
Brave Iraqi voters & brave US Marines: "..a work of triumphs"

"For U.S. Marines helping guard the election, the streams of men and women walking into the gritty polling places was a payoff more impressive than the toppling of Hussein's statue in April 2003."

Bush: ''The world is hearing the voice of freedom from the center of the Middle East,''

Klevius' comment: Did Condi and Bush get it right after all? Bush's and Condi's critics referred (in 2003) to the same international law that now finally has made possible what Saddam and Islamists have denied Iraqis (and would have continued to do if Bush hadn't stopped them - note that I didn't even mention UN, France etc). But the next question is: Why have people accused Bush for the victims of Saddam and Islamic terrorists while the real culprits hide in Koran schools etc! There they sit now in "peace" with all the young brainwashed suicide killers' (and their victims') blood on their hands!

Sunday, January 30, 2005

The racist/sexist/violent bottom line of Islam - the lunatic idea about "infidels"!

Because Islam was created as a military (Jihad) strategy for sustainable conquest it's based on three pillars: Fear (of violence and terror), sexist submission (ask your local Imam about female Imams, gay marriage, "infidels" etc.!) and no return (i.e. the "last of prophets" and no back-conversion allowed). Those three are then kept together by the racist view that non-Muslims are no real humans. In this scenario the worst hypocrats are then the "moderate" Islamists because the real (and only) power of their Islam comes out of bin Laden's (and others Jihadists') gun inherited from the 7th century after Christ.

Note that some might confuse cultural traditions as Islam because some people's cultures have been destroyed in the world's worst slave trade.

Definition of religion and the Fundamentalist test

So what should Muslims do? Well, simply admit that whoever non-Muslim has the equal value and status as a human being and stop the despice of others. This vill of course undermine Islam to become an individualistic and castrated “secular religion” under Negative Human Rights far from the lunatic ideas of bin Laden and his supporters. But that’s hardly a problem of ours, is it?

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Sweden, the Islamic sexist/rapists' haven? Mideast pedophiles freed in court while state media/feminists dupe and distract...

According to Aftonbladet (a main Swedish newspaper) a girl child who just had turned 13 was away for 5 hours from home intending to buy some pants but was instead drugged and kidnapped by four men from Mideast (one of them a 16 year old schoolmate) who then repeatedly raped her in a flat (Street violence and rapes are extremely common in Sweden). In the court of appeal all were freed because the girl had "drunk herself" (she said she had been served Coca-Cola that was obviously laced with something!). Also see Islamic Gang Rape Culture/Rapetivism

Klevius' comment: When the father at ten o'clock was about to go out searching for his daughter she arrived and collapsed in front of him. The Swedish "welfare state" (the world's most costly) will not, of course, help them economically to appeal to the supreme court so now the angry neighbours have started a whip-round, although the chances for justice may be slim, not to say none, even then. When the father later met one of the freed perpetrators, this just sneered to him.

Because of an extremely pro-Islamist/terrorist (also see other postings below) attitude among Swedish politicians and bureaucrats one may be allowed to think the thought that the court decision might had been different if the rapists had been white middle-aged Swedish/Nordic males (and even non-Muslim males from Mideast might have been more harshly sentenced). It's also worth mentioning that a Swedish man got 14 years in prison for allegedly having had sex with his daughter (who lived with her mother at the time). The daughter "remembered" in 2000 as a woman in her 30s having had sex in the 80s in a confined space which didn't even exist at the time being (also see Angels of Antichrist - Swedish child trading). Note that I don't know for sure as yet if the youngsters were really from Muslim families (the Swedish news constantly suppress such important info as being "racist") but I do know that the tendency in Sweden clearly paves the way for an extremely pro-Muslim/Islamic/terror attitude in general (to the expense of other ideologies/systems of belief or freedom from "system of belief" and people in general). In fact it seems that the Swedish system of state controlled/directed political discourse loves to blurr the line between Muslim Islamists and other immigrants in Sweden and then equalizing any attempt to question this with "racism").

Swedish media constantly call children who rape children (e.g. the 16 year old child who raped the barely 13 year old girl above) "men" while the same media in other contexts equally constantly describe nude pics of almost 18 year old females as child pornography and those who look at them as pedophiles. Please, be consequent, will you!

