
Saturday, November 26, 2005

While Shinto tech lands/takes off from asteroid Sweden’s state radio blinks & brainwashes abt Islam-fascism on first Christmas day!


Is Islam the worst crime ever against humanity?

Probably. In fact it’s only Islam’s technological incompetency that has kept the number of its victims down. But the hundreds of millions that has been enslaved, raped, tortured, humiliated and murdered under Islamic ideology during 1400 years are more than enough to make it a good candidate.

What's true Islam/Arab? A "blind", sexist Swedish "Leif Larsson-imam" who calls himself a Sunni "Abd al Haqq"?! - TRUE ROOTS OF "TRUE" ISLAM

(Also see Peter Klevius' definition of religion)

Update: This women hating and obviously also deeply homophobic Swedish top islamist was of course invited and threatened that that if Sweden doesn't give more support to Islam then "something similar as in France may well happen"! I.e. he cowardly and hypocritically acts precisely in accordance with Klevius analysis that "moderate" Islam is tightly connected to violence and terror. This Leif Larsson-imam" who calls himself a Sunni "Abd al Haqq" cowardly avoided the question whether Islam accepts social contact with homosexuals(also see link above). In the same program an Iranian Muslim woman who had escaped Islam in Iran to what she thought of as a secular country where she felt free not to veil herself etc, was named a racist, and yelled at by a fanatic Swedish woman who had converted to Islam and had veiled herself for a year!

Swedish state media hypocrisy

While Japanese Shinto conquers tech & space pan-Arabic totalitarian racist/sexist, slave and oil-fueled pan-Arabic Islam based on contempt for the "infidels" conquers the twisted minds of politicians and certain (i.e. fascist) media people.

This morning every main news channel reported abt Japan's successful landing on an asteroid (Itogawa), sample collecting and planned return back to Earth. However, Sweden's state radio P1 Ekot did not! The same state radio has been extremely silent abt the whole project until Hayabusa failed to contact a mini-robot dropped on the surface some days ago. Then they immediately reeported - but only abt the failure!

The Japanese spacecraft Hayabusa, which already now has done something never done before (and on a low cost budget!), was sent up by a genuinely Japanese rocket and paved its way to Itogawa by a unique new type of engine. It's the first time ever a robot has made such an achievement, and if Hayabusa manages to successfully return the sample back to Earth it has made an equally great leap as did the first Moon explorers! Also see Euro-vulgo vs Shinto high tech, dangerous safety myths, and burning Volvos!

Schizophrenic and hypocritical Islamophilia

But Sweden talks and boosts medieval Islam! Swedish fascist state radio glorifies (on the first traditional Christmas day in Sweden!) pan-Arabic racist/sexist totalitarian oil-fueled Islam fascism while "Muslim" Nalin Pekgul (leader of the socialdemocratic women in Sweden) escapes her Islamic suburb because she is afraid of the Islamists! Still, she wants more Koran schools, mosques etc! I.e. political greedyness overcomes logic.

Although "Arabs dramatically lag behind the rest of the world in democracy, knowledge, and women’s rights."
Said has no more patience for this sort of thing than he did when he wrote Orientalism and Covering Islam, the twin towers of today’s academic Islamophilia."

The background to the fanatic Swedish state media campaign in favour of fascist/sexist/racist/totalitarian pan-Arabic Islam is a recent poll that clearly showed that the Swedes felt heavily reluctant, not to immigrants, but to Islam! Not politically correct, though. But why shouldn't they? It's indeed puzzling how anyone who knows abt the birth of Islam and its context could embrace it unless you use it for your personal fears, contempt/racism/sexism or if you get paid for it. But in Sweden when people "don't understand" political correctness then they have to be brainwashed and/or threatened for being "racists" etc!

The line between moderate and radical Islam is drawn in water!

When the first roadside bomb now hit Swedish troops in Afganistan commentators in Sweden seem surprised. Why us? We're politically corrrect and hate Bush!

