui“: These people ruined my son’s brain with horrid thoughts and ideas, they broke him,”

Hakim returned home on Sunday after spending two days in police custody. He said the news that the gunman was his son difficult to “comprehend”.

 “My God, I am so shocked. I don’t know who has contacted him, influenced him or who has put these ideas in his head. He has new friends who got him into this.

“My son had no problem with anyone,” he added. “But I don’t know who has changed his mind, influenced him and who has warped his mind.”

He continued: “I wish there had been no victims, no one hurt. I wish it had never happened. Because when I see the victims I think it could have been my own family.

Wife of muslim supremacist jihadist murderer in France: “We are normal muslims"
Klevius: Indeed you are! That's the problem, when islam and being muslim is stretched all over the place - yet we all have to listen to "muslim sensitivities" within that very same wide spectrum!

Seifeddine Rezgui was given the name of “Abu Yahya al-Qayrawani” by the Islamic State, who have subsequently claimed responsibility for the attack Seifeddine Rezgui was given the name of “Abu Yahya al-Qayrawani” by Isis, who have subsequently claimed responsibility for the attack (AP) “I had no idea and I am really sorry. I am upset to see those victims. I feel the loss of the families so strongly. I feel like I have died along with the victms.

“I am so ashamed for me, for his mother, for all our family.”

The gunman's aunt, Zara Rezgui, described him as a “blank page”, but a kind, calm, “normal boy” who spent most of the time alone, while neighbours suggested Rezgui had been brainwashed.

But the gunman's uncle said he was “just like the other young men” who liked to play football or go to a cafe after praying in the local mosque.

Klevius: Yes indeed, the local mosque! What do you reckon, Mr Cameron, was it perhaps an "unislamic" mosque?

The Islamic State and the Saudi dictator family support the same and main Sunni branch of islam - and they both consider Shias as apostates!

An estimated 2% to 5% of the natives of Saudi Arabia are Shia muslims. The dictatorship of Saudi Arabia is based on an alliance between the Saud dictator family and followers of strict Sunni islamofascist Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab whose teachings dominate muslim institutions, courts and education. Wahhabists (or Salafists) believe muslims should return to the interpretation of islam found in the evil deeds of Mohammad, the Koran and the Hadiths (a pile of confused and contradicting interpretations). They also believe that those (Shia muslims) who seek intercession from Shia clerics are not true muslims at all but apostates. There have been attempts to force conversion of Shia muslims. Shia muslims experience severe discrimination in Saudi Arabia.

Hateful and racist muslim supremacism can only be isolated by beating the be-sharia out of islam!

Klevius advice* to PM Cameron: When it comes to the problem with islam - the last person you should ask is a devout muslim.

* Klevius is unsure about whether he can even find this most important web info or if it's already "filtered" out - perhaps by himself, who knows.

By calling islam "peaceful" you encourage muslim supremacism. The aim of islamic hate jihad is to achieve submission, i.e. "peace". A much better option would be to defend basic Human Rights by rejecting sharia islam wherever it is to be seen. That would force your so called "moderate" muslims to Human Rights equality or, alternatively, isolate them as evil jihadis without the sanction of a general but extremely blurred islam that encompasses both them and Mishal Husain etc. "moderate" muslims. Human Rights violating sharia is the only defintion needed to det rid of evil islam. Sign Klevius petition to force Mishal Husain to take a clear stance against hateful muslim supremacist racism based on sharia islam - or alternatively, advice her to move back to Saudi Arabia.

 Klevius hint: BBC's muslim sharia presenter Mishal Husain has no problem eating whatsoever during Ramadan!


Klevius second advice to PM Cameron: The worst and most costly benefit abusers reside within the social state!  Not only are the Brits paying for their high salaries - they also use their "work" to waste taxmoney and the life of the youngsters they play with and blink when abused by racist/sexist muslim supremacists!