In today's evening news the state TV informed about the horrible neo-nazi threat (a few lost and loosely connected mostly teenagers - quite often those who have been fostered in the state's foster institutions) and immediately afterwards (in the same news) a flattering description of Arab/Mideast culture. No mentioning about the barely 13 year old girl who had been raped, maybe because of this culture and maybe because the perpetrators had been learnt from home and from Imams that "unbelievers" are no real humans and that she hence was considered an "infidel whore".

A brief political background to why small people don't count in certain states: The social democratic/socialist Sweden (ruled by one man and with a meaningless constitution), Saddam's (and other Arab fascist states) National Arab Socialist Baath Party, Hitler's National Socialist Worker's Party (a derivative of the German Social Democrats) and Stalin's Communist Party (a derivative of the Russian Social Democrats), all have state controlled totalitarianism in common. In this sense they constitute the very opposite to Bush's and Condi's "limited state" view. Sweden is hence the most "unlimited" Western state on Earth and after 80 years of one-party brainwashing even most of the Swedes think it's just OK! That's probably also why the Swedes senslessly and fanatically hate Bush more than any other people on Earth (including Arab/Islamic fundamentalist states) with the possible exception of North-Korea.

In the parliamentary process a pro-expanded state socialist usually gets more support than a non-socialist from people who want to sponge on the state! And the bigger the state the more state voters!

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Rice faces repeated political racism from the Hilary camp

When senator Barbara Boxer (with family ties to Hilary Clinton) together with John Kerry publicly opposed the nomination of Condoleezza Rice, this was a desperate last move to paint her in "black colours" because her nomination will undoubtedly be a severe blow to Hilary's 2008 presidential plan.

see Did Bush & Condy get it right after all?

Sunday, January 16, 2005

"Al Aqsa would not give Abbas even a brief cease-fire"

Klevius' comment: The main obstacle to peace in Mideast is Islam and its connection to brainwashing Koran schools. We don't even have to address the question now about which side is more or less wrong/right. What we need now is peace followed by later negotiations on moral and practical issues. There the world society may be involved to outrule possible power bias etc affecting the really weak ones, i.e. those poor brainwashed human Koran bombs (real or political) who instead of being abused by terror organizations should be freed from fundamentalist Islam. This would be the real gate to normal life for most Palestinians and others.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Tsunami the fault of "infidels"?

A Saudi professor, Sheikh Fawzan Al-Fawzan, at the Al-Imam University in Beirut, Lebanon, observed on television that the tsunami was a divine punishment for homosexuality and fornication

An Egyptian correspondent, Mahmoud Bakri, writing for Egypt's weekly magazine Al-Usbu', developed an ingenious, conspiracy-laden theory for the disaster. Bakri posed the question "Was (it) caused by American, Israeli, and Indian nuclear testing on the day of horror?"

Klevius' comment: This is Islam!

Monday, January 10, 2005

Increase in the dehumanization of women in mainly Arabic Muslim countries?

"Law enforcers and authorities always appear to be in collusion with these feudal lords in committing heinous crimes against women. They have always tended to tacitly encourage such barbaric customs for their petty ends."

Klevius' comment: This is just a copy of the bigger picture of Islamic expansionist efforts represented by so called "moderate Islamists/Muslims", who "appear to be in collusion" with terrorist murderers and the sexist/racist Islamic/Muslim idea of others than Muslims as "infidels" and of girls/women as sex segregated.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

A new upsurge in Arab/Islamic genocide in Darfur

"Khartoum and government-backed Janjaweed militias are responsible.
There is no doubt (according to Colin Powell) that the kinds of tragedies we saw last year that led to my September declaration ... these things are continuing"

For more on Arab/Islamic racism/sexism terror and oil imperialism see:

Klevius' AIQ net

Understanding Muslim fascism

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

After criticism rich Arab countries give some aid - to Muslims!

