Is Islam the worst crime ever against humanity?
Probably. In fact it’s only Islam’s technological incompetency that has kept the number of its victims down. But the hundreds of millions that has been enslaved, raped, tortured, humiliated and murdered under Islamic ideology during 1400 years are more than enough to make it a good candidate.
What's true Islam/Arab? A "blind", sexist Swedish "Leif Larsson-imam" who calls himself a Sunni "Abd al Haqq"?! - TRUE ROOTS OF "TRUE" ISLAM
(Also see Peter Klevius' definition of religion)
Update: This women hating and obviously also deeply homophobic Swedish top islamist was of course invited and threatened that that if Sweden doesn't give more support to Islam then "something similar as in France may well happen"! I.e. he cowardly and hypocritically acts precisely in accordance with Klevius analysis that "moderate" Islam is tightly connected to violence and terror. This Leif Larsson-imam" who calls himself a Sunni "Abd al Haqq" cowardly avoided the question whether Islam accepts social contact with homosexuals(also see link above). In the same program an Iranian Muslim woman who had escaped Islam in Iran to what she thought of as a secular country where she felt free not to veil herself etc, was named a racist, and yelled at by a fanatic Swedish woman who had converted to Islam and had veiled herself for a year!
Swedish state media hypocrisy
While Japanese Shinto conquers tech & space pan-Arabic totalitarian racist/sexist, slave and oil-fueled pan-Arabic Islam based on contempt for the "infidels" conquers the twisted minds of politicians and certain (i.e. fascist) media people.
This morning every main news channel reported abt Japan's successful landing on an asteroid (Itogawa), sample collecting and planned return back to Earth. However, Sweden's state radio P1 Ekot did not! The same state radio has been extremely silent abt the whole project until Hayabusa failed to contact a mini-robot dropped on the surface some days ago. Then they immediately reeported - but only abt the failure!
The Japanese spacecraft Hayabusa, which already now has done something never done before (and on a low cost budget!), was sent up by a genuinely Japanese rocket and paved its way to Itogawa by a unique new type of engine. It's the first time ever a robot has made such an achievement, and if Hayabusa manages to successfully return the sample back to Earth it has made an equally great leap as did the first Moon explorers! Also see Euro-vulgo vs Shinto high tech, dangerous safety myths, and burning Volvos!
Schizophrenic and hypocritical Islamophilia
But Sweden talks and boosts medieval Islam! Swedish fascist state radio glorifies (on the first traditional Christmas day in Sweden!) pan-Arabic racist/sexist totalitarian oil-fueled Islam fascism while "Muslim" Nalin Pekgul (leader of the socialdemocratic women in Sweden) escapes her Islamic suburb because she is afraid of the Islamists! Still, she wants more Koran schools, mosques etc! I.e. political greedyness overcomes logic.
Although "Arabs dramatically lag behind the rest of the world in democracy, knowledge, and women’s rights."
Said has no more patience for this sort of thing than he did when he wrote Orientalism and Covering Islam, the twin towers of today’s academic Islamophilia."
The background to the fanatic Swedish state media campaign in favour of fascist/sexist/racist/totalitarian pan-Arabic Islam is a recent poll that clearly showed that the Swedes felt heavily reluctant, not to immigrants, but to Islam! Not politically correct, though. But why shouldn't they? It's indeed puzzling how anyone who knows abt the birth of Islam and its context could embrace it unless you use it for your personal fears, contempt/racism/sexism or if you get paid for it. But in Sweden when people "don't understand" political correctness then they have to be brainwashed and/or threatened for being "racists" etc!
The line between moderate and radical Islam is drawn in water!
When the first roadside bomb now hit Swedish troops in Afganistan commentators in Sweden seem surprised. Why us? We're politically corrrect and hate Bush!
The ideology of Islam is death/doxic/rigid and totalitarian - i.e. in every aspect contradicting life itself!! Furthermore it's deeply sexist (see e.g. P. Klevius' From Freud to bin Laden + links).
"The riots increasingly (and alarmingly) suggest that Islamist radicals see criminality as an opportunity for recruitment, while criminals see Islam as a legitimizer." Klevius comment: Not only criminals but also politicians etc. The first victims of "the sword of Islam" (certainly not a Samurai sword) are those abused to become its bloody edge.