The ideology of Islam is death/doxic/rigid and totalitarian - i.e. in every aspect contradicting life itself!! Furthermore it's deeply sexist (see e.g. P. Klevius' From Freud to bin Laden + links).

"While in Mecca, Muhammad was surrounded by enemies, and while there he taught his followers toleration, according to sura 2:256, which says, "Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from error..." As a minor player, surrounded by enemies he did well to receive this 'convenient' revelation. But the call for toleration changed when his power was established in Medina, once the charter had been written which regulated life between the various differing groups. "

"The riots increasingly (and alarmingly) suggest that Islamist radicals see criminality as an opportunity for recruitment, while criminals see Islam as a legitimizer." Klevius comment: Not only criminals but also politicians etc. The first victims of "the sword of Islam" (certainly not a Samurai sword) are those abused to become its bloody edge.

The fate of faith: castration and dilution, and Islam eaten up by the "great Satan".

In a dynamic (living) world there will always be motion/development! And you can’t morally accuse development, can you. That’s why I defended poverty in my book Demand for Resources - on the right to be poor! You see, there's a really schizophrenic and incompatible view on poverty, interest, profit, development etc in Islam. It's been there for some 1400 yrs. The robber's moral and in vain search for justification of sponging (on women, illiterates, dependents, oil, human rights, "West", "infidels" etc). This globalization is inevitably cracking up every ounce of "true Islam". Furthermore development has no skin color. That's something really different from the racist idea that development per se could be accused as "racist"! But the "whites" or the "Europeans" or the "Americans" or the "Japanese" (or maybe including "colored" in the same categories - by the way, I've never met a white human) just happened to be there where it happened! So because development hasn't immediately been followed by a global "fair share" plan, there is no reason to always shout racism. Except one - Islam!. Instead of leaning on Islam and its contempt and sexism ideology every human, no matter if s/he is weak or poor in the West or somewhere else, in the long run benefits from cooperation, not contempt or politically and religiously construed artificial, unnecessary, hindering and dangerous division/separatism. By supporting Islam now you always directly or indirectly support/encourage terrorism and the continuing cultural "prion" (mad cow disease) destruction of young minds.

Dubai - the center of the Islamic schizophrenia and West's main basis in Mideast for the spreading of technology and secularism?

All of the technology you see in Mideast (except Israel) comes from Japan or "the evil West", and its bought for money "earned" on oil found and drilled and transported etc by those same "infidels".

It's then quite remarkable when Sweden, the nation with the highest taxes on the planet, celebrates an immigrant footballer who, when he gets money, immediately starts spending them in Islamic Dubai, the country without taxes, no labor unions, where no one has the vote, where women are packed in black cloth all over (must be convenient in 40 degree Celsius!) and where there are no political parties (OK the last one is almost like in Sweden)!

Much of the evil European heritage may be traced to Mideast. What abt fascism?

Fascism and racism seem inevitable in Europe, and Sweden has always sided with the bad guys´ideologies: Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, eugenicists etc, you name them…

Often led by the coward's wisdom that bad guys don’t forgive if they win.

Saudi Arabia (the homeland of nothing but Islam and oil, is one of the eight worst countries on Earth) is honoured in Sweden and invited to buy weapons and to study etc "cultural exchange"! And it,s logical that a country without human rights spongs on precisely those rights (see The Holy (negative) Human Rights).

Sweden aids Iran’s Islamic WMD (Sweden is Europe's center for dangerous diseases etc)!

Sweden tops rape stats but won't talk Islamic perpetrators.

When the extreme homophobia in Islam is discussed the state radio blinks again and talks Catholic priests!

Sweden had the longest and most ambitious eugenics programme.

Sweden is notorious for its state sanctioned child trafficking etc cruelty (see posting below). And the Swedish state uses to apologize some 30-50 years after! When it's safe...