Arab countries, who have become some of the world's richest by selling oil without even touching it, were very reluctant to send aid to tsunami victims although they use East-Asians as almost slaves at home. Now when they finally gave a small amount they directed it only to Muslims! Japan, who has become rich by producing world leading technology, has given the largest financial aid so far and without restrictions to race, sex or religion/non-religion. EU is a sham in this respect as it was regarding Afganistan and Iraq, not to mention Darfur. (also see Klevius' AIQ net and World Values Survey)

and Racist/sexist Hip Hoppers prefer Euro-vulgo in front of sophisticated Japanese high tech

Males, females and "infidels" - firework terror killed and injured many in Scandinavia

Are we breeding terror youth in the West instead of helping them learning respect for others? How many firework terror bombs and other atrocities are right now under construction in the racist/sexist religious shadows protected by human rights of the "infidels" and often aided by tax payers' money? The naive, careless and un-attached "welfare" state approach on criminal youth (and what about their parents? Assistant murderers? Are they supporters of Islamic terror on "infidels", or what's going on behind the curtains? And are there perhaps parents who blame non-Muslims for "racism" while despising "infidels" in front of their kids? The very racist concept "infidels" is, by the way, essential for Islam as a coherent religion) terrorists (and others) committing atrocities, is well revealed when the Nordic countries now count their many deads and injured after massive firework attacks during Christmas and New Year (of course it will continue and even worsen if no one stops it). Some examples:

A 16 year old (by the way a common age among terrorists although I don't know anything about this particular guy because media tend to cover these kind of info) targets people and hit and kill a two year old. The poor child was hit with something (according to a police report a small but very powerful one) that exploded into the heart. The murderer (he really aimed, i.e. tried to kill/badly injure sommeone!) was freed after a short chat on the police station. The firework may have been construed for the purpose of violating/killing humans! At least it was used in that way.

A gang targeted a balcony with fireworks and when a 17 year old boy was bypassing they aimed at him and exploded a rocket into his head so he lost his eye and was badly injured.

A firework (possibly homemaid) rocket was deliberately shot into a church where it created many fires and hence destroyed much of the church.

Read about the psycho and soocial state on Angels of Antichrist - social state vs. kinship and other links on Klevius' AIQ net and World Values Survey

And the police don't even care anymore because there is nothing they can do as long as the system works in such a stupid manner as it really does. Furthermore the police is made busy to chase people who are suspected of not paying enough taxes to the country (Sweden) with the highest taxes and the lowest quality of education and care(within OECD).

It's illegal for children and youth under 18 to handle fireworks. Who uses fireworks? Right, mainly children and youth under 18. It's equally "illegal" to punish or sentence someone under 18 (at least in most cases and if the EU's Barnombudsmans get it as they like everyone under 18 can do whatever he/she likes without facing serious consequenses).

What have Sweden, UK, and Holland in common? They are all profiled and long term "welfare" states and they all have leading positions in the world's crime rate statistics!

A criminal behavior that now seems more and more pronounced is the rise of atrocities committed by children and youth who are not mentally ill but wayward in the meaning that they lack proper attachment, possibly sometimes even spiced with racist/sexist religious boosting from others in their environment or via different outside channels (compare Young Muslims etc organizations) and influences.

Monday, January 03, 2005

Black US Islamists betray Sudan blacks because of Arab oil money

"...Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan knows about this and I’ve heard him condemn Arab racism. But he talks out of both sides of his mouth. I think he has become too dependent on Arab money."

Klevius' comment: No comment needed (see links)

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Swedish state media aids the state, not the people

After weeks of topping its news reporting with pity about the "Swedish" terrorist suspects (and supporters of Islamic terror) who were taken to Egypt on an American plane for interrogation, the state radio now focuses on the "need" of psychological care for the victims of the tsunami (instead of their real need of genuine human warmth and practical aid). This is perfectly in line with the Swedish state's own denial of accepting help from doctors, nurses, resque staff etc, but simultaneously to stress the need of "psycho-vultures" (see below).

In today's Expressen (Swedish main news paper) the editorial headline states: "Warm people, cold state". Although the 80 year long one party (socialist) ruling in Sweden might have succeeded in creating a less warm people than average (see World Values Survey), the headline (2005) seems well in line with Klevius' statements from 2004 below (see e.g. Psycho-vultures).
For more on the unhealthy Swedish state supported Freudian psychology/psychiatry see:
Angels of Antichrist - social state vs. kinship
The Swedish sycho state
Swedish child trading with the help of pseudo science