 Klevius wrote:

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Muslim ethnicity - not geographical location - behind "Asian" or "Pakistan" sex abuse/murder of white girls!

The disgusting face of the social state

Joyce Thacker has been a central figure in the responsibility for letting children be abused and even murdered. How much does she get from your tax money, and will she be rewarded in the usual way for defending islam while not defending of children. 

However, she seems not very visible on Google News despite the biggest sex slave shock ever in Britain happened under her watch!?

To get a theoretical background to this please read what Klevius wrote some 20 years ago (Angels of Antichrist in the social state - the most important sociological paper written in the last century) and a decade ago (Pathological symbiosis in the social service).

Also consider The Swedish girl problem.

However, what you really should give a serious thought is why Joyce Thacker is defended?

The now reported over 1400 child (young girls "rescued" from their families by the social state) sex slaves taken and abused lately by British muslims is just a tiny glare from the tip of the iceberg. And although it's common and accepted all over the muslim world, in Western countries it's protected under the "islamophobia" slogan.

It's not islam! Really? So muslim jihadists, and muslim sex offenders just happen to follow the text in the Koran and the historical origin of islam in this respect?!

Klevius wrote:

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Muslim jihad from Zanzibar to London

Two young British girls got acid thrown in their face because of islam. But no one, except the muslims who did it, say so!

And two sorts of jihadists - and I don't like them either. No matter how nice BBC's muslim islamofascist presenter Mishal Husain sounds, fact is, she supports Sharia. And although her Sharia, whatever it is, may differ from some other jihadists, the inevitable fact remains, namely that what every possible Sharia have in common is that they are against Human Rights!

Zanzibar continues its long islamofascist tradition - and BBC's Sharia muslim Mishal Husain won't inform Brits correctly about it.

Police in Zanzibar, one of islam's main East African slave trading centers for more than thousand years, have interviewed several people, including eyewitnesses, and are believed to have identified a possible culprit.

Mr Trup, one of the girls father, told BBC’s Radio 4 Today programme: “I’m particularly upset with the Tanzanian authorities. I think they just hope this will go away. The Foreign Office do send us emails, but the emails say the same every single time and they seem to imply that the British Foreign Office has clout, it has a voice, but clearly none of that is working because we are not getting any progress whatsoever. I suspect the Tanzanian authorities don’t take the Foreign Office remotely seriously. We want the judicial system to work properly. I would like to see whoever threw that acid brought to justice. I don’t blame the country, I don’t blame the religion. I blame the person. He (sic) needs to be brought to justice. Above all, the girls want to know why he did it and we would like to know why he did it."

Klevius answer:  They were earlier assaulted in the street by muslim women for "singing during Ramadan".  And for this "crime" an appropriate muslim reaction seems to have been to order someone ruin these "criminals" lives.

Mr Trup continued: "Was it racial, was it a religious thing? We have no idea why this person did it.”

Klevius question: So why did you say previously that you don't blame the religion (i.e. islam)?! And yes, it wasn't only racist and religious - it was a hate crime by islam!

Zanzibar jihadism on steep rise

Previously the murder by muslims of Father Mushi has unsettled Zanzibar’s Christians. Tanzania is 60 percent Christian and 36 percent muslim but in Zanzibar more than 95 percent follow islam

In December, attackers shot and seriously wounded another Catholic priest in the Tomondo area to the south of Stone Town.

A muslim party connected to muslim street riots called the Civil United Front, or CUF, is favored by most people in Zanzibar.

Muslim violence in Zanzibar has grown in recent years with the rise of a group called the Association for Islamic Mobilization and Propagation, also known as Uamsho, which means “awakening” in Swahili (the former slave trade language between Arabs and theur African collaborators). Founded in 2001 as a charitable organization, Uamsho has evolved to become a strong critic of tourists and an advocate for Zanzibar's secession from Tanzania.