The fate of faith: castration and dilution, and Islam eaten up by the "great Satan".
In a dynamic (living) world there will always be motion/development! And you can’t morally accuse development, can you. That’s why I defended poverty in my book Demand for Resources - on the right to be poor! You see, there's a really schizophrenic and incompatible view on poverty, interest, profit, development etc in Islam. It's been there for some 1400 yrs. The robber's moral and in vain search for justification of sponging (on women, illiterates, dependents, oil, human rights, "West", "infidels" etc). This globalization is inevitably cracking up every ounce of "true Islam". Furthermore development has no skin color. That's something really different from the racist idea that development per se could be accused as "racist"! But the "whites" or the "Europeans" or the "Americans" or the "Japanese" (or maybe including "colored" in the same categories - by the way, I've never met a white human) just happened to be there where it happened! So because development hasn't immediately been followed by a global "fair share" plan, there is no reason to always shout racism. Except one - Islam!. Instead of leaning on Islam and its contempt and sexism ideology every human, no matter if s/he is weak or poor in the West or somewhere else, in the long run benefits from cooperation, not contempt or politically and religiously construed artificial, unnecessary, hindering and dangerous division/separatism. By supporting Islam now you always directly or indirectly support/encourage terrorism and the continuing cultural "prion" (mad cow disease) destruction of young minds.
Dubai - the center of the Islamic schizophrenia and West's main basis in Mideast for the spreading of technology and secularism?
All of the technology you see in Mideast (except Israel) comes from Japan or "the evil West", and its bought for money "earned" on oil found and drilled and transported etc by those same "infidels".
It's then quite remarkable when Sweden, the nation with the highest taxes on the planet, celebrates an immigrant footballer who, when he gets money, immediately starts spending them in Islamic Dubai, the country without taxes, no labor unions, where no one has the vote, where women are packed in black cloth all over (must be convenient in 40 degree Celsius!) and where there are no political parties (OK the last one is almost like in Sweden)!
Much of the evil European heritage may be traced to Mideast. What abt fascism?
Fascism and racism seem inevitable in Europe, and Sweden has always sided with the bad guys´ideologies: Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, eugenicists etc, you name them…
Often led by the coward's wisdom that bad guys don’t forgive if they win.
Saudi Arabia (the homeland of nothing but Islam and oil, is one of the eight worst countries on Earth) is honoured in Sweden and invited to buy weapons and to study etc "cultural exchange"! And it,s logical that a country without human rights spongs on precisely those rights (see The Holy (negative) Human Rights).
Sweden aids Iran’s Islamic WMD (Sweden is Europe's center for dangerous diseases etc)!
Sweden tops rape stats but won't talk Islamic perpetrators.
When the extreme homophobia in Islam is discussed the state radio blinks again and talks Catholic priests!
Sweden had the longest and most ambitious eugenics programme.
Sweden is notorious for its state sanctioned child trafficking etc cruelty (see posting below). And the Swedish state uses to apologize some 30-50 years after! When it's safe...
Although child criminality is on a constant rise all over the world, keeping in mind Sweden's high taxes to the social authorities (the so called "welfare" state), Sweden may well be considered the worst hit on the planet. Of course no one would even dare to research how this may be connected to Islamic/Koranic contempt boosted at home, in mosques, Muslim youth organizations, Islamic schools etc!
Swedish universities are free but heavily state ruled/biased. "Critical thinking" in Sweden means criticism against those who criticize the Swedish system. A new trend is that students in, for example, political science courses aren't allowed to take the final (degree) class if they havn't got a lot of VGs. But to get a VG you have really to confirm to the anti-Bush, leftist way of thinking proposed by handpicked lecturers!
PS! No, I don't believe in Mideastern religions or the "religion" of Islam. My only "god" is uncertainty, i.e the dynamics of life itself. See Klevius' definition of religion. Long since, on a party, I met with a guy from Pakistan who seemed to like my conversation. But when I told him that I don't believe in any kind of Mideastern "gods" he looked at me with horror and never talked to me again! I was just surprised back then but now I might mirror some of that horror back to him.