Although child criminality is on a constant rise all over the world, keeping in mind Sweden's high taxes to the social authorities (the so called "welfare" state), Sweden may well be considered the worst hit on the planet. Of course no one would even dare to research how this may be connected to Islamic/Koranic contempt boosted at home, in mosques, Muslim youth organizations, Islamic schools etc!

Swedish universities are free but heavily state ruled/biased. "Critical thinking" in Sweden means criticism against those who criticize the Swedish system. A new trend is that students in, for example, political science courses aren't allowed to take the final (degree) class if they havn't got a lot of VGs. But to get a VG you have really to confirm to the anti-Bush, leftist way of thinking proposed by handpicked lecturers!

"The human bomb, a boy in his early teens, lost his nerve, broke down and pleaded with Israeli troops guarding a checkpoint to save him. The soldiers kept their nerve, and used a robot to cut him free from the 8 kilograms of explosives strapped to his body. If the whole incident had not been filmed by a passing Palestinian cameraman who works for a press agency, cynics would be dismissing it as a stunt organised by the Israelis. But it is an awfully routine part of life in the Middle East. Suicide bombers are generally young men, although a new tactic favoured by Palestinian terrorists is to bully young women into blowing themselves up, on the promise that by dying they will atone for their so-called sexual infidelities. The only thing that makes this latest attempted attack more grotesque than usual is the fact the bomber was so young. The corruption in the souls of terrorist commanders who sacrifice the lives of young people while they, and their own children, stay safe beggars belief."

PS! No, I don't believe in Mideastern religions or the "religion" of Islam. My only "god" is uncertainty, i.e the dynamics of life itself. See Klevius' definition of religion. Long since, on a party, I met with a guy from Pakistan who seemed to like my conversation. But when I told him that I don't believe in any kind of Mideastern "gods" he looked at me with horror and never talked to me again! I was just surprised back then but now I might mirror some of that horror back to him.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Muslim socialist leader Nalin Pekgul feeds Swedish Islamists/terrorists! - But "true Islam" isn't, as she states, a "private religion"!

Islam - a racist/sexist* pan-Arabic totalitarian "religion", popular among racists, rapists - and politicians!

* the concept of "infidels" and its very special emphasise in Arabic Koran Islam

Sweden's most powerful* woman, Nalin Pekgul, who is both a Muslim and the leader of Swedish socialist women, is forced out of her neighbourhood because of Islam, but still wants more Islam in power! This is the true formula for the spreading of fascism, now as back then in the 1930's!

* PM Persson's women in the cabinet are (as everyone knows in Sweden) very restricted by his whip, so that's why I call NP the most powerful woman in Sweden.

This happens while Islam commits genocide in Sudan, beheads schoolgirls in Indonesia, boosts hatred and contempt behind racist/sexist gang rapes, robberies, murders, etc etc around the globe. But we are supposed not to blame Islam! Why? What would Hitler have been without his "Islam" (i.e. National-socialism)? Creeping Islam is, in fact, even more deceitful and stealthy as an ideology, because although no one is responsible for what it causes (and has caused!) almost everyone seems eager to defend it!?

Islam is the insatiable dragon (a fascist recipe for pan-Arabic conquest with rotten historical roots), sponging on the decadence created by modern detachment (which in turn was created by the modern social state, which was created by modernity with several thousand years long roots in the fight between kinship and state - see Angels of Antichrist - social state vs kinship). Naively arguing that it’s too simplistic etc to “blame” Islam is ridicilous. As is Nalin Pekgul's, (The Muslim leader of the women in Sweden's most powerful party SDP, who was forced to move from her Stockholm suburb because of - yes Islam and young Islamists) claim that "Islam is a private religion!". Either she is really naive or then she is a hypocritical politician who wants to balance (Gallowayism) on this dangerous and heavily political pan-Arabic/Islamic Koran dragon, which bows towards no other nation except Saudi-Arabia, one of the eight worst nations on the planet according to a recent report on human rights violations, torture, sexism, racism etc!