Here's what Klevius wrote

Friday, August 09, 2013

Sayeeda Warsi's confused Human Rightsphobia

The evil of islam in the face of ignorance

Klevius: Yes, it's perfectly normal. What a pity no one has told you before. Islam is the very essence of ultimate racism! This is why muslims are so sensitive about criticism against islam while showing extreme contempt and insensitivity against others. And this is also why OIC (all muslims world organization) not only have abandoned and even criminalized Human Rights (via UN) but also made it a crime to criticize islam (the worst ideological crime history knows about).

Why have these London girls never been honestly taught and warned about the evils of islam - back then and now?! And how many more victims of islam do we really need?

Katie Gee and friend Kirstie Trup, both 18, had the corrosive substance thrown in their faces by two men on a moped as they strolled through Stone Town, in the capital of the island, around 8pm last night. One of the British teenagers attacked with acid in Zanzibar was assaulted in the street just weeks earlier for "singing during Ramadan".

Who is responsible for these girls ignorance about evil islam?

They visited Stone Town in Zanzibar - one of the most horrifying memories of islamic/muslim atrocities - and still full of muslim jihadists who want to defend this evilness to whatever price. Because not doing so would immediately lead to acceptance of what islam really stands for.

The monument in the middle is where the girls were attacked.

Is it David Cameron and his OIC messenger Sayeeda Warsi, who, apart from Human Rights violating OIC, also has close (albeit complicated) ties to islamofascist terror organization Hizb ut-Tahrir?

Here she meets with the world's most dangerous man, Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, the Fuhrer of OIC, the muslim world organization which has declared that Sharia shall overthrow Human Rights and that failure to do so should be criminalized (i.e. what is also called "islamophobia" - an islamofascist synonym to Human Rights defense).

Sayeeda Warsi's close Hizb ut-Tahrir friend

Theamericanmuslim.org makes fun over Mr. Spencer's warnings about Hizb-ut-Tahrir, and on their website refer to their own warnings: 'Hizb-ut-Tahrir, part of the Muslim lunatic fringe', in a series of articles. In other words they share Mr. Spencer's view on Hizb-ut-Tahrir. However, this same Mr. Spencer's warnings were so offending to Cameron/May/Warsi so he was banned from even visiting UK.

According to Tories, Hizb-ut-Tahrir aims for the "the violent overthrow of our society". Klevius comment: And what about a "non-violent" overthrow of the very Human Rights Britain has rested on? At least, this is what OIC and her beloved islamofascist OIC clearly aims for.

Jason Lewis: Mr Dugher (Labour party) said, “Yet again, there seems to be a blurring of the lines between what constitutes proper official business and what is, in fact, party political activity with private associates. What the baroness was doing with someone who has admitted his involvement with the extremist Islamist group Hizb ut-Tahrir also calls into question her judgment.”

Hizb ut-Tahrir has been accused of promoting racism and anti-Semitism, praising suicide bombers and urging Muslims to kill Jews.

Before coming to power, Mr Cameron pledged to ban it but the plan was shelved after a Coalition review.

The nature of Mr Hussain’s involvement in the radical party has already prompted questions over the extent of security vetting.

He has twice accompanied Lady Warsi on trips to Pakistan, and has also been pictured in the House of Lords at a reception for her.

In the early 1990s, sources say, Mr Hussain joined Hizb ut-Tahrir and was nicknamed “Strapper” by other students because of his bulky frame.

He lived for a time in one of its London houses, studying the radical form of Islam taught by its then leader Omar Bakri Mohammed, who is now banned from Britain.


When police shoot a threatening black criminal the officer(s) becomes the criminal - but when police shoot an unarmed not threatening white criminal the officer becomes a hero!?

 The Negro Problem

In the 1930's (near the time of the birth of the ultra racist black supremacist movement Nation of Islam) the Swedish socialist Gunnar Myrdal researched extensively (a couple of thousand pages) what he called US' "negro problem".  Today we know he was utterly wrong and that the problem has worsen despite every equality right possible and topped with extensive "affirmative actions". Maybe the core of the problem isn't the "whites" after all but to be searched among "black" segregationalists instead.

