Peter Klevius was the first (1992-94) to solve consciousness, and the first (1992) to point out the mongoloid (cold adaptation) link between the Jinniushan fossil in China and Khoisan people in Africa.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Klevius New Year wish: Get rid of dangerous racist/sexist Mideast monotheisms once & for all! Get global & anti-sexist!
Ever thought abt why there are over a billion muslims but less than 10 million jews?
Institutionalized Mideast rapetivism, i.e. the curse of monotheism, started (Mazdaism - like Christianity - isn't monotheist) with Jewish circumcision (for the purpose of boosting population growth & keeping them together & separate from others) & ended as Judeo-islam, the worst crime ever against humanity. Israel-Palestine isn´t abt Judaism vs islam but Judeo-islam vs Western freedom (read Negative Human rights). The islamofascists problem with Israel isn´t that it´s Jewish but that it´s Western! The real jews in Israel don´t differ that much from real muslims! Yes, Israel is a secular Western colony in the monotheist Mideast darkness, & equally disturbing as were the Western colonies in Africa who fought the Arabic/islamic slavetrade/rapetivism/genocides that had terrorized the continent for more than thousand years - & still does.
The rose that has blossomed in Mideast isn't Jewish but the "Western" civilization based on individual freedom and human rights! And the fighting is caused by islamic jihadism!
And yes, it's an open question whether Europe would have ever been in the early lead of the industrial revolution without the pressure from Judeo-islam (i.e. islamofascism) that created rigid Catholicism, which, in turn, created the protest movement that opende up for technology/industrialization. And it's equally hypothetical whether Europe would ever have been so evil as it sometimes became without that very same pressure!
When the Germans mass murdered some six million Jews (most of who were no real but ethnic Jews) it was the culmination of a racism that Judeo-islamic slave finance had triggered in Medieval time. Moreover, just like today, the German leadership applauded & supported real Judeo-islam, i.e. islamofascism!
You racist/sexist islamofascist (or supporter)! What if the industrial revolution had started in Africa?! "Western" doesn't mean European but technological development (btw Japan is far ahead of Europe!) & enlightenment moron! Read this & try to cure your ignorance!
Origin of islam
(intellectual copyright Klevius/KLEVUX)
Thursday, December 04, 2008
WARNING! Born antifascist, UN is now, 60 years later, the main defender of (islamo)fascism - by the help of spineless idiots!
Saudi Arabia, the homeland of islam, the worst crime ever against humanity, & the most intolerant, hate mongering sexist & racist nation in the world (btw, 15 of the 19 Wahhabi Arabs of the 9/11 attacks were Saudis following Saudi-born Osama bin Laden) has now taken over the institution that was created precisely as a protection against such nations & movements!
In November 24, 2008, U.N. passed a draft resolution against "defamation of islam", initiated by Saudi Arabia + 56 other islamofascist member states of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC).
The propaanda background was the 2005 Danish cartoon "controversy" which started almost half a year after the images of Muhammad were first published, but just before the UNHCR was about to consider the OIC's resolution on "Combating Defamation of islam". According to the National Secular Society in its Memorandum to the UK Parliament "the Danish cartoon crisis was manufactured…to exploit sensitivities around racial discrimination and to promote (or even exaggerate) the notion of 'Islamophobia' in order to restrict possibilities for open discussion or criticism of Islam….[M]easures calling for legislation banning 'defamation of religion' …. aim[] to remove religion, especially Islam, from public scrutiny and public debate".
A meeting, closed to the press, with Ban Ki-moon to which General Assembly President "Father" Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann invited member states, secretly discussed islamofascist Abdullah's initiatives. Ban Ki-moon's envoy Terje Roed Larsen, keen on Saudi funding, seems to have been Saudi Abdullah's eager errand boy in this deeply embarrassing & evil matter.
When Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann was asked about the "defamation of islam" resolution first he said he'd never heard abt it. However, when asked what he thought abt a resolution that violated freedom of expression, he said "Defamation of religion should be banned".
The OIC bloc of Islamic nations also demands us to stop using the word ‘islam’ in reports on islamic terrorism!
Klevius comment: extreme reality-avoidance
Indite islam! Fascism is a crime in most of the free, non-islamic world!
And make the story abt Ayaan Hirsi Ali compulsory teaching at school. And if you haven’t time enough, remove islam propaganda from the curricullum!
When will the world wake up? Too late again?!