Sweden's neo-fundamentalist Islam is now perhaps the most dangerous terrorist threat to the world precisely because of the fact that Sweden has since long been the most "modern" country in the world (also see World Values Survey). Pan-Arabic Islamic Koran schools and mosques are rapidly spreading and invaded by the only Islam of interest, namely TRUE ISLAM (see How true Islam met Sweden's Rosa Park and What's true Islam?) - or radical, or fundamentalist or whatever name might be given for hatred and contempt.

As a criminologist I've noticed that the teenage/young adult zone which we use to handle with a more lenient hand of justice, now seems to be rapidly filled with the worst kind of criminality: gang rape cultures, robbery, murder, violence etc etc. And these child and youngster crimes are now heavily boosted not only with Rohypnol etc but increasingly with Islam/Koran induced hatred/contempt. This pan-Arabic/Islamic (clearly written in Koran) racist/sexist hatred/contempt is, as a consequence, both the evil invitation (so appealing for detached kids) as well as the evil outcome of Islam!

Sweden - the country of the lonely and confused individualists now being eaten up by pan-Arabic Koran Islam

Spinelesss Swedish jurisprudence/jurisdiction (amusingly well described by professor in jurisprudence Jacob Sundberg - see e.g. The Trip to Nowhere) and politics (especially the longterm marriage between a sponging social democratic party and its state bureaucracy which has created the world's highest taxes and, except for a few items, less per buck in return than in most comparable countries), is responsible for the current vulnerability of the Swedish state and its citizens.

The UN Convention on the Right of the Child, for example, is not implemented in Sweden (athough its often referred to when it's "in the best interest of the bureaucracy). I have extensively studied the cruel Swedish state sanctioned child trafficking system that is the real cause why such an implementation hasn't been performed (see Angels of Antichrist - social state vs. kinship and Motherless childpsychoanalysts in search for femininity - a shocking/revealing paper on how a concept, popular as a handy, round, bureaucratic tool for interpreting whatever, which no one knows what it exactly stands for, is implemented as a criterion for arbitrary abduction of children, without any parliamentary representative being aware of it when it passed! - plus other links).

Peter Klevius' blogs and sites still the only ones clearly addressing the root causes combined: sex segregation and detachment!

Dangerous myths/lies about Islam

Toledo (Spain) is (by some) supposed to be the BEST example in history of "tolerant Islam" - well, it's, in fact, wishful naive history reading at the best, but misleading "Goebbels" propaganda at the worst!

Dhimmi Watch: "Toledo, which had first submitted to the Arabs in 711 or 712, revolted in 713. The town was punished by pillage and all the notables had their throats cut. In 730, the Cerdagne (in Septimania, near Barcelona) was ravaged and a bishop burned alive. In the regions under stable Islamic control, Jews and Christians were tolerated as dhimmis - like elsewhere in other Islamic lands - and could not build new churches or synagogues nor restore the old ones. Segregated in special quarters, they had to wear discriminatory clothing. Subjected to heavy taxes, the Christian peasantry formed a servile class attached to the Arab domains; many abandoned their land and fled to the towns. Harsh reprisals with mutilations and crucifixions* would sanction the Mozarab (Christian dhimmis) calls for help from the Christian kings. Moreover, if one dhimmi harmed a Muslim, the whole community would lose its status of protection, leaving it open to pillage, enslavement and arbitrary killing."

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Eurabia/Amrabia: Oil-fuelled pan-Arabic Islam's sponging on racism & sexism is dangerous separatism and fascism

If you consider inciting religious hatred a crime then indict Islam and its racist "infidel" teachings and due support of fascism, sexism and terror! Face it, there's no such creature as "moderate Islam", and if there was, it would vanish in no time because few would be interested! Arabic oil-sponsored Islam is a tool for linguistic imperialism based on racist hatred! And the male Islamist youngsters don't represent the weak! By barbaric violence and sponsored by an Arabic "poligion" they represent brutal political power and attention grsbbing on a level out of reach for most poor/weak non-Muslims!