Klevius wrote:

Aftonbladet's serious hater

This is how hateful and sleazy modern white collar fascism looks like:

Was it hypocritical trolls like this who contributed to the Charlie Hebdo and Charleston murders?

Klevius translation: The hate is always fully serious. Daniel Swedin: Perhaps it's easier to live with the thought that the bloodbath is a deed of a lonely mad brain.

Klevius: Perhaps Daniel Swedin is right in this because we do know that the murderer had already completely ruined his life with extremely heavy drug abuse etc. Had he been a muslim jihadist with a similar background doing what islam and the Koran tells him Swedin would have chosen a completely different path of reasoning. But why?

In an openly fascistic editorial Aftonbladet's Daniel Swedin blames Charleston shooting on supporters of George Zimmerman, Jed Bush,  Council of conservative citizens, South Carolina's governor, etc. "representatives" of "whites". Reminds Klevius on how his colleague Åsa Linderborg (white) blamed the West for muslim terrorism and compared Western leaders with Breivik (what do you like that Angela Merkel).

Klevius:  So what about hateful blacks? Do they exist? Answer is no if we are to believe Google News.

However, reality seems to beg to differ. Or do you think this guy and his supremacist hate organization is any helpful for the cause of a less hateful society.

This hateful racist is whom Obama's minister for some 20 years awarded!

Yes, Klevius knows very well that people are very vulnerable to theatrical performance - especially when this helps to excuse one's often misdirected anger about oneself. This is why Klevius would never even dream of acting like Farrakhan. And this is why Klevius believes in Human Rights instead of segregation.

'I will kill you if you put your hands on me' Farrakhan said in a context where some presumably white official during the "million man marsh" had explained an escape route for him in the case of violence. And for his black audience (above) he made it sound the opposite to what the official had meant. Farrakhan unscrupulously played the race card hard, hinting the possible violence was white, not black, and then in a childish but obviously for this audience effective way (see how happy they look at the very moment he utters 'kill') played the hero card by stating that he 'should die with his people'. Moreover, Farrakhan knows very well that many young and some older black haters love to hear him hinting at hate violence by using words like 'kill' and 'fight back' etc. He also loves using the word 'devil' when talking about white people. Why? Simply because Nation of Islam's very racist hateful core idea is that "whites" are evil devils while "blacks" are "god's" chosen people. No other race is as good as "blacks" according to just one of the unbelievable fantasies from which Farrakhan's muslim hate organization emerged (see more about NOI furthest down on this posting).

How many police officers and civilians have been assaulted and murdered by young black haters because of muslim clown Farrakhan's and others continuous hateful agitation?


Sunday, June 28, 2015

Where does BBC pick up these twisted minds like Mishal Husain, Edward Stourton etc.?!

Ramadan, the months of jihad war in islam. "The great Battle of Badr" in 624 was the first "battle" between muslims and non-muslims and it was fought during Ramadan.

Wife of muslim supremacist jihadist murderer in France: “We are normal muslims"

Klevius: Indeed you are! That's the problem, when islam and being muslim is stretched all over the place - yet we all have to listen to "muslim sensitivities" within that very same wide spectrum!

Do the muslim test by asking them if they are against Human Rights. If they are not then they are no real muslims, according to OIC (all muslims world Ummah).

Why hasn't BBC fired their bigots? Are the Brits really ok with paying compulsory fees and taxes to support these senseless lies about islam?!

They happily report about extremely rare occasions of "white supremacist hate crime"  while not even mentioning these word and 'muslim' when triggered by islam (yes, you're right they are all triggered by islam).

Mishal Husain, Samantha Lewthwaite, Michael Adebolajo have sharia islam in common.

Although Edward Stourton most likely tells you that the muslims in the Islamic State are no real muslims, he is acting in a way (sharia islam support) that directly or indirectly contributes to the bloodbath and suffering. Klevius therefore suggests that he should use the word neo-muslims to distinguish between what we could call 'Stourton muslims' and 'Islamic State/Saudi etc muslims' he considers non-muslims. This because Klevius doubts he would stop calling the Saudi "guardians of islam" muslims.

Islamic State caliph: “Islam is the religion of war”.

Klevius: What else could it possibly be? Nothing else explains the history of islam! Islam is at the very opposite pole of Human Rights equality and democracy. And it's stuck there precisely because of its suprenacist racism and sexism. Only (true) muslim males are counted shen islam talk about "fairness", "justice", "tolerance" etc.

Muslims do not want a democracy (other than to destroy democracy), because democracy means that a Kafir is equal to a believer and therefore would complicate for racist muslim supremacism if they want to get civilized.

Muslims need to say that they reject the evil of the assassination Sunna of Mohammed.

What all Muslims have in common is the same Koran, the same prayers, the same Sunna of Mohammed and being a member of one umma  - which today is the Saudi based and Saudi steered OIC and its worldwide sharia declaration which is loosely written to also include Saudi islamofascism (Wahhabism or salafism if you like) which in turn is almost a copy of the Islamic State's sharia.

 Iyad Madani, the Saudi Fuhrer of Saudi based OIC, the worst Human Rights violator


Saturday, June 27, 2015

Hateful and racist muslim supremacism can only be isolated by beating the be-sharia out of islam!

Klevius advice* to PM Cameron: When it comes to the problem with islam - the last person you should ask is a devout muslim.

* Klevius is unsure about whether he can even find this most important web info or if it's already "filtered" out - perhaps by himself, who knows.

By calling islam "peaceful" you encourage muslim supremacism. The aim of islamic hate jihad is to achieve submission, i.e. "peace". A much better option would be to defend basic Human Rights by rejecting sharia islam wherever it is to be seen. That would force your so called "moderate" muslims to Human Rights equality or, alternatively, isolate them as evil jihadis without the sanction of a general but extremely blurred islam that encompasses both them and Mishal Husain etc. "moderate" muslims. Human Rights violating sharia is the only defintion needed to det rid of evil islam. Sign Klevius petition to force Mishal Husain to take a clear stance against hateful muslim supremacist racism based on sharia islam - or alternatively, advice her to move back to Saudi Arabia.

 Klevius hint: BBC's muslim sharia presenter Mishal Husain has no problem eating whatsoever during Ramadan!

 Magna Carta Libertatum is the first rudimentary effort in a long struggle towards the final 1948 Human Rights declaration which PM David Cameron now again seems to betray by giving in for Human Rights violating sharia.

Back in 1215 Magna Carta (the first predecessor to Human Rights) was produced to stifle traitor King John's effort to islamize Britian. Compare this to the  British PM Cameron's attacks on Human Rights while seemingly proposing Britain as the center of islamofascism outside Mideast (beginning with London sharia finance).

King John the Traitor, PM David Cameron and the islamofascist "king" Abdullah who pretended to be "reformist" while steering the country in an even more intolerant direction by new sharia inspired laws by early 2014 (e.g. equalizing Human Rights, Secularism and Atheism with "terrorism" and due penalties - compare Raif Badawi and others).

King John in the early 13th century sent envoys to Mohammed al-Nâsir asking for his help. In return King John offered to convert to Islam and turn England into a muslim state. The muslim jihadist Mohammed al-Nâsir's view on King John: "I never read or heard that any king possessing such a prosperous kingdom subject and obedient to him, would voluntarily ... make tributary a country that is free, by giving to a stranger that which is his own ... conquered, as it were, without a wound. I have rather read and heard from many that they would procure liberty for themselves at the expense of streams of blood, which is a praiseworthy action; but now I hear that your wretched lord, a sloth and a coward, who is even worse than nothing, wishes from a free man to become a slave, who is the most miserable of all human beings." Mohammed al-Nâsir concluded by wondering aloud why the English allowed such a man to lord over them — they must, he said, be very servile and soft.

Klevius second advice to PM Cameron: The worst and most costly benefit abusers reside within the social state!  Not only are the Brits paying for their high salaries - they also use their "work" to waste taxmoney and the life of the youngsters they play with and blink when abused by racist/sexist muslim supremacists!


 Klevius wrote:

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Muslim ethnicity - not geographical location - behind "Asian" or "Pakistan" sex abuse/murder of white girls!

The disgusting face of the social state

Joyce Thacker has been a central figure in the responsibility for letting children be abused and even murdered. How much does she get from your tax money, and will she be rewarded in the usual way for defending islam while not defending of children. 

However, she seems not very visible on Google News despite the biggest sex slave shock ever in Britain happened under her watch!?

To get a theoretical background to this please read what Klevius wrote some 20 years ago (Angels of Antichrist in the social state - the most important sociological paper written in the last century) and a decade ago (Pathological symbiosis in the social service).

Also consider The Swedish girl problem.

However, what you really should give a serious thought is why Joyce Thacker is defended?

The now reported over 1400 child (young girls "rescued" from their families by the social state) sex slaves taken and abused lately by British muslims is just a tiny glare from the tip of the iceberg. And although it's common and accepted all over the muslim world, in Western countries it's protected under the "islamophobia" slogan.

It's not islam! Really? So muslim jihadists, and muslim sex offenders just happen to follow the text in the Koran and the historical origin of islam in this respect?!

Klevius wrote:

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Muslim jihad from Zanzibar to London

Two young British girls got acid thrown in their face because of islam. But no one, except the muslims who did it, say so!

And two sorts of jihadists - and I don't like them either. No matter how nice BBC's muslim islamofascist presenter Mishal Husain sounds, fact is, she supports Sharia. And although her Sharia, whatever it is, may differ from some other jihadists, the inevitable fact remains, namely that what every possible Sharia have in common is that they are against Human Rights!

Zanzibar continues its long islamofascist tradition - and BBC's Sharia muslim Mishal Husain won't inform Brits correctly about it.

Police in Zanzibar, one of islam's main East African slave trading centers for more than thousand years, have interviewed several people, including eyewitnesses, and are believed to have identified a possible culprit.

Mr Trup, one of the girls father, told BBC’s Radio 4 Today programme: “I’m particularly upset with the Tanzanian authorities. I think they just hope this will go away. The Foreign Office do send us emails, but the emails say the same every single time and they seem to imply that the British Foreign Office has clout, it has a voice, but clearly none of that is working because we are not getting any progress whatsoever. I suspect the Tanzanian authorities don’t take the Foreign Office remotely seriously. We want the judicial system to work properly. I would like to see whoever threw that acid brought to justice. I don’t blame the country, I don’t blame the religion. I blame the person. He (sic) needs to be brought to justice. Above all, the girls want to know why he did it and we would like to know why he did it."

Klevius answer:  They were earlier assaulted in the street by muslim women for "singing during Ramadan".  And for this "crime" an appropriate muslim reaction seems to have been to order someone ruin these "criminals" lives.

Mr Trup continued: "Was it racial, was it a religious thing? We have no idea why this person did it.”

Klevius question: So why did you say previously that you don't blame the religion (i.e. islam)?! And yes, it wasn't only racist and religious - it was a hate crime by islam!

Zanzibar jihadism on steep rise

Previously the murder by muslims of Father Mushi has unsettled Zanzibar’s Christians. Tanzania is 60 percent Christian and 36 percent muslim but in Zanzibar more than 95 percent follow islam

In December, attackers shot and seriously wounded another Catholic priest in the Tomondo area to the south of Stone Town.

A muslim party connected to muslim street riots called the Civil United Front, or CUF, is favored by most people in Zanzibar.

Muslim violence in Zanzibar has grown in recent years with the rise of a group called the Association for Islamic Mobilization and Propagation, also known as Uamsho, which means “awakening” in Swahili (the former slave trade language between Arabs and theur African collaborators). Founded in 2001 as a charitable organization, Uamsho has evolved to become a strong critic of tourists and an advocate for Zanzibar's secession from Tanzania.

Here's what Klevius wrote

Friday, August 09, 2013

Sayeeda Warsi's confused Human Rightsphobia

The evil of islam in the face of ignorance

Klevius: Yes, it's perfectly normal. What a pity no one has told you before. Islam is the very essence of ultimate racism! This is why muslims are so sensitive about criticism against islam while showing extreme contempt and insensitivity against others. And this is also why OIC (all muslims world organization) not only have abandoned and even criminalized Human Rights (via UN) but also made it a crime to criticize islam (the worst ideological crime history knows about).

Why have these London girls never been honestly taught and warned about the evils of islam - back then and now?! And how many more victims of islam do we really need?

Katie Gee and friend Kirstie Trup, both 18, had the corrosive substance thrown in their faces by two men on a moped as they strolled through Stone Town, in the capital of the island, around 8pm last night. One of the British teenagers attacked with acid in Zanzibar was assaulted in the street just weeks earlier for "singing during Ramadan".

Who is responsible for these girls ignorance about evil islam?

They visited Stone Town in Zanzibar - one of the most horrifying memories of islamic/muslim atrocities - and still full of muslim jihadists who want to defend this evilness to whatever price. Because not doing so would immediately lead to acceptance of what islam really stands for.

The monument in the middle is where the girls were attacked.

Is it David Cameron and his OIC messenger Sayeeda Warsi, who, apart from Human Rights violating OIC, also has close (albeit complicated) ties to islamofascist terror organization Hizb ut-Tahrir?

Here she meets with the world's most dangerous man, Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, the Fuhrer of OIC, the muslim world organization which has declared that Sharia shall overthrow Human Rights and that failure to do so should be criminalized (i.e. what is also called "islamophobia" - an islamofascist synonym to Human Rights defense).

Sayeeda Warsi's close Hizb ut-Tahrir friend

Theamericanmuslim.org makes fun over Mr. Spencer's warnings about Hizb-ut-Tahrir, and on their website refer to their own warnings: 'Hizb-ut-Tahrir, part of the Muslim lunatic fringe', in a series of articles. In other words they share Mr. Spencer's view on Hizb-ut-Tahrir. However, this same Mr. Spencer's warnings were so offending to Cameron/May/Warsi so he was banned from even visiting UK.

According to Tories, Hizb-ut-Tahrir aims for the "the violent overthrow of our society". Klevius comment: And what about a "non-violent" overthrow of the very Human Rights Britain has rested on? At least, this is what OIC and her beloved islamofascist OIC clearly aims for.

Jason Lewis: Mr Dugher (Labour party) said, “Yet again, there seems to be a blurring of the lines between what constitutes proper official business and what is, in fact, party political activity with private associates. What the baroness was doing with someone who has admitted his involvement with the extremist Islamist group Hizb ut-Tahrir also calls into question her judgment.”

Hizb ut-Tahrir has been accused of promoting racism and anti-Semitism, praising suicide bombers and urging Muslims to kill Jews.

Before coming to power, Mr Cameron pledged to ban it but the plan was shelved after a Coalition review.

The nature of Mr Hussain’s involvement in the radical party has already prompted questions over the extent of security vetting.

He has twice accompanied Lady Warsi on trips to Pakistan, and has also been pictured in the House of Lords at a reception for her.

In the early 1990s, sources say, Mr Hussain joined Hizb ut-Tahrir and was nicknamed “Strapper” by other students because of his bulky frame.

He lived for a time in one of its London houses, studying the radical form of Islam taught by its then leader Omar Bakri Mohammed, who is now banned from Britain.