The sad thing is that what we see now is exactly what was going on in the 1930s. And this evilness was never treated/removed, only temporarily halted! Most Germans believed in precisely those essentials that historians now use to describe as fascism, while blinking their new synonyms!

Bat Ye'or: "I do not see serious signs of a Europeanization of Islam anywhere... All the racist fanaticism that permeates the Arab countries and Iran has been manifested in Europe in recent years..."


But it's a fact that Weimar youngsters were less interested in Hitler's improvement of the German pension system than in his exploitation of racism! Today's racism, i.e. the Arabic/Islamic Koran concept of "infidels" (plus accessory pkg), is the perfect tool for hatred because it can be used by almost anyone against anyone else (outside the "really true" Muslim oil-billionaire sheiks and al-Qaeda wahhabis in Saudi Arabia, of course! Or...?)!

Well organized, super-patriarchal Muslim youngsters (Peter Klevius' blogs/sites are the only ones REALLY addressing sex segregation and lack of attachment) drugged by Koran induced "infidel"-hatred against "the whites", now terrorize France (who initially invited them for the purpose of boosting France & French!), hence serving the world expansion of fascist Arabic Islam!

In Sweden (the Islamic country with the shortest Ramadan fasting) a young female immigrant racist gives them all her naive support and assist in spitting on "the whites". She has made a career on "white" political majority correctness (shaped by media propaganda and political decrees).

Fanatic racism, sexism and intolerance is the trademark of pan-Arabic oil-Islam! How many gang rapes, assaults, (i.e. "street terrorism") etc are in fact agitated by Arabic Koran texts abt how to humiliate etc the "infidels"? Today on Sweden's Islam promoting state radio a young female journalist really expressed this tragedy. "It's the "white's" fault" she said. And when she was asked abt the youngsters terrorising Paris suburbs she first expressed strange proud abt them: "Yes, they have their own laws and they rule everything there. No one can come and tell them what to do", but when asked to specify she quickly retreated and begun blaming "the whites" again! Her behavior resembled the worst feminist caricature descriptions of women bowing under patriarchy. Although she was such a pathetic voice in her naivity, her attitude also mirrored/revealed a dangerous and fascist discourse of deep racism and senseless sexism. A "white" Swedish leftist "thinker" (a paradoxical word combination, isn't it) backed her up by repeatedly referring to race, racism and the bad "whites".

A successful movement/conquest has to have something that gives it its dynamics. In Arabic Islam it's a combination of racism and sexism. Today's fight between negative human rights and Islam is the outcome of an inevitable technological/technical globalization that causes social/economical quakes on its rumbling path towards "world entropy" (not to be confused with "Utopia"). Islam, an ideology born out of hot desert and with its first real rainfall in oil-dollars, was already initially crafted around a non-return/expansionist core that used sponging on others (slaves, robbery etc) as its inertia. These facts, if considered, have severe implications:

Islamic abuse of females and racism - "Third world" (albeit not incl. weak "whites") and ghetto people (i.e. "non-white" ghetto people) cheated to use Islamic pan-Arabism as a bat against the "whites".

Islam's sex segregated veil trap confines and abuses poor females as machines for the sole purpose om mass-production of Islamists so that a "democratic gateway" to the fascist Islam conquest of wealthier countries with negative demography, will be possible. Wealthier females are similarly confined for cultural reproduction of Arabic Islamic fascism.

True Islam is, from scratch, built on pure racism and sexism in the service of pan-Arabism. Its success have mainly been dependent on slavery and oil. The power of Islam is its original invention of using racism and sexism as tools for conquest. The ideology of "rapetivism" has appealed especially to certain young males, who then "take over the (perhaps already brainwashed from home) chicks" and tell them how to think and behave in a correct, sex segregated/Islamic way. Islam is a handy fascism because of its lack of authority and due arbitrariness coupled with an abundance of violence expressed in the Koran. As a chauvinist Islamofascist you just have to make your pick!

The means of Islamic fascism: Arabic Koran, infidels, jihad, dhimmitude, institutionalised rapes/fostering, and Sharia.

The opposite to pan-Arabic racist/sexist Islam is de-sex segregation and the idea about negative human rights.

Peter Klevius sites/blogs the only ones so far addressing sex segregation as a key factor the to understanding of the silence of feminists etc about Islamic atrocities and sexism!

William Rehnquist: In the final analysis, minorities have only those rights the majority chooses to give them." Peter Klevius: A white majority of political correctness hasn't allowed a white minority of victims of non-white racism/sexism almost any rights.

How come that Sweden, the country with the highest rate of females in the parliament (and with an almost fanatic agenda in the 1980s & 90s abt sexual abuse in the home"), now is blinking the highest rate of "street rapes" and other sex offenses against children etc? And how come that gang rapes have increased at approximately the same beat as the presence of Islam in Sweden? And how come that all kinds of racism/racist attitudes (whereas in the 90s it was easy to get aquainted with blacks, now it's much more tense) against "whites" now has skyrocketed with considerably less neo-Nazis and considerably more Muslim immigrants (although the officials don't have to bother because racism against whites, the most common, doesn't officially exist!)? And how come that the official Sweden makes every effort to avoid, cheat or deny it?

also see how Islam spits on Kurdish "Muslim" Nalin Pekgul, leader of Sweden's socialdemocratic women!

The notion of class (based on "race", sex etc) has done nothing good, but rather functioned as collective baits for evil -isms!

Hate-mongering oil-fuelled pan-Arabic Islam-fascism attacks on several levels

1 Islam's bomb- etc terrorism may be the least successful of its strategies.

2 Detached youngsters

3 Infiltration in media, academies and other institutions

4 Low-intensity Koran "madrassas" in Western child care, schools and children's programs.

An example of the latter is Saudi sponsored "textbooks used in public schools ...(that) are highly critical of democratic institutions and forgiving of repressive ones" One such book is the "Arab World Studies Notebook." The JTA reports that it suggests that Jews have "undue influence on U.S. foreign policy" and that its country section omits any information on Israel and only refers to "Palestine." The book writes that the Koran "synthesizes and perfects earlier revelations," namely Jewish and Christian. According to the JTA the two organizations behind the book - the Arab World and Islamic Resources and the Middle East Policy Council - receive funding from Saudi Arabia: AWAIR from the state-owned Saudi Aramco oil company and MPEC directly from Riyadh. According to MPEC's Web site it has "conducted Workshops in 175 different cities in 43 states," which "more than 16,000 educators have attended."


Also read abt Sweden's Rosa Park, Linda, the brave victime of racism against "whites"!

The pan-Arabic racist fascist formula goes like this: Make "whites" the new Jews by agitating racism against them globally. And do it under the label of (Arabic)Islam. Especially target Latinos (a majority of US blacks are already in the service of Arabic Islam fascism) because it's only a matter of time when "whites" are in minority in the US. And globally, in general, apply to racism against "whites" no matter who's the target population. And among "whites" go especially for the leftists and make all "whites" understand that their only chance to avoid this created "infidel"-racism, is by converting, supporting, or at least by not trying to hinder Arabic Islam fascism. But no one (except Arab imperialists) will gain from this tragical development. No matter what color you have, fascism has never been healthy!

This is how fascist pan-Arabic Islam agitates racist/sexist riots as a means for feeding itself, And it uses the same evil "infidel" concept (in a, for Islam, unique way coupled to the other key concepts mentioned above) as it did in the 7th century. And always remember how hypocritical it is to refer to Islam as an "improvement". Improvement from what? The Arab culture of the 7th century was possibly the worst sexist ever! And every "improvement" had a much higher Sharia price tag in the form of sexual access and cultural confinement of females!

Again, indict Arabic Koran-Islam, and those criminals and child abusers who uncritically serve this fascist propaganda to innocent children. What's the difference of these Koran schools compared to those serving bin Laden & Co? Only that the latter ones are capable of